Chapter 83 Investigation

83 Investigation KANON POV

The office was now mostly empty, and the only light came from a few dim bulbs overhead. It was late, and most of my fellow officers had gone home. Now, I sat alone in my small workspace within the police station. My cubicle was a small haven in the vast police station, with only my computer screen providing some light. I was engrossed in my work, focused on the case I was investigating. Occasionally, I heard faint footsteps in the hallway, a reminder that even at this late hour, the world of law enforcement never truly stopped. As I diligently worked at my desk, my partner approached, his steps echoed in the almost empty office. He looked at me with a friendly smile and a cup of steaming coffee in his hand, the rich aroma wafting through the air. "Do you want some coffee?" My partner asked as he placed a cup of coffee on my desk.

"Thanks," I said, taking a sip of it. I really needed this drink to help me deal with the stress of trying to find clues about the Whisperer. "I think you should take a break. I know this case means a lot to you, but pushing yourself too hard won't help," he said, his expression filled with concern. My partner used to work with my old man before, so he's more like my uncle, to be honest. "I can't do that. I know that for some reason, he's targeting those females from the foundation. I just need to know who will be his next target to catch him. If the chief would just give me more manpower, then we could send someone to check on everyone," I gritted my teeth in frustration. I had tried convincing the chief that this was a real dangerous case, but he refused to allocate resources. That old fool. I was the one who cracked cases that had stumped the entire department, and my successes had earned him accolades, even an undeserved promotion. It was no secret that my investigative ability had significantly contributed to his rise through the ranks. And now he wasn't willing to help? Just wait, you old geezer. I will prove that I've been right all along.

I knew that I couldn't let this setback deter me. If the Chief wouldn't provide the manpower and resources needed to capture the Whisperer, I would find a way to do it on my own. "Did you get the files I asked for?"

"Yeah, I just got them," he replied, handing me the files. I wasted no time and immediately opened them to see what they contained.

"Her husband died in a car accident, and now their child is the only family she has left?" I mumbled to myself, feeling a bit frustrated. I thought I had a lead, but now even the husband is gone. I can't possibly ask their child about it; he should be around 18 now, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't know much because he was just a kid back then. "This is a dead end," I sighed in disappointment, realizing that my investigation had hit a frustrating roadblock. . I was about to close the file when something suddenly clicked in my memory. "Jin-hoo, why do I feel that I heard that last name recently ?" I wondered aloud. Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning: the guy who jumped on the train a few weeks ago, his last name was Jin-hoo!

I quickly rushed to the police database and double-checked the information. Folloow current novÊls on nov3lb((in).(com)

After wrapping up my reading session, I opted for a change of scenery and headed outside to enjoy some fresh air and engage in a bit of stretching. Lately, I had been dedicating time to practice my boxing skills because I found them to be incredibly practical. I stepped into my outdoor space, taking in the cool morning air . I found a clear spot and started my shadow boxing practice.




With each punch and move, I could feel my muscles waking up and my mind focusing. It was a great way to let go of any stress about that weird note. Following my boxing session, I decided to switch gears and focus on improving my kicking skills. I hopped onto YouTube, eager to learn from new fighting tutorials. My focus was strong; I was hell-bent on mastering these techniques through relentless repetition. With my supercharged quick learning abilities and an intense focus that could rival a cat watching a laser pointer, I was convinced I could fast-track my way to becoming a martial arts legend.

"I mean, who needs a sensei when you have YouTube, right? " I chuckled to myself.