[ Episode 242. 4th playable character and original magic ]

“This year, a total of 123 participants were counted.”

Hector said, checking the paper in his hand.

While listening to the report, the emperor put a grape in his mouth and chinned.

“A lot.”

“Since there are many students who participated in the war, there are especially many graduates this year.”

The emperor’s face wrinkled at the word war.

The war with the North, which only gave out rewards without any benefit, was not a good memory for him.

“When you say war, it reminds me of cheeky guys huddled together.”

“I am watching the liver skillfully. However, whenever His Majesty issues an order, we will march right away.”

“Jim is no stupid emperor. I know that no matter how much my empire is, I can’t destroy the union of the five kingdoms at once. But...”

A smile came across the emperor’s face as he put another grape into his mouth.

“I will soon reap the fruit.”

“I look forward to it.”

“Rather than that, there must be Adrias Cromwell on the list of graduates this year, right?”

“It is.”

The emperor, who had been knocking on the table for a while and lost in thought, slowly opened his mouth.

“According to the report I heard the other day, I heard you finally visited the manor for the first time...”

“That’s right.”

“It was much later than Jim expected. Perhaps the original sin was there, but it seems my initial prediction was correct.”

“That word......”

“There is a high probability that he had it in the first place. It will matter where you keep it.”

“Shall we carry out the plan right now?”

The emperor gave a relaxed smile and waved his hand.

“He is already in the palm of my hand. You have to climb a little higher to have more weaknesses, so leave it for now.”

“All right.”

“Anyway, that’s great. I never thought that stupid guy would grow up like this. The power of original sin is truly amazing.”

As long as she stayed at the imperial academy, she couldn’t avoid the eyes of the emperor.

There are many eyes to see, but you can’t touch it, but it’s a good location to check your every move.

In addition, his growth was proven by his academy grades, so it was easier to grasp.

“That’s not the only reason why Jim gave Cromwell back to him. The more people protect, the stronger they become, but on the contrary, they can also become weaker. He is clearly the latter.”

“Besides, we also share a border with the Southwestern Kingdom Alliance.”

“I can’t wait for the moment when everything is ready. Before that, let’s get the work done first.”

The emperor turned his head and looked somewhere.

In the direction he gave his gaze, someone’s detached palace existed.

“Call Michaela.”


It’s been a week since all the children of the Shadow Fang were brought to the lord’s castle.

In the meantime, the tens of thousands of livestock they had eaten were dozens.

“I wouldn’t have been able to handle it if I hadn’t run the guild.”

Amy grumbled and looked at the still-blind puppies.

It was funny that people who hadn’t opened their eyes yet would eat meat, but it wasn’t something to laugh about because it was actually happening.

“I will pay for it.”

“I guess so. The famous horse alone is worth tens of billions of dollars, but if it is a spiritual creature that you can ride later, you cannot buy it even with money.”

“I will send one to Morhaime.”

Amy’s expression frowned at my words.

I had already said the other day that I would send one as a gift, but even then the reaction was not good.

“What would you rather sell for money?”

“Rather, giving it as a gift can put a strain on your heart. It will come back later with a bigger reward than money.”

“Ha, no matter what, it’s a spirit creature. Besides, giving away a precious guy who can’t be tamed for free if the timing isn’t right feels like such a loss.”

As I was talking to Amy, Vivian, who had been touching the pups for a while, turned to look at me.

“Who is that?”

“Contact has been reached. He will probably come today.”

The 4th playable character and the only summoner among the playables.

Through Cromwell’s upper house and Evan’s intelligence, she was able to quickly identify whereabouts.

“Is one mine mine?”

“of course.”

I was going to give it anyway, but it was fortunate that I was able to change the topic.

She immediately turned her attention to the cubs and began to select one to be hers.

“Can I choose?”

“yes. Maybe that would be better.”

I think you’ve already chosen, but I’m just asking.

Among the cubs, she chose one that looked particularly dull and sullen.

“I’ll do it with him.”

“Please give me a name.”

“Adrias II.”


I couldn’t understand her intentions for insisting on my name.


Dmitri didn’t seem to be paying a big salary.

In the first place, he seemed happy just by being able to raise the children of the Shadowfang.

Thanks to this, Amy’s liking towards her has also increased greatly.

“If I raise these children until they become adults, I think they will be able to reproduce.”

As a newly recruited talent, it was a sudden remark while having dinner together.





Of course, when playing Dmitri in the game, he would breed various spirit creatures.

Rather, I selected only outstanding individuals that way and took them with me.

But that’s definitely what happens in the game.

I thought it was systemic permission.

“Don’t worry, it’s definitely not inbreeding. Coincidentally, someone I know raises a male shadow fang, so I think it would be fine to mate with him.”

There were 4 females and 2 males.

If reproduction were possible, as she said, it could be truly amazing.

‘Is it possible to create the Shadow Fang Knights?’

Just imagining it gives chills down my spine.

The fighting power of the shadow fang itself was also terrifying, so if it was active in a warlike place, it could become an invincible tank unless the enemy had an Auror Master or Warlock.

“If that’s possible, it’s well worth the price.”

“no. I’m not doing it for money, it’s just my destiny.”

It seemed like I could understand why the player would die like an ocean sunfish if the player didn’t control it.

I won’t roll it properly in this lifetime.

“How long will it take to become a Eucharist?”

“Since it is not an ordinary creature, it grows quickly. As far as I know, they will open their eyes in a month, and from that point on, they will grow explosively and become an adult in a year.”

I already knew this, but I deliberately asked.

Amy and Vivian, who are sitting together, should also know.

And soon Salem is here too.

“When did you come?”

After listening to Dmitri’s story, I asked Salem, who appeared out of nowhere.

Those who were with them were surprised to see that Salem was there.

It is particularly impressive to see Vivian open her eyes wide and be alert.

“He brought some very unusual things.”

“I was lucky. I heard you’re busy, so I deliberately delayed my visit. Did you have some time?”

“Shameless bastard, I have now checked the thesis you made. As soon as you finish eating, come to my lab right away.”

After those words, Salem quietly disappeared.

I’ve been creating magic related to control, so I’ll have to get some help from him.

If possible, I want to complete it before climbing the tower.

‘Original magic.’

The Warlock’s realm was approaching.

[ Episode 242. The 4th Playable Character and Original Magic ] End