[ Episode 379. The culprit, the source, the beginning of all things]


The strong blow to the head knocked me forward. The dust from the floor entered my mouth without realizing it.

“Hey what are you doing? Won’t you wake up?”


Right now, this situation is.......

Before I came to my senses, I felt someone lift my body. But I couldn’t give my body any strength.

“Are you out of your mind? This kid has turned around so much.”



fists flew

I felt the pain of tearing my lips so vividly that I collapsed helplessly once again.

‘What is this...why doesn’t my body move?’

The person who lifted me up was a boy who must have been at least sixteen years old. All around, there were other kids around that age looking at me and the boy.

“Hey, let’s do it in moderation. I don’t have time.”

“Two. Be lucky, Nebro. If your father and older brother Samael hadn’t returned today, you’d be half dead.”

Having collapsed, I saw the children disappear without knowing why. No, before that I couldn’t move this body.

As if the owner of this body was separate and I was trapped in that body.......


The owner of my body crawled on the floor without saying a word. This made it clear that I wasn’t moving my body, but all my senses were feeling it.

‘I feel uncomfortable.’

There was a problem with this body.

Once the legs didn’t move.

Looking at the small hand that came into view, the owner of this body looked like a boy at best.


or Nebro, crawling on the ground, let out a rough breath and leaned against the wall of the building.

The walls of the building are also unique. It looks like some ancient temple.

– Kki-ing!

Then Nebro carefully pulled something out of his arms. It was a small animal that I couldn’t tell if it was a dog or a cat, but I could vaguely feel that Nebro was laughing at the creature.

“......thank god.”

– Kki-ing! Keeing!

I felt a sense of relief.

At the same time, I felt a sense of pride that I was protected.

Did the reason you were beaten earlier have something to do with this animal?

The little beast rubbed its body as if to express its gratitude to Nebro, and the more it did, the more Nebro’s positive emotions were conveyed to me.

‘I don’t know what happened. How did I get into this body?’

As I pondered, original sin came to mind.

I’m sure he did something, but I told him to watch after that.

‘Certainly not.’

There is no way that this corrupt boy, Nebro, is the original sin. I don’t know what the hell is going on.


Then, without a trace, someone approached and started talking.


“My father has returned. I have to go meet you.”

“Brother Samael. I’m glad you came back safely.”

Is this the Samael the boys talked about earlier?

He was an impressive man with a tall, strong face.

“What is that?”

“yes? Oh, this is...”

Nebro hastily hid the small animal in his bosom.

Seeing this, Samael still watched Nebro’s actions with an expressionless face.

“If you decide to take responsibility, treat it with respect.”

“yes? ah! yep!”

It was completely unexpected, and Nebro felt embarrassed. In the impression of Nebro, that man named Samael is a cold person who can’t understand the inside.

“I won’t support you.”

“Oh no. I cannot be a nuisance to my brother.”

I could feel Nebro struggling to crawl on the ground.

I finally felt it properly, but I noticed that there was no feeling in my legs.

‘I have no choice but to watch for now.’

I put my mind down a bit.

There’s nothing I can do right now, so I’ll have to watch the situation for now.

In my field of vision, all I could see was the floor, but I was able to quickly reach my destination.

There were already a lot of people there, including the group of boys who had beaten Nebro.

“Brother Samael!”

“It is Samael!”

“I’m glad you came back safely!”

When the people saw a young man named Samael who came with Nebro, they welcomed him. I don’t know exactly what the situation is, but it seems that I went somewhere and now I’m back.


Nebro’s movements became less.

He controlled his breathing so as not to make even the sound of breathing, as if he was trying to erase his presence.

“It looks ugly.”

“I asked him to stay in the corner if possible, but why did he come out...” However,

no matter how hard he tried to hide his presence, Nebro, who had fallen on the floor, was very conspicuous.


Then a middle-aged man called this body.

The person surrounded by people seemed to be the father who had returned with Samael this time.

“Oh, are you here? father.”

“Stuttering is still there.”


The man has a huge, muscular body. Even if you look at it with the eyes, it was a gigantic appearance that easily exceeded 2m.

He grabbed my shoulder, or Nebro’s shoulder, and lifted it up, but the grip was so strong that it felt like my shoulder would break.


“I can’t help but feel uncomfortable with my legs. But as my son, you shouldn’t have this kind of attitude.”

I thought that too, but I didn’t know that I would bother Nebro even by selling my name.


“100 million!”

The three years did not flow only to Nebro. Now, the children’s fists, which have deviated from the boy’s traits, were too much for the weak Nebro to withstand.

“You can’t stretch out already. ha Mr. You’re so weak because you’re always locked in your room, Nebro. We will train you, so keep your senses straight.”

Kicking and punching poured in once more. In the intense pain, Nebro could not even think of resisting.


“What is this again?”

Then, between the pouring fists, Ron rushed.

“Get out of here, you filthy bastard.”


– Kki-ing!

“No Ron!”

Nebro screamed and twisted.

He moved desperately to find Ron, who had been blown away by the kick.

“Hi go. Do you want to guard your body? You weak bastard.”

“why! Why the hell are you doing this to me! What have I done to you guys!”

“What are you doing? Your very existence brings disgrace to our faces. I just want you to disappear, but I don’t know why your father is taking care of you.”

A boy grabbed Ron and lifted him up. Nebro shouted desperately at the sight of him giving strength as if he were stretching his body and tearing it apart.

“please! rather hit me! It’s my fault! Please let Ron go!”

“What is he saying now. You will be right anyway. So watch this guy scouring...”


Someone suddenly appeared and grabbed the boy by the shoulder.

“what? omg!”

“Morian, hand over what you have in your hand to me.”

“Brother Samael.”

Due to the sudden appearance of Samael, the personnel surrounding Nebro quietly retreated.

“It is not good for brothers to fight.”

“I’m sorry, bro. I had a fight with Nebro for a while......”

Samael quietly approached Nebro holding Ron in his hand. Nebro wept, feeling that Samael was his savior.

“Tongue bro. thank you.”


Samael’s answer did not meet Nebro’s expectations.

Sensing something was wrong, Nebro looked up at Samael.

There was no emotion in Samael’s eyes.

“Nebro, I think I said it once before.”


“It means you have to be strong to protect what’s important to you. Three years have passed since then, but you are still the same.”



A sound that should never be heard came from Samael’s grasp. Nebro watched the scene with a devastated expression.

“You are the son of Aion and the younger brother of Samael. There’s no point in using it because you’re so weak.”

“Ah ah......”

“There is nothing to be so heartbroken about. Anyway, the time limit for ‘this’ was 3 years, so it was planned to stop soon. It’s not that I came back to life, it just made me move for a while.”

Tears covered my eyes, but more important than that was a broken heart. Nebro was collapsing as he listened to Samael’s words.

“Still, I knew something would change in those three years and gave you a chance, but you are still useless.”


Silent stillness enveloped the surroundings.

The group that had been harassing Nebro also began to sneak away.

“Nebro my brother.”


“Every time something precious to you happens in the future, I will come and destroy it like this. Don’t think that something precious won’t happen. If you want to keep it, you have to be strong.”

Samael left Ron’s body in front of Nebro and walked away slowly.

“As Samael, the son of Aion, I can’t accept having a younger brother like you. You must be fixed.”

My heart is broken.

As soon as there was no one left around, Nebro cautiously reached out and grabbed Ron.


Ron’s body scattered to dust as if everything had been an illusion. Even my head hurt at the sight of that lack of mercy.


What does it mean to be strong?

I guess I’m really blessed compared to this guy.

‘It makes me want to help.’

I felt compassion and sympathy, perhaps because I shared emotions in the same body. Normally, I would have broken his head and given him mental training.

‘If I can help a little.’

I tried to express my will.

‘Please reach me.’

And finally, I felt something stir inside me.


Nebro must have felt that too, so he suddenly started looking around.


“Ah ah?”

Oh that’s it!

The will has been delivered!

“Who who... who are you?”

what to say

Let’s call it an angel this time. But is the concept of an angel even here?

[“I am an angel.”]

“An angel?”

[“Do you want to become stronger with Nebro?”]

Nebro started to shed tears again at my words.

“I want to become stronger!”

[“I’ll help you.”]

I don’t know how to escape this place, but let’s do something for now. The first step was to help Nebro.

[Episode 379. The Root Cause, the Beginning of Everything] The End