Chapter 108: I want to be with mom

In the hospital.

The ambulance was called in time. When he arrived at the hospital, Qin Muxuan's calf wound was not infected, but she was hit hard, her calf fractured, and she needed to be hospitalized until she recovered.

After the doctor dealt with the injury, Gu Zixuan arranged a VIP ward, which allowed Qin Muxuan to treat the injury quietly.

Qin Muxuan didn't fall into a coma for a long time. Just after lying in the bed, she slowly woke up, looked around, and said the first sentence: "What about Xiaobai?"

Gu Ziyu held her shoulders to keep her from getting up, and whispered, "Xiaobai, I asked Mom to take him back."

& quot; Am I hurt badly? & quot; # _ # 27218470

"The doctor checked it. The closed fracture was not very serious," Gu Ziyi continued. "But the muscles and bones have been injured for a hundred days, and they need to be cured in the hospital for two or three months."

Qin Muxuan is concerned about one thing now: "Is Xiaobai not injured when I find it? I was very painful and didn't look at him carefully."

"No, well, rest assured."

Qin Muxuan heard that she was relieved at the moment, raised her back to cover her eyes, and whispered, "It's great, he's fine."

"But you're fine." Gu Ziyu said. # 2.7218470

Qin Muxuan shook her head. It was not the first time she had broken a bone. She had already been taught when she was studying, so she didn't care much: "This is a trivial matter."

Before she finished speaking, her lips were covered with big hands, and when she raised her eyes, she met Gu Zixuan's cold eyes.

"It's not a small thing, it's a big thing for me."

Qin Muxuan's heart moved slightly, and before she said anything, she listened to Gu Zixun and said, "You sleep first, I will stay with you."

Qin Muxuan responded in a low voice. I didn't know if the tight nerves were loosening or because of the sex, it was really lethargic and the eyelids gradually sink ...

The next day.

Holding flowers, Qin Xiaobai came to the hospital early with Mrs. Gu's company. She was very nervous when she came to the door of the ward, afraid that her mother would hate him because of his waywardness.

Seeing Qin Xiaobai's face full of nervousness, Mrs. Gu smiled slightly, reached out and pushed his back, and said, "It's all right, go in."

Qin Xiaobai nodded and pushed open the door. He heard Qin Muxuan's gentle voice before he spoke, "Xiao Bai, come and see your mother."

Qin Muxuan was sitting on the bed and the moment she saw him, a smile appeared on her face.

When Qin Xiaobai saw this, his eye sockets suddenly disappeared. He walked over and apologized to Qin Muxuan with a hoarse voice: "Sorry mom, I was too wayward last night."

Qin Muxuan opened his hands to him: "Little white, mother can't get out of bed now, can you climb up and give me a hug?"

Qin Xiaobai heard the words, immediately kicked off his shoes and climbed to bed and hugged Qin Muxuan.

"Mom, I'm sorry, oh! I shouldn't have run away from home, so nothing happened!"

"It's all right."

Qin Muxuan rubbed Qin Xiaobai's head and whispered, "Tell mom, who did you say something to last night, will you be like this?"

Qin Xiaobai heard the words, sobbed a few times, and when he was about to say something, he was interrupted by the sudden word of Mrs. Gu who entered the door.

"Qin Muxuan, since you asked, I'll just tell you something today!"

Mrs. Gu blocked Mrs. Gu who wanted to stop, staring indifferently at Qin Muxuan lying on the hospital bed, and continued, "Although you are a little white mother, to an outsider, you are just a stranger living in Gu's family! "


Mrs. Gu had a terrible headache and didn't understand what the old lady thought. At this time, she had to take care of her when she was going out.

"Ye Han, don't talk."

Mrs. Gu glanced at Mrs. Gu, her eyes sharp, just as she did then. Mrs. Gu hissed when she saw this.

"I'll tell you this way. Now Gu Ziyu needs the wife Ming Ming is marrying most, and you are nothing now. If someone asks me, it will be difficult for me to explain your existence to others."

Mrs. Gu with her hands around her chest, said leisurely, "By the way, I have already chosen the wife, and Gu Ziyi will announce the engagement with her in a few days. I urge you to ask someone to take your Things moved out of Gu's house. "

Qin Muxuan remained calm. After listening, she nodded suddenly and realized that Qin Xiaobai's rage last night must have something to do with it.

The old lady Gu's eyes touched Qin Xiaobai, softened, and said to Qin Xiaobai, "Relax Xiaobai, you must like that girl! She is very gentle. Unlike your biological mother, you are allowed to play all day to make money Without knowing how to take care of you. "

The words of the old lady Gu were like thorns, piercing Qin Muxuan's heart.

A little pain.

Qin Xiaobai glanced at Qin Muxuan, seeing her silent, her hands clenched her hem, looking directly at the old lady's eyes, and firmly said, "Grandma, if you want to drive Dabai away, then I will follow."

"What do you say, kid? Isn't it good to read the best book and enjoy the best life here with grandma?"


Xiaobai shook his head.

"I will never leave my mother, and enjoy the riches and riches alone here! I would rather not have anything, but stay with my mother!"

The old lady Gu was a bit angry, and Qin Xiaobai was so good last night, why is she rebellious now?

"Xiaobai, you have to think clearly, the mother who treats you as a money-making tool is not a good mother at all, and you don't want to think about how tired you are when you go home every day. If you do n’t have a nanny, you ca n’t even eat!"

After a pause, Mrs. Gu continued, "She was so angry that you left home. Will you still protect her?"

Qin Xiaobai shook his head vigorously: "It's all my fault! I insist on accepting the show, I just want to make more money and make a lot of money to raise my dad! Last night my mother was right, I was wrong. I don't know if someone lied to me! "

After speaking, Qin Xiaobai hugged Qin Muxuan's neck tightly, and said loudly, "If Dabai leaves, I will follow, and where Dabai goes, I will also follow! Because Dabai is my mother!"

Qin Muxuan trembled her hands, holding Qin Xiaobai's small body tightly, and her long-depressed emotion burst out in Qin Xiaobai's words.

I couldn't help it anymore, almost choking.

She buried her head on Qin Xiaobai's shoulders, tears falling down.

Mrs. Gu stood aside, watching Qin Muxuan and her mother and son cried together. Somehow, it may be the same mother. She resonated and her eyes were slightly moist.

Old Lady Gu did not have these resonances. When she saw Qin Xiaobai being so resistant, she was naturally displeased. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Madam Gu.

Mrs. Gu narrowed her eyes and whispered to Mrs. Gu: "Mom, these words shouldn't be said now. Xiaobai managed to soften your attitude last night. What you said today is like a waste of previous efforts.

"The relationship between Xiaobai and Mu Xuan is so good. If you really like Xiaobai, you shouldn't say these things."

During this time, Mrs. Gu took Qin Muxuan's personality into account and saw that she had devoted much time and energy to taking care of Xiaobai.

When it comes to caring for and caring for children, no one is better than their mother.