Beijing’s evening rush hour always seemed to last forever. When two people are chatting and laughing in the car, it doesn’t feel like much, but it’s a bit tough for one person.

Pei You was stuck downtown for over an hour, slowly inching his way back home.

Approaching midnight, the lights were still on at home. As Pei You entered, Pei Zi was sitting cross-legged on the couch, slurping noodles and watching a drama. Seeing him return, amidst her busyness, she shot him a welcoming glance.

“Brother, I’m about to go to sleep.” Pei Zi hastily swallowed the bite of noodles in her mouth, somewhat conspicuously hiding the remote control behind her back, and smiled at him pleasingly. “Just let me finish this episode.”

Less than a week remained before school resumed, and Pei Zi was making the most of her final moments of “indulgent freedom.” Pei You glanced at her, gave a slight nod, placed the car keys in the hallway cabinet by the entrance, and took off his coat.

He seemed preoccupied, changed into slippers and entered the house. He then glanced around and asked, “Where’s mom? Is she asleep?”

“Mom went to participate in a senior stargazing camping activity and won’t be home tonight,” Pei Zi slurped some noodles and mumbled, “Do you need her for something?”

Nothing major, Pei You thought. It’s just that Zhou Qingbo’s coming out had prompted him, making him realize he hadn’t informed his family about his relationship yet.

He was someone who took everything seriously – work and relationships alike. Since he and Zhou Qingbo had solidified their relationship, he wanted to introduce Zhou Qingbo to his family sooner rather than later.

“Nothing important ,” Pei You said, “Let’s talk when mom comes back.”

Pei Zi responded with an “Oh,” sizing him up with her chopsticks and, whether it was an illusion or not, she felt that Pei You seemed different after going on his business trip and coming back.

He appeared somewhat distracted, letting her nighttime indulgence slide, and it was unclear if his sudden leniency was due to his trip or if his mind was elsewhere.

Pei You was unaware of her thought process. He draped his coat over the dry-cleaning basket, and was about to head to his room. However, just as he was opening the door, he remembered something and turned back to ask, “By the way, did unit 1607 in the front building get rented out?”

The front building was a new property in the second phase of the complex. Though not very large, the layout was quite practical. Pei You had visited it once, and it left an impression.

“It hasn’t been rented out yet. I saw the leasing information updated by the property management when I got back today,” Pei Zi said puzzledly, “Why? Do you have a friend looking for a place?”

“Not really,” Pei You replied concisely, “I’m planning to move out.”

Currently, the house wasn’t small in size, but with Pei Zi frequently coming over during her school breaks and He Ping visiting often for both leisure and tutoring, it was becoming less convenient to live there.

Pei You was overly serious in nature. Although Zhou Qingbo’s suggestion of “moving in with him” might have been a joke, he thought it might be wise to prepare for such a possibility.

Pei Zi was taken aback for a moment, puzzled initially. But then, something clicked in her mind, and she brightened up. Setting aside the TV remote and her noodles, she leaned forward on the coffee table and reached her hand out playfully toward Pei You.

“Wait! Brother!” Pei Yu urgently asked, “Are you in a relationship?”

Pei You didn’t consider this a closely guarded secret. He made a sound of affirmation and straightforwardly admitted, “Yes, I am.”

“I met him through the blind date organized  by mom, you know them,” Pei You said, “It’s Zhou Qingbo.”

Pei Zi stayed put for a moment, processing what she had just heard. She was familiar with the name, but in her memory, Zhou Qingbo had been one of the “failed cases” for Pei You’s relationships. How had they ended up back together?

Pei Zi was flooded with countless questions, but before she could ask, Pei You’s phone suddenly rang from his pocket.

It wasn’t Pei You’s default ringtone, and he took it out after just one ring. Pei Zi straightened up warily, witnessing a subtle curve form on Pei You’s lips as he glanced at the caller ID.

“Oh no,” Pei Zi thought, “I probably won’t get any answers today.”

As expected, Pei You seemed to have no intention of continuing their casual conversation. He gestured towards the phone, then opened the door and headed back to his room

“Hello?” Pei You said.

“Are you home?” Zhou Qingbo’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Just walked in,” Pei You closed the door behind him, absentmindedly unbuttoning the top of his shirt, and went to the balcony to open the window. He asked, “Why aren’t you asleep?”

“I can’t fall asleep,” Zhou Qingbo chuckled. He shifted on the bed, moving the phone from his left hand to his right. After listening to the breathing sounds on the other end for a while, he softly admitted, “Actually… I’m starting to regret it a bit.”

“What’s wrong?” Pei You asked gently.

“I’m starting to regret letting you go back,” Zhou Qingbo murmured, “The bed is so big, sleeping alone feels too lonely.”

He had just finished showering, and his body was still emitting warm moisture. His tone held an unconscious laziness and clinginess, stretching the ending of his sentences. It sounded like a playful tease mixed with an implication.

His voice was light but seemed to carry a hook. Pei You subconsciously grasped the balcony railing, licked his lips, feeling a bit itchy.

“I thought I didn’t have separation anxiety,” Zhou Qingbo sighed softly, “I guess I was wrong.”

During their time in the southern province, Zhou Qingbo and Pei You had been practically inseparable. Even if not physically, they were connected virtually, observing each other’s lives. Now that they were apart, even if only for two hours, Zhou Qingbo felt a hint of discomfort.

“So, what should we do?” Pei You’s heart was beating too fast. He lowered his gaze, nervously gripping his phone, and stumbled over his words, “Then, how about I… I come over now…”

“Forget it, it’s too far,” Zhou Qingbo interrupted, realizing what Pei You was about to say. He chuckled and continued, “Just soothe me.”

“I’ve found a place in my housing complex,” Pei You suddenly said, “It’s an 80-square-meter, two-bedroom apartment, fully furnished, and no one has lived there yet, so it’s practically new.”

“Hmm?” Zhou Qingbo blinked slightly, then quickly caught on. Grinning with a suggestive undertone, he asked, “Is it close to Black Bar?”

“I can always drive you there,” Pei You responded promptly.

Zhou Qingbo chuckled, amused by Pei You’s quick thinking. He teased, “did you plan all this in just a short while?”

Caught off guard by Zhou Qingbo’s insight, Pei You lowered his head and couldn’t help but shyly purse his lips.

He rarely felt this impatient, but for some reason, ever since he left Star River Bay and returned home, he couldn’t control his thoughts regarding this matter.

Just like how kids always feel like the night before a school trip is unusually long, Pei You surprisingly found himself experiencing a similar feeling of slightly anxious anticipation. He couldn’t wait for everything to settle down, and he wanted to move things along as smoothly as possible.

Fortunately, Zhou Qingbo understood his feelings well and didn’t mock him for it. He turned over, not waiting for Pei You’s reply, and pulled the blanket over himself.

“Sure.” Zhou Qingbo’s voice softened as he said, “I’ll go with your plan.”

The rustling sounds from the other end of the phone were particularly clear. The confined space under the blanket made Zhou Qingbo’s voice sound more genuine, and Pei You, gazing at the road and traffic in the distance outside the window, suddenly had a thought. He called out Zhou Qingbo’s name.

“What’s up?” Zhou Qingbo asked.

“I miss you,” Pei You suddenly said.

“Mm.” Zhou Qingbo didn’t seem to find this statement abrupt. Instead, he sounded pleased, letting out a soft hum and saying, “got it.”

“By the way, are you free tomorrow night?” Pei You, not particularly good with sentimentalism, flickered his eyes, cleared his throat as if to hide his emotions, and spoke softly, “I want to introduce you to my mom. If you’re available, would you like to have dinner together?”

“Tomorrow night? Probably not.” Zhou Qingbo laughed, “Let’s wait a few more days. I’ll visit Auntie in a few days.”Pei You couldn’t predict how Zhou Qingbo handled social matters. Knowing Zhou Qingbo had his own ideas, Pei You didn’t insist and just responded with agreement.

The clock’s hands quietly completed half a cycle, the lights outside gradually dimming. Zhou Qingbo glanced at the time, a bit regretfully slipping back under the covers.

While Zhou Qingbo didn’t need to wake up early the next day, Pei You had to return to the office after his leave of absence. Zhou Qingbo wanted him to get some sleep, so he naturally changed the subject.

“Well…” Zhou Qingbo hesitated before saying, “Goodnight?”

“Goodnight.” Pei You chuckled, “sleep well.”

“By the way.” Before hanging up, Zhou Qingbo remembered something else and said, “I’ll send you something tomorrow. Make sure to check.”

“What is it?” Pei You was a bit surprised, “Why didn’t you give it to me earlier?”

“I’m not telling you.” Zhou Qingbo smiled and teased, “You’ll know tomorrow.”