Chapter 210 [Ultimate Humiliation]

Name:[Nightmare] Author:
"Most of all, Macron has Lamath helping, and the guy's worthless." Helix continued.

"So we can expect some otakus and weebs to hit the ground."

The group chuckled bitterly.

Helix couldn't get rid of Lamath for political reasons.

Accusations of stealing the Thymian knights would start a war.

However, they did not consider him an evil person for what happened.

Helix and his partners confirmed Macron's long standing rivalry with Lamath.

They knew he wasn't a bad guy and that he simply didn't understand the gravity of Ronka's actions.

Still, everyone recognized he was worthless as a leader.

"But Lamath does have a military title. So he could help with Masov." Helix chuckled breathlessly.

"That will help control them and be politically useful with the military at worst."

His partners nodded in agreement.

"General Masov!" A soldier yelled out.

"What is it, Major Oakley?" The man gruffed.

"We need to establish a line of communication with Macron immediately." Oakley replied with a calm tone.

General Masov narrowed his eyes.

"Why is it so urgent? Speak!"

Oakley didn't tremble; adrenaline was pumping through his veins.

"The Earthian Knights don't have battle training yet, sir." Oakley explained.

"They know how to destroy things but not how to work with us.

As a result, we can't use them as support without solid communication unless we want to send them to the front lines.

Masov groaned and put a fist against his chin in thought.

After thinking about the situation for thirty seconds, he gave up.

"Son of bitch. Those stupid kids have been a liability from the beginning." Masov scoffed.

"But that thing is a fourth-evolution monster, and we need them now."

Masov chuckled with madness in his eyes.

"At the least, we should've supported that boy harder to keep them in check." He continued with a bitter expression.

"With everything that's happened, I didn't see the problem he solved."

He looked at the beast with narrowed eyes.

"Bring the person sent here to discuss strategy immediately." Masov ordered.

"We'll need to know as much about those kids and their practical strengths now!"

"Yes, sir!" Oakley replied with a salute before rushing off to get Lamath.

"That should delay them with serious support." Helix reasoned.

"However, there's no way they can hold back the hotheads like Samuel and Petra."

"Those two act like the hero during practice." Marie scoff-laughed in annoyance.

"I don't think it's just the hotheads." Riley remarked with a frown.

"Aleko's the real problem in my eyes."

The group grimaced when they heard her comment.

"That man… will be a great hero one day, and I'm proud of him, but…." Marie began hesitantly.

"Don't sugarcoat it. Just say it like it is." Charlotte chastised with a mocking expression.

"I, Aleko, will rally the courage of the students to fight for justice."

Charlotte dramatized Aleko in a dumb voice.

The group burst into nervous laughter.

"Yeah… it's worrisome." Riley replied with a nervous tone.

"We shouldn't mock him too much because Helix is his idol, and he's mature."

Marie nodded in agreement.

"He's just not battle experienced." She added.

"It's unfair when we got daily experience with high-level monsters for a month.

Helix for two months. It's just not comparable."

"Yeah~yeah. I'm just lightening the mood on a disastrous problem." Charlotte replied dismissively.

"Macron!" Aleko called out while running to the Captain.

Macron sighed with a look of dread on his face.

"Aleko. Can you take a walk with me?" He asked.

"I'd rather not. I think all of the Cheat Hopefuls should hear what I have to say." Aleko replied in a bold voice.

It was kind-hearted but definitive.

"Look, boy. I know the kingdom needs you all, and this is a time we need you most." Macron replied in a bold voice.

Aleko looked at the man quizzically.

He was taking Aleko's words out of his mouth.

"But look down there—"

Macron's eyes widened in terror.


"Wait…!" David cried in a panic.

"Watch out, boy!" Macron roared at the top of his lungs.

"Charlotte!" Helix cried.


"I appreciate that, Charlotte. He's a major liability for our operation." Helix said with a frown.

The group nodded in agreement.

"He's smart and will listen to reason, but the problem is if I get hurt." He continued.

"If that happens…."

"Helix is hurt!" Leo cried.

"Damn it!" Samuel growled.

"I knew we shouldn't have waited!"

"Kids! Hold back! Charlotte can't fire off her fucking spells if she has to protect—"

"Macron! Do you want Helix to die?" Aleko yelled.

"We are Knights! We aren't a bunch of kids!

We've been trained to fight, and now one of our own is on the battlefield hurt because we're not helping him!"

"That's right!" Petra yelled out.

"I'm not sure why we're still standin' here." Miskie scoffed.

"It's not like the fuckin' military listened the first time."

The group started getting rowdy.

"Kids! Are you going to make the same mistake then!?" Macron roared.

"Helix was negotiation to prevent their fucking—Samuel!"

Macron watched in horror as the young man jumped down the eighty-foot wall.

His Nightmare, [Glide], allowed him to glide in space.

It was a very surreal experience to watch him fight.

His motions allowed him to move with zero friction and skate on thin air with great control.

So the Nightmare wouldn't cause difficulty, Macron watched him flow down easily.

Unfortunately, the sight made him lose attention.

"Aleko!" Macron roared at the boy running towards the exit.

Aleko, Samuel, Miskie, and Petra ran towards the exits in two directions.

"Helix is negotiating to prevent their spells from killin' the fucking soldiers, you toddlers!" Macron roared.

"You're doing the same thing as the fuckin' military!"

Everyone that heard Macron finish his sentence froze in shock.

They had forgotten why Helix was fighting the military because they got heated after seeing him hurt.



Unfortunately, the insane speed of the four made it impossible for them to hear their captain.

Everyone else shook with shame after hearing that.

Seeing they didn't move, he looked to see Samuel.

To his shock, the man was staring down a massive wolf.

"Wait a minute, isn't that…."

"It's Tinker!" Sarah cried.

"Yeah. We've only seen Tinker for practice, but it's impossible to mistake him!" Leo yelled.

"But why is he fighting Samuel?"

"Wait… why is Samuel running to the tower again?"

Confusion spread amongst the students.

Samuel ran in shame back to the tower.

When he got to Aleko and Miskie, he called out.

"Go back!" Samuel yelled.



"What!? Why!" Aleko growled.

The second the word [why] was used aggressively, Tinker shot across the battlefield with extreme speed.

He was moving at least 50 mph in an instant.

When he got to Aleko and Miskie, he growled.

"Wait… isn't that T-Tinker?" Aleko asked with a pale face.

"Yeah, that's Tinker, alright. What's he—"

Miskie gave Tinker a wry smile and rubbed a palm against her eye.

Then she took a deep breath.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, bud." Miskie replied in annoyance while turning away.

"Wait, Miskie, w-where are you going?" Aleko asked in shock.

"Read his fuckin' vest, idiot." Miskie replied dismissively.

Aleko turned around to the annoyed Tinker staring him down.

On his massive white chest was an orange vest that read:

"Don't make us protect you too."

It was a terse message that told them to leave.

While it was rude, it reminded them that Helix was working with the military to prevent soldiers from dying from their attacks.

As a result, they were doing the same thing.

If they had listened to Macron, they wouldn't feel the shame and humiliation of being called out by a dog.

Tinker started growing in annoyance.

Aleko snapped out of his daze and turned around with a pale face.

Tinker ran off once he started moving and barked in the opposite direction.

Miskie turned around and laughed when she saw Petra running from the other side.

It was a much farther distance, so she was late.

Petra's face paled when she saw Tinker, and after reading the vest, she turned bright red.

Miskie let out an evil laugh.

She was openly glad more people were getting the shame treatment.

Once Petra ran off, explosions started going off again.



The group reflexively turned around to see a livid Charlotte thrashing the hell out of the Lagrock in a rage.





"Haaaaaah. She could handle it after all." Miskie laughed with a bitter expression.

"So… we were the reason the fighting stopped…." Aleko said in a low voice.

"Look, kid. Expect a thrashin' later, or Tinker will drag you up the tower by your balls!" Miskie barked.



Samuel and Aleko's faces paled, but they quickly ran away.

They couldn't see what was happening, and that hurt more.

As pissed as Charlotte was, she was holding back.

So their first punishment was not being able to check Helix's status.

All they could hear were explosions and cheering from the top of the wall.

Other than that, they were left in the dark.

"Rrrrrruuuurr Ruff!" Tinker barked proudly.

"That's right." Helix chuckled while patting the dog again.

"We'll put you in a vest that has a message.

It'll provide them with ultimate shame to compliment their fear."

"Ruff!" Tinker responded with an evil grin.

Marie, Charlotte, and Riley burst into giggles.

"Now that we have our story straight let's get our practice schedule in order." Helix said with an evil grin.

Charlotte gave him a predatory gaze.

"You're so hot right now." She declared openly.

She was eating up his sinister aura.

After Charlotte pointed out the bold look on Helix's face, Marie and Riley were also turned on.

Helix's expression was the ultimate personification of revenge, cunning, and confidence.

He was like a war commander leading their troops on a surprise attack to take revenge and achieve victory for his people.

The group was entranced and nodded to Charlotte.

Helix laughed breathlessly.

"Okay, then let's get started."

Power stones and grammatical errors = more content. :)