Nido Tensei Chapter 106

Episode 106: Army of Destruction

“Then I will also go out to fight the Silver Dragon!”

It was a little while after the battle with the monsters began beyond the castle walls. Lune suddenly said such a thing.

“The Silver Dragon?”

“Yes! I made a contract with the Silver Dragon and became a Dragon Knight!”

“Huh? When did that happen?”

The only time Lune had any contact with the Silver Dragon was when we went to Dragon’s Peak for training together. We had been together ever since, until we returned to this town and everyone fell asleep and woke up the next day in this situation. When exactly did Lune make a contract with the Silver Dragon?

“Huh? Of course, it was after I fought the Silver Dragon!”

After fighting the Silver Dragon? But we didn’t do any special ceremony yesterday, did we?

“Lord Dragon… I mean, Master Rex also came to this town riding the Golden Dragon, so it means he is already contracted, right? Dragons don’t let anyone who is not contracted ride on their backs.”

Huh? But the Golden Dragon we defeated just laid down and let us ride on it.

“Um, how did you make a contract with the Silver Dragon?”

“Huh? Why do you ask such a thing…? No, it’s what Master Rex said, so there must be a deep intention behind it. Um, well, we Dragon Knights make a contract by shaving the horns of the dragon we have defeated without taking its life, and taking care of its body. For dragons, only their family takes care of their horns and scales. So, when a human takes care of them, it means that the dragon recognizes us as its family. And if you focus on the horn you have taken from the dragon, you can call the dragon.”

Oh, I see. I knew that dragons only let their family take care of their scales, but I didn’t know that it had that meaning when a human takes care of them.

“Ah, speaking of which, when I first met the Golden Dragon the other day, its horns and scales were so messy and dazzling that I shaved them off to reduce the brightness. Oh, I see, that must have been the contract of a Dragon Knight.”


Lune’s words were confusing to me, and I tilted my head in confusion.

“It seems that I unknowingly made a contract as a Dragon Knight.”


“…So, that’s how you make a contract as a Dragon Knight.”

“…Um, so, Rex, Master, you really didn’t know the contract method of a Dragon Knight? That, um, Dragon Emperor… right?”

Lune asked with a pale face, cutting her words word by word.

“No, I just found out today. And I’m not the Dragon Emperor. I’m just an unrelated person who happened to learn the Dragon Emperor’s Sky Spear Technique.”

Nevertheless, it’s surprising that the contract method of a Dragon Knight is such a simple thing. My doubts from my previous life have been resolved! Well, reincarnation isn’t so bad!


Ri? What’s that?

“I’ve spilled the secrets of the Dragon Knights!”

“Ah, yeah, there are people like that.”

It’s okay, there were quite a few people like that in my previous life and the life before that.

“Wh-What should I do?! I’ll be scolded by my father!”

Well, anyway, it seems that I have become a Dragon Knight without even realizing it. Well, since I have the chance, I should try calling the Golden Dragon too. Um, I think I just have to hold the horn and concentrate.

“Come! Golden Dragon!!”

“Wh-What is this!?”

I was perplexed. Originally, the horde of monsters we commanded was supposed to overwhelm the human army with overwhelming numbers. But reality was not like that.

“What!? What is the strength of these humans!?”

Yes, the humans were strong. They were able to withstand all the attacks from the monsters we sent with their clumsy shields and armor, and pierced the bodies of the monsters with their meager swords and spears.

But the monsters were not just ordinary monsters. We had chosen only powerful monsters that exceeded at least B-rank according to human standards to serve as our vanguard.

And yet, the humans, with less than a hundred people, were holding off our invasion. No, they were not just holding off, they seemed to be pushing us back.

The monsters that were torn apart just now were proud monsters with scales so tough that ordinary weapons would break before them! And yet, they were easily torn apart as if cutting through butter!

And the multi-headed snake monster that was rampaging over there, even though it was feared and called an immortal monster by humans due to its high regenerative ability, it was defeated by the humans without showing any signs of healing the wounds inflicted by them.

Ah, stop it! Those monsters are powerful monsters that we captured to serve as our main force! Ah, they’re dead…

“What is this…? What is happening…!?”

It’s not just the humans, the Dragon Emperors and Dragon Knights are also breaking through the encirclement of monsters by commanding the dragons, attacking with their breaths, and thinning the thickness of the encirclement.

“This is bad, this is bad! At this rate, our army will be annihilated by the humans!”

What our comrade said is true. This is far from destroying the human town!

“Don’t panic!”

With a shout, the member of the wise clan who played the role of decision-making and calming the situation silenced the restless crowd.

“There is no need to panic. Look at the battlefield, the difference in numbers is overwhelming. So no matter how hard they fight, in the end, they will run out of strength and fall. The physical strength of humans is far weaker compared to us.”

“B-But what about the Dragon Emperor? What if the Golden Dragon, commanded by the Dragon Emperor, calls the other dragons? Then the difference in numbers might be equalized.”

Indeed, the concern of our comrade is valid. Dragon breaths are troublesome enough. Just now, a part of the horde of monsters was blown away by the breath of the Golden Dragon.

“There is no need to worry about that either. Dragons only obey those who have defeated them. Even though the Golden Dragon is on the battlefield, the only companion is the Silver Dragon. It is probably because there are not enough Dragon Knights who can command dragons.”

I see, it makes sense that there are no other dragons if you think about it that way.

“As expected of the descendant of the wise clan…”

In the past, we demons suffered great damage from the appearance of the legendary White Calamity. Even in the battle against humans, we were already exhausted, but the appearance of the White Calamity was decisive. Many warriors lost their lives in the battle against the White Calamity, and many sorcerers who tried to study and use it were destroyed by the wrath of the White Calamity.

As a result, the power of us demons was greatly reduced, and many of those who possessed knowledge were lost in the battle against the White Calamity, causing a loss of much knowledge and technology. However, not all the knowledge left by our predecessors was lost.

There were those who tried to revive the knowledge that remained in the form of literature and magic items over a long period of time. That is the wise clan. And now, we demons have obtained the ability to command monsters through the knowledge revived by the wise clan, and that is why we are attacking the human town.

The members of the wise clan are not just restorers of knowledge for us demons. Due to their possession of the knowledge accumulated in the history of past battles, they can also conduct strategic command considering the ecology of the enemy. It is natural that the members of the wise clan with their natural wisdom have taken on the role of our leaders.

“We can leave the human warriors to the monsters. Our goal from the beginning is only the Dragon Emperor. Once we dispose of the Dragon Emperor, the humans will be left without support, just a rabble.”

“That’s right, even if the dragons are with them or the humans fight unexpectedly well, we have a vast number of monsters. Humans are not worth fearing!”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

With the words of our comrade from the wise clan, the shaken comrades regained their fighting spirit. They are really simple-minded, even though they are our comrades.

But now that the anxiety is gone, we can watch the progress of the battle with peace of mind. Yes, the number of monsters is overwhelming. It’s impossible to think that we can fight against such a large number of monsters.

When I checked from above, the area around the gate was in fierce battle. The members of the local militia and adventurers who rushed out were engaged in a fierce battle with the monsters.

While instructing the Golden Dragon to attack the middle of the monster encirclement with its breath so as not to involve our allies, I used wind magic to pick up the sounds on the ground and confirm the progress of the battle.

“Wow! This equipment is amazing! It doesn’t look good, but it can withstand the attacks of the monsters!”

“And this weapon easily pierces through the iron skin of that Armor Buffalo!?”

“This! Can I… sell it after the battle!? Is that possible!?”

“Oh! That sounds good! Hey!”

That’s good, even though I made the equipment hastily, it seems to be useful.

“Huff… huff… But still, there are so many monsters. How many have we defeated?”

“I’ve defeated at least 20. Haha, I’m amazing. I can become an S-rank adventurer now.”,”You’re too naive. I’ve defeated over 30. And this high-level enchantment magic is amazing. With this much enhancement, I feel like a completely different person.”

Yeah, adventurers use area enchantment magic to temporarily enhance their bodies before the battle. This should help alleviate the disadvantage in numbers to some extent.

“But why are adventurers so happy with makeshift equipment made from lower-level dragon materials like Green Dragons and Blue Dragons?”

Even if they’re beginner adventurers, I think they should be able to prepare better equipment.

“Oh, could it be that they sent their equipment for maintenance before the battle and only had low-quality backup equipment?”

If that’s the case, I can understand why they would be happy with the makeshift equipment I provided. And honestly, adventurers are amazing to be able to overwhelm so many monsters with such equipment. They must be skilled in fighting even in disadvantageous situations.

“But even though we’ve defeated so many, it doesn’t feel like the numbers have decreased at all.”

Currently, there are about 100 people fighting outside. Including those who were attacking with bows and magic from the top of the defensive wall, and those who were commanding from above, there are about 140 people, but of course, not everyone is fighting.

Some people are attacking from the top of the defensive wall in order to reduce the number of monsters away from the gate. And there are also reserve members who will take over when everyone gets tired or unexpected troubles occur.

“But… I’m getting quite tired… It’s about time to switch.”

Oops, it seems like everyone’s stamina is reaching its limit.

“I’ll heal you! Area Refresh! Area Heal!”

I descend the Golden Dragon above everyone and use area stamina recovery magic and area healing magic to heal the adventurers and the guards of the self-defense force.

“Oh, what’s this!? My fatigue disappeared! Did that dragon heal us!?”

“Not only did it heal us, but it feels like our strength has increased! Does the Dragon Emperor use this kind of magic!?”

No, I’m not the Dragon Emperor.

“With this, we should be able to fight for a while longer. Let’s do our best!”

“Understood, Dragon Emperor!!”

Everyone in the self-defense force, stop saluting and start fighting!

And at that moment, attacks from magic and a large number of arrows were launched from the top of the defensive wall.

“Oh!? Is this support!? But don’t they run out of arrows and magic?”

The adventurers are surprised that the support from their allies has resumed.

“It seems like the backup arrows have been completed.”

Yeah, after I made a certain number of backup weapons using dragon materials, I was asked to make arrows as well, which are consumables. Since it takes time to assemble them like the shields, I decided to gather the materials before assembling them.

I immediately went to the lumberyard and cut all the firewood and wood that was supposed to be used as building materials in the store, and prepared thousands of arrow shafts. I also quickly made feather decorations. Then, I took the materials to the blacksmith’s workshop and hastily made arrowheads.

Well, I ran out of iron, so I ended up using fragments of dragon scales to make the arrows. The blacksmiths seemed to think it was a waste, but when I told them that it’s like nothing compared to the scales of Green Dragons and Blue Dragons, they made a strange face.

However, since I made them in a hurry, the quality is a bit low. But there are so many monsters, so as long as they can be used as a deterrent, it should be enough. And as an emergency measure this time, I also applied a hit correction formula with an enchantment magic, so there should be no problem with accuracy.

“Hey, what’s with these arrows!? They pierce through the monsters all the way to the base of the feathers!”

“Whoa!? Ever since I started using these arrows, they hit exactly where I aim!”

“Amazing! I’ve been hitting the monsters’ foreheads with consecutive shots and killing them!”

“Hey, these arrows are great! I want to buy them in batches of 100! Which store are they from!?”

“These humans don’t seem to run out of breath…”

“Oh, the encirclement was blown away by the breath attack again.”

“Hey, attacks from magic and bows are resuming from the defensive wall. Didn’t they run out of magic and arrows?”


Some members of the wise clan seem to be sweating strangely. Is everything really okay?

Until the battle began, the blacksmiths were focused on assembling shields made from dragon materials, but now it seems like they are focusing on assembling arrows to ensure they don’t run out.

But I heard that the mana potions I provided were supposed to be prioritized for the mages who are defending the defensive wall away from the gate. Is it really okay to distribute them to the well-equipped side at the gate?

“Whoa! What’s with this mana potion!? Just one sip and my magic power is fully restored!”

“Yeah, this mana potion doesn’t just restore magic power, it feels like the magic power is even stronger!”

“Haha, yes! The monsters are blown away like trash!”

“At this rate, we might have too many mana potions. Should we send some to the front lines?”

“Hey, attacks are resuming even in places without gates. Didn’t they run out of magic power?”

The increased counterattack from humans is causing confusion among the monsters. Some of them seem hesitant to attack the wall anymore, and some even hurt their hands from hitting the wall too much.

“Hey, what should we do?”


The members of the wise clan calmly respond.

“What is it?”

“The defense wall that protects the town. Humans are desperately defending the gate, which is the entrance and exit of the town, but if the monsters’ attacks continue, the defense wall will eventually break. If that happens, the monsters will pour into the town, and defending the gate will be meaningless. And if the monsters that entered through the broken wall start attacking another part of the defense wall while we’re busy dealing with them, the defense will become even weaker. Yes, to protect this town, we simply lack the numbers!”

“I see, the gate wasn’t the real target from the beginning!”


Humans have no choice but to defend the gate. But the true goal of the members of the wise clan was to destroy the defense wall that protects the town.

They have multiple strategies, not just one. They are truly wise to have set up multiple layers of plans.

“But isn’t the defense wall too sturdy? It’s way too hard. There’s no sign of it breaking at all.”

And the monsters have stopped attacking the wall… Some of them seem to be wandering around. It looks like they’re hesitating to attack the wall.

“Hey, what are we going to do?”


Answer us, wise one. Even though you’re trying to act calm, your sweat hasn’t stopped.

“However, even though we’re being attacked by so many monsters, there’s no sign of the defense wall breaking. It’s surprisingly sturdy.”

“Yeah. Since dragons that can fly in the sky would be useless attacking it, I thought it was a waste to spend money on it. But I never expected it to be useful in a situation like this.”

The guards express their admiration for the defense wall unexpectedly proving to be useful. Yeah, just to be safe, I got permission from the captain of the self-defense force and applied defensive magic to all the defense walls in the town right before the battle started. It seems to have helped a little.

“Now, I think it’s time for me to join the battle in earnest! Chain Wall!”

I create multiple walls within the swarm of monsters to divide them and protect the town.