Chapter 97 [Stalkwalker]

Name:[Nightmare] Author:
"Listen up! Tomorrow you will take your final test as our apprentices in Kozen.

We hope you will continue to learn from us in Alzeria, but we have agreed to reassess our relationship once we get there." Tyrene announced.

The group nodded.

"Over the last month you have been training in group combat together." Tilo continued.

"In the last week, Helix has trained with you.

Our goal is aligned with your determination and resolve to live and fight together."

Helix and his partners nodded with determination burning in their eyes.

"Today we're going to test that."

Tyrene nodded and gazed upon them with her crystal blue eyes.

"Your Earthian stat gains, varied as they are, mixed with absurd talent, proper training, and resolve has made you strong!" She yelled.

Helix gazed upon Marie, Charlotte, and Riley, cheering with a warm smile.

"I want to scold you for celebrating, but you four are absurd existences." Tilo sighed.

"It's only been a couple of months, and I already have to work to not lose in combat if Nightmares are used, and mine isn't."

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The group chuckled.

"I'm not going to lie… I'm pretty bitter about that too.

You're weak as kittens with swords alone, but you're goddamn cheat characters—as you call them—with those spells." Tyrene chuckled bitterly.

"Soon, you girls are going to be walking natural disasters.

As for that boy… he earned that title long before he had combat experience."

The group burst into laughter.

"Now, onto a serious note." Tyrene announced with a dead-serious expression.

"While your aim is not to fight the Mad Queen, the Mad Queen is targeting you."

The atmosphere's pressure multiplied.

Helix grit his teeth with bitterness burning in his eyes.

"You may find a time when you're fighting battles on a scale far larger than Tilo or I have ever experienced.

We will likely not be there to support you when that time comes." Tyrene continued.

"That's why we've decided to fight a colossus with you as your final test."

The atmosphere chilled to a freezing point, and silence befell the area.

A cool wind rustled through the nearby trees, and its sound blended into the resonance of the crashing waves.

Tilo gazed upon the silent group.

"We will be fighting with you, alongside the teachers that came to support you." He announced.

"Everyone joining will act as subordinates to Helix and listen to his commands.

We will step in if necessary to flee or save your life if we can."

Helix closed his eyes and exhaled in minor relief.

The news lowered his tension from primal fear to maxed-out stress.

"Helix, this is the only way to help you four train your Nightmares." Tyrene reasoned while looking into his pitch-black eyes.

"Marie and Riley have legendary natural disaster skill sets.

Charlotte has a mythical Nightmare that she can only practice through killing.

If you do not obtain practice, you will hurt others when the time to use these skill sets comes."

Helix took a deep breath in and sighed.


Tyrene and Tilo nodded at the young man.

"Charlotte. You're uncharacteristically quiet and worried." Tilo commented.

"Look, chief. My eyes would usually sparkle and explode like a flashbang if I were told I'd get to grill a strong monster medium-rare." Charlotte snapped.

"However, the look on Hellie's expression says that death is coming."

Marie nodded.

"I'm not sure what type of beast a colossus is.

However, I've never seen Helix this shaken before." She commented.

"His expression is a sign of his intelligence." Tyrene replied with a serious expression.

"A colossus isn't the name of a specific beast or monster." Tilo clarified.

"They're used to classify a fifth-order existence that has grown to a mythical size."

Marie's eyes widened in shock.

"Fifth order? What size are we talking about?" She snapped with mild anger.

"200-feet or more." Tyrene replied immediately.

"200-feet!? Are you insane, lady!?" Charlotte yelled.

Tyrene's eyebrow twitched at Charlotte's disrespectful attitude.

However, she shouldn't fault the young woman for her rational reaction.

"No, I'm not insane." Tyrene replied while shaking her head.

"We are not seeking out a colossus. We've learned the Kozen military spotted a Stalkwalker who has recently awakened from hibernation."

Helix listened to every detail with his full attention.

"An expedition to attempt subjugating it will begin at seven am the day after tomorrow.

We have offered our assistance as three grandmasters and our apprentices, alongside three experts from Alzeria.

We are required to help but not required to die for the expedition." Tilo clarified.

"It also moves in the direction of the Alzerian kingdom.

As a result, you will not lose travel time despite the expedition requirements."

Helix nodded.

"You have the rest of today and tomorrow to say your goodbyes in Lexion and get ready.

Servants will clean your house and process terminate the leasing agreement for you." Tilo continued.

"So use the time to enjoy yourselves and say goodbye."

Marie, Charlotte, and Riley looked to Helix for confirmation.

In response, he closed his eyes again and reiterated his earlier words.


Helix sighed when he received the report on the upcoming expedition.

[Stalkwalker Subjugation

In the southern Kozen region, a Stalkwarker classified as a colossus has awoken from hibernation.

The last report of the Stalkwalker Colossus was 127 years ago when it wiped out most southern cities.

Killing or sealing the Stalkwalker is of tantamount importance and urgency.


Fifth-evolution Colossus.

Level: Unknown due to hibernation.

Height: 330-380 feet.

Force Size: 1000 Troops between the levels of 60 and 150.

One hundred combat medics and one hundred support professionals.

Requesting further aid, but expect there will not be reinforcements, as it's short notice.]

"Why do I believe that Elise has something to do with this?" Helix sighed.


"That's because I am silly! *giggle."

His interface opened without his prompting, and the chatbox appeared with the text already written out.

Helix touched his neck again.

"What happened to your promise to leave us out of impossible tasks?

Are you already going back on our agreement?" Helix sighed.

A wave of new text started typing out on the screen in a flurry.

"Hyrumpha! It's not [my] fault your teachers find my generous opportunity amazing!

You should show some gratitude for helping with your training! *humph."

Helix read the words with an exasperated expression.

"Let me get this straight. You're threatening to raise the southern region of Kozen to the ground, and I'm supposed to be grateful?" He asked.

"Core~rekt! *giggle."

The corner of Helix's mouth started twitching when he read Elise's reply.

"Is this where you tell me that the experience gained from winning will aid me in my foolish decision to protect Alzeria?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

"What type of pointless, rhetorical question is that, mister?

Of course, that's what I'm about to say!"

Helix chuckled bitterly.

"So it's a chain quest, then." He theorized with an angry expression.

"Woah, woah, woah, Mr. Scary eyes!

The surprises coming to the Alzerian Capital aren't changing in power or auto-adjusting to your strength or something."

He closed his eyes in indignation.

"Having more power ensures that [you] can overcome the same struggles easier.

Since you don't know what's waiting for you, I've given you a biwwwg, scary present to build your confidence a little.

Show some appreciation every once in a while! *huff."

Helix took a deep breath to cool the raging hellfire burning in his soul.

"I'm never going to thank you for unleashing killer monsters in Myriad." Helix sighed.

"You're sending [surprises] to kill two groups of people and then telling me to be grateful for setting up those deaths for growth opportunities?

What a joke."

Helix's eyes flashed with unbridled murder.

"I'll refuse to develop Nightmare if I ever learn that you've unleashed a calamity on this earth as a training opportunity for your sick game.

I'd rather take my own life than live knowing that you're committing mass murder because I'm alive."





"So you don't want pertinent information on Mr. Howls?"

Helix stared at those words with a complicated expression.

"Are you going to stop creating mass-murder machines in locations reachable by me?" He asked.

"What a clever~answer. Hmmm.

Nope! I'm god, silly! I'm going to do whatever I want. *giggle."

Helix's eyebrow twitched.

"So you want me to stop playing your game?" He asked.

"I'm not going to play your game if you're evil on my behalf."

"Wait… what!? Who do you think you are? God's gift!? Hahahahahaha!


Helix watched the never-ending new line strings of [haha] characters with a nonplussed expression.

"I'm Elise! The Mad Queen of Myriad!

The evil god of Myriad!

That's what my people call me! Hahahahahaha!"

Helix closed his eyes and sighed.

"Sure, the monsters and beasts don't mind me that much.

But all they say is RAWWWWWR and GRRRRRRRR.

It doesn't make for a good gospel or scripture."

Helix gave up trying to reason with her.

"I get that you're being generous in your own way.

However, I will not be an accessory to your murderous behavior.

Therefore, I will neither ask nor beg for your information." He said with an exasperated voice.

"However, if you wish to give it to me, send me a quest with the details.

Otherwise, I'll sigh, fight, and die with the other poor bastards you're toying with."

He couldn't wait until their conversation was over.

"Hoh? You'll turn down information that may save thousands of lives?

Aren't you the righteous, hypocritical pragmatist? *giggle."

Helix took a deep breath.

"Elise. I'm neither responsible for your actions nor the lives of others.

I'm not a fucking hero.

I'm not trying to save this world.

I might save people if I know them and have the power to.

But I don't owe them anything.

If you kill a thousand people with your colossus, that's your action, not mine." Helix growled.

"Fiiiiine. Have it your way, meanie!"


"New Quest is Available!

Defeat the Stalkwalker to save Kozen.

A colossus has awoken from hibernation and threatens to kill thousands in the Kozen Peninsula.

Will you fight the Stalkwalker and save Kozen? [Accept/Decline]"

Helix sighed and pressed a button.

"Woah! Woah-woah-woah! You did NOT just do that, Mister!"

Helix looked at the screen with depleted eyes.

"You hit [Accept]!? On the first try!?"

"Good byeeeeee, Elise." Helix sighed.

"Who are you, and what have you done with—"

"Yeah, yeah. I hope you kill yourself, too."

Helix forcefully closed his interface.

Power stones and grammatical errors = more content. :)