Episode 165. Harungel’s Tomb

The unchanging Harungel.

He was a famous wizard whose name was even listed in the history books.

The problem is, though, that fame is never a good thing.

“There have been a lot of annoying things these past few days.”

We had entered the Great Forest before we knew it and were heading deep into the depths.

I was trying to get Serena’s swordsmanship and get some swordsmanship instruction, but I didn’t know that I would be visiting the Great Forest.

Maximin was leading the way, and Isabel and I followed behind him.

And what I learned the past few days is that Maximin is surprisingly talkative.

“What happened?”

“Isabel and I were walking around openly, and the guy called the prince kept chasing after us.”

When I see Maximin talking about a story that could be glorious for some people in an unpleasant way, I realize anew that the principle of this world is returning to force.

“You mean the prince of Grandis?”

“okay. I heard that he had a favor, but I ignored it because I was not an errand boy.”

I felt sick to my stomach at Maximin’s words.

I was going to send him to a place where there is a swordsmanship to run errands, but it’s just inconvenient to talk about it. Of course, I will ask for it apart from the inconvenience.

The Great Grove was quiet.

I knew that I hadn’t measured the entire area because it was so large, but I heard that the turmoil lessened after the Orcs lost the war.

“The traces of Harungel were in the land of the Beasts. We have to go in here for a while longer.”

“At first it came along, but what exactly are those traces?”

The answer to my question came from the side.

“I found a place that is believed to be a tomb. However, it was deep in the domain of beastmen, so I couldn’t enter directly.”

“Are you saying that the tomb is Harungel’s tomb?”

“Do you know the story of Harungel?”

I nodded.

Even after this, I was me who studied the world view a little while playing games.

Of course, I did it for smooth gameplay, not because I was interested, but I knew the story of a celebrity like Harungel.

Not just the story behind it, but also the story behind it.

“I also know that his story in history is a lie.”

“How amazing. It’s not a commonly known story. Can I listen to what I know?”

Harungel was a black magician.

A distant existence that existed before the establishment of the empire.

I know that there was no persecution of black magicians back then.

“I understand that he was not a heinous villain known to the world, but a colleague of Edmund the Great, the first emperor of the Laudelen Empire.”

A warlock who was a colleague of Edmund the Great, who founded the Laudelen Empire, but was betrayed in the end.

Thus, he was an unfortunate wizard with the stigma of being a villain.

History is only for the victors.

“It’s like what I know. Few people know about it now, but it’s amazing that you know.”

“I found out by accident.”

“Anyway, the story is comfortable. Harungel, who was a colleague of Edmund the Great but was eventually betrayed, runs away to the Great Forest of Vayatra.”

That’s a story I didn’t know.

In the first place, I didn’t know that Harungel was one of the founders of the assembly, so there was still a lot of information in this world that I didn’t know.

“I didn’t know that.”

“My mother told me in passing.”

Isabelle’s mother is the current vampire queen.

Although she is currently missing, a new queen will soon be born, but it is clear that she is a powerful being.

The Vampire Queen’s guarantee is that Harungel was last seen in the Great Forest. But is that proof that the tomb they found is Harungel’s?

“Rather than the grave itself, Harungel’s traces were confirmed by an existence guarding the grave.”

“A being guarding the grave? Was there a Guardian?”

“yes. There was a dragon soldier.”

dragon disease!

It was an undead that only appeared in legends that could not be created anymore.

I can see why Maximin and Isabelle spoke so confidently.

Because among the necromancers related to Vayatra Great Forest, Harungel was the only one capable of serving dragon soldiers.


While we were walking and talking for a long time, a sharp noise resounded like a bird’s cry.


Maximin said briefly.

Then Isabelle smiled without tension.

“I didn’t run into them the other day, but they’re scouting pretty far.”

“Maybe it’s because the orcs are gone.”

The deeper you go into the Great Forest of Vayatra, the more powerful forces or individuals lived there.

It was only natural that the competition intensified as there were more abundant resources inside and the outside was in contact with the human realm.

That’s why the Orcs who lived in groups on the outskirts of the Great Forest belonged to the weakest axis here.

“I just checked and went.”

I prided myself on being quite sensitive to presence, but I didn’t feel anything at all.

Looking at the birdsong I heard a while ago, it seemed like it was far away, not just far away.

‘It’s a monster.’

I asked, thinking nonsense.

“You won’t run into an elf, right?”


Maximin said calmly and walked out again.

“This is Adrias Cromwell.”

For now, I sat down on a wooden stump chair he guided me to.

The inside of the house was furnished with a cute wooden interior, tools, and furniture.

“Wait a minute. Get the car right away.”

As he entered what appeared to be the kitchen, Isabelle hinted softly.

“He is strong.”


“Did you notice the reaction?”

“I’ve heard the name before. So I guessed roughly.”

“Adrias-nim, you seem to have a lot of knowledge. It would be rare for humans to know Merkur... ... .”

Isabelle’s eyes brightened for a moment.

Sensing a strange interest in her eyes, I averted my gaze.

Just in time, Merkur returned with a car.

“Now then, let’s hear the story.”

“Nothing. I’m just trying to enter the tomb you proudly showed me the other day.”

“Hmm, did you say Adrias? It looks like they’re trying to get in because of you, but can you give me a specific reason?”

Mercury handed over the tea and asked.

It was a bit pitiful to see him stretching out his arms with his short stature, so I leaned over to receive it.

“If I say it’s out of curiosity, you won’t believe me.”

“Can you guess whose tomb it belongs to?”

Merkur sat down and sipped his tea.

Now that I see it, the scent of the tea is unique.

“Adrias Cromwell, are you a warlock?”

“you’re right.”

Since he was a prisoner anyway, he nodded his head openly.

Besides, there are the strongest swordsmen in the human world and direct vampires on both sides of me to help me, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

“Hmm. Maximin I can’t believe that you are helping someone even after seeing it with my own two eyes. Could it be that the benefactor I mentioned last time is the author?”


Maximin, who answered bluntly, sipped tea inappropriately.

“I’m really sorry, but I feel like I have to refuse. From my point of view, I don’t want to create a fuss. I mean, if you accidentally touch that grave, you could get in trouble.”

“Even with Isabelle and I?”

Merkur laughed at Maximin’s calm but arrogant words.

“Of course, I know your skills well. But I’ve seen the owner of that tomb firsthand. It happened when I was very young, but it’s still a very strong memory. Maybe this memory is distorted by what I saw when I was young, but I want you to consider my position in charge of the village.”

I’m very sorry

However, I didn’t want to go so far as to quarrel with Merkur.

If this was a game, he might have recklessly visited Harungel’s tomb, but in real life, he couldn’t act so selfishly.

“All right. Is it okay to watch from afar while you’re here?”

“It is possible on the condition that I accompany you.”

“thank you.”

As I complied, a smile spread across Merkur’s lips.

“You are a polite young man for a human being. But there’s something I’ve been curious about.”

“Tell me.”

“You said you were a black magician, but why do you wear a sword around your waist?”

Merkur pointed at my Galaksur.

I said slowly holding Galaksur in my hand.

“I have a peculiar constitution. I can handle magic and sword at the same time.”

“That is very special. Are you saying you have the same constitution as the first Emperor Laudelen?”

“I think so.”

“Where can I show you?”

I nodded because I wanted to be friends with Merkur.

Just in time to receive swordsmanship instruction from Maximin, if you think that he will show you in advance, kill two birds with one stone.



“Oh oh?”

When Galaksur’s blade was revealed, Isabelle covered her mouth and burst into admiration, and Merkur’s eyes changed.

I apologized to the people and started the slow sword dance indoors.

It was a house made by digging the inside of a huge tree, so the space was sufficient.

‘Something is awkward.’

He had a lot of experience wielding a sword alone, but it was the first time he was in a situation where people were watching.

In any case, I slowly unfolded the best swordsmanship I knew and the selfless sword I was still learning.

“for a moment!”

However, my sword dance had to stop soon.

Merkur was looking at me with his eyes wide open.

“you... ... !”

“What’s your relationship with Deshurn?”

Interrupting Merkur’s words, Maximin’s words interjected first.

Merkur looked at Maximin for a while, but nodded as if he liked it.

“That’s what I wanted to ask. Why do you see Deshurn Fallon’s sword?”

“Do you both know Master?”


When Merkur asked, I said yes.

“yes. Deshurn is my teacher.”
