Chapter 77: Chat With Mother-in-Law

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 77: Chat With Mother-in-Law

I took a quick look around the room and saw that on the table there was a map of the city with red, yellow, and blue markings in the areas near this residence.

I recorded all the information on the table and used Hamon to stimulate my brain so that I could think at the highest speed.

Ignoring the intense migraine I can see that this survivor base is not in the best condition, the idea of supporting so many survivors while only the Takagi family staff work has made supplies short.

The blue marks are the places that have already been explored and emptied, the yellow marks are future targets to be emptied while the red marks are extreme danger zones, possibly there are mutants or mutated animals in those places.

While I was concentrating on recording the information the Takagi family had, Saya rushed over to her parents. - "Mom, Dad I'm back!"

Saya's beautiful mother smiled fondly and spread her arms to hug her daughter.

"I'm glad you're safe" - The beautiful woman hugged Saya while she shed some tears.

Watching this moving mother and daughter scene made me feel a bit nauseous, my family problems keep me from being moved by this.

"Yuriko takes Saya outside, right now we are busy" - Souichiro spoke with a serious voice.

I saw a trace of concern and relief in Souichiro's eyes but he seems to want to maintain a strong forehead so as not to damage his image of an iron leader.

That is fine for a yakuza boss, but if he gets carried away he will lose the support of his closest people due to the coldness he shows, after all, many humans prioritize emotions over logic.

This is starting to get interesting.

"Father..." - Saya wanted to say something, but she was stopped by her mother.

"Saya, let's talk outside" - Yuriko smiled gently at her daughter and led her out of the room.

Yuriko gave me a look to evaluate me since it is obvious that I am close to Saya since we had entered holding her hands.

Externally my body language indicates self-confidence, physical and mental strength, heroism, and a direct character suitable for a leader without falling into narcissism.

I have strived to build a perfect image of a charismatic and trustworthy man who can be threatening when the situation calls for it, but that is affectionate and kind to his loved ones.

A good liar is one who first lies to himself, to avoid making cracks in my performance I have dedicated myself to maintaining the facade at all times even when I am sure that nobody is observing me.

That has brought me severe migraines and is possibly one of the causes of my growing mental problems but what does it matter.

Returning to the mother and daughter duo, Yuriko led us to a private room. The mother and daughter sat on a sofa and Saya immediately started crying as she hugged her mother.

"I was so worried, every day I felt more anxious not receiving news from you, I am so grateful that you are finally here" - Yuriko stroked Saya's hair with a maternal smile.

Surprising, to think that the issue of motherhood and fatherhood would make me feel sicker than eating infected people, I really need therapy.

"I'll give you some space" - I spoke kindly as I got ready to leave.

I want to know what Souichiro is talking about and find an opportunity to use acupuncture on his brain, although I will have to distract Tsubaki first.

"Not! Stay!" - Saya jumped up and rushed to take my hand.

"Saya, it's better if you talk to your mother in private" - I caressed Saya's cheek.

Saya is vulnerable from the relief of finding her family and the feeling of betrayal at being ignored by her father.

Souichiro is a good man, but he seems the kind of person who prioritizes work over his family, perhaps in a desperate situation he would sacrifice his life for his daughter since it is seen that he is a loving father, but the stupid need to maintain a Strong appearance will only create family conflicts.

Sometimes I feel like my job is too easy.

"No, stay, you are my family and you must stay" - Saya was anxious as she held me tightly, her dependence grew too much when she saw her father choose the work instead of her.

If I have daughters I have to give them a minimum of attention or the idiots can easily fool them because of the abandonment traumas.

Damn it, Sayo's maternity talk gave me weird ideas.

"Saya ..." - I spoke with a moved expression creating a cheesy atmosphere.

"Ahem, daughter, could you introduce me to your friend?" - Yuriko seemed uncomfortable seeing us flirt.

She seemed a little jealous, not because she was attracted to me but because her husband must be too busy to show affection.

For this it was a good idea to sacrifice my time to sleep in order not to neglect my harem, I have too much experience with women who feel lonely since the husband works too much, I think I developed a sixth sense to identify them.

"He is Luis, he is my bo-boyfriend" - Saya blushed intensely but admitting our relationship was the first step to overcome her complex tsundere.

"Nice to meet you, Saya has always talked about you and I must say that I already know from whom she inherited her beauty" - I made a typical Japanese bow while sending Navi to spy on Souichiro's meeting.

"Ara ara, you don't have to be so polite, you can call me mother" - Yuriko smiled warmly.

I resisted the tic on my lip.

"That would be difficult, Takagi-san looks too young, if not because Saya has told me about you then would think that you are Saya's sister" - I kept smiling kindly.

I must not flirt and I should only give slightly superficial compliments so as not to show that I am sexually interested in her, if I want a real relationship and not just a one-night stand I need to build trust to turn it into dependency.

I felt like Saya was trying to pinch my arm, but it was useless as my muscles are too firm.

With a pout, Saya looked at me with narrowed eyes. - "Don't flirt with my mother"

I'm not doing it yet.

"I'm sure there is no straight man who doesn't find Takagi-san attractive" - Acting like a good boy is unpleasant.

"Ara, thank you" - Yuriko smiled warmly.

My attitude is not one of courtship but of emotional support so instead of looking like a horny teenager who wants to seduce her I seem like a close confidante.

"You can call me Yuriko, Takagi-san makes us look strange" - Yuriko forgot that we just met, but who am I to judge.

"Thank you Yuriko" - I smiled.

"Although now that I think about it, my daughter emphasized that you have a tendency to flirt with beautiful women, is this your way of courting?" - Yuriko smiled as if she was joking, but there was a hint of suspicion in her eyes.

A good intuition in addition to a lifetime of business experience, she has a sharp mind and quick thinking but it is not enough.

"Could be" - I smiled maliciously and then sighed. - "Actually I don't know why so many women seem attracted to me, somehow many women began to approach me and I admit that I liked the feeling so I did not reject any of them, then some special circumstances arose and before I knew I had a harem "

My expression was ironic as if I didn't know how I got to this.

Yuriko's suspicion lessened, but she was still attentive, she paid close attention to my body language, but since I obtained the Ogre Body I can control my micro-expressions to perfection so unless magic is used there is no way of knowing what I lie as my mind protects itself from telepathy.

Note to self, find a countermeasure to lie detection magic.

"I see, but that still doesn't explain why my daughter emphasized that you shouldn't try to seduce me" - Yuriko smiled wryly.

"Well, the mother of one of Saya's friends developed feelings for me and joined my harem" - I scratched my cheek in embarrassment.

"Seriously? Rei's mother is part of the scouting party at this base so it can't be her and Saya doesn't have many acquaintances... Wait, is it Miki, Takashi's mother? " - Yuriko opened her eyes in surprise.

"Ahem, yes" - I showed an expression of shyness, stupid greater good.

"To think that that woman would fall in love with a teenager ... Well that says a lot about you, that woman is too strict and since her husband left her she has hated the idea of dating someone ..." - Yuriko seemed to lose herself in the memories of her. - "It feels like time has flown by"

"Yuriko, I'm serious when I said that you are young and beautiful, if it weren't because I love Saya I could be enchanted by your beauty" - I said that with a serious expression, but without desire or affection in my gaze, only sincere concern, so it will seem that I said it because I am concerned about her state of mind and not because I want to seduce her.

"Ara, a good boy shouldn't lie" - Yuriko couldn't hide her happiness, it seems that her husband has really neglected her and she needs some sincere praise.

"It's not a lie, you really are beautiful" - I insisted while keeping my look of concern.

"In that case ..." - Yuriko got up and approached me, then leaned slightly giving me a good view of her cleavage. - "Would you like to kiss this beautiful woman ~?"

Yuriko spoke in a mocking tone, but there was a slight expectation.

Woman, you really need affection.

"I ... I ..." - I acted nervous and swallowed audibly, my eyes focused on Yuriko's beautiful lips.

She made a subtle movement forward as if my body moved on its own initiative wanting to kiss her.

Yuriko finally reacted and realized that her joke was getting out of control.

"Ahem, I believe you" - Yuriko turned away and returned to her seat.

Although her face was still the same gentle smile there was a bit of redness generated by the embarrassment of seducing her daughter's boyfriend.

For my part, I blinked several times as if I had been left in a small trance, at the cost of my null dignity I blushed a little and looked away with shame.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want... I don't know what happened" - With my embarrassed child act Yuriko will remember this moment as a situation where she tried to seduce me so even if I start making advances with her it will only be a response to her provocations.

"N-No, it was my fault, I think I got carried away with my little joke" - Yuriko looked guilty and embarrassed by her behavior.

To make sure this moment will be etched in Yuriko's memory, I whispered to myself in a low voice, but with enough volume for Yuriko to hear. - "If only it had been real then I ..."

I shook my head and acted like I was trying to forget the matter, but now Yuriko won't be able to forget it.

Yuriko fell into awkward silence while I enjoyed the silence to relax.

When I forced my brain to analyze large amounts of information in a short time it gave me a headache and I need an aspirin, although aspirin no longer works for me ... How troublesome.

"What I wanted to talk about ..." - Yuriko finally regained her composure, but looking at her micro-expressions I can see that she is still embarrassed and is now more aware of me.

Now I just have to act as if a slight infatuation has arisen over this situation and when Souichiro breaks Yuriko's heart I will have my chance to take all the resources of the Takagi family.

"Please say whatever you need, Saya's family is my family" - I smiled gently reminding her of our current relationship to increase the guilt of seducing me.

Guilt is a double-edged sword, if I exaggerate Yuriko will move away from me, but if I am careful she will approach me on her own.

"Thank you" - Yuriko smiled, but it was a bit forced. - "Saya mentioned that you formed a base and trained the survivors, in this place we are running out of manpower and we don't have time to train the survivors so I was wondering if you could help us train the survivors, in exchange we will give you supplies for your group "

Yuriko spoke in a professional manner as she would expect from a business genius.

"Sure, I can also help search for resources and survivors" - I showed a reliable smile that made Yuriko smile, but my next words froze her. - "We will be here for a couple of days and then we will return to our base so I will do my best to help"

"Thank you very much, that will be a great help" - Yuriko replied calmly, but there was reluctance in her voice.

She must think that if at least half of what Saya said is true then I will be a great help since from the records I saw in Souichiro's office less than 20 people in this base can face mutants like the Hunter.

On each excursion to get supplies, at least two people die while the useless survivors continue to arrive, at this rate they will not last more than a month due to the lack of supplies.

Yuriko and I smiled and started talking about what our cooperation would be like, I put myself on the losing end making Yuriko feel even more indebted to me.

Meanwhile, I had Navi explore the base and found some little surprises, definitely this place must be mine with everything and its people.