Chapter 56: I'm Sinking Into More Trouble

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 56: I'm Sinking Into More Trouble

I'm in fucking trouble.

After taking the first blow at the blue-gray-skinned monster, I realized that this thing has a stronger body than Apachai.

The second blow brought me close to the limit of what my arm can withstand, if it weren't for the support of the black blood my arm would be unusable for a week.

I had to cut on my arm to expel the excess blood accumulated from using Advance, then I used acupuncture to prevent bleeding and relax the muscles to prevent them from becoming inflamed.

When I saw the pair of women, I remembered Mikoto's descriptions about the Black Label people and I recognized them as Aki Nijou and Miki Tsurugi.

Aki's chest was comparable to Nao and Shizuka, a wonder of nature. I held back the instinctive urge that was screaming at me to see that pair of majestic breasts and gave Tsurugi my full attention.

As described by Mikoto, Tsurugi is a skilled sniper and anesthesiologist who constantly argues with Yuko for being more popular with male patients.

Mikoto said that once Tsurugi got drunk and started screaming that men are trash for preferring giant breasts. Although Tsurugi is beautiful, the men prefer to look at Aki and Yuko which has frustrated Tsurugi.

Mikoto inadvertently gave me tools to approach each Black Label woman, I just have to take advantage of the right moments and make a good impression, with some effort I can expand the number of mature women in my harem, I'm sick of the damn little girls.

Aside from the fact that I am becoming a womanizer who even flirts in life and death situations, I am in real trouble.

I won't be able to move my arm for at least 10 minutes, I restrained myself using the Giga Drill Break so as not to be incapacitated, using two blows in a row put a lot of pressure on my arm and I will not be able to use the same technique with my right arm again for the rest of the day or I'll damage my blood vessels.

The worst thing is that the first blow should have destroyed his heart and the second crushed his brain, but he is still alive. His heart was completely crushed, the head was damaged but the skull turned out to be stronger than I estimated, the worst thing is that in the second hit I used a karate technique to internally strike and crush his brain, but it keeps moving.

What bothers me the most is that the smell of infection is stronger in that monster, it is similar to the smell of Diclonius so there can only be one result.

The damn monster got up and looked at me, his expressionless face began to change into an expression of annoyance.

"Mission, obtain a sample of the specimen with the D99 virus, mission not accomplished, unknown objective, need to destroy, mission error, new priority objective" - ​​The monster spoke like an emotionless machine, but at the end of his words there was a trace of hatred. Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Stupid title of King Diclonius, since the Diclonius seems to be the source of the virus so this thing possessing great strength will instinctively want to kill me to steal my title.

The monster walked in my direction, the sense of danger it conveys is suffocating, if I'm not mistaken this thing should have the brute force of Apachai.

"Destroy" - The monster said emotionlessly as his fist struck in my direction.

His fist was too fast, but he was able to evade it as he lacked technique and was predictable. I can't underestimate it, if this thing is smart and acts like an idiot to make me lower my guard I will definitely die.

An enemy that surpasses me in height, range, strength, and speed, even if I use ranged weapons, would be a waste of time since not even the Giga Drill Breaker could kill him so thrown weapons and bullets would be useless.

Since using brute force against this thing would be suicide I will have to use the pure technique.

I took a deep breath, I won't be able to use my arm for a while, but there is a martial art that will serve me well, Ju-Jutsu.

It is based on techniques of joint dislocation, throws, and chokes similar to Judo.

In Yami's records, I found the Ancient Ju-Jutsu techniques and they are quite interesting. Named the ultimate self-defense technique, the Aiki technique was what caught my attention the most about this martial art.

It is a total counterattack so it lacks offensive power that can kill instantly, but it is a perfect weapon to deal with enemies that rely on brute force without technique.

I stood with my feet shoulder-width apart as I lowered my center of gravity to maintain proper balance, I can't use my right arm, so I'll focus on redirecting the force of his attacks with my left hand.

The monster approached walking, his body was heavy so the floor shook with each step.

I stood still and waited for the blow.

The monster bent down and raised its right fist to strike.

When the fist started to come down, I stepped forward with my left foot while leaning to the side to avoid the blow that would be directed to my face, before the arm was fully stretched I pressed my arm at the midpoint between the wrist and elbow causing the arm to be redirected to its own face.

"Aiki!" - I have to find a way not to have to shout the name of the techniques and still maintain the full effect.

* sounds of wall cracking *

The monster was thrown against the wall, although the impact was not as strong as my Giga Drill Break I did not have to wear me out when attacking.

The monster stood up, walked towards me, and struck again in the same way so I redirected it again making it fly against the wall.

* sounds of wall cracking *

Did this woman just caress the palm of my hand with her finger?

The plot armor is awesome and it looks like someone needs a boyfriend. Mikoto can't blame me, she started.

Mikoto didn't notice the brief flirtation between us, my cute jealous girl was busy checking that hadn't injured me.

"Tsurugi, could you give me some loose bullets, and will you happen to have a razor or something sharp?" - I asked after thinking of a way to deal with the monster.

"I have a military knife" - Tsurugi gave me her knife and 5 sniper bullets. - "It's enough?"

"It's perfect, thanks" - I took the things and approached the monster.

With a kick, I broke the concrete around the monster's head to remove it.

I put Ki on the knife and opened his eyelid, then took one of his eyes out.

Madness, it's your turn.




Stop playing and do your fucking job.

I cut the tip of my finger with the nail discreetly so as not to attract attention, the black blood, the Rasen and the related to the system are things that I will tell my harem in due time.

Only Saeko who has the Sword of Growth knows some things, I will tell her everything after I tell Shigure since it would not be fair to my first wife.

The black blood entered the empty socket and obstructed the tissue to prevent the wound from closing as well as helping me to block the surveillance camera.

I took the sniper bullets and put them in the eye socket, the black blood helped to accommodate the bullets in the places I told you.

"Back off a bit, this will be unpleasant" - I looked at the pair of women to back off.

"More disgusting than watching you gouge out an eye?" - Mikoto asked sarcastically, but still she backed away next to Tsurugi.

I pointed the monster's face to the other side and sent a Hamon current through the black blood that was connected to my finger.

The energy heated the bullets, firing them.

In a disgusting way, the face came off the monster sticking to the wall, it reminds me of the time my little sister threw a slice of bread and jam against the wall in a tantrum.

I looked at the monster's open head, its skull was ripped off next to the skin, but the capsule that protected the brain was still intact as was the surveillance camera inside the capsule.

I removed the capsule by cutting the nerve endings that connected it to the body so now the monster finally died.

"It worked better than I thought" - I think I'm talented at murder.

"... That was disgusting" - Mikoto glared at me as Tsurugi looked at the piece of meat stuck to the wall.

"Oh come on, I couldn't think of anything else to remove the brain, look, it's fortified" - I showed them the capsule.

"..." - Both women looked amazed.

"It's not like I have to do it again" - I sighed in relief, this thing was too troublesome.

"There is actually another" - Tsurugi spoke awkwardly.

"What? Could you repeat?" - I looked blankly.

"There were another one of these monsters, it is near the main entrance, we must hurry to help Sayo and Yuko since they were fighting against that thing" - Tsurugi seemed to remember her friends in trouble so she started rushing to help them.

I didn't even have time for a break.

I put the capsule in the hole where the monster's head was and covered it with debris after making sure it didn't have a bomb or something similar.

This is too troublesome, but it's worth it, that nurse named Aki is like a Shizuka, although I feel like she was looking at me strangely as if she could see something on my body that I haven't noticed.

Ah whatever, she is beautiful, she will be in my harem and this will have been worth it.