Just as Zhou Qingbo had told Ge Xing, he had very limited energy, so he was well aware that the path he was about to choose would determine what kind of person he would ultimately become.

This matter concerned his and Pei You’s future, so Zhou Qingbo didn’t want to make a hasty decision. Fortunately, Zhou Cangshan understood him and didn’t inquire about his reasons. He simply told him to think it over and inform him when he was ready.

When Zhou Qingbo arrived home, there were still three hours until Pei You got off work. The room was quiet, with only the faint humming sound of the humidifier working.

The paused game interface still lingered on the screen, but Zhou Qingbo didn’t have the enthusiasm to continue advancing through the levels. He turned off the TV, kicked off his slippers, entered the study, and closed the door behind him.

He had already returned the apartment at Star River Bay a week ago, and he had moved all his belongings over to their new apartment. He had unpacked his luggage, clothes, and other items together with Pei You. Only a small box of CDs and game discs remained in the corner of the study, unopened.

Zhou Qingbo picked up the small cardboard box from behind the study door and carelessly sat on the carpet, opening the box with his key and taking out its contents, absentmindedly stuffing them into the gaps of Pei You’s bookshelf.

The process of organizing without much thought was perfect for zoning out. Zhou Qingbo needed some time to let his chaotic and wavering mind calm down, so that he could face the impending decision more objectively.

The game disc cases came in various sizes, some of them quite thick. Zhou Qingbo was used to this randomness and didn’t bother organizing them one by one. He simply stacked them into a pile, hugged them against his chest, and stuffed them into the gaps on the bookshelf.

The remaining space on the bookshelf was small. When Zhou Qingbo forced the stack of game discs into it, there was a creaking sound at the joints, indicating the strain. Zhou Qingbo struggled to pull his hand out of the gap, about to take out two discs to relieve the pressure, when the wooden bookshelf shook as he moved, causing a document to slip from a slightly higher spot and fall right in front of him.

Due to the nature of his work, Pei You rarely brought paper documents home, but Zhou Qingbo had become used to not keeping any secrets between them. So, he didn’t think much of any “privacy issue” and casually picked up the fallen document.

He quickly skimmed through the document, glancing at the contents. Suddenly, his eyes stopped with surprise as he noticed that this wasn’t an ordinary personal document; it was a “Job Transfer and Promotion Application.”

It was clear that the management at Pei You’s workplace had considered transferring him to the Shanghai branch, and the document in Zhou Qingbo’s hand was the application that needed to be submitted by Pei You.

The section for approval by relevant leaders had already been signed, but the line for the individual’s signature was still empty, as if silently indicating Pei You’s indecisiveness.

When did this happen, Zhou Qingbo wondered, why has Pei You never mentioned it?

As he thought, he casually flipped through the document until he reached the end. He noted that the printing date on the application form was several months ago. Calculating the timeline, Zhou Qingbo realized that it was during the period when he and Pei You had just started to break through their hesitations.

No wonder, Zhou Qingbo thought.

Pei You cared deeply about their future plans as a couple. He wouldn’t intentionally hide something so significant. Since he hadn’t brought up this matter to Zhou Qingbo, it meant that he had already made a decision on his own and felt there was no need to discuss it.

He’s not planning to go, Zhou Qingbo thought, because of me.

Pei You’s thoughts were easy to guess – it was evident that he was willing to forgo the promotion and raise in order to stay with Zhou Qingbo.

Suddenly, Zhou Qingbo recalled the day he and Pei You had their first blind date – during that initially not-so-pleasant encounter, Pei You had seriously discussed their future plans. At that time, he had already prepared himself to compromise for the sake of his relationship, and now he had indeed followed through.

Back then, Zhou Qingbo had thought Pei You was weird and unusual, but now as he looked back, he realized that Pei You was the real gem.

Sincere, genuine, and grounded.

Zhou Qingbo’s restless heart suddenly settled. He looked at the words “Shanghai” on the job transfer document, and the scales in his heart began to tilt infinitely in one direction.

After a moment, he shifted slightly and took out his phone from his pocket, dialing Pei You’s number.

Pei You didn’t have any work meetings that afternoon, so he answered the call quickly. Zhou Qingbo heard some vague talking from his end, but it disappeared soon after.

“What’s up?” Pei You’s voice came from the receiver, with his usual gentleness, “do you need something?”

“Nothing much, just missed you,” Zhou Qingbo sat cross-legged on the floor, absently touching the document on his leg. He smiled and asked, “Am I bothering you?”

“no,” Pei You said, “there’s no urgent work for now.”

Pei You was gentle and accommodating, often agreeing to Zhou Qingbo’s requests. At first glance, he seemed a bit too yielding, but Zhou Qingbo knew that to a certain extent, he was also quite stubborn. He rarely showed a forceful side, but once he made a decision, it was hard to change. So, Zhou Qingbo didn’t plan to tell him about discovering the document. He simply smiled and asked when he would be back.

“I’m not working overtime tonight,” Pei You said. He seemed to think Zhou Qingbo was just feeling bored at home and being a bit playful. He smiled helplessly and continued, “I’ll be home after work.”

“Alright,” Zhou Qingbo’s gaze fell on the document in front of him. He smiled and said, “Then come back early.”

Freedom and change often come with high risks, Zhou Qingbo thought, but Pei You was worth the risk.

After hanging up the phone, a female colleague placed a photocopy of the document on Pei You’s desk. She playfully asked if he had a girlfriend.

“It’s my boyfriend,” Pei You corrected her.

She had heard Pei You talk about his crush when he was still in the southern province. She chuckled at his response and handed him the pen in her hand.

“Didn’t expect your boyfriend to be quite clingy,” she remarked.

Pei You marked a few important data points on the document. Hearing her words, he felt his eyelashes twitch, somehow acknowledging the sentiment.

Yeah, he’s pretty clingy, Pei You thought. I can’t even be apart from him for a short while.

However, such words weren’t suitable to say in front of colleagues. So, Pei You selectively ignored that sentiment and quickly finished marking the notes before handing the document back to her.

“I won’t be working overtime tonight. If there’s something urgent, just give me a call,” Pei You said.