Chapter 105 [Entertainment]

Name:[Nightmare] Author:
Howls came from the side of Helix's body.

They came from the same beasts that the team had captured.

They started running outside the gateway to their trap's site.

The beasts were similar to bears with the head and ears of hyenas.

"What are you doing!" Charlotte tried to yell in terror as the howls entered her ears.

However, her voice didn't come out.

"The beasts will scare the horses!" She yelled.

Similar cries were coming from the distance as the colossal beast looked in their direction.

However, to their shock, the horses kept running without distraction.

They also noticed that they couldn't hear anything [except for the beasts].

The beasts ran behind the horses before they looked up.

Their bodies started trembling as they looked up.

They started yapping in fear after their bodies froze.

"Come on! They're easier prey!" Helix yelled to the Stalkwalker as it considered the bewildering turn of events.

However, to the group's terror, the beast grinned.

Its sharp, yellow teeth that could cut through a hump whale's body in one bite showed for the first time.

Every human present shook in fear at the monster's malicious smile that marked death.

The Colossus' had continued toward the trailer.

Helix understood in a second what had happened.

He had frozen them in shock before the beast, and the Stalkwalker thought he could have its cake and eat it too.

It would capture the trailer and also easily eat the frozen prey too!

"Run!" Helix barked at his Lara Hines.

He routed the beasts to the trailer's right, running in the same direction to the entrance gate.

His message was: choose between the beasts in the trailer or an entire group of a larger size.

Helix had no choice.

If he did not put the two groups at a relative distance, the beast could get distracted and move away from the trap field.

However, to the group's terror, the beast continued to the original trailer with the same evil smile.

"You cocky fuck! Just wait when we rip your fucking body to shreds!" Helix taunted at the top of his lungs.

However, his threats were not effective for the first time.

He was silent.

He had no voice.

Helix watched in despair as his voice and efforts were ignored.

The beast's hand cast a dark shadow above the trailer that blocked out the sun's light.

Time slowed to a crawl.

Helix's gaze met the eyes of the trailer drivers' who pleaded for the troops to save their lives.

However, Helix had no such power, and his orders and the mission required the beast to continue to the trap site, or more people would die.

His orders prevented all of his soldiers and team members with strength from interacting.

As a result, Helix watched with regret and pain as the Stalkwalker's hand gripped the trailer.

The two drivers' faces screamed in terror and cursed the troops and cocky leader that had forsaken them.

They were so close to absolute victory.

Now they were being lifted in the sky.

They watched as the ground's vegetation lost its crisp detail and blurred into an abstract scene.

Helix's eyes filled with tears and pain as he watched the two drivers be lifted into the air.

The trailer rocked forward when they were over 150 feet in the air.

The two drivers grabbed the reins and held on as gravity pulled them to earth.

The drivers' hung on for dear life as his body was flung out of his seat.

One driver found footing on the bolt holding the two horses in place.

The other driver's legs dangled 200 feet above the ground in the air.

When he looked forward, he saw the jaws of a demonic Colossus.

When he looked down, he saw two horses rocking back and forth.

Below that was the ground that was approaching 250 feet above the ground.

Helix and Charlotte watched the dangling man scream in terror.

However, they could hear no sound.

They could not see his face.

Their imagination filled in the blanks that they could not experience.

Finally, the dangling man's arms gave way, and his grip failed him.

Helix's heart stopped beating for a split second as his eyes followed the object falling to the earth.

He turned to Charlotte, whose face was frozen.

"Don't look!" He yelled while jumping to shield her eyes.

He didn't make it in time.

A red flower bloomed on the earth, and a dust cloud mushroomed behind it.

Human faces screamed and panicked at the sight.

The battalion leaders scrambled to pull away the troops attempting to flee.

Luckily, Marie's strict training and foresight put competent men at the end, forming a riot shield around the edges to knock out the men and women attempting to flee.

The leaders had barely quelled the riot before another dust cloud exploded from the ground.

Charlotte screamed with rage before collapsing to the ground.

"Helix! Concentrate, you idiot!" Tyrene screamed.

With the drivers gone, he was the person that was required to lead the Stalkwalker into range.

Helix moved his eyes from Charlotte to view Marie and Riley on the other side of the hill gateway.

When he did, he met Tyrene's murderous gaze.

She was yelling at him, pointing to the area behind him.

In a tranced haze, he followed her fingers.

The beasts he summoned had already made it into the trap area and escaped.

The plight of the drivers broke his concentration, and now his bait was gone.

He couldn't summon them back.

His eyes filled with terror when he realized the predicament.

Helix looked back at Tyrene.

"You idiot! Just think of another strategy!" Tyrene was yelling.

He couldn't hear him, but she pointed at him and back to the Stalkwalker multiple times.

p Helix didn't know that she was asking [him] to create another strategy.

However, her image told him that [there was] a strategy to work.

As a result, his brain went into overdrive.

He fought viciously against the scene that was flooding his brain.

His thoughts were erratic.

"Go away!" Helix yelled to drivers at the top of his lungs.

"I'm trying to avenge you!"

Helix's eyes filled with tears before becoming confused and clouded.

"Avenged. Those men are dead." He whispered.

"It's real. That thing killed those men. Elise, you…."

Helix's eyes filled with murderous rage when he remembered that this was Elise's [generous] opportunity.

It was her game.

Her challenge to him.

A challenge from a human god that held no empathy or concern for her people.

A god who believed all creatures were pawns for her amusement.

A Queen whose chosen entertainment was….

The scene that he witnessed.

The sight of those men dangling 200 feet in the area continued to play in his head, stuck on repeat, haunting his thoughts like a broken record.

The vision of them falling to the earth with terrified expressions flashed before his eyes.

The sounds recreated themselves in his mind.

The silent world autocorrected itself.

It was unmuted and more terrifying.

However, the feelings he experienced were different.

Every time he saw that scene, his mind repeated the same term.





"Why the fuck didn't they help us!"




Charlotte's blood-curdling scream filled his ears.




Helix's eyes filled with true anger and hatred for Elise.

He hated being dragged to this world.

He was almost assassinated multiple times.

He lost Elise.




Helix's mind cleared up when his desire to destroy that woman reached a fever pitch.

Without him noticing, the eyes of Tyrene and his partners snapped out of their fears when they saw his facial expression.

Resolve did not replace it.

It was flooded with worry.

"[Hallucination Summoning]!." He yelled with a wicked grin.

"[Modified Scent Addition]!"

The sound of over 100 Lara Rines started yapping and howling in the center of the trap field.

"Are you hungry you fucking freak!?" Helix taunted at the top of his lungs.

His eyes were filled with madness, and his mouth was curled into a twisted smile.

The beast's snout started sniffing, and its eyes widened in shock.

Helix released a fearless grin when he saw this mind's order to increase the smell of Lara Rines followed his command.

The Stalkwalker's grin widened.

The troops were terrified when the Colossus looked in their direction with blood dripping from its long yellow teeth.

However, when they saw Helix matching the beast's gaze with an even more wicked and depraved smile, their hearts felt a spark of hope.

The Stalkwalker started moving faster towards their position.

Helix's fearless, murderous gaze did not lessen.

The shadow of the beast's body approached them with a vicious smile.

Helix's eyes never looked away.

No one but Helix could hear the terrified cries of the Lara Rine.

They could only see their new leader staring down the beast, challenging it to a fight.

A spark.

Yells and battle cries started ripping through the soldiers.

With every roar, another person followed.

Soon a thousand soldiers were screaming and taunting the beast with pumping arms that gripped their swords.

The area was deadly silent.

However, every group was lost in their world of excitement.

Tyrene and Helix's partners stared at Helix in awe.

They had no idea what he did to get the lazy Stalkwalker who played with its food to start moving into their distance at such a fast speed.

They just saw his evil, confident grin.

Their worry became disbelief in awe as the beast reached a 50-meter distance.

The troops finally saw that the beast was not looking at Helix.

Their eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

The beast's full attention was on the pond that housed the greatest trap of all.

Gasps enveloped the troop as the beast made its way toward the large pond they were informed brought death to all near it.

Tyrene, Marie, and Riley separated from Helix and Charlotte when the Colossus passed the gateway.

Everyone stared at its large hairy arms as it passed.

When it passed, and they could see Helix again, his eyes were wicked and resolved.

Their hearts started pounding, and they prepared themselves to fight.

Tyrene's eyes steeled, and she gazed upon the pond with a wicked grin of her own.

The absolute confidence set Charlotte's eyes ablaze.

Her characteristic grin grew on her face.

The soldiers cried with bloodlust and resolve.

Whatever Helix did, they knew it brought them their chance for revenge.

The Stalkwalker lifted its leg before the large marshy center.

Everyone waited in anticipation for their revenge to come to life.

Power stones and grammatical errors = more content. :)