Chapter 31: Big, bad bug got a bit of a soft spot, huh?

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 31: Big, bad bug got a bit of a soft spot, huh?

The situation with the dead heroine boyfriend also served to let the rest of the women present to know my strength, which will make them feel safe the more I protect them from dangerous situations.

I made my last move slowly so the women could see that I could kill the infected with ease and just held back as that thing was important to heroin.

The heroine hasn't noticed because she's still panicking, but when she can regain her cool then she won't blame me for her boyfriend's death and instead will feel safe because of my considerate attitude.

The first impression is important, now the heroine will see me as someone who is willing to put herself in danger in order to protect her even though we just met.

If the heroine had fought on her own then he could polish her mental fortitude with the help of the plot armor, in no time she would become a proper warrior and only the protagonist could be worthy enough of her.

Now that I ruined her chance to grow up as a warrior it means that her mental defenses are non-existent. The scene of her mouth full of blood passing a few inches from her face while she is defenseless will replay in her mind every time she sees an infected.

This encounter will leave her with an unconscious thought that only I can protect her.

I will first develop her dependence on me and then train her in combat so that she does not become a useless burden.

Now is a good opportunity to enter the hearts of these women who are still terrified while the protagonist is distracted looking at the corpse of his friend.

"Are you OK?" - I spoke with a voice so soft it made me feel nauseous.

I earned a stronger hug from the heroine that made me feel her big breasts, when I have these women this will have been worth it.

Showing a worried expression similar to a husband looking at his sick wife, I looked at the other three women. - "They are fine?" - It is a stupid question since clearly, they are not well and I only do it so that they react.

The three women ran to hug me. Now they know the danger they face, the infected had a strength that could rival an Olympic athlete thanks to the stimulus of the Hamon so they would die if I do not protect them.

The suspension bridge effect explains that in risky situations human beings tend to be more likely to form relationships due to the need to find a feeling of security.

This will not make them completely devoted to me, but it will plant the seeds of trust that I will later use to forge a strong dependency. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

Maybe instead of a Yakuza assassin, I should have become a gigolo... No, that sounds pathetic.

Although even if I am not willing to be supported by a woman I can still enjoy diving between the breasts of these frightened women while Navi makes a reconnaissance flight.

Navi started exploring the surroundings like a drone to give me an idea of ​​where to go. In addition to the messages, Navi can transmit images to me, this is only with my permission or the idiot would focus on every woman who passes by for me to chase them. Even if I'm rubbish, I have standards.

For now, I have some interesting goals.

Group 1: Students led by a silver-haired girl, a purple-haired girl, and a short brown-haired boy. All three show signs of military training so they must have a special identity for their professional assassin movements.

Group 2: Students led by a silver-haired girl with large breasts and a boy with black hair. Although they are ordinary students, they have the guts to face the infected.

Group 3: A group of teachers and some students protected by a single girl with a wooden sword.

There are other groups, but these are the most interesting. It seems that this high school has useful talents after all.

"I already told you I'm fine" - I had to interrupt my thoughts as Shizuka and Chizuru kept checking me for injuries while forgetting that the protagonist had been kicked like trash.

The heroine kept crying as she hugged me and Midori looked like she would have a nervous breakdown if she let me go.

Ah shit ... I made a miscalculation.

The plot armor in Thematic Worlds is thinner than in Named Worlds so it's easy to overshadow a protagonist if you can stand out.

With a new weapon in hand, I took the lead of the women. I sent Takashi to the end of the group with the excuse that he should protect our backs.

I'm using a technique that mimics the sonar of a bat using small ki pulses to track enemies and avoid ambushes so Takashi will be useless while I get the attention of the women.

Ki radar is a technique that can be detected by any martial artist who possesses Ki even if he is at Disciple Middle-Class level so martial artists ignore it as it is considered a waste of energy.

I started using this technique in Ukraine to infiltrate armed posts. The problem is that I used the Hamon to replace the lost Ki, now that I cannot use Hamon so many of my techniques cannot be used since they would consume large amounts of Ki and Rasen which would exhaust me.

My energy management is to use Ki to protect myself, Rasen to attack, and Hamon to regain strength. This will serve as a lesson not to neglect the training of any skill or energy, one day I could be forced to use Madness energy so I must prepare.

Now that I cannot constantly replenish my energy I will have to improve my Rasen control as my Ki reached the 100% limit.

Having the Ki at 100% only represents the ability to use it and not the strength of the Ki, it is similar to learning to hit a boxing blow without having the necessary physical condition to fight.

If I had to describe all the effects of Ki they are:

Defense upgrade with a Ki cover.

Improvement of the 5 basic senses.

Obtaining a sixth sense that allows us to perceive the environment through Ki even with the other senses suppressed.

Channel Ki into weapons to upgrade them to the point where an arrow can take down a helicopter.

And the ability to exert pressure on the will of living organisms with instincts or emotions. After integrating this with my Bloodthirst skill I managed to create a skill called Intimidation.

[Bloodthirst and Ki Pressure skills have been integrated to create Intimidation]

[Intimidation: Shake like a bitch!

A powerful presence can intimidate other sentient organisms, cause negative status effects, generate submission, and even cause death. If it develops, it is possible to intimidate more powerful beings with weak wills]

[Skill: Intimidation (20%)]

I have not used it since it is an area skill that attacks allies and enemies alike, I need to train to control it. Although I have not used it since I obtained it, it will be useful to start my dictator path, I just have to be careful not to use the ability around women that interest me or they could end up fearing me.

Leaving aside my abilities I have to hurry to group 3 since the mutant is not a loner like me and he had friends.

From what I saw the purple-haired girl is hiding a sadistic personality, she tries to suppress her crazed smile every time she breaks the head of an infected.

If I show that I am similar to her while also caring about protecting others then the path to obtaining her will be easier.

Being able to use a wooden sword to break heads without breaking a sweat is an impressive skill for someone who does not possess Ki, I want to see how far she can grow with Ki.

In the world of Kenichi, I discovered that I like to polish talents (mainly of beautiful women) so in this world, I will train interesting people.

I plan to get the Visa of this world to return to the world of Kenichi, I will have to travel between both worlds to improve my strength and get more experience teaching, if I am going to be a teacher then I will do well.

Now that I think about it maybe the sadistic girl appeals to me as she reminds me a bit of Shigure. I really miss Shigure ...

Shit, did I really fall in love with her?

How troublesome, but I don't dislike the feeling.