Brought to you by Noir

“Futon? Why?”

Why the futon? Apart from that I’m not feeling sleepy. And even if I were, I don’t think that I would sleep on someone else’s futon.

I wonder with what intention did Neiro-san say such a thing.

“You don’t need to worry about the reason behind this, just hurry and sit down on the futon.”

Neiro-san said so. However, it doesn’t make any sense to me. Thus, I decided to rebel to her request thoroughly.

“I do care about such things, you know. It’s someone else’s futon you know, moreover it’s Neiro-san’s, isn’t it strange. Say if someone in this house were to see me sleeping on your futon, it would definitely make me feel so ashamed that I would start feeling like my life is over.

“It’s okay. I’ve got permission for this.”

She said she has taken permission for this thing. Isn’t she naive? Moreover, if she says that she already got the permission to do this beforehand, doesn’t that mean she had originally planned this all along?

Wouldn’t that come to that meaning?

… Yeah, well, it’s okay. I don’t want to meddle in their family affairs in any way.

“Even if you did get the permission for this, I am not going to permit myself to do this. Since sleeping on someone else’s futon is bad manners.”

“You don’t have to worry about all that right now, you understand right? If you don’t accept what I ask you to do then I will have to take the last resort. ok?”

Last resort? What is that? I have a really bad feeling about this.

Please, I beg you to stop. This is a rich person’s house. A person as lowly as me is usually not even not allowed to enter here.

“I think Neiro-san should sleep on her futon with her future partner. Don’t you think so too?”

How about telling it in this way, you should get the hint from this at least.

“You don’t have to worry about that, I have already decided on my future partner.”

“If you have already decided on it then it is absolutely not okay!”

“It’s fine I am telling you.”

“I think that Neiro-san would want to have children in future. With your husband after marriage. If you sleep with me now, you’ll definitely regret it later on. I promise that you’ll regret it!”

“Ha~h Sorata-kun, you’re really insensitive aren’t you. Don’t you see how hard I’m trying here right now?”

Insensitive? Me? No way! I can immediately tell when people are paying special attention to me, and I’m also very good at guessing various things.

“It seems like there’s no meaning to anything more that I can say to you, I’m done now. You can go home if you want to.”

Eh? What’s the matter? Well since I was told that I could go home so I’ll be on my way. It’s kind of a really unpleasant mood persisting here anyway.

I left Neiro-san’s room in an instant and headed to the main door of the house. However, I can’t even find where the main door was in the first place.

So I back-traced my steps and started returning the way I came, believing in the theory that I will reach my destination if I took the road I came from in the first place.

“Ah Sorata-kun, what are you trying to do?”

As I was walking, someone spoke to me from behind, I recognised it was Otona-san from her voice.

“I want to go to the main door but I can’t figure my way out.”

“A~h the main door is it! Understood. I’ll guide you there, follow me.”

As Otona-san said that she could help me get to my destination, so I decided to take on her offer and follow her lead.

“Well, We’ve arrived!”

“Uhmm, are you sure that this is the main door?”

The place I was brought at was in front of an ordinary looking door. Even if I was told that this was the main door, I will definitely not believe that it was the entrance of the house.

“Come on~ in!”

When I hesitantly opened the door in front of me, I saw a normal rich girl’s quarters spread out.

“Welcome~ ♥️”

I was suddenly pushed in by Otona-san from the back and now I was in a position completely and properly inside her room.


Then I heard a similar sound of the door getting key-locked.