Episode 78: Chimera Rice and the Secret Bookshelf

“Yes, we’re done.”

Foka-san informs Risou-san, who was injured in the battle with the Chimera, that the treatment is complete.

“Sorry, Saint.”

“You’re welcome.”

Foka-san accepts Risou-san’s gratitude with a smile.

“Well, now we have to do something about this.”

Ramise-san drinks a mana potion to replenish her depleted magic power and points to the defeated Chimera.

“It was quite strong, so the materials should fetch a good price.”

Well, its regenerative ability was decent, but I don’t think it was that great of a Chimera.

“Heavenly Demon Magic, the priority for the share goes to the boy.”

Rodi-san interjects something to Ramise-san.

“I understand.”

“Um, what is priority?”

I raise a voice of doubt at the unfamiliar word.

“What? You don’t know, kid!?”

For some reason, not only Rodi-san, but also Foka-san and Risou-san widen their eyes.

“Priority is the right to claim the desired materials from a jointly defeated monster, based on the person who contributed the most.”

Ramise-san explains about priority like a teacher to the students.

“Oh, I see. I didn’t know there was such a rule.”

“You really didn’t know?”

Rodi-san looks at me with a bewildered expression.

“Well, I mostly hunted alone, and even when I formed a team, I usually defeated monsters by myself.”

I guess that rule is only applied when dealing with significantly strong monsters.

“Before this rule was established, there were many malicious adventurers who would hide in safe places and only join the fight after the monster weakened.”

“But due to the frequent troubles caused by that, the guild established the rule of priority, and since then, everyone actively comes forward to gain priority during joint hunts, resulting in a drastic reduction in the number of troubles.”

Foka-san and Risou-san supplement Ramise-san’s explanation. But yes, that way we can fairly share valuable materials.

“Sometimes you don’t know strange things.”

“Sorry, I’m just a country bumpkin.”

“That’s not the issue, I think…”

“Well, anyway, the priority for the materials of this Chimera belongs to the boy. Which part do you want… huh?”

Rodi-san points to the Chimera and… stops. We also look towards the Chimera, and notice that there is something strange on top of it.

It is white and fluffy, and its back looks very familiar. And it’s swaying on top of the Chimera… no, it’s gradually sinking? No, it’s not sinking, it’s eating the flesh of the Chimera!?

“What are you doing!?”


In response to my voice, it turns around as if saying, “Did you call me?” Seeing its appearance, I unintentionally let out a surprised voice.

“Hey, aren’t you Mofumofu!?”


I thought it looked similar, but it really is Mofumofu!?

“What is it? Do you know? Is it a Big Game Eater!?”

Risou-san asks me what that thing is. It looks harmless with its fluffy appearance, so I’m not sure if it’s okay to point a sword at it.

“Um… is it… my… pet, perhaps?”

“Why are you asking in a questioning tone?”


Or rather, why is Mofumofu here?

“More importantly, did you follow us?”


That’s right! Mofumofu raises its paw.

“Hey, this place is really dangerous. Only S-rank adventurers are allowed here, you know?”


Is that so? Mofumofu tilts its head. And then it immediately goes back to eating the Chimera’s flesh as if nothing happened.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to eat that!”

I peel Mofumofu off the Chimera’s flesh, and although it struggles to eat it, it eventually gives up and droops its legs.

“By the way, what kind of creature is this? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Ramise-san’s curiosity is piqued, and she points at Mofumofu and asks. Oh no, don’t bite Ramise-san’s finger.

“I’m not exactly sure either, but I think it’s a monster’s child since it was born from an egg I found in the center of the Monster Forest.”

“Is this a monster? A creature that looks like a harmless ball of fluff with no trace of tension?”

“Oh my, it’s so cute.”

Ramise-san looks doubtful if it’s really a monster, while Foka-san admires Mofumofu like a stuffed animal.

“Don’t let your guard down, that creature is capable of hunting A-rank monsters for some reason.”

Rodi-san warns the two.

“This is an A-rank monster? You must be joking.”

Oh, come to think of it, Mofumofu participated in the match with Rodi-san before and spat out a nucleus stone larger than Rodi-san’s prey.


“Sorry, my Mofumofu ate the meat without permission, so I’ll take the meat as my priority.”

Well, it’s my responsibility as the owner.

“Well, if it’s just meat, it should be fine. Besides, we don’t know what the meat of the Chimera is used for as ingredients anyway.”

Rodi-san reassures us.

“Indeed, and we’ll bury or burn the unnecessary parts anyway. So even if the pet nibbles on some, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Ramise-san agrees with Rodi-san’s words.

“Yes, that’s right. Even though it’s a life distorted by evil deeds, if this Chimera can become nourishment to raise a monster child, then it’s a blessing.”

Foka-san, from her position as a priest, also acknowledges it.

“Well then, everyone has given their permission, so take whichever part you want.”

Finally, the leader Risou-san gives his permission. Everyone is so kind.

“Thank you. Then I’ll take one of the front claws.”

“The claw of the Chimera, huh? With this size, it can be used as a weapon even if it’s carved. It’s a fair reward.”

Alright, with the leader’s permission and getting the Chimera’s claw!

“So, now that everyone has given their permission, you can eat the meat. But don’t eat anything other than the meat, as we’ll use them as materials.”


Mofumofu understands! It raises its paw and dives into the pile of offal like a monster.

“Looking at it like this, even monster children are cute.”

Foka-san watches Mofumofu’s meal scene with a smile, but its white fur is dyed red from eating raw meat.

“Is… that cute?”

Rodi-san looks at Mofumofu, tilting his head.

“Well then, let’s collect the materials. Since this Chimera was the territory of other monsters, we don’t see any other creatures around. Let’s take the materials of this one as a souvenir.”

I see, so we’ll make this Chimera a result of our ruins exploration.

“Now, with this size, I wonder how much can fit in the magic bag.”

Ramise-san takes out a small bag from her robe.

“Oh, so Heavenly Demon Magic’s husband also has a magic bag?”

Rodi-san also takes out a small bag from his pocket.

“Hmph, if you’re an S-rank adventurer, it’s only natural to have a magic bag, regardless of its capacity.”

Saying that, Ramise-san looks at us.

“Yes, I have one too. Although mine is borrowed from the church. I often have opportunities to obtain rare herbs and such, so it’s useful.”

“The stingy church lending valuable magic items to adventurers without a guarantee of returning alive shows how important the existence of a saint is to the church.”

“I’m not that great of a woman.”

“That’s enough idle talk. Let’s start dismantling.”

At Risou-san’s command, we start dismantling the Chimera in silence. With its large size, it would take forever if we didn’t all work together.

“Hey, furball, you can eat this offal too!”


With Risou-san’s permission, Mofumofu happily jumps into the pile of offal. Well, I’ll wash Mofumofu after we finish dismantling.

“That should be it.”

After dismantling the Chimera, we stretch and loosen our bodies.

“Water Pressure!”

Ramise-san uses a high-pressure water magic to clean the Chimera’s materials. The high-pressure water not only washes away the blood but also cleans off any clinging meat.

“You have a convenient magic, Heavenly Demon Magic.”

“Heh, I’ve traveled through ancient ruins and studied Lost Magic for a reason. Attack magic can be used in this way too.”

Ah, high-pressure water magic is really convenient. It can clean walls and floors, and even drive away rioters. It’s quite versatile.

“Oh, by the way, please clean Mofumofu too.”

“Understood… but isn’t it gross to clean a living creature!?”

Ramise, who had Mofumofu thrown into the materials, exclaimed in surprise, but Mofumofu itself was happily receiving the high-pressure water that hit it.


And while humming a tune, it rolled around and cleaned off the dirt.

“No way, right? It’s a magic that can blow away an Ogre’s huge body, right!?”

Ah, if it’s Mofumofu, it’s fine with the water pressure that can blow away an Ogre.

And now that the Chimera materials and Mofumofu are clean, we dry them with a magic of warm air and store them in everyone’s magic bags.

“Sorry, my magic bag is already full.”

Rodi-san declares that he can no longer fit in.

“Mine is also full.”

“Me too.”

Foka-san and Risou-san also declare that their magic bags are full.

“With this size, I wonder if even the magic bags can’t fit.”

“Hmph, your bags don’t have much capacity. My bag can still fit more.”

As expected of an expert in ruins exploration, Ramise’s magic bag has a larger capacity than everyone else’s. To safely take out valuable items in dangerous places, it’s best to bring a magic bag with a larger capacity than to make multiple trips.

And so, we pack the remaining materials into my and Ramise’s magic bags.

“The boy’s magic bag has quite a capacity.”

“No, it’s not that big of a deal.”

But since it’s a magic bag made from existing materials, I’m not very confident in its capacity.

“Hmm, is that the limit?”

And Ramise’s magic bag also becomes full.

“Too bad, we’ll have to leave the rest behind. Well, the monsters probably won’t be interested in bones or scales anyway.”

“Ramise, if you want, you can still put some in my magic bag.”


Ramise shows a surprised expression, but in reality, my magic bag is only using less than half of its capacity.

“Hey, how much can that magic bag of yours hold!?”

“Huh? Well, with these Chimera materials, I think it can hold a few hundred bodies?”


When I answered Ramise’s question, everyone for some reason looked at me with surprised faces.

“I-I can’t believe it! My magic bag has the largest capacity among all the ones excavated so far!”

Huh? The largest capacity? I think that capacity is just average for commercially available magic bags.

“No, no, compared to military magic bags, it’s not that big of a capacity.”

Yeah, compared to military magic bags, which usually store several years’ worth of supplies, my magic bag’s capacity is quite small.

“…Well, I guess the capacity doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s best if we can take everything back.”

“…Yeah, that’s true.”

Rodi-san’s words are agreed upon by Risou-san. I don’t really understand, but if everyone is satisfied, then it’s fine.

“Alright, now let’s dispose of the leftover meat and offal… huh?”

Rodi-san, who stood up, tilts his head.

“What’s wrong, Seiran?”

“Well, where did the meat and offal go?”


Upon hearing Rodi-san’s words, we also look around. But we couldn’t find any of the Chimera meat or offal. All that was there was the blood that flowed during the dissection.


Naturally, everyone’s gaze gathers on Mofumofu.


What’s wrong with Mofumofu? It looks at us as if asking.

“Could it be that you ate everything?”


Mofumofu proudly replies that it did indeed eat everything.

“You ate… everything!?”

Even the S-rank adventurers were surprised by this. Well, I was surprised too.

“I can’t believe it, where did all that meat go in that body!?”

“Well, it seems like it eats a lot.”

“Saintess, I don’t think that’s the issue here.”

“This monster is really strange.”

Hmm, I never thought it would eat everything.

“Were you really that hungry?”

“It’s not a matter of being hungry! What the hell is that monster!?”

Ramise seems to be very curious about Mofumofu’s species. Well, I’m curious too. What kind of species are you, really?

After collecting the Chimera materials, we washed away the blood in the courtyard and resumed our exploration. If we leave it as it is, other monsters might be attracted by the smell of blood.

“There don’t seem to be any monsters around here.”

Foka-san’s words were correct. Unlike the courtyard, there were no monsters in the buildings further inside. When we checked with detection magic for monster reactions, something strange became apparent.

“Strange, there are monster reactions around here, but no signs of movement.”

“No signs of movement?”

Hearing that the monster reactions were not moving, Risou-san was puzzled.

“It’s too dark to say for sure, but it’s not the time when monsters would be sleeping, right?”

“Yeah, but the monsters detected by magic aren’t moving.”

Strictly speaking, the monsters inside the building beyond the courtyard, that is. The monster reactions near the entrance we entered were still moving. But the monsters in this area, for some reason, showed no signs of movement, as if time had stopped.

“Maybe these monsters have been trained.”


My words piqued Risou-san’s interest.

“Yeah, it’s related to the incident of the knight order’s attempted rebellion.”

Rodi-san claps his hands.

“What’s the attempted rebellion incident?”

Foka-san, who seems to be unaware of that incident, tilts her head.

“Don’t you know, Saintess? There was a large-scale monster subjugation around the capital of this country before. The monsters that were subjugated were obedient to the orders of the knight order, which they secretly raised.”

“Wow! They were able to control monsters like that!?”

Foka-san, a priestess who serves the gods, finds it hard to believe that monsters that harm humans would obey human orders. But well, there are actually people who raise monsters and make them listen to their commands, like the profession of a monster tamer. My Mofumofu, for example, is a bit selfish but still listens to me.

“Monsters that obey human orders, huh. I think there was research on such monsters during the ancient civilization era.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, it seems like it was a technology developed for the battle against demons.”

Ah, now that you mention it, there was someone in the old research facility who was conducting similar research. I didn’t know the details because we were in different departments, but my boss used to say, “Magic items and magic research are much safer and more practical than researching dangerous monsters and chimeras! That’s why our department is superior!” I feel like personal feelings got mixed in at some point, but well, it’s an old story.

And so, after finishing the collection of materials, we continued our exploration after washing away the blood in the courtyard. If we leave it as it is, other monsters might be attracted by the smell of blood.

“It would have been nice to have a magic item.”

“You can’t expect to have a magic item conveniently.”

“It seems like this storage area has become useless over the years. There are no shelves with storage magic, and no magic bags. It seems to be a place for storing insignificant items. Well, let’s go back to the previous fork in the road.”

Since we didn’t find anything valuable, we gave up and decided to go back along the corridor. But I had a strange feeling about this corridor.

“Why did they bother making a separate room for the storage area?”

It would have been better to have one large room. And it’s also strange that the two rooms span across the corridor. I touched the wall at the dead end between the two rooms and lightly tapped it.


And I felt a strange sensation in response to the sound, so I tapped the floor to confirm the oddity.

“What’s wrong, kid? Are we going back?”

Rodi-san, who was puzzled by my actions of not going back, called out to me.

“Please go back first. I’ll catch up soon.”

“Did you find something?”

“Not yet… Ah!”

Once again, as I searched the wall, I noticed that a certain part of the wall was unnaturally loose. However, there were no gaps or protrusions on the flat wall.

But I could feel the looseness in that part with my touch. I pushed the loose part, and I heard a heavy sound of something moving. And in the next moment, the white wall slid sideways, revealing a door from within.

“Wha-what is this!?”

Rodi-san, who witnessed the whole thing, exclaimed in surprise.

“What happened?… Oh! What is that door!?”

Hearing the sound, Risou-san and the others, who had returned, also exclaimed in surprise.

“It seems that there was a switch hidden by illusion magic that moves the wall.”

A double concealment, hiding the inner room with a physical wall and only concealing the area around the wall switch with illusion magic. It seems that the owner of this ruins really wanted to hide this room.

“To discover a hidden door, is the boy knowledgeable in thief techniques as well?”

“How much knowledge has he learned at such a young age!?”

“And he’s a divine child too.”


Rodi-san and the others praise me a lot, but compared to the people who taught me these skills, the skills I’ve learned are really nothing special.

“Oh no, my skills are just imitations of top-notch techniques. I was trained to be able to do everything from production, processing, combat, exploration, to healing alone, just in case I had to go on a long solo mission.”

“No, no, I don’t think that’s just ‘just in case’ level.”

Huh? I don’t think so. Being able to do everything alone is just being a jack of all trades. The people who taught me things also said that I’m just passable.

“Hmm, I feel a difference in perception between you and Big Game Eater. Having such skills clearly isn’t normal.”

“Who on earth are the people who taught the boy?”

To put it modestly, they’re demons. They’re all useless people. Well, I’m not ungrateful though.

“Being able to do so many things, you must be a divine child after all!”

No, I’m telling you, I’m not a divine child.

“Anyway, let’s go inside.”

After confirming with detection magic that there were no monsters inside the room, we entered the room.

“W-What is this!?”

Ramise-san exclaimed in surprise. Inside the hidden room were shelves filled with books, packed tightly together.

“This is… a library!?”

Yes, as Ramise-san said, it was indeed a library.

“Are all of these books!? It’s quite spacious!”

Judging from the light magic, the size of this library is about 30 meters wide and 40 meters deep. In terms of the scale of the library in my past life, it’s decent.

But Ramise-san is saying it’s quite spacious, so I guess not many people read books in this era?

“So the contents of the hidden room are a library. Quite a fancy hidden room.”

Rodi-san whistled while searching for books that could be valuable.

“Are these ancient texts!? Hmm, it’s a language I’ve never seen before. It’s not the ancient language I know? Could this be a relic of an even older civilization!?”

Ramise-san immediately became engrossed in the books on the shelves. But what kind of characters are the ancient languages that Ramise-san, an S-rank adventurer and researcher, doesn’t know?

Curious, I looked at the shelves and searched for a suitable book.

“Let’s see, a field guide to monster ecology… I guess this will do.”

I randomly picked up a book and started flipping through it.

“Hmm, a hypothetical paper about the king of monsters, who should theoretically exist.”

A hypothesis about the existence of a being that can rival dragons, the apex predators of the monster ecosystem. It’s an interesting story, examining ancient ruins, local legends, and the habitats of monsters that once existed.


When I looked up from the book, for some reason Ramise-san was staring at me with her mouth wide open.

“What’s wrong, Ramise-san?”

“Can you read that!?”

Huh? Oh, come to think of it, I could read it just fine.

“Yes, I can read it.”

“Then try reading this!”

Saying that, Ramise-san handed me a book.

“Let’s see, it says ‘Nutritional Science of Monster Ingredients’.”

Well, it’s a common study, isn’t it? The idea that strong monster meat must be nutritious.

“So you can read that ancient language!”

Well, not that I can read it, but it was my mother tongue in my past life.

“With such skills, do you also have deep knowledge of ancient civilizations!?”

Lisou-san was wide-eyed, wondering if there were still more hidden talents.

“You’re knowledgeable in academics too, I still think you’re a divine child!”

Oh no, Foka-san brought up that topic again. I’m telling you, I’m not a divine child!

“Hmph, as expected of a young boy. But don’t show off your hidden talents too much. It’s a bit discouraging.”

Please don’t be discouraged, Rodi-san!

“But I have my beloved women who support me! I’m not losing in that aspect!”

Ah, he’s quite energetic, this person.

“Anyway, can you read this? The grammar is subtly different from this book, so is this a different language? Or is my translation wrong?”

Saying that, he handed me a book with the same title, “Nutritional Science of Monster Ingredients,” written on the cover. At first glance, they looked the same… but as I peeked inside, I could somewhat understand Ramise-san’s question.

“Ah, this one is written in the northern dialect.”

“In the ancient language… a dialect!?”

A dialect or accent, I guess. Ah, it brings back memories. There was a time when the relationship between a person from the northern region and a person from the southern region in the same research lab became strained, and we were all wondering what happened. It turned out that their conversation didn’t match because of their accents. We were all surprised that the conversation had been going smoothly until then.

Lost in a moment of nostalgia, Ramise-san was trembling.

“What a blunder! If there is a concept of nation in ancient civilizations, it’s only natural that there would be accents depending on the region! Why didn’t I realize that!”

Saying that, Ramise-san snatched the book from me and sat on the floor, completely absorbed in reading. She even took out paper and ink from her magic bag, completely in research mode.

“That’s right! This text must be written in dialects and regional accents! In that case, the meaning of this accent is…”

Unable to understand the meaning of the dialect written in the book, Ramise-san once again held her head in frustration.


I checked the genre labels written on the bookshelves and searched for the book I was looking for.

“Ah, here it is. Ramise-san, this seems to be the standard version.”

I handed Ramise-san the newly translated version of “Nutritional Science of Monster Ingredients.”

“Oh! This is a book written in ancient language, or rather, the standard version! I’m grateful!”

Ramise-san, who obtained the newly translated version, compared it with the original version with great joy.

“Oh, I understand! I understand! So, many of the characters I couldn’t read before were written in ancient dialects, accents, or foreign languages!”

She’s literally jumping for joy. Well, generally, translation magic is a form of telepathy magic that conveys what the other person wants to say, so translating written text requires a different type of magic. I also struggled to translate the characters of demons.

“Well, Heavenly Demon Magic doesn’t seem to be working yet. Let’s eat first!”

Lisou-san looked at Ramise-san with a bewildered expression.

“Well, it’s about time. Let’s spend the night in this library.”

Following Lisou-san’s instructions, the rest of us, except Ramise-san and Foka-san, checked the safety of the library.

“With detection magic, there are no signs of monsters inside or outside the library.”

“I checked with my own eyes, there were no Mimics or Floor Eaters either.”

“Same here. It’s fortunate that the monsters on this side didn’t move either.”

Indeed, if the monsters stayed in one place and didn’t move, it would be very convenient for camping.

“However, we won’t be able to light a fire if we sleep near the books.”

Ah, in that sense, it might be a bit inconvenient. I think it’s probably fireproof, but if we were to light a fire inside, the security golems might start attacking, so there’s a risk.

We decided to have a simple dinner with portable food.

“Here, it’s just soup made by soaking dried meat in hot water.”

I used water magic to produce hot water and made a simple dried meat soup. Well, I just put the meat in hot water, so it’s really just that.

“Water magic that produces hot water is so convenient. I envy you, big sister.”

Foka-san seems to be very interested in the magic that produces hot water.

“If you’d like, I can teach you. Since you can use healing magic, it should be easy for you to learn this kind of magic.”

“Oh, really? Such rare knowledge of magic is very valuable, isn’t it?”

“No, this kind of magic is not that rare. Some people just choose not to learn it because it’s more practical to buy magic items with the same effect. In fact, it’s mainly housewives and people from the past who bother to learn such magic.”

“I see! I thought that magic users start with simple magic and practice.”

Actually, young people surprisingly don’t bother learning magic that is convenient for daily life. If they can just buy a magic item with the same effect, they would rather do that. It’s mainly housewives and people from the past who bother to learn such magic.

“Heavenly Demon Magic… seems to be useless for now. Let’s eat before it gets cold!”


While Riso-san called out, Ramise-san was absorbed in deciphering the book. Come to think of it, this era is ancient compared to when I was alive. It’s surprising that books written in ordinary language are considered ancient language.


And there, I noticed something.


After finishing my meal, I began to investigate the genres written on the bookshelves.

“There are quite a few books here that are biased.”

It seems that the contents of this library consist mostly of books related to monsters. Perhaps this ruins is a research facility for studying monsters.

“There it is.”

What I was looking for was a bookshelf containing books about history.

“Maybe here…”

Maybe here, there might be books written about the history after my previous life, such as the collapse of the Great Inner Sea and the Sky Continent. In other words, it’s a chance for me to learn about a history I don’t know. As expected, the books on the bookshelf were mostly about the history of monsters, but I discovered a book written after the time I was alive.

“The white calamity that appeared from beyond… the golden claw that shattered the great war of the demon beasts? It’s quite abstract. Let’s look at other books.”

I opened several more books and researched about the history after my death and the existence of the white calamity. And what I found out was…

“It seems that a powerful monster appeared during the battle against the demons, causing the battle to become unresolved.”

I continued reading more books.

“Neither the magic of creating a new sea on the land nor the magic of the demons that shattered the sky continent worked…”

Hm? Could this be referring to the Great Inner Sea and the Sky Continent? I wish it was explained from a more objective perspective.

Somehow, the books about the future era were written with a subjective perspective, or rather, they were strangely emotional. Well, I could sense that the authors who wrote these books were extremely excited.

For now, I understood that the Great Inner Sea and the Sky Continent were created due to intensifying wars. In that case, the Monster Forest was probably born for the same reason. But what is this white calamity? There are indeed some white monsters that come to mind, but were there really such strong monsters that could be called a calamity?

Is it a powerful monster lurking somewhere in this world, or is it a monster that came from the demon world? It’s certain that this creature called the white calamity had a significant impact on the battle against the demons.

And in the last book, which described the research conducted in this laboratory, there was this description at the end.

“We have successfully obtained a part of the white calamity’s body. With this, we will be able to obtain means to counter the white calamity. At that time, even the demons will no longer be our enemies.”

Hmm, it seems that the purpose of this laboratory was to search for means to counter the white calamity.


And as I was engrossed in the book, Mofumofu clung to my feet.

“Come to think of it, you’re also a white monster, aren’t you?”

But well, there’s no way this little guy is the white calamity. It’s because it’s so small and can’t even compare to me.


“Hey, stop biting the hem of my pants!”


When I lightly tapped its head, Mofumofu apologized and showed its belly. Yeah, there’s no doubt that this little one is not the white calamity. There’s no trace of wildness in it either.