Chapter 68: A Strange Story 1

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 68: A Strange Story 1

(Mikoto perspective)

Saeko and I reached the room where Luis was resting. Upon entering we saw Luis smiling wryly while Shizuka and Aki checked his body to check that he was recovering. The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

"I already told you I'm fine" - Luis seemed to find the situation funny, but that fool can't imagine how worried we were.

"Mou, darling you just have to leave everything in our hands" - Shizuka pouted and continued checking Luis's pulse. - "Although I do not know how to judge that your pulse became strange, it seems the rhythm of a rock song or something similar"

In the days that Luis was unconscious, we saw all kinds of strange things in his body. To begin with, there was the fact that he was able to remove his heart and form a new one, his blood gradually turned black, his pulse was no longer that of a human, and the black blood itself prevented a transplant surgery, plus Luis was able to organize a test for Rin and Kaede despite being a vegetable.

The most confusing thing was that his DNA was human, so we did not know what was happening and we only had to ask him, hoping that he knew what was happening.

"Shizuka, Aki, I'm fine and you can do a check-up later, I need to say something important to Saeko and Mikoto" - Luis sighed and then made a serious face.

"Then tell about it while we check your condition, there is something in your body that does not stop worrying me and I do not know what it is" - Aki continued checking the condition of Luis' left arm which had almost been torn in the fight with the man with skin gray.

"..." - Luis stared with a complicated expression, I think I understand his concern.

"Are you going to tell us about a sensitive topic and you don't want many people to listen?" - I asked him directly.

Luis sighed and nodded. - "It's a complicated issue"

"Just say it, or don't you trust us?" - Sayo who was on the side asked him with annoyance.

"... Um, I don't think we have introduced ourselves" - Luis looked wryly at Sayo who was stealing my role as a jealous wife, not that it bothers me, it definitely does not bother me.

"Ah right, haha ​​sorry, Hitsugi Sayo, I'm glad to finally talk to you, I appreciate what you did to save me so as a reward for your sacrifice I will join this colorful harem that you are forming. Great, isn't it?" - Sayo smiled cheekily.

This woman is direct and she does whatever she wants, that's why she didn't want the two to meet, now I can only sigh.

"Well, my group of nurses is growing, maybe I should get injured more often" - Luis smiled.

"Don't you dare say that shit even as a joke! Do you have any idea how worried I was ?! " - I almost rushed to beat up this carefree idiot.

"Okay I'm sorry, I'll be more careful, come, let me pamper you a little" - Luis made an apologetic expression and then made a gesture with his hand.

Even though I felt angry I still walked over and enjoyed Luis's hand on my head stroking my hair.

"I don't want to lose you ..." - I spoke in a low voice, I was very scared of losing this fool, without him I wouldn't know what to do.

"I'll be more careful" - Luis spoke kindly creating a warm atmosphere just for the two of us.

"Mou darling, I've tried to take care of you and I don't have a romantic moment" - Shizuka pouted breaking the atmosphere.

"It will be for later, I really have to tell you something important" - Luis smiled to console Shizuka and then looked at us seriously while he continued stroking my head, I think he has an addiction to patting.

"What I'm going to tell you is something that should not leave this room, and that includes you Yuko" - Luis looked at the door that was closed.

The door opened and Yuko entered with an embarrassed expression. - "I wanted to see your condition, but I didn't want to interrupt them"

"Fine, this is something important since they used my blood to do some tests" - Luis's words froze us.

"How?" - Yuko asked in shock.

"How did I know? Although my body was in a coma, my brain could still capture information from the outside and I have very good senses "- Luis shrugged, I always forget how absurd his body is.

"Even though it hurt that they turned their back on me, I don't hate them, they were a family to me and I respect them"

"For a martial artist, principles are more valuable than their lives so choosing the path of not killing is not out of cowardice but out of love of life so don't hate them"

I didn't say anything and just held Luis's hand.

"After that, I thought about leaving the city and looking for a new path, but a martial arts expert kidnapped me and took me to an organization of martial artists who followed the fist of murder and wanted to take over the world."

"The values ​​of martial artists are particular and can be quite extreme when choosing a path"

I'm speechless. So we who use murder to protect people would be the villains in that world? How absurd.

"I refused to join them so they used brainwashing to turn me into a weapon without will."

Luis gritted his teeth furiously, but not at his captors but at himself.

"In my first mission I was sent to a conflict zone, I killed many people, innocent people ... Children, the elderly, pregnant women, I took many innocent lives ..."

Shizuka and I hugged Luis when we saw that his gaze turned gloomy, the guilt in his eyes was so overwhelming that he conveyed a feeling of wanting to die so I could only hug him to show him that regardless of his mistakes I loved him and would not stop loving him.

"Thank you" - Luis smiled.

"On a mission, I was shot in the head protecting one of the few people I liked in that group, when my vision darkened I thought she had died, but somehow I survived"

I remember that they did X-rays on Luis to see her condition and there was a hole in his skull that was covered with black blood to protect him, I was going to ask him what happened, but now I know.

"I was in a dark space, I thought that was limbo after I died, but instead I met someone or rather something, I couldn't remember what happened in that space, perhaps as a result of the headshot"

"When I woke up I came back to this world a couple of months ago. The shot eliminated the mind control and I was filled with guilt for my actions, but I also wanted to look for the murderer of my parents, with my new strength I sought to join the yakuza to investigate who killed my parents "

"Then the infection happened, when I saw how people died in miserable ways I remembered what I did in the other world and I was filled with guilt so I gave up my desire for revenge and focused on saving other people as a form of atonement"

"Until now I only remembered the other world, but I could not remember what happened in limbo, when I was unconscious after the battle in the hospital I was able to return to limbo and recover the memories of the place, I also met the strange entity again"

Luis sighed and looked at us seriously. - "What I'm about to say will sound even more absurd, but I want you to try to accept it as strange as it may sound"

"More absurd than traveling to other worlds?" - I tried to joke, but Luis answered directly.

"Yes" - Luis looked seriously.

I nodded, curious what he was about to say.

"Before I explain I need you to answer something and I hope you think about your answers well, all of you including Aki and Yuko"

Luis took a deep breath, looking at the seriousness in his eyes I felt my heart race without understanding why.

"Mikoto, Saeko, Shizuka, Sayo, Aki, Yuko ..."

I had a strange feeling.

"Will you marry me?"


* Mikoto.exe has stopped working *