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“What do you even mean by “Permanently ending”? Yuuna.”

Hoshino asks.

“Mai and Hoshino are really wonderful girls, you both are truly very nice people. But, if you both stay friends with me any longer, I might end up doing something terrible.”

Yuuna says so.

They both simultaneously tilt their heads a question mark above.

“We were together with Yuuna during hard and happy times. We’ve been friends even after all these moments, We can’t just suddenly end our friendship…”

“I agree with Hoshino. Why do you say we should end? Have you gone crazy? Yuuna!”

“Please say something! Yuuna.”

“Well then Mai, Hoshino, I have a favour to ask from both of you.”

“What? What do you?”

These girls still showing kindness towards me are truly precious. I really think they are wonderful human beings. But…

“Never go near Sorata, ever again.”


They said in unison.

“Yuuna, you said this earlier also, but what do you even mean by that? Why can’t we get involved with Sorata-kun anymore?”

Mai asks Yuuna.

Hoshino follows Mai and opens her mouth to speak.

“What do you mean Yuuna? I want to be friends with Sorata-kun too.”

“I’ll take care of Sorata-kun, you both don’t need to get involved with him.”

“So is that because? Yuuna knows that I confessed my feelings to Sorata-kun, right? What was wrong about it? I am allowed to go out with Sorata-kun now, can I?”

“Eh? Mai. What do you mean by that?”

Hoshino asks Mai.


(Mai makes a disheartened sound)

“Mai. Why did you confess your feelings to Sorata-kun without my permission? Didn’t I tell you that no one can get a head start on him? Did you forget about it? Hey, did you forget, Mai? If you have forgotten about it, then I’ll have to remind you yet again.”

“I am sorry, Hoshino. It’s not that. I will remember it from now on.”

“So you remembered that and yet you confessed. Heh. I get it. Mai was that kind of person. I’m done with Mai.”

“… Now I understand. I was fed up to be honest. I didn’t understand why we had to sign a cease-fire agreement. We’re done with that now ok.”

There was cold air flowing in-between them.

“Oh, right, I am yet to ask Sorata-kun about the answer to my confession.”

Saying so, Mai opens up her phone.

About ten seconds later, Mai…

“Huh? Why? Why don’t I have Sorata-kun’s contact information? Why? Why?? It was there until this afternoon.”

“Mai, you’ve been sending messages to Sorata-kun almost every day…”

“…Yeah, it’s natural since he’s someone I like. But still, why? … A~h! Yuuna, you deleted Sorata-kun’s contact information, didn’t you?”

I ignored that.

“You are such a lousy person. I thought Yuuna wouldn’t do something like that, you’re the worst. In that case, I will have to force my way through.”

Mai then left the room.

Hoshino hurriedly followed Mai.

Our long relationship with one another will end today, 

For just because of one man.

————————–End of Chapter———————-