Chapter 223 [Forced~Development]

Name:[Nightmare] Author:
[A/N: You have my blessing to roast me in the comments for [relevant topics].

How~ever, I suggest you read everything. See you in the comment~sections. ;)]

"Excuse me… your majesty." Helix replied with trembling eyes.

"Can… you please repeat that?"

He was standing in the throne room with Queen Liliana staring down at him.

Her throne was upholstered with a rich, royal purple exotic fabric he imagined was expensive.

The expression she was giving him was neither angry, joyous, or respectful.

Liliana's face expressed pity.

She sighed as she laid her gaze on the young man.

Helix was Earthian and came from a different world with different power structures.

She knew by his personality alone that he would not approve of his request.

"If you wish to help lead the Alzerian army, I humbly request that you marry my daughter, Crown Princess Eliza Zinon."

Helix released a short breath.

Liliana felt a pang of sadness in her heart.

She could tell at a glance that he understood the gravity of the situation and the reason behind her marriage proposal.

Moreover, Liliana also understood that it was extremely heartbreaking.

Princess Eliza watched the scene in agony.

They were friends, and she understood his relationship with her made things a lot more emotionally difficult.

As a political marriage, he and Eliza would never have to see each other after a faked consummation.

However, that was extremely cruel to her.

She didn't care—that's what she told herself.

However, no one could survive that life development emotionally unscathed.

That was especially true of Princess Eliza, who would genuinely enjoy marrying Helix.

Aside from enjoying their friendship, she didn't have feelings for him.

As a princess, she never considered it.

She was born to be traded to a Kingdom as a political chess piece.

Elize could end up with anyone; they could be cruel, vile, or abusive to her.

Marrying Helix was a dream, even if she didn't know him personally.

Helix knew she was being given a once-in-a-century opportunity, and it panged his heart to think of how her life could play out if he refused.

"Queen Liliana." Helix sighed.

"Before I consider your request… you do understand that I'm a shameless polygamist with three partners that [insist] they be called a harem, correct?"

Gasps rang out in the room.

Many of the guards started trembling.

Helix was implying that he would [refuse] to marry the princess unless she [joined a harem].

Refusing Eliza insulted them; suggesting a princess join a harem was a different level of disgraceful behavior.

Liliana raised her and sent the gaspers a murderous glare.

The men trembled.

Liliana was a queen.

While she was gentle, she was not used to disrespect.

So her rage at them was a firm sign they should obey.

None of the men had seen the Lagrock, so they didn't understand the gravity of the situation.

She did.

"Yes, Sir Helix. I'm aware you are a polygamist, and people often disrespect your Earthian [cultural custom] of polygamy by calling it a harem." Lilianna replied.

"I also know that people joke in casual settings and that you do not use that term in official decorum or events."

Helix gave her a slight smile with sharp eyes.

Her reply was extremely reasonable, and they'd have to be careful if she were forced to marry Eliza.

That was a given.

Being forward was important; he would consider solving Liliana's issues to save the Kingdom but wouldn't change his ways.

Liliana was presenting a solution to a problem yet discussed.

He was grateful, and it was one last thing to worry about.

Helix stood tall with his hands behind his straight back like a soldier.

"Thank you for clarifying your understand, your grace." Helix said with a slight bow.

"I have another question; this one is political in nature."

Liliana raised an eyebrow in interest.

He presented his request as an [issue], not a question of ramifications.

Moreover, she was pleased with his formal tone.

It made it clear he would consider the proposal and wasn't making a scene to cause issues.

"Please speak freely, Sir Helix." Liliana replied with a formal tone.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Helix said with gratitude in his eyes.

He made eye contact with a discerning gaze and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The lighting reflected the white brush strokes in his pitch-black iris'.

She could tell he was getting her attention for a critical test.

"While we have not yet had our ceremony, my three partners and I have already married." Helix announced.

Gasps rang out in the room, but the guards collected themselves.

"I do not know whether Alzerian customs allow a political marriage to exist under these circumstances.

So I need clarification on the subject before I can [discuss with my partners] and make a formal decision."

Liliana's eyes trembled in shock, as she had not prepared for this development.

She wasn't concerned knowing he was lying—she was in politics.

Helix had just made her life a lot more difficult.

The reason was self-explanatory—it would be humiliating for a man to marry three women directly [before] marrying an Alzerian Princess.

Alzeria was a world power; marrying a nameless Knight to Liliana was already politically humiliating.

However, Liliana had expected that from the beginning, so she wasn't surprised.

It wasn't a dealbreaker, considering the alternatives were decimation or complete political breakdown.

Those weren't the causes for her surprise.

She was shocked because Helix gave her an out and presented her with a prepackaged solution on the spot.

If Helix didn't marry his three partners first, he'd likely refuse, and the problems the marriage was solving would persist.

His political approach was cunning because it solved the issue of how to handle his current relationships.

If Princess Eliza were forced to marry Helix after his partners' ceremonies, she could explain by stating that they were [already] married.

Therefore, her daughter going last was strictly cultural, and she had something to spin.

She sighed internally.

"Political marriages can indeed occur after an existing marriage." Liliana clarified.

"I was already under that assumption. However, do you have your ceremonies simultaneously?"

Helix's eyes widened slightly.

She made [his] life easier by leaving the question open for spin interpretation.

He gave her a slight bow before standing back up.

"Thank you for clarifying, Your Majesty." Helix replied.

He gave her a sharp glance with slightly narrowed eyes again.

Liliana prepared to listen this time, as she understood he was political adept.

"To answer your question, we typically marry as a group in our Earthian culture." Helix replied with a humbled voice.

Liliana raised her hand to her guards before they could gasp in shock.

The insinuation was that Princess Eliza would be part of a harem wedding was nothing short of a scandal.

But Liliana's lips started curling slightly.

"However, I believe that in Alzeria, the custom is to provide the princess with an official Royal Wedding, and our cultures may be insulting." Helix continued.

"As a result, I would not ask you to abide by that custom, so long as you abide by the Earthian custom of having a ceremony for those already married first."

Liliana's eyes sparkled by Helix's adroitness.

She didn't show it, but she was now certain he was [willing] to marry if his partners agreed.

"Additionally, I would not ask they be on the same day, nor would I ask to make it a public or Royal event."

The guards sighed a breath of relief.

They may not have seen the Lagrock but heard about it from reports.

Additionally, everyone in the Capital knew who Helix was and why he claimed to be in the city.

Lastly, they had heard it first hand before General Masov and Defense Chief Salkey less than a week ago.

So they understood why Liliana was willing to work with him.

Knowing Alzeria and the princess wouldn't be humiliated to such a degree was welcoming.

"Please give me a moment, Sir Helix." Liliana requested.

"Take your time, your grace." Helix replied with a slight smile.

Liliana made a huge show of thinking about it for a long time.

She wasn't, but she was thinking.

The queen was studying Helix's expressions.

He was hiding it, but he was still as conflicted about the situation as when he was first asked.

Helix also kept sneaking subtle glances at Eliza.

The young woman was trying her hardest not to burst into tears.

It also didn't show on her face; one had to look closely to see how nervous they both were.

Queen Liliana thought back to her previous encounters with Helix Hellsgate Margrave.

He wasn't arrogant, but he was frustrated.

The young man didn't live in a world of politics but did his best and received endless backlash.

Helix knew what was coming; he seemed [suspiciously] certain of it.

It would concern her if [Tyrene] wasn't equally suspiciously [certain] of it.

He said that [death was coming], and he saved them from ruin five days ago, proving it.

Now he had [100%] of the cards, and she couldn't refuse him.

Helix should be much more frustrated and resentful for such a bold request.

But he wasn't; he was [helping] her.

The answer to his behavior was Eliza, and she knew it.

His soul looked crushed by the situation, and seeing her disheartened was tugging his heartstrings.

Helix tried working with Liliana and was certain he'd accept if his partners did.

With everything he gave her, further negotiation, even as grandstanding, might cause him to meltdown.

"Sir Helix. As the person asking this request, I will honor your customs of having non-Royal wedding ceremonies for your married partners [should you accept]." Liliana proclaimed.

The guards were stunned and speechless by the level of leeway she gave him.

Helix bowed slightly.

"I understand that it is Earthian polygamy custom to come to social agreements as a group." She continued.

"Therefore, I will accept a formal answer [after] you have spoken with your partners and made your decision."

Helix sighed a slight yet visible sigh of relief, satisfying Liliana.

Many guards were stunned, but when they saw the relief in Helix's body language or expression, they at least understood he was trying.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Helix replied with a slight bow.

"I will speak to my partners and make a strong argument in favor of the marriage proposal.

I understand the value of the marriage and respect the honor and privileges you are presenting me.

I also respect Princess Eliza Zinon and find her a charming and suitable potential partner."

Eliza's face turned light pink for a moment before she recovered.

She was in politics, so she was trained not to show her emotions.

Only Helix and Liliana could tell how tumultuous her state was during the meeting.

Liliana gave him a slight smile.

She was pleased he knew how to grandstand for others, at the least.

It would make her life somewhat easier in the future, and she knew he'd be receptive.

"Sir Helix. Is there anything I can do to help you convince your partners?" Liliana asked with a sharp gaze.

Helix gave her a mysterious smile.

"Yes. I believe if you work with me and give me some of your time, we can convince them with 80% certainty."

[A/N: If they~do marry, you're reading the most epic troll on Light Novels/Web Novels I've ever written.

If you don't know what I'm trolling, I'll tell you: people that scream [forced development!] or [harem by necessity? Hah!] on WN.

Reader: MC gets an advantage by Chapter 3; by Chapter 10, they're a cheat compared to their peers? Interesting… revolutionary… I like it!

Same reader: A powerful girl goes to school with the MC!? They meet immediately!? Forced development!

… lol.

It's refreshing to proudly announce that this chapter is~ [forced development].


This~is a harem farming and cringe-worthy harem princess cliche by~necessity. <3

Political marriages are [forced development] by nature and are [necessary] to prevent conflict between Kingdoms.

Liliana needs to legitimize Helix's authority so that the power structure isn't thrown into disarray.

If he's making decisions as a Royal, those listening to him are following Royal decree.

It's that simple.

This development is as realistic as it gets… kek.

Marrying princess Eliza didn't require them to be friends or read books together.

However, this book intentionally throws the mc into cliches.

This is the [consequence] of the princess~cliche. Obvi.

I've intentionally drowned this book in cliches to explore them, so meeting the princess ahead of time shouldn't~be shocking.

In short, this development is justified because it's realistic and fits the theme.

However, please don't forget this novel is a sardonic parody, and it's ultimately a [trash novel].

There are monster swarms, overpowered characters, and an MC that uses magic circles like they're a limitless replacement for modern technology… lol.

A realistic development doesn't mean the story is realistic. Please don't misunderstand.

Thank you for letting me enjoy my troll; now it's your turn. Feel free to roast me mercilessly; you have my blessing.

Warning: If they don't~marry, I'll troll you again mercilessly if you roast me. ;)

So get to trolling if you want to risk getting trolled. Lulz.]

Power stones and grammatical errors = more content. :)