Brought to you by Noir

The breakfast I made today was quite simple. 

White rice, miso soup, and a fried egg. I think it turned out pretty well. I tasted it and it was good. My sister will definitely like its taste too. 

I hear someone coming downstairs. It must be my sister.

“I am sorry Sorata. It took me a while.”

“It did take you quite a while.”

“Un. Ah, it looks delicious.”

“Right!…  but eh? Why is nee-chan looking in my direction and saying that? I thought you were looking at the food though.”

“Ah, nope, don’t worry about it. Rather, call me Yuna!”

“A~h, sorry Yuna”

“Y~Ah~n ♥️”


I thought nee-chan let out a really strange sound now… but for the moment, let’s just ignore it. Then, alongwith nee-chan, I sat down on our seats and started eating our breakfast.

“How is it? Is it good?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s delicious. As expected from Sorata. With this, Sorata can also …”

“Me can also, what?”

“U~n, Nothing.”


“Now, Sorata too, hurry up and get ready for school. I’ll do the dishes by that time.”

“Uh, yes, understood. Then I will leave it to you anee… Yuna.”

*biku (shock)


Wondering whether my sister had actually sounded strange for more than once …or probably not. I head upstairs to my room. 

Page Break

(Change of POV: Yuuna)

“Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. S-O-R-A-T-A’S AHN- So deli– ♥️ delicious.” 

Even though I just helped myself a few minutes ago, I got wet again. What am I doing? Such a naughty girl~. 

At this rate my pants won’t be enough. If I keep getting wet like this, then I’ll have to change about 100 pairs of pants every day.

As expected, I don’t have that many pants with me …

Should I just eat Sorata right away? … No, no, no it’s meaningless if the initiative doesn’t start from him.

“But, I can’t control anymore. Just by having my name called, I start to feel this way. So I was this far of a pervert wasn’t I. 

As Hoshino and Mai will be there in school, I don’t want to take him there. They might try to get close to Sorata somehow or the other. 

But if they try to come close, I won’t be able to forgive them anymore. You know what will happen to you if you come close to him, right? You do know, right?

Think calmly, me. Sorata is handsome, so he must be targeted by girls other than just those two. But if that’s the case, I should just stay near Sorata for-ever, right? 

[TL: For a moment I thought some logic would be coming in… I was wrong.]

Then I can feel assured. Nice idea, me. It’s the best. 

Okay, with this idea, all will be safe. All right, all right. Now I just have to change my pants before Sorata comes downstairs. Good thing I put some spare pants in my pocket just in case. 

“Okay, gotta change~ gotta change~.”

I wonder how Sorata would react if he saw this scene. Would his cheeks go red?. Imagining it made me… again…

A~h, it looks like Sorata is coming downstairs again. Okay, I gotta act normal again.

Sorata, you can’t ever run away from me~ ♥️.” 

—————————————————-End of Chapter———————————————

*If possible please rate the author 5 stars (or is the max 3?) in kakuyoumi~. don’t rate it its gonna be less though, just wait for the release… humph~*