Brought to you by Noir

(POV Sorata)

Neiro-san and I enjoyed shopping together on our first date. After shopping and spending time together for 3 hours, I dropped Neiro-san back to her own house and returned.

Rather, Neiro-san’s house was ridiculously big. It is absolutely insane. It makes me kinda jealous. 

So, when I entered my house with these thoughts in my mind, my sister was standing in the entrance waiting for me. 

(Change of POV: Neiro-san)

Ha~a! I was so close today. 

Never had I expected that Sorata-kun would come out so unexpectedly. 

I was waiting for Sorata-kun to come before I rejected him. 

I thought he would hide somewhere in the shadows and watch me from a distance because he is so timid and fearful. 

My plan would start after confirming that Sorata-kun had arrived properly, and then while rejecting his confession saying aloud that ‘I love Sorata-kun’!. 

Such was supposed to be my plan.

It was supposed to be a roundabout confession. Well, I do feel sorry for the person who would get rejected in the process. It would be unbearable for them naturally.

Although, well, that person had a personality like that after all. He is obviously no good. Should I  spread the word against him? He didn’t seem to know about Sorata-kun tool. 

Damn. My confession to Sorata-kun. Damn. It’s so frustrating. 

It is very embarrassing to confess directly face-to-face. 

What to do. 

*Kon Kon* (sfx: knocking)  

*Gacha* (sfx: door opening)

“Excuse me Ojou-sama. It’s time for your meal.”

[TL note: Ojou sama = A polite language used to mention girls or ladies, used often for high standard environments]

“I don’t want to have any today. I’ve already eaten.”

“Understood, as you wish. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

“Ah, wait. Can you call Otana here for me?”

“Otone-sama, right? right away.”

Otana is the name of my twin sister. 

In fact, we are quite similar to each other. We have similar hobbies and preferences. Both of us study in the same school but since our classrooms are so far apart, we almost never get to meet each other. 

Whenever I face a problem, I always consult with Otana. 

A few minutes later, there was a sound of a knock, after which Otone entered my room. 

“What happened, Neiro neesan?”

“Otone, I have something to discuss with you.”

(Original POV: Sorata)

“Welcome back, Sorata.”

“I’m home, sis.”

I tried to head to my room as if nothing had happened. But, just right then.


“Clink” (sfx: sound effect)

My body hardened up. 

“Where have you been?”

My sister probed me.

I replied: “I was out playing with my friends.”

“You don’t have any friends who play with you outside, don’t you?”


I wish you hadn’t said such a thing. Tohoho.

“So, what’s the real reason?”

“It’s nothing. Nothing at all!”

I answered her question loudly and promptly ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. 

But then I realised,

… that it was broken.

“Sora… I am coming in.”

It didn’t make any sound. 

I was just terrified.


*Gacha.* (patting the mat?)

“Come on, Sorata. Sit here.”


Even though it was my room, my elder sister was in complete control. 

Such embarassment.

Because I knew, if I rebelled against my sister having such tension persisting between us, I might get killed. Therefore without pursuing any arguments, I sat down where I was asked to sit and started telling her what had happened earlier today.

————————————————-END OF CHAPTER