Episode 127. Academy Returns and Incident


Unable to overcome his anger, Evan patted the floor and vomited his anger.

“why... ... !”

I had no intention of coming out first.

However, the moment his Aura Biggie broke the dragon heart of the fire dragon, he came out without even using his hands.

What’s even more upsetting is that the situation inside is clearly visible from the outside.

“Luna Pendragon Adrias Cromwell.”

This situation that I just had to watch came so helpless.

How did this happen?

At first, it was just a formal warlock subjugation.

The target was Luna Pendragon, who was called the last day of the madman.

But as usual, I went out with the feeling that I was just getting some fresh air.

Actually, the desire to subdue Luna was not that great.

‘Eve Millennium.’

home of a lifetime.

It was a word used to refer to herself and her.

It must have been.

‘It probably wasn’t because she wanted it either... ... .’

As a result, I ended up in debt.

That’s why I left Luna alone until now.

In fact, there has never been a case where Luna has had an accident.

‘I changed again after coming here.’

In this extraordinary space, experiencing endless repetition, I developed a strange feeling.

it’s deceptive.

My faith in God was shaken and I questioned my life so far.

I couldn’t believe it when I heard that the black smoke, which I assumed to be absolute evil, was a by-product of God.

However, the disturbing thoughts that gradually reared their heads shook the definition of good and evil.

‘What is bad and what is good? Am I, a mere human being, able to share good and evil in the first place? If it can be divided, what is the standard?’

The idea of biting one’s tail shook the opinion of warlocks as well.

A body that had already been saved by the black magician he hated so much in the past.

In addition, in this repeated space, I vaguely felt that their personalities were not evil while being with the black magicians.

In particular, Luna Pendragon’s innocence could not be judged as good or evil.

Also, Adrias Cromwell, whose real name he had learned while staying with him, was not evil at all.

‘I don’t know.’

So, the conclusion I finally drew was light.

he will follow the light

God has no meaning.

Only light can save the world.

‘When I return to the Holy Land, I will return everything and leave.’

If you think about it, you can’t tell if the things you’ve been doing up until now were really good.

I feel like my entire life has been denied.

by yourself and no one else.

That’s why it was so painful in the beginning of the regression.

Conversely, thanks to regression, I had a lot of time to think, so I could barely control my heart.

‘But that’s not important right now.’

Evan’s gaze turned to the interior of the city.

Where he is now is on the outer walls of a city that would otherwise have been shrouded in fog.

I couldn’t go inside due to the action of an unknown force, but I couldn’t get through even with an aura, so I just stared at it in vain.

‘Adrias Cromwell. please Luna... ... .’

He wanted to rescue Luna, but was skeptical.

An unknown halo of light created near the dragon you killed.

I’m guessing it probably works like a teleport.

‘But it’s about to disappear.’

The halo was fading.

Anyone who sees this scene will think of escaping.

Besides, I knew how tricky the black smoke that enveloped Luna was because she had already dealt with it.

It would be close to impossible to save Luna through those smoke.

‘If only I had been!’

would it have changed

Couldn’t he have saved her if he joined forces with Adrias Cromwell?

“God... ... It is not good.”

God was too neutral.

A being just like nature, whose value is meaningless in the eyes of humans.

I know that, but as a human, I was resentful of God.

“it’s over! let’s go!”

“Are you coming back?”

“huh! oh my gosh! I will come back stronger. Then I will get rid of all these poor souls.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to get rid of it?

Well, I thought it would be better if I died in that space forever.

To be honest, I don’t even know what the principle of the soul is, and Luna will take care of it.

“Then shall we go out?”

I opened the wooden door and stepped into the open black space again.

* * *

The scenery outside the window felt like a lie.

In the meantime, everything that I had passed by every day and thought it was nothing came to me with an unfamiliar feeling.

“Are you okay, senior?”


“Just a little... ... . I think the atmosphere has changed a bit.”

Now I was on the train back to the academy.

Opposite me was Lucia, who had been with me from the Hollington estate on the way back.

“okay? I don’t know.”

“You said nothing happened during the vacation, but something happened?”

there was

But it’s awkward to say.

Me, Luna, and Evan, who escaped the dungeon about two weeks ago, returned to Fort Vayatra and were surprised.

‘Only ten days?’

Evan’s startled voice was still vivid.

It was definitely worth seeing Evan, who usually uses honorifics in a polite tone, being surprised and asking around.

The time we spent in the dungeon was at least a year.

In the first place, the same day kept repeating and it was rare to spend a full day, so I couldn’t count it accurately, but they said that only 10 days had passed.

‘I should say it’s fortunate.’

Indeed, if the time outside had passed as much as that time, the world would have already been in chaos.

It’s really fortunate that I have to prepare before that and help the playable grow.

Evan and I broke up in the kingdom of Grandis.

He disappeared saying that he had something to solve in the Holy Land, but his words before disappearing were meaningful.

‘Please wait. I will definitely come back.’

I asked what that meant, but Evan just smiled politely and disappeared.

I don’t know what you mean by coming back.

Besides, since Evan now knows my identity, I felt uneasy.

Still, knowing his skills, there was nothing I could do.

I just want to be generous with the affection we’ve been together all this time.

‘If I had the intention of killing him in the first place, I would have killed him right away.’

And he stayed benevolent until he disappeared.

Occasionally he would say something about the king or something, but I thought it was the aftereffects of the dungeon and ignored it.

‘I promised to see Luna again next time, but I don’t know when I’ll see her.’

I promised Luna a lot.

And knowing her sadness and loneliness, I was thinking about what to do with her.

‘If only my appearance had been a bit normal, there would have been a way to live together.’

She decided to go back to her hiding place for now, but she was obediently listened to.

Seeing him like that made me feel more sorry for him because he seemed to be thinking deeply again.

That’s why I was worried when I arrived at the Hollington estate to keep my promise to Luna.

That worry continued to this day.

“senior! We are almost there!”


In terms of time, I came back in a little less than two months, but it made me feel like I came back after a few years.

When you laugh a little at the gap.

“Connected. uh?”

Upon entering the academy grounds, Lucia took out a tablet and was surprised to see something.

“Senior senior dormitory was the ash dormitory, right?”


“Is it closed now?”


Closing... ... Closing!

I read the news right away on the tablet she was holding.

Mysterious incidents continue to occur So far, two students have died and several accidents have occurred?


I was guessing, but it was too soon.

Actually, I hadn’t even thought about it because the aftereffects of the hidden dungeon that happened a while ago were so great.

‘Rather, it went well.’

It’s time to end the bad relationship.