Chapter 186 [Flower Children]

Name:[Nightmare] Author:
Salkey's face turned murderous.

"Sure. Do as you like." He replied in a mocking tone.

"I see, I see. Okay. Thanks for the confirmation." Charlotte cried with a bright smile.

"Marie. You're up." Helix laughed.

The group was in the middle of a valley.

It was easier to say that the landscape compressed the earth into a donut one hundred feet down.

It was the perfect location to contain any amount of destruction.

The women were [itching] for a location to exhaust serious power.

Marie stood up and brushed off her bright white Earthian skirt.

Helix had the fabric blessed with a spell that kept the dirt from hitting it.

So when she stood up from the grass, it was as bright white as before.

Helix grinned when he saw the men's bewildered expressions.

Charlotte and Marie wore skirts with shorts underneath, and Riley wore a colorful romper.

They intentionally dressed up with extremely girly clothing as a show of force.

Marie wore a white flower in her hair, and Charlotte wore a pink bow.

Riley curled her hair like a princess.

It was comical, and Helix was eating it up.

"Alright. Let's do it." Marie said with a yawn.

Helix was dying with the skit.

Masov and Salkey watched the young woman with a sharp gaze.

They were analyzing everything about her.



They weren't.

Marie disappeared.

When they looked over toward the mountain, the young woman had already traversed 200 meters in three seconds.

When Marie hit the halfway point, she did a cartwheel.

A cartwheel.

A fucking cartwheel.



—complete devastation.


The men watched in disbelief as the entire valley in front of her.

The valley.

The entire fucking valley.

Was shattered bit by bit by an earthquake before—


Helix wasn't even watching the small [mountain] in the distance.

He was laughing his ass off at the two men's faces.

BOOM! Boom! Boom boom. BOOM! Boom, boom, boom! BOOM! Boom boom!

Helix was dying as he listened to the massive chunks of rock smash down to the earth.

He gazed upon his sweetheart, spinning around like a flower child.

Riley was giggling, and Charlotte was grinning.

She couldn't wait for it to be her turn.

"Alright…." Helix shifted his head from Riley to Charlotte repeatedly.

"Hmmm… Ahhhhhhhh."

Charlotte and Riley grinned when they saw his playful face.

He motioned for both women to get close and whispered in their ears.

The two women cried like school girls and jumped up and down like children.

Marie and Charlotte started performing patty cake.

Then they ended their cheer session with a power handshake.

Charlotte even spread her hands apart and said [boooom] for dramatic effect.

The two men's eyes had glazed over.

They [knew] Tyrene wouldn't have taken the three women on as apprentices if they were immature children.

Moreover, they had seen the Earthians training.

In short, the men knew how much they were being mocked now.

They had wry smiles because they watched a small mountain explode following a cartwheel.

Their attention snapped together again when the two women disappeared.

Helix didn't care about Salkey's expression.

He was grinning because he wanted to watch.

Marie arrived next to his side, and he gave her a big hug.

Her smile was truly stunning.

Once the two got to the border of the apocalypse Marie created, they stopped.

The two of them clasped hands and started waltzing.


Fucking waltzing.



—apocalyptic winds assaulted the Gryphon 300 meters away.


The Gryphon started thrashing around.

Helix warned Masov and Salkey that they needed to tie the Gryphon down and even provided the rope.

Salkey gruffed indignantly, citing how absurd it was that they would need a precaution a minimum of 300 meters away.

However, now they were sweating because [they] were being drawn in by the [light] winds.

A massive tornado developed over the [ex-mountain], and massive boulders started flying 100 feet in the sky.

The men watched in horror as the tornado swept across the area, and the two women continued waltzing.

Their bodies?

Completely unscathed.

Helix gave them a Level 4 barrier, so they were in the middle of a deadly wind-stricken hellscape performing spins with bright smiles.

The juxtaposition between them dancing and the tornado ripping into the hilltop was stunning.

When the massive tornado was right over the top, Riley spun Charlotte so she was facing the hill.

Then she canceled out [Tornado].

"[Zero]~" Charlotte chimed with a bright smile.

The massive boulders 100 feet in the air were floating in zero gravity above the hilltop.

Helix glanced over to the men and saw their slack-jawed expressions.

"Take a bow!" Helix yelled while clapping.

A massive white light shot up on the entire hilltop, enveloping the men, the drivers, and the Gryphon.

Charlotte and Riley grinned when they saw the two men's panicked expressions.

As they bowed—

"[Exodus Blaze]."

—hell itself shot to the earth in a stunning display of true murder.

The two men watched the hovering boulders in slow motion as they fell to the earth.



The Gryphon started thrashing around from the sound alone.

Masov and Salkey covered their ears from the cacophony of brutal sounds assaulting their ears.

Helix and Marie laughed as they canceled their Circle of Silence.

Charlotte and Riley did the same.

When Masov and Salkey opened their eyes, they could barely see.

The entire world was blue.

What was once a mountain was not only destroyed, but the entire area was on fire with brutal blue flames.

"We leveled up like crazy from the Colossus." Marie giggled.

She gave Charlotte and Riley a thumbs up.

"Yes, you did." Helix chuckled in bewilderment.

"This is so cliche it's sickening."

Marie giggled again.

However, her expression turned grim as she watched the flames.

"It's hard to believe it won't be enough." She said with a wry smile.

"Yeah. We should be able to take down the fifth-evolution Colossus as a group with the power increase, but that will leave us spent." Helix grimaced.

"There's ten third-evolution and five hundred second orders.

Even if the army handles all of the second orders, the Cheat hopefuls need to take down the third orders."

Marie nodded with a serious expression.

"We'll just have to make due with the resources we have." She said solemnly, "But I know that we can make it work. We believe in you."

Helix gave her a wry smile. While he was happy his partners believed in him, he wished people didn't so that he could avoid the impending nightmare with a pure heart.

He gave her a bitter-sweet smile, looked into the blue firey hellscape in front of him, and then at the two men watching.

There was at least one thing he was looking forward to.

"Well, I guess I'm up." Helix chuckled.

He pulled out a dozen battle disks and wrapped his face with a scarf made from Warpshire fur.

Like a parkour runner, he threw down the discs one after the other in twenty feet gaps.

Every time one touched down, it created a new barrier, and Helix jumped between them.

The men watched in shock as Helix, the Nightmare-less Knight, ran [toward the blue flames].

Once he got within 100 meters, he grabbed another dozen discs from his item storage and slung them out like a Greek discus event.

Every time one flew above an area of the mountain, massive fire sections instantly disappeared.

It was like magic.

He was using high-powered [Suffocate] spells to strip the area above the fire of oxygen.

Once they touched the ground, they triggered off, so the lack of oxygen didn't kill him.

Helix pulled out more discs and started throwing barriers onto the ground again.

The entire valley started lighting up like a Christmas tree.

Helix found it amusing to use different barriers to create various colors.

The women were giggling and pointing at the dazzling sight.

It was truly a devastating experience to watch.

The two men took endless gut punches to their pride at 50 dp/s.

Helix made it to the middle of the mountain and started spinning around, launching off discs merrily.

He snuffed out the remaining flames in the area and took a bow.

His partners started going wild.

They were screaming like fangirls and covering their faces.

Masov chuckled in bewilderment at the spectacle.

He couldn't help but find it amusing, knowing the group was willing to help them.

They weren't joking when they said they had the power of a large country.

Salkey knew that now.

He closed his eyes in shame and slight fear.

Now, saying Helix was inciting a coup d'etat with some clothing and training was a joke.

The Alzerian Defense Chief knew that the group could seize the country and decimate the entire army within days.

In a world where cities were small, the group was a walking nuclear weapon.

[A/N: Alright, alright. Yandere. Amidoinitrite?]

Power stones and grammatical errors = more content. :)