C91 Opening of the zoysia's Ruins

"What do you mean? Could it be that this green wood mask is fake? "

Lu Feng took out the green wood mask s from his spatial ring and placed them on his hand, continuously inspecting them. They really did contain a dense amount of wood element, and were not as unbearable as Little Star had said.

"This green wood mask is not fake, it's just that its level is too low, so it's just trash."

The tiny, translucent figure of the Little Star appeared in front of Lu Feng, and similarly, he looked down at the green wood mask in Lu Feng's hands. It was as if he had thought of something, and a trace of loneliness appeared in his eyes. Lu Feng did not continue speaking, but waited for the Little Star to continue speaking.

"Paleo-Desolation Period, the green wood mask in the sky were stolen by a coincidence. As long as you bring the green wood mask with you, no one can find his true appearance.

If it were not for the fact that the demons were masked and could detect it with their weak demonic nature, even a character like the Great Emperor of Chen Xing would not be able to detect it.

From the looks of it, the so-called Lin Family should be the descendents of the zoysia. I never thought that the powerful and influential people of the zoysia would actually live in such a desolated place like the northern region. "

Recalling the mighty name of zoysia back then, a trace of loneliness and helplessness flashed past his eyes. Unfortunately, as time passed, the world changed.

"zoysia? "Is it very powerful?"

Lu Feng had never seen the zoysia's name in any of the books, and even some of the books about the war between the Archaeopterygium s did not mention the name.

"zoysia's cultivation is just an ordinary Profound Emperor, her strength is ordinary, if you want to defeat him it is easy, but zoysia is indeed a genuine alchemist.

What the old man said previously was indeed true. Apothecary can no longer be considered as an official apothecary. In his hands, any medicinal herb could transform into a miraculous pill that would shock the heavens. "

Normal... Profound Emperor?! Listening to Little Star casually mentioning the name of Profound Emperor, Lu Feng felt extremely helpless in his heart.

"At that time, the Ancestor was severely injured, and it was all thanks to the zoysia's precious medicinal pellets that he was able to recover his cultivation. Otherwise, the Emperor might have died, and even I would have been reduced to nothing.

Brat, if possible, you should help the Lin Clan. You can also be considered the disciple of the Emperor of Chen Xing, just treat it as helping him return the favor. "

After saying that, Little Star shook his head. With a helpless expression, he let out a soft sigh and disappeared into Lu Feng's dantian in a flash.

Lu Feng was still looking at the green wood mask in his hand. After fiddling with it for a while, he put it back into his spatial ring, but the shock in his heart did not decrease in the slightest.

Since he is a descendant of the zoysia, why doesn't the Lin Family make a living by concocting pills? What happened between them? Looks like the Lin Family wasn't simple after all.

Lu Feng withdrew his train of thoughts. Sun Shengyang and Elder Flame had gone out to gather wine but had not come back. Lu Feng simply ignored them and entered into a state of cultivation.

Three days later, Lu Feng's cultivation had already reached the peak of the fourth level of the Profound King Realm and he could break through at any time. He had originally wanted to directly break through the bottleneck and enter the fifth level of the Profound King Realm, but unfortunately, a shout outside the door stopped his cultivation.

"Young Hero Lu, the family head ordered me to inform Young Hero Lu to head to the meeting hall for a chat."

After entering his room three days ago, Lu Feng had been cultivating. In the blink of an eye, three days had passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Feng had felt the time that had passed. There were still a few days until the opening of Remains of Saints.

Lu Feng tidied his clothes, walked off the bed, and pushed open the door. Under the respectful guidance of the servant, he arrived at the great hall from before. Elder Flame and the others had been waiting here for a long time. Lin Qiao'er also obediently sat beside Yao Lao.

Lu Feng walked to Sun Shengyang's side, and cupped his hands in salute to Lin Hongzhou and asked: "Uncle Lin, this nephew is late, I wonder what happened?"

"Haha, it's fine if Nephew Lu is here, but since everyone is here, then I will say it." According to the reports from the servants, the Remains of Saints was showing signs of opening.

Therefore, I have summoned everyone here to inform everyone to prepare for their departure. I don't want to miss the opportunity to enter the Remains of Saints. "

Lin Hongzhou greeted Lu Feng with a smile, then looked at the crowd with a serious face, and said sincerely.

"Activate in advance?" Would something like this happen before? "

Lu Feng did not understand Remains of Saints, so he could only ask. Lin Hongzhou just frowned and did not say anything, while Yao Lao continued to speak.

"Remains of Saints's activation is usually very punctual. It takes three years' time at noon, and then lasts for three days. It was rare for someone to open it early, unless a great treasure appeared in the world.

According to the past experience, as long as the Remains of Saints opens ahead of time, there will be important treasures unearthed. At the same time, the danger inside will double, so this is a good thing and a bad thing for all of you. "

Yao Lao also furrowed his brows as he asked worriedly. Initially, he intended to stop Lin Qiao'er from entering next time, but after thinking about it, this could also be considered as training. Furthermore, Lu Feng was accompanying her, so he did not speak up.

"Heavenly treasures, that's great. It seems like the heavens know that grandpa is here. Haha, that's great."

Sun Shengyang was not worried about the danger and automatically ignored the second half of Yao Lao's words. Hearing that a strange treasure had been unearthed, Sun Shengyang's heart was burning with passion.

Lu Feng rolled his eyes, ignoring what Sun Shengyang had said. Lu Feng naturally knew of the worries and worries in both Lin Hongzhou and Yao Lao's hearts, and he resolutely said as he glanced at the innocent Lin Qiao'er.

"Uncle Lin, Yao Lao, don't worry. I will protect your safety. As long as I am alive, your Miss Lin will not be harmed in the slightest."

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Lin Hongzhou did not take it seriously, but just as he was about to reply, he saw that Yao Lao's frown was gone, and he looked at Lu Feng with a smile.

"Thank you, Martial Nephew, for your concern."

Yao Lao held onto Lin Qiao'er, who was about to retort, while thanking Lu Feng. That tone shocked Lin Hongzhou who was standing above them. This was completely unlike the tone one would use towards a junior.

Lin Hongzhou frowned as he looked at Lu Feng, but he was even more sure that Lu Feng was not ordinary. However, because it was brought by Yao Lao, Lin Hongzhou was not worried at all.

"Yao Lao is too polite. Junior will naturally give it his all."

Lu Feng's words also caused Sun Shengyang to be secretly shocked, this was completely not Lu Feng's personality. Only Lu Feng himself knew that's words had greatly increased his good impression of the Lin Family. After the zoysia, especially with the grace of the Chen Xing, how could he not use all of his abilities to make Lu Feng go all out? (TL: Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Un, Ur)

"Alright, it's about time. Uncle Yu will bring you guys there. Be careful."

, who was standing above, glanced at the time outside, then stood up and waved to signal for everyone to move out. Before Lin Hongzhou had even finished speaking, a figure had appeared at the entrance of the great hall.

"Grandpa Yu!"

"Elder Yu!"

After seeing the figure, Lin Qiao'er skipped over to the front of the figure and pulled on the figure's sleeve as she spoke in a spoiled manner. Elder Flame and Yao Lao stood up and respectfully greeted that figure.

Lu Feng looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, he could not sense the cultivation of the person at all, as though his consciousness had sunk into the ocean, the deep gaze made Lu Feng shiver. Unfathomable.

Dressed in a light green magic robe, he had an aged face and a slightly hunched body. He looked as if he was about to be buried in dirt. Then he nodded towards Elder Flame and Yao Lao.

The old man's gaze turned towards Lu Feng, and this casual glance made Lu Feng feel as if he was in a deep abyss, as though his entire body was being seen through, even Qiu Feiming did not give him this kind of feeling.

Instantly, Lu Feng heaved a sigh of relief, as if the old man in front of him had turned into a different person, and looked at Lu Feng with a smile that was not a smile.

"This is my Lin Family's Senior Elder, Lin Yu. After the relic is activated, it will close after the time it takes to burn an incense stick. Then, it will reopen three days later.

Lin Hongzhou walked forward, respectfully bowed to Lin Yu, and then cupped his hands to bid farewell to everyone. At this moment, Lu Feng walked forward and directly took the green wood mask out from his chest and put it on his face. Sun Shengyang, who was behind him, also put on his mask.

"Master, you're not going?"

Lin Qiao'er looked at the motionless Yao Lao behind her and asked curiously.

"With Elder Yu leading the way, there won't be any risks. I won't be going, in case I see someone I don't want to see. I'll pick you up in three days. In the ruins, do not play the temper of a young miss, and focus on Nephew Lu, do you understand? "

Yao Lao sincerely and earnestly said to Lin Qiao'er. After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Feng, and the pleading look in his eyes made Lu Feng take a good look. Xiao Yan nodded slightly, indicating Yao Lao to be at ease. Then, he followed Lin Yu and headed out of the city.

After exiting the city gates, they walked across the wide moat. Following Lin Yu's directions, the three of them followed closely behind Lin Yu and flew toward the Remains of Saints.

After flying for a short while, Lu Feng sensed that there were a lot of auras in a forest canyon in front of him. Once again, Lu Feng restrained his star power and slowly followed behind Lin Yu.

"Brother Lin is here!"

Just as the four of them landed on the ground, an old man walked over to Lin Yu with a fake smile on his face, greeting him.


Lin Yu also knew who this person was. He scanned his surroundings, and then, without even looking at the person, nodded his head coldly.

"Qiao'er came as well. She has grown quite a bit taller. Hm? These two look very unfamiliar. I wonder who they are? "

The old man looked at Lin Qiao'er and smiled kindly, and suddenly saw Lu Feng and Sun Shengyang behind him. He immediately stopped smiling, and asked with a cold glint flashing past his eyes.