On the other side, Bu Yuntian did not know where he was. His surroundings were completely dark and it just so happened that he was also dressed in black and had hidden himself in the dark, avoiding many patrolling guards.

The palace in front of them was lit up with sparks. Perhaps someone was inside. Bu Yuntian thought for a moment and then jumped into the yard.

Gu Moyan stood at the entrance of the hall and looked at the person who had suddenly appeared in front of her. He had already been in the palace for several days. Since he hadn't left, naturally no one had entered. Who could this person be?

Gu Moyan looked at him with a puzzled expression. His long black hair was unbound and draped over his shoulders, making him look extremely small.

He didn't know who he was, nor did he have a servant following him. In the winter, he was wearing only a plain white robe, but the thing that caught his attention the most was his pair of eyes, which were bright and spirited. He didn't expect that the incident would have such spotless eyes that were like glass. However, there was also a hint of sadness hidden within, causing people to want to go over and comfort him. That sort of emotion shouldn't have appeared on this person.

Bu Yuntian was startled for a moment and immediately shook off his impractical thoughts. How could he look into the palace and not know what kind of person he was? However, he was certain that this place was of no threat to him.

Bu Yuntian put away the dagger and pulled down the mask on his face. He quickly walked forward and clasped his hands at Gu Moyan, "I am Bu Yuntian. I don't want to hurt young master. May young master lend me your residence?"

Seeing that he didn't look like a bad person, Gu Moyan nodded and led him in. He closed the door and poured a cup of tea for Bu Yuntian, who was already sitting at the table. Young master Bu, you're dressing like this because you want to stay in the palace... "Assault?" Gu Moyan hesitated for a moment before asking. Although he had a pure mind, there must be someone chasing after him while he brazenly hid in his own palace.

Gu Moyan saw that he didn't answer and only looked at him. He slowly told him all the conjectures in his mind, "Young Master Bu was discovered? Then we'll hide in the Li Tang Palace. Do you want to borrow my hand to get out of the palace? "

"Young master is truly a wise man. If so, there's no need for me to say more. Now is not the time to explain myself. I can only ask young master if you agree. If you agree, then I will reward you handsomely in the future!" Bu Yuntian promised Gu Moyan.

"You also know that I have the ability to help you leave this palace?" Gu Mo Yan tilted his head, and the candlelight struck his face, making it look even better when matched with his puzzled eyes.

"May I ask, is Young Master Gu Fei Gu Moyan?" Bu Yuntian looked at him with a slight smile on his face. Even if he was outside, he had heard of the people living in the Li Tang Palace. This was the concubine that the current emperor doted on very much, if he didn't rely on Gu Moyan, wouldn't he be a fool?

Gu Moyan paused for a moment before softly replying. She spoke to Bu Yuntian in embarrassment, "Yes, but I don't know if the people outside will listen to my orders."

Just as he finished speaking, a sound came from outside. Bu Yuntian shooed and flicked his hand into the air. The oil lamp was extinguished in an instant, leaving everything in darkness.

The sound drew closer to the door.

"Are you stupid? "If Young Master Gu were to denounce us to the emperor tomorrow, we won't be able to bear the consequences. Would you dare to go in and search for him?"