Chapter 902 Brought To The Middle Of Nowhere

Chapter 902 Brought To The Middle Of Nowhere

Of course, things were never so simple...

The minute Alex thought about his relaxing evening, his intercom rang.

Rolling his eyes up in annoyance, Alex got up to check who it was. It was the front desk.

Tapping the screen to answer, Alex put on a bright smile.

"Yes, Peter. What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Leduc. Good day to you. You have a visitor in the lobby. Says she needs to talk to you urgently."

Alex frowned. He wasn't expecting anyone to come here.

A call, sure. But not a visit.

"Did she give her name?" he asked.

"Yes. It's madam Constantine Levesque..." the man said, looking at the woman with a tinge of fear.

Alex's smile dropped, his face going placid.

"Tell her to fuck off. I don't want to see her," Alex said, before hanging up.

But as he walked back toward the sofa, his intercom rang again. Alex growled low as he glared at the damn device.

He tapped to reply and looked a lot less happy.

"Peter, I said she needs to—" he started saying before seeing the person on the intercom camera.

"I need to what, boy?! Say it to my face! You and I need to talk and you are not turning me away!" Constantine said, her face a mask of rage.

In the back, Alex could see the assistant, with her still slightly scarred face, holding Peter, with her hand around his throat with a menacing look at his neck.

"Fine. You want it to your face? Fuck off, Constantine! I don't want you near my home. Don't think I won't call in people to drag your sorry ass away," he threatened.

"Hah! As if the police would do anything to me!" she spat.

"Whomever talked about the police? The ones I'll call can deal with you. And if they aren't enough, then maybe you need a little refresher on what happened the last time you came? Or maybe ask your little bitch behind you?" Alex mocked, his face looking vicious.

Constantine gulped as the memory of her fall came back to mind.

But she didn't lay up.

"I'm serious, boy. We need to talk. Please." She asked, stepping on her pride.

Alex grit his teeth, wanting to refuse her with every fibre of his body. But she might know something they didn't...

While he stood there, feeling conflicted about this, he heard a conflagration behind him, and as he turned, he only saw a trail of fire leaving the balcony.

Peter was not about to try to find out...

"Spit it out, Constantine. Or I let Kary back down here, and you'll end up in an urn, if there is anything left of you," Alex threatened.

The woman's gaze snapped back into focus, and she glowered at him.

"Don't threaten me, boy. I'm still the one who holds power here. Who do you think will re-establish a connection to New Eden? You? Your pitiful friends?" she spat in disdain.

Alex huffed a laugh.

"You? Get real, woman. You came here, stepping on your pride to meet with me, because you don't know how to go back. You came here hoping I would. Am I wrong?" Alex said, as he started stepping toward her.

Given the current situation, he could easily figure out why she would come to him. If she knew how to reconnect their worlds, she would have already done so.

EG was bleeding money, and her reputation tanked faster than a snapped boat in an ocean storm.

Constantine clicked her tongue, annoyed.

"Fine, I'll talk. But not here. There are too many unwanted ears. Let's go up to your penthouse," Constantine said, walking back out from behind the reception desk.


She stopped, looking back at him.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no. We are not going up. You aren't stepping foot in my home ever again. I would rather kill you here, in front of people watching, then allow you in my home again.

"As for the woman waiting up there, she would also gladly incinerate you for what your assistant did last time. If you want to talk in private, I can arrange that. But not in my home."

The woman glared at him, her mind reeling from his audacity.

"You don't call the shots, boy!" she howled, stepping toward him, her skin suddenly glowing golden.

She had just about had it with his commanding attitude. She was the champion of Gaius, for crying out loud.

But, the next moment, her rage was sapped away and replaced by fear, as Alex appeared before her, eyes black and red, hand on her throat.

She could barely breathe, as Alex had almost completely crushed her throat already.

"You fucking annoying, obnoxious woman! I'm tired of being nice. You want to talk alone? You'll get what you want. That is, if you are able to talk while I pummel you into the ground."

The next second, Constantine felt a swirling feeling, and the scenery changed.

They were now in a cold and deserted plain, with rocks and puddles of water as their audience.

Alex had teleported them to the basin of James Bay, where he had slept that one night.

And he wasn't here to talk.

Throwing Constantine into a pillar of stone, he watched as she cannonball'd into it, slamming to a stop hard and coughing blood.

"You can huff and puff all you want here. No one will hear you. No one will see you. And above all, once I'm done with you, no one will ever find you. Let's see you talk your way out of this one."