Nn? It feels a little itchy. Why the heck?

Recalling, I was with Kanade, and then…

… Wouldn’t it be just fine if I don’t remember? I don’t think there’s anything to be gained by remembering that.

For the time being, shall I get up for now? I want to know the identity behind this itchiness, and I don’t have enough drowsiness to have a second go at sleep. 

It may also be morning by now.

When I slowly lifted my heavy body and saw, I was confused as to why the blanket that I was wearing swaying from one side to another.

I don’t know why I can stay so calm in this situation, but it doesn’t change the fact that I have to do something about this situation at hand.

Anyway, the culprit is definitely Kanade. Because there should be no one except Kanade in this house. If this was Neiro-san, I’m confident I could faint right at the spot.

“Hey, Kanade. What the heck are you doing?”

The futon is seen swaying fervently, clearly seeing that she is upset. I’m sure now it’s Kanade.


I took off the futon with all my might and suddenly exposed the figure of the culprit.


“Ah, TO HECK WITH THAT. What the heck are you doing here?”

“Um… You see, Eh, Ehehe.”

Kanade’s face was shrouded in embarassment(surprise). Probably, she was conflicted about how to even react to this situation. Should I scold her here? 

Or should I settle this whole issue by treating her kindly?

Still, saying ‘Ehehe’ is just not done. Your destructive power is already too high, Kanade.

After thinking about it for a while, I came up with yet another idea.

It was to purposefully pat and stroke her head.

[TL: Oh nu!]

If you ask me why I came up with such a stupid idea, The reason was relatively surprising and simple.

The process, I thought, went on along these lines. First, by stroking Kanade’s head, I will make Kanade feel embarrassed. Eventually, she will be forced to move away by herself.

I can succeed with this operation. 

For some reason, I was confident about accomplishing this situation.

And when I start to put that into play.

I slowly reached out my hand to Kanade’s head which was still crouching in front of me.

When I touched her hair, Kanade gave a startled reaction and started glaring right straight at me. Following that, I thought of playing backhanded and reached out to her neck.

When I gently stroked Kanade’s neck, as if handling a kitten, Kanade gently shook her head to the side towards the fingers which were doing that.

As if telling me that the plan was a success, Kanade, who couldn’t stand it little by little, let go off my body on the bed.

Alright! As if making a guts pose in my mind, I stand up from the bed. However, feeling as if something of mine finally stood straight after a long time, I started feeling a bit dizzy on contrary.

“Sorata played unfairly!”

Puffing her cheeks out full like a hamster, Kanade gave me a glaring look.

“If Sorata goes on to do something like that to me, I will lose my strength from my legs and body.”

That’s what I was… not aiming for. But well, since I succeeded, so all’s fine.

“It’s Kanade’s fault for not moving.”


Kanade took a slightly twisted look and attitude but soon returned to normal as the matter was already over.

Following which, I headed downstairs to have my breakfast.