Chapter 97: OH SHIT!

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 97: OH SHIT!

I massaged my forehead trying to ease my migraine.

"I already said I'm sorry! I didn't think that brat would be so traumatized!" - Navi was flying next to me, but I ignored him, I'm not going to speak to him for a week.

I'm sitting on a plane heading to Japan as the little jerk caused a big problem.

"Hey Listen! Hey Listen! Hey Listen! Come on don't ignore me! This is technically good for you! Hey don't ignore me! "

I left Mildred, Izayoi, and Olivia at the base I made on the Russian border to train.

Although they are skilled at planning combat strategies, they have no idea how to manage an organization or how to lead subordinates, so I left a couple of lobotomized human puppets to take charge of running the mafia I built.

After the nightly massacre, it took me 3 days to organize the arms dealers and they are currently beginning to expand into the Middle East and the borders of China.

Since they are a unified group like a hive, they have achieved an almost perfect performance allowing the organization to work 24 hours a day through a continuous shift system.

"Come on, you asshole! Do not ignore me! You know this was going to happen sooner or later! I just hastened the inevitable!"

I practically turned them into a group of worker ants who live for the sake of working. Using my ability to manipulate Madness, I turned their love for worldly pleasures like sex and drinking into love for work, making them the perfect corporate slaves.

The sad thing is that even though they are brainwashed puppets I am still the one who works the most in this organization making me doubt if I am actually a Harem King or a corporate slave.

Anyway, the point is that my organization can function automatically while acting discreetly so as not to attract Yami's attention.

In fact, my organization began making deals with the lower echelons of Yami allowing me to expand my influence while they were busy with their rivalry with the Ryozanpaku.

The main disciples of Yami's disarmed faction are in a showdown with Kenichi to prove who is the strongest disciple, which in my opinion is a stupid waste of time when they are supposed to take over the world.

I really don't understand martial artists even though I am one.

"Hey Listen! Come on friend! Do not ignore me! You will make me cry! Even though I don't have eyes ahahaha! ... I'M BECOMING IDIOT AAAAAAAAHHHHHH !! TELL ME SOMETHING! I BEG YOU!"

"I think he learned the lesson ..." - Tsubaki spoke to me from my Core of Existence. L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

"No" - was all I said and took a bottle of water.


The reason I'm so upset with the little jerk is that he took a picture of me while 'meditating' with Izayoi and then took the picture to show Honoka.

My fears about Izumi's supposed training turned out to be true. The adorable brat who I liked to pat her head while we watched TV turned into a precocious child and practically she went crazy out when she saw a picture of me having sex with another woman.

Not happy with that shit, he wrote a letter signed with my name and delivered it to Saori by mail where he mentioned that I wanted to see her one last time to say goodbye because even though I love her she is a married woman with a happy family, a family of which I am not part.

Although Navi managed to screw me, it is not something irreparable since this is part of a plan that I have formed for later, although first I thought to create a dramatic scenario where Kenichi's life was in danger and then I would appear to save him which would allow me to rebuild my friendship with the Ryozanpaku.

Now that has gone to hell and possibly I will have to implement plan D where I will have to fight the masters of the Ryozanpaku while hiding my identity and then revealing the truth in a dramatic way.

"Waaaaa I'm crying! I'm really crying! Please do not ignore me! I feel lonely if you ignore me! "

I'm really not that mad at Navi. As he said, this would happen sooner or later as I was careless with the emotional trauma Honoka had during the kidnapping so to some extent this is my fault.

I must be more careful when dealing with childhood trauma.

In spite of that, I plan to punish Navi so that this kind of stupidity does not repeat itself.

With the advancement of my strength, my life expectancy continues to grow and according to my level of cellular activity, Monika theorized that I have a life expectancy of between 1000 and 1500 years, so if I continue to improve and obtain resources from other worlds, it is not impossible to obtain the biological immortality.

Since Navi is directly connected to my Core of Existence we will both spend eternity together so I must teach him not to screw up my plans or in the future or we could have big problems.

"Sniff sniff I'm really crying ..."

I kept drinking water while looking out the window, I have to plan what to do next.

"I think you broke him..." - Tsubaki spoke in a worried voice while I continued to ignore Navi.

The idiot is not going to die so it's not important.

I stretched a bit in my seat when I saw the most horrible thing my eyes have had the misfortune to see.

[System Notification: Mission 'Now I am the protagonist! (Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple)' has been canceled]

[System Notification: World Plot Armor: 'Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple' has disappeared]

I'm not leaving my wives in this fucking world of shit!

I need to think, calm down and think, this situation is way beyond my control so I need to regain my calm.

"Luis, calm down! Your mind is cracking! " - Tsubaki screamed in panic within my Core of Existence, she can't see the notifications from my system so she doesn't know the damn mess we're in.

I have to calm down, I'm used to everything going to shit so this isn't something new, I'm just facing the end of the world, it's not a big deal.

I took a deep breath and calmed down completely in half a second, a new personal record.

[Energy: Madness of Selfishness (68%)> (70%)]

Is calming down at the end of the world considered insane?

Whatever, I don't care.

"Tsubaki, we have a little problem" - I sighed wearily, I can't spend half a day quietly without facing a ridiculous situation.

"No matter what happens, you can get over it like you always do" - Tsubaki's voice is comforting, then I'll give her dangos as she seems to like them.

"Um, Houston, we have a problem" - Navi sent me a telepathic message. - "What do you want first? The good news or the bad news? "

"The bad news" - I replied immediately.

"Your future stepson's fag was beaten to shit by a girl" - Navi seemed to want to laugh, but he held back as he knows the gravity of the situation.

I see, Kenichi lost and therefore the plot went to shit.

I have a feeling this is my fault ...

"I'll guess, the good news is that the one who hit him was one of my women" - I sighed deeply hating myself.

"Yup, the masked fighter Rachel beat Kenichi to hell, right now he's receiving medical treatment from the dojo masters, heh, pathetic" - Navi began to regain his mocking personality, although perhaps the punishment affected him more than what I thought.

Even though this is a huge problem, I am proud of Rachel and I don't regret having trained her.

"Watch the situation and check the reactions of those close to Kenichi, the priority is Shigure and Saori" - I massaged my forehead.

"Good but don't forget my burger!" - Navi shouted happily again.

"Yes yes, I'll give you two hamburgers" - I settled into the seat trying to calm myself down.

"Yey!" - Navi shouted excitedly and went to do his job.

"May I know what happened?" - Tsubaki asked confused.

"Mmmm, can you write a story?" - I asked while closing my eyes, the light only makes my migraine worse.

"I've never tried, do you need me to write something?" - Tsubaki asked confused.

"Well never mind, I'll think of something, maybe a nice story about how the world was consumed by a pandemic that turned humanity into deranged murderers ... It could be the start of World War III with a nuclear holocaust ... Or maybe an action story where ordinary people and martial artists had a war with each other where firearms clashed fists with fists covered by Ki... There are so many possibilities... "- I began to ramble while I wanted to get drunk.

"... I don't know why, but I'm worried about the future of this world" - Tsubaki sighed with concern.

"It's not that bad, I'll just do my best ... Oh shit" - I opened my eyes suddenly.

How the hell am I going to see Mikoto and the others if I can't use dimensional travel?!

I need to create a story or my promise to visit them 2 times a week will be broken!

Today is Friday, I already made two visits this week so I have almost a week to have the beginning of the Story.

"Luis, I don't know what you're thinking, but don't do it..." - Tsubaki began to get anxious.

"Tsubaki, it's all for the greater good" - I stood up and hurried to the cockpit.

"Sir, you can't get up from your seat ..." - A stewardess tried to stop me so I just smiled gently at her.

"Hello beautiful lady, my name is Alexander" - With a big smile I broke the pilot door with my hands while the pressure of my Intimidation skill covered all the passengers, then the black blood left my body creating threads that held the necks of passengers entering through their ears. - "I would appreciate it if everyone is silent as I am not in a good mood"

I'm not good at making up stories, but if I try my best maybe it will work.

[Energy: Madness of Selfishness (70%)> (73%)]