Brought to you by Noir

“What are both of you doing over here!”

After coming back to her senses, my mom reopened the closed door and immediately entered the room. 

I want to know as well, what was my sister even planning on doing to me. As it doesn’t even make any sense to me.

“Mom, I’ll tell you honestly that I am in love with Sorata.”

Without any hesitation, my anee-chan confessed her feelings to mom.

“Yeah, I know, what you mean by it is sibling love right. But then you don’t need to be that—” 

The manner in which my anee-chan is behaving very clearly tells that the love she has for me is not how a sister loves her brother. 

I wanted my anee-chan to love me as her Otouto. [TL: Otouto = Little Brother.]

However, anee-chan…

“No mother, I love Sorata as a man. I want to be in a committed relationship with him.”

“Yuuna, have you gone insane? The way I must have raised you wrong.”

My mom almost collapsed on the floor as I rushed to support her body from falling.

My mother was in absolute state of shock by my anee-chan’s actions and words. Her body was trembling.

I rushed to follow up with my mother. 

“My mother’s way of upbringing is not wrong. See, I’m normal.”

“R— Really? Is my Sorata normal? You turned out okay, right?

I nodded my head and my mother slowly came back to her senses and stood up slowly.

“Yuuna, come here. I need to talk to you.”

My mother told anee-chan in a slightly stronger voice.

Probably even my sister thought that she could not beat her mother in the current scenario, as she easily complied and went along with mother.

I left my anee-chan’s room immediately after that and returned to my room. Somehow I didn’t wish to stay alone in that room any longer.

It seems my mother and father are having a discussion with anee-chan their bedroom.

My room was just opposite to their bedroom. Thus, some part of their conversation seemed to leak over here as well.

I thought of eavesdropping on their conversation but as I got a bad feeling about it, I dropped the idea. Perhaps this is the correct choice.

I was exhausted dealing with my sister and her feelings for me. So I decided to go off to bed and slowly went under the bed covers.


“I’ll be off now.”

After replying to my mother I went off to school.

On the way, there was a huge number of riajuus in my path. I was pissed off seeing that (I was extremely pissed off looking at them), but I tried my best not to care about them.

About 15 minutes after walking, I suddenly felt someone gazing at me. But, when I turned around, I saw no one. Then the very moment I turned in the front to walk… My mouth was instantly occupied with a kiss.

To present me with a situation asking to choose between the two, you’re so merciless Kami-sama~.

[TL note: Kami-sama means God in japanese. Also, probably this was the girl’s thought? Idk. It can also be the author’s note. Nevertheless, I added it. Along with the consequent next line.]

Do you know what these lyrics are about?