400. The Black Wings and the White Doves – Resolution

400. The Black Wings and the White Doves – Resolution

“Their cerebrospinal fluids.” She answered, remembering how Scarlet Logic tried to siphon their spinal fluids moments before she broke down into a Corrupted.

“For what is a mystery. What isn’t a mystery is that Healers are Angels. Serum S is made from the fluids of an Angel’s Adam’s Apple. There is something of value in their CSF to the Impuritas.” Frost was enraged at the mere memory.

“... I would not have guessed it.” Knalzark admitted. “It must be a recent occurrence. This is the first time I’m hearing this.”

“It happened in the Frozen Springs too. With the resurging tech of Midas Company... It can’t be. Is this how they power it?” Beholder E. questioned. “The Valorem Extractor does not require the fluids of a healer as far as I am aware of. However, it is the Perched who can only operate them. Not myself...”

“You just answered your own question.” Descartes whispered, grinding her boots as through prepared to make a break for the door and begin a call to action. “They could be using Wandering Healers to use Midas Company’s Aspects. But that doesn’t make any sense. We didn’t detect anything abnormal until now. They follow Scripts to keep them in line. Justica Arms has Wayfarers to protect them... Can the Star Child speak?”

“I’m afraid not.” The Arbiter raised a hand.

“The Piece of the Fallen Star might have done something to them.” Descartes uttered.

“D3. D5. D8 and D13.” Beholder E. revealed. “Four have abruptly disappeared. “... D1 may be what enabled them in the first place. We have still yet to recover her after all.”

“D1?” Jury asked for clarification.

“The first Wandering Healer. Shortly after Midas Company’s liquidation. If the theory holds true, then D1 must be enabling them unwillingly. At least we can only believe this to be the truth...”

The Nexus shook. Healers were going to be turned into the equivalent of living batteries. If this was true... if D1 was truly the source of the Impuritas’ ability to utilize Midas Company’s power, then she could only imagine the horrors that she was subjected to at every living second.

“... was there nothing that could have been done to prevent this from happening in the first place...? No one learned from the lesson of leaving those healers alone? A single Wayfarer wasn’t enough. And yet you offer juvenile Wayfarers to protect my healers?”

Frost nodded.

“I do. I’m closer to them than regular healers are to me. I therefore know their strengths. I suspect that their tendency to try to help others hasn’t changed?”

“Not at all. I believe that is what frustrates them the most.” Galia confirmed.

“Then they’ll be the perfect vessel of my knowledge. You may not be aware of this, but we have a found a cure to the Healer’s Crutch. Unfortunately, it is not something that healers can do as they lack the physical strength to apply my technique to a wide range of victims. Not to mention that they wouldn’t inflict a hair of harm to anyone.”

Frost declared, her news surprising all as Galia became intrigued. She knew that this knowledge of hers must have come from Earth.

“I have my Claw – Ber to thank for being the first to aid in our technique. It requires electricity to stabilize them. Depending on the voltage the person will take damage. Resistance will also vary. Therefore, injury is a requirement. Serums will keep the person alive until the procedure is complete. We can create Atelier Items suited for the role. But that is not all I have in plan for them.

They must be able to fight. I want them to express their rage. I am therefore offering them an opportunity of a cathartic role that goes against everything they once knew. I want them to strike fear into those that oppose me outside of the Ateliers. To strike terror into Syndicates, and to be a serve as a supporting force for those that require healers in a combat scenario. Regular healers will not be sent to dangerous areas.”

And for the first time, Frost had come up with a fitting name for these ‘healers.’

“But my Black Wings will. They’ll be an extension of my wrath, whereas the White Doves will be my mercy. Now then. Our resolution has reached its end. Do we all agree?”

It went without saying that they would rather have the healers under the wings of the Amalgam. There were some uncertainties with Marionette being able to supply them with Quality X cloth, but she had at least promised to offer however much was possible.

The Black Dove’s roost had reached new heights, and she could not wait for this Council to finish.

There was much to do.