[ Episode 313. People looking for Adrias]

Louis Atman heard that Adrias was looking for them as soon as he returned to the academy, so he hurried to the gymnasium.


It would have been a lie if he hadn’t waited.

He didn’t show it, but he always looked forward to when he would be able to receive Adrias’ lecture.

“It’s late, Louis.”

When we arrived at the gymnasium, Serena, who had arrived earlier, said with a playful smile.

The surroundings are already full of students.

“Senior or professor?”

“You are coming. They say you’ll arrive soon.”

Looking to the side, Chris was standing with his arms crossed with a blunt expression, and Benjamin, a junior in his third year, was walking around with swords dangling all over his body.

“When did Professor Adrias return?”

“I don’t know either. I hadn’t heard of it, but you came all of a sudden.”

When the students around me were waiting in groups of threes and threes with anticipation for the sudden event, they said,


Finally he appeared.

Adrias Cromwell.

The youngest professor at Rodlen Academy and the youngest Auror Master in the history of the continent.

Although it had not yet been recognized in the imperial palace, it was an atmosphere that had been confirmed through the public declarations of the families of Erestial and Yunor.

“I don’t think we have much of an age gap...”

“Actually, not much. You were a student here until the year before last.”

“But you teach those four people? Isn’t that a little overbearing?”

All eyes were focused on one student’s remark.

The student, who suddenly received attention, waved his hand in embarrassment.

“No, I’m not looking down on the professor, it’s a natural question. I admit that the professor is a strong and outstanding person, but I wonder if he is really good at teaching.”

“That’s right. Teaching is another area. Wouldn’t you rather be good at teaching?”

By the time the students were curious about the plausible words, Adrias finally arrived inside the gymnasium.

“Are you here, Professor!”

Benjamin greeted Adrias with an unusually bright appearance.

“I thought he was the second Chris, but that kind of reaction is only to Professor Adrias.”

Serena muttered that she was cute and said hello herself.

“It’s been a while, Professor.”


As always, Vivian was next to Adrias, who answered briefly.

“Let’s do a simple class.”

After receiving greetings from Lewis and Chris, Adrias went straight to the point.

“You’ve learned everything you need to learn anyway, and you know everything you know, so there’s not much I can teach you.”

After speaking, Adrias picked up the training sword.


Chris, who has become much more reticent than before, opened his mouth to such Adrias.

“May I ask why you are teaching in a place like this?”

Chris’ eyes glanced at the students surrounding them. The students who came out of the sight with those bleak eyes trembled and stepped back one step at a time.

“See all the other kids.”

“That means...”

“There’s no need to hide my lectures.”

Adrias spoke confidently and immediately raised his sword.

“Should we start with the sword scar we carved on the wall last time?”

A deep smile spread across his lips.



“Your prediction was right again.”

Minus Morhaime, who spoke calmly despite hitting the desk, brushed her flowing hair.

“I did it just in case, but it turns out bad things too.”

“It was predicted after listening to Earl Cromwell’s words and also looking into it to some extent.”

Greta said with an expression that something had come.

“Rather, I prepared in advance, so now all I have to do is prepare my mind.”

Minus, who had been listening to Greta’s words, sat down roughly on the chair. Then he put a cigarette in his mouth and chewed it.

“What would you like me to do?”

“well. I’m going to be a married woman anyway, so what does that have to do with it?”

“You look like you’re kidding?”

Blood vessels stood out on Minus’ forehead.


Seeing Minus like that, Greta sighed.

“You’ve already prepared everything, why are you so scared, oppa?”

“With this choice, we can no longer go back. The future of the family is at stake.”

“When wasn’t that? The fact that Morheim, a family of ordinary herbalists, has grown like this is the result of those choices.”

Greta rose from her seat and approached Minus. Then, looking at the letter placed in front of Minus, he picked it up and tore it up.


“His Highness Morhaime.”

Greta said with a serious expression.


Lewis, who led the group on the road, stared ahead at the sudden feeling of an unknown energy.

A man was walking slowly from a distance.

‘I’m not a student.’

But he wasn’t even a professor.

Because, as far as he knew, there was no professor who looked like him.


Eventually, Lewis stopped.

Suddenly, Louis, who was walking in the front, stopped, and the students looked at him with puzzled eyes, then followed his gaze and looked ahead.

“Who is it? Are you seeing this for the first time?”

“An outsider wandering around the undergraduate premises like that?”

Soon, the students also noticed the suspiciousness and were wary of the opponent.

“This is the first face I see, who are you?”

Louis asked the man who had finally approached him enough to talk.

The man’s appearance was very ordinary, but there was an air of not being human somewhere.

‘It’s like a doll.’

The other person’s face didn’t show that common emotion at all.

Louis’ question was not answered by the other party.

He just glances at the students with an expressionless face and walks away.

“Hold on there! Outsiders are prohibited from entering this place. Even if you get permission, it is illegal to go alone without an official accompanying you...”

A student blocked the passersby ignoring them. Then, the opponent finally responded.


insipid tone.

However, the violent energy felt there was enough to make everyone around them flinch.

‘Minimum Aura Master!’

Lewis was very nervous.

It was also strange that someone who could become an Auror Master was walking around the academy grounds alone.

Above all, most of the Imperial Auror Masters could be identified. However, the opponent who appeared now is a person whose identity cannot be guessed at all.

“Clarify your identity.”

Lewis said with a hard face.

Even so, he took a stance so that he could pull out his sword at any time.

“......Louise Atman.”

the man said softly.

“Do you know me?”

No answer came back.

Instead, he just stared at Louis with bizarre four hundred eyes.

The black eyes surrounded by white were as deep as an abyss.

“Senior Seo. It’s better to step back and ask the professors for help...”

The students, feeling the fear at the sight, quietly backed away.

“You back off. Inform the professors that a suspicious person has entered the premises. The opponent seems to be an Auror Master.”

“Oh, Master!”

Everyone was surprised that no one had thought of it except Louis.

Then several students nodded and quickly dispersed.

“I asked if you knew me.”

Lewis asked again.

Then the man finally answered.


“I don’t know who you are. How do you know me?”

“You know me.”

The man made a strange noise, then looked around and said.

“I came to find Adrias Cromwell. where is he?”


Louis was wary when he heard that a suspicious-looking man had come looking for Adrias.

The man whispered in a low voice, probably feeling wary.

“Don’t you know?”

“I can’t tell it to someone as suspicious as you.”


The man slowly began to pull out the sword wrapped around his waist as he felt something strange.

“To carry out the mission, we need to know Adrias’ location.”


intense momentum.

The man was expressionless enough to think he was a machine or a doll, but when he drew his sword, a murderous aura engulfed the surroundings.

“You shouldn’t carelessly pull out your sword here.”

Then a cold voice warned the man.

“I brought the professor, senior! You just happened to be nearby!”

The juniors who ran earlier were accompanied by someone.

The man who gave the lecture a while ago.

And the one the suspicious person was looking for.

“Even if it is the commander of the Royal Guard.”

It was Adrias Cromwell.

[ Episode 313. Those who are looking for Adrias ] End