Chapter 898 Not So Friendly Spar

Chapter 898 Not So Friendly Spar

Alex froze for a second, wondering if she was being serious, before bursting into laughter.

"I take it you have very little mana-sensing capabilities. Ahahahaha! Oh boy!"

The woman looked at him; her gaze hardening.

"You think that changes anything?" she asked, her tone flat.

Alex became serious again, feeling a shiver from the intensity of her glare.

"I think that physical aptitude can determine the outcome of a fight, yes. When the gap between the opponents is big enough, no amount of talent can compensate for it."

She looked at him and grinned.

"Care to take a bet on that?"

Her confidence was almost a telltale sign, as far as Alex was concerned, of how much she believed in her talent. But would it be enough to make him flinch?


"Sure. What do you want to bet on?" Alex bit.

"How about we start with this meal? While they prepare our order, we have a short spar in my dojo. First to three hits win, and the loser pays for lunch."

Alex almost scoffed. He had already the intention of paying for her lunch.

But if she wanted to bet on it over a sword fight, why would he ever say no?

"Sure. Your funeral. I'm rich and a skilled swordsman. I guess getting my lunch paid would be a rare thing," he taunted.

The woman grinned.

"Anthony!" she called out to the server.

The teenage kid came rushing in, his smile as wide as his face.

"Yes, sensei?" he asked, stopping beside the table.

"Prepare the Taco-Fest. We'll be right back."

Anthony looked at her, his eyes going wide.

"Elise! That's our most expensive platter... I thought you were... you know... having a hard time..."

The swordswoman glared at him, unhappy he was airing out her financial situation.

"Won't matter. Richy rich over here will be paying. That is, after I whoop his ass in a spar. That's why we'll be coming right back. Keep our table, please."

The young teen looked at the young man, and he frowned.

"Please don't let yourself get swindled, sir. Elise does this more often than we'd like to admit," he pleaded to Alex.

"Hey! Mind your own business! Your father loves it when I do this. It brings in money!" Elise argued.

She nodded, back flipping to her feet, as he started walking back to his position, while she grabbed another Shinai.

'What was that insane strength and speed?' she wondered.

But that wasn't the part that had shocked her the most. In that instant that the young man had swung at her on the ground, something else had grazed.

Something sharp. Something dangerous.

Pure killing intent.

Her hands were still shaking at the pressure she felt in that one instant, like looking at the face of death.

She shook her head, clearing her mind, and went back into her focused mode.

'Seems like I can't play with him. He's the real deal...'

As soon as Alex reached his spot, his back still turned toward her; she didn't wait for him to turn around. She bolted forward, intent on ending this before he could find his pace.

Alex expected as much, and his sword rose to block hers behind his back. He kicked toward her legs again, but this time, she was prepared.

Jumping briefly off the ground, she spun around and kicked at his head as well.

Alex grabbed her foot before it reached his head and spun her like a rag doll before throwing her back toward her spot. He dashed after her and struck her midair.

Before she could even land, he was back at his starting position, waiting for her to land.

The moment her feet touched the ground, they both dashed forward, meeting in the center of the room, as the swords snapped against each other.

The force at which they swung would have shattered the weapons if a thick layer of mana had not coated each one.

On Alex's side, the layer was thick and wild, like a raging torrent, while on Elise's weapon, the layer was thinner, but much calmer and sturdier.

Alex could tell from this alone that she had practiced this. She had an actual sword intent.

Their weapons clashed a few times before a feint performed by the woman took him by surprise, and a rising slash cut the underside of his chin, as he wasn't quick enough to tilt his head out of the way.

They both jumped back, reaching their starting position, and dashed back at each other, not taking a moment to relax, and their weapons met again, in a flurry that would scare any normal person away.

Through the walls, in the kitchen next door, the cooks could hear the slapping of the wooden weapons, as they met with enough power to make the walls shake.

Alex traded blows, parrying and dodging on every strike, as they slashed at each other relentlessly for almost a complete minute. Until Elise reached a state of pure calm, and the next slash sent fear into Alex's heart.

He knew, the second the sword slashed toward him, that if he tried blocking it, it wouldn't work. He couldn't even hear the bamboo sword cutting through the air.

It was soundless.

His instincts kicked in, and he instantly went into overdrive. His skin took a reddish hue, and he diverted most of his mana into the Shinai, trying to shatter it instead of blocking it.

When the swords collided, there was no resistance. Alex's eyes went wide as the sword in Elise's hands flew away, passing through the back wall, flying off into the back alley, and her movement continued without it.

The layer of mana that had been coating it was gone, and now flowed along the woman's hand, as it took on a bladed shape, and she slashed at his face.


*Drip drip*