[ Episode 309. Escape and Scene]

As I hurriedly got out of the maze with my party, I was able to see the scenery of Daejeon.


And there, unexpected people were fighting.

“Noah! What happened?”

Noah Claire looked at us sword to face with the undead of Pycy and then backed away.

“Dry that little boy. I wield the sword first, so I have to be able to live because I’m scared.”

Paisy, who did not know where he appeared from, spoke calmly.

“What exactly is it?”

“Nandle, you know? Ask that guy.”

I didn’t like Pycy’s shameless attitude about bending her arms inward.

But you should hear the story first.

“Why is that?”

Still holding the sword in his hand, Noah just closed his mouth and averted his gaze.

Is it because of what I said before arriving on the island?

‘They said they saw Pycy when they were experimented on by the black magician.’

Other than that, I couldn’t guess anything.

“You said you saw Paisy. Is it because of that?”

“......I just don’t like it. I didn’t want to see Muto Kinein bragging about making him undead when he dies.”

Did you have your eyes on Muto?

Anyway, it seems that Noah was right to attack first, so I apologized on his behalf.

“Looks like our party did something wrong.”

“okay. But you think you’ve seen me before?”

Paisy tilted his head and looked at Noah.

However, Noah only slightly bowed his head to express his apology and disappeared behind the pillars of the Great War.

“He has a nasty personality.”

“It is said that Noah was subjected to biological experiments when he was young. He said he might have seen Paisy there.”

“A biological experiment?”

Paisy tilted her head for a moment, as if trying to recall a memory, then shook her hand.

“I don’t remember too many. One thing is for sure, none of the test subjects I experimented on survived.”

Seeing Pycy talk about evil so calmly, I wondered if a black magician was a black magician.

“Oh wait.”

At that time, Pysh remembered something and looked at me with grim eyes.

“Now I see, you are the son of Kane Cromwell.”

“Do you know my father?”

“Everyone knows. Among those who learned dark magic under Morn, there is no child I do not know.”

In fact, Paishi was young on the outside, but he was older than he knew.

To her, my father must feel like a child.

“But why did my father suddenly......”

“Kane died suddenly. I know Morne’s heartache is pretty big. After Kane died, I know what happened to his dungeon and test subjects.”

“Father’s dungeon?”

Come to think of it...

My father was also a black magician.

Since I was an apprentice who could hardly be called a black magician in the first place, I never committed evil with my own hands, but my father might be different.

No, considering the common sense of this era, my father must have been a villain to someone.

“Ah Kane Cromwell’s dungeon. Didn’t Morn tell you?”

“In fact, I didn’t even know that my father was a black magician. That’s why I don’t even feel it.”

“As far as I know, most of the test subjects that survived Kane’s dungeon must have escaped. just in case? Could that child be the one who survived Kane’s dungeon?”

Chills ran down my spine.

If, as she guessed, Ivy and Noah are the ones who escaped from her father’s dungeon


Noah is also Noah, but Ivy was more concerned.

Originally, she should have been an assistant professor, but as she became a professor due to the butterfly effect, the time to become an Auror Master might have changed, but...

She never missed being the youngest Auror Master in the game.

‘At the longest, the next two years.’

If it was short, he could have become an Aura Master within this year.

The villagers lowered their weapons, pushed by the spirit of the beastmen of the Huin tribe.

The beasts of the Huin tribe did not look ordinary at first glance.

Should I call it Black Tiger?

Black fur and stripes covered his entire body, and scars all over his body proved his intense life.

“We didn’t come to this small town for business. So please be quiet for a little while.”

Soon all the outsiders who came with him took off their hoods.

All of them were beastmen, and there were many different types.

“Latanya! Any contact from the other side?”

“I received a confirmation that he would come, but I was not told when he would come.”

“Sneaky bastards. Hehe.”

Ulug, the black tiger, smiled indifferently and crossed his arms.

“I’d rather the prey come out first before they come. Then we can eat and go home.”

“Won’t you be angry?”

“Are you afraid of them?”

At Ulug’s question, Ratanya, who had the appearance of a white wolf, shook her head.

“I thought it would be a problem if we started a conflict with other races before fighting humans.”

“Don’t worry. Like you thought, they wouldn’t be happy to have a dispute with us. So there is no problem if you swallow the prey first.”

Ulug ate and laughed.

“After all, whoever eats first wins.”

As the conversation continued between the two, a prisoner who controlled the village approached.

“All those going to the lord’s castle have been blocked, and the pier has also been controlled.”

“Good job. I don’t know if it will take a few days, but stay vigilant on the sea side.”

Originally, he should have known when the prey would return, but the information from the informant he planted was cut off at some point.

“Is Agatha dead? After entering the island, there was a report as a communication artifact, but there has been none since.”

“I guess so. There is no reason to betray us.”

As long as Agatha, a mercenary with good skills, could die, the results were worth looking forward to.

“I definitely pay tribute to my colleagues. But the mission comes first.”


Having a conversation, the two moved.

The location they moved was to target Adrias and the others who would arrive there within a few days.

“The most difficult ones are, of course, Muto Kinein and the two warlocks.”

“The necromancer named Pycy is not a warlock, but he is a pretty infamous warlock.”

“Ambush is Adrias Cromwell. He’s already twisted our plans once. Even if it wasn’t this time, it’s a target to eradicate.”

It was Ulug who already knew that Adrias was a mage on a level similar to Warlock through Agatha’s secret report.

“Is it really a Warlock?”

“Even if he’s not a warlock, he’s definitely an unusual guy. The World Tree Corruption Plan was something our organization had been working on for hundreds of years. I have to admit I was a fucking bastard for just blocking that.”

Wood deok!

Bone crackled from Ulug’s fist.

“I will surely kill him. There is no room for compromise.”

“If Ulug-sama was the opponent, Adrias would die even if he was a warlock.”


It was then.


Suddenly, the sound of a strong wind came from the sky, and soon the prisoner standing guard outside shouted.


“what’s the matter! What?”

As Ulug and Ratanya hurriedly came out of their huts by the wharf, the shouted prisoner pointed to the sky.

“That me...!”


The roar of the wind It wasn’t just the noise of the sea breeze.


A huge shadow covered the ground they were standing on, and the beastmen could see it.


“This nonsense .......”

The one flying in the sky was none other than a huge dragon.

[ Episode 309. escape and scene ] end