CH 62

Name:Never Saved You Author:May Rain
Chapter 62

Translator: Yonnee

That’s why there’s no reason why she couldn’t stay unscathed, too.

Without looking back, Ophelia left the medical ward.

Even if she were to do nothing, she wouldn’t need to watch this ship sink.

* * *

The past she left behind wasn’t as far away as she thought.

Ophelia passed through the corridors while reflecting on this fact. It was dark out when she visited the ward, so the surroundings were also still shrouded with darkness. The sound of her shoes over the stone floor echoed, and it sounded lonesome just as it was cold.

As she stepped out into the garden, a small gust of wind lightly ruffled Ophelia’s hair.

The air in Ladeen had a tinge of saltiness due to the nearby sea, and it was one of the things that never failed to ground Ophelia to the present.

The air here was hot and humid, unlike Ronen’s infinitely cold and dry air.

This stark difference continued to remind Ophelia of reality.

This is not a dream. So you need to run forward without stopping.

The utopia you wish for is not in this land.

While walking towards the fountain in the middle of the garden, Ophelia thought.

‘Cadelia will be coming here soon.’

A truly outrageous thing would soon happen in these rural backwoods called Ladeen. Two imperial princesses of this empire would be present in this place.

Ophelia had a hunch the moment she learned that Ian and Lilith had sent a carrier pigeon under her radar.

A similar occurrence happened in the past.

‘Of course, Lilith and Ian hadn’t sent a carrier pigeon back then.’

It’s natural because back then, neither Ian nor Lilith had a reason to do so. It was Ophelia who sent the letter.

The letter she had sent contained a message saying that Grand Duke Ronen had been shipwrecked in the waters near Ladeen, so please take action.

At that time, the emperor had replied and told her to keep Grand Duke Ronen tied to Ladeen until the end of negotiations with Ronen.

It was clear that he was trying to take advantage of the fact that Grand Duke Ronen was saved so that he could try and rip off from the grand duke in a massive way.

Thanks to this, it turned out that Ian stayed in Ladeen for about two months.

‘That’s when I had fallen in love.’

In hindsight, she couldn’t help but feel like it was a fairytale for her. After suffering so much, it was like fateful love that she found, or something of the sort.

When they both returned to the capital, there were rampant rumors about how Cadelia had wanted to go to Ladeen.

And at the same time, the official proposal from Kschent had arrived.

The emperor’s plan went against this. That is, he was going to have Cadelia marry Ian while Ophelia would be sent to Kschent.

‘But the situation changed as Ian held my hand…’

But this time, the situation would never be the same.

At first, the most Ophelia and Ian had between them was a rumor.

The day before Ophelia had left, Cadelia came running and tried to slap Ophelia on the cheek. Considering that Cadelia was like that, would she endure letting Ian and Ophelia stuck together in Ladeen?

That would be impossible to guarantee.

‘And Ian will use this fact.’

Just like Ophelia, Ian knew everything.

Without telling Ophelia about it, he sent the carrier pigeon through Lilith. Thanks to this, Lilith was under probation, but just as he expected, it wasn’t a huge matter to Ian.

‘Ian is… someone who’ll do anything and everything just to achieve his goals.’

Moreover, considering his madness, it wouldn’t be strange to see him doing something worse.

Standing in front of the fountain, watching as the water trickled up, only to fall once more. She took something out of her pocket.

It was a coin with the smallest monetary value.

“Are you making a wish?”

At that moment, a presence made itself known from behind her.

When Ophelia turned around, she saw a man as feathers fluttered about him. The clothes he usually wore looked a bit more loose now at night.

Holding the coin in her fist, Ophelia called the name of the man before her, a faint smile on her lips.


“You’re not even surprised.”

“I’m quite used to your sudden appearances now. And I called you here.”

Actually, she noticed the change in air pressure rather than noticing his presence, but Sante’s expression made it apparent that she spoiled the fun.

“So humans can be quick-witted, too.”

“Pick up the pace next time.”

“Never mind. Besides that, how about we just hurry along if you’re going to wish for something?”

Of course, if you called me just because you want to spend time with me, that wouldn’t be bad either.

The playful, unsaid addition made Sante smirk crookedly.

“With your temperament, I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Why? It is possible.”

“That would just be one great deception.”

The smirk that had raised the corners of Sante’s lips faded. The deeper his smile became, the more he took on the form of a strange, fierce beast that would swallow the night.

As she turned around, Ophelia didn’t see this expression.

She cradled the coin—which had become warm—in her hand.

Something like the superstition of wishing wasn’t something common in this place.

“There’s somewhere we need to go to, Sante.”

“I expected it already, but you’re really out here treating me like a carriage.”

“No, I called you in particular because there’s only a few other people who know the terrain around here as well as you do.”

The moment she mentioned something about the terrain, a mischievous expression arose on his features to replace the doubt he had before.

“I’m looking for a cliff.”

A place where anyone would surely die if they fell.

“It would be great to have only a few people nearby, and it’ll be perfect if it’s a place covered by perhaps a forest.”

“You’re looking for a dangerous place, huh.”

“Do you know such a place?”

“You underestimate me, Ophelia.”

As Ophelia asked him this question, Sante smiled in vain. He took off the fur cloak around him and placed it over Ophelia’s shoulders.

“Even if you ask me about the terrain of another country, I can find it.”

Due to how different their physiques were, rather than a cloak that was draped upon one’s shoulders, the cloak on her looked as though it was completely swallowing her.

“The night air is cold, so if you’re going to call me around this time again, wear the appropriate outfit at least.”

“Thank you.”

Ophelia didn’t refuse the cloak and put it on, then she let out a small exclamation.

“Sante. This cloak looks rough on the outside, but it’s really fluffy inside.”

“It’s perfect for warding off the cold.”

As Sante said this, he suddenly embraced Ophelia.

“I’ll be asking for the compensation of my aid, so hang tight.”

Soon after, they disappeared from the garden.

* * *

The night’s deep blue sky was freezing just as Sante said.

By the time she thought she would have been shuddering from the cold if it wasn’t for the came, Sante landed. This place was also quite familiar to Ophelia.

“It’s the turquoise forest.”

“It has all the terrain features you asked for.”

“So you had this place in mind.”

She really hadn’t narrowed it down to this place, but Ophelia took a step forward.

According to Sante, this place had all the terrain features she mentioned. There were few people, there was a dense forest, and if she were to go a little further, she’d be able to find a cliff.

Step, step.

A few steps led her to the cliff, and as Ophelia’s feet reached the edge of it, crumbs fell and hit the reef below, sinking down into the sea and creating white bubbles.

Consumed by the night, the sea was nothing but black and white. Seeming so far away beneath her feet, the waves constantly hit and collapsed over the reef below.

Like a hungry beast waiting for its prey to fall right into its mouth.

Its total darkness made Ophelia’s throat clench. When faced with danger, a primitive survival instinct arose.

So it was only right to take a step back. But somehow, Ophelia just kept looking down without moving an inch.

Eventually Sante, who didn’t see this, opened his lips to speak.

“Ophelia, it’s better not to be so close to the edge. If you fall suddenly because of the wind—”

“Can’t you just catch me?”

Sante’s pupils dilated and soon contracted, becoming thin slits. His lips were twisted into a crooked smile, and it wasn’t clear if this was because of mirth or anger.

“I guess you trust me that much, seeing as you can ask me a question like that.”

“Don’t react so sharply. I’m trying to see how far I can trust you.”

“I don’t know what kind of ideas you have in that little head of yours. Has it not occurred to you that your life would be in danger if you fall?”

“That’s why I brought a coin.”

As preparation for her payment to the underworld’s boatman.

At Ophelia’s following answer, a hollow smile graced Sante’s features for the second time.

“I see why it wasn’t Dian you called.”