Chapter 120: Family Can Be Chosen

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 120: Family Can Be Chosen

(Shigure Kosaka Perspective)

Many memories ran through my mind as I waited to see again who was like a brother to me.

Memories of my childhood, memories with my father, memories of the first time I forged a sword, memories of when I learned the Kousaka Style with my brother...

So many memories, but strangely, the more I remember, the more it surprises me to realize how irrelevant those memories become.

I don't understand feelings, even when I have someone I love I still don't understand feelings, but even without knowing what love really is like, I think my love for Luis has helped me open my heart.

What I don't understand is because even though I am now able to open my heart, I am not excited to see who I consider family again.

Although Tsubaki and I have a strong rivalry, she helped me understand my feelings and explained that as long as I love Luis, my love will only be for Luis and other men who will not affect my heart, even friends or family.

She said it with a bitter smile, but to me that sounded good, I love Luis and he loves me so it is a perfect situation.

Still, I wanted to talk to who he was like a brother to me since I haven't seen him for several years.

When I asked my new friends for help to get to know my brother, they agreed to help me on the condition that if my brother crossed the line, they would kill him.

I was surprised by the fact that I readily agreed. Luis told me that when he was in Yami he discovered that my brother seemed to want to separate me from Luis so I want to talk to my brother so that he understands that I love my husband, and if he does not understand myself I will solve the problem.

I kept waiting until I felt some presence approaching, ten Master level martial artists and two Super Master level experts.

The group of martial artists stopped ten meters away, although I didn't feel hostility from them yet I stayed alert.

At the head of the group were my brother and a woman I do not know, what surprised me was to see my brother injured.

His right eye was covered by a bandage while his right hand was bandaged as if it were broken.

Luis taught me that I should not trust what I see and when an enemy looks weak it can be a deception so I must be alert.

"It seems that you were waiting for us" - My brother smiled making me remember the quiet moments of my childhood.

"I wanted to talk.... with you "- I expressed my intentions, although the growing hostility of the woman next to my brother is uncomfortable.

"Well, I also wanted to talk to you" - My brother kept smiling. - "Why don't you come with me so we can talk?"

"No, let's talk ... here" - I stayed still feeling that things would not go well.

My brother narrowed his eyes. - "Shigure, I need you to accompany, you are wasting your talent in the Ryozanpaku, if you accompany me to Yami you will be able to use all your potential for something greater, a truly noble purpose ... World peace"

"No" - I shook my head. - "My talent ... It is not for Ryozanpaku ... It is not for Yami ... It is for my husband"

My brother began to emit an intense thirst for blood. - "Your fucking husband?! That bastard is not your husband!! He's just a worthless fucking worthless...!"

My hand moved reflexively throwing a kunai towards my brother's tongue, he dodged it with ease, but the hatred in his expression increased.

"You attacked me.... You attacked me to protect a fucking teenager... Is he so important to you?... No, this can't be... "- My brother was looking at me with so much hatred that I couldn't recognize him.

He's my brother?

Why does he act like this?

I don't understand, I feel sad...

When I started to feel sad, Sayo came behind me along with the two little girls who are always with Luis.

"Are you fine?" - Sayo ignored Yami's people and approached me.

"I'm sad ... I don't know why ..." - I bowed my head in confusion.

The white-haired girl took out a cookie and offered it to me. - "When Shiro is sad, Shiro eats cookies and looks for Onii-chan to get pat on the head, Shiro will give you a cookie to make you happy"

I received the cookie and felt the sadness disappear.

Now I understand, I felt sad to think that the last member of my family hated me, but it was an absurd thought, I have a new family, I have people who care about me, I have a person I love, and I have people that I must protect.

"This was ... a waste of time" - I let out a sigh.

"Don't start sighing or you will become a bitter person like our husband" - Sayo smiled as she patted my shoulder.

I looked at Yami's group, they were here to take me by force, to separate me from my family ... Now I understand, they are enemies.

"I will not let ... you harm my family" - I looked at the man I used to see as my brother.

I want Raki in my harem, but if she keeps hurting Sayo it will be a problem.

"It would be a waste to kill her so you can only eat her if Sayo receives a deep wound" - I smiled wryly at the disappointment of Madness, this psychopath only wants to eat martial artists since Ki is nutritious for black blood.

Even though Sayo's regeneration is not as absurd as Shiro's or mine, she still has enormous vitality so the superficial cuts were healing.

Although Sayo was backing away, her smile was growing more and more savage.

"Damn it Sayo" - I sighed when I noticed what Sayo was about to do. - "Madness, don't kill Raki"

Madness made sad dog sounds.

Sayo lowered her left arm allowing Raki to stab her left shoulder. Sayo tensed her muscles preventing Raki from pulling the naginata from her shoulder. Raki showed no surprise and instead turned her naginata, mutilating Sayo's flesh.

Sayo showed no pain and in her place, her smile grew. - "Now!"

With Sayo's yell, Kaede's vectors came out from under the ground and grabbed Raki's feet.

She was about to twist her naginata again to completely destroy Sayo's shoulder, but a six-foot-tall blood drill appeared above her head, just above the drill was Shiro who was shouting happily as she circled beside the drill.

Raki pulled the naginata from Sayo's shoulder, then used the blade to hit the ground hard as even if she can't see the vectors, she can still determine what kind of effect they have.

Raki managed to break through the vectors to get away from the drill that was aimed at her head, but when the drill was about to hit the ground, the blood dispersed creating a dozen tentacles of blood that rushed towards Raki.

Raki made a horizontal slash to push away the tentacles of blood which left her back exposed allowing Kaede's vectors to stab into the back of her thighs.

Raki gritted her teeth as the fingers of the vectors stabbed two acupuncture points in her thighs paralyzing her legs, but even with the pain she was able to block a direct hit from Sayo and then use the handle part of the naginata and hit Sayo in the stomach to make her back up.

Shiro and Kaede were behind Sayo, Kaede held Sayo with her vectors as Shiro began to surround Raki with explosive blood balloons.

Raki's instincts seemed to warn her of the situation as she hit the ground with her naginata to get away from the blood globes.

Shiro blew up the blood balloons a second late so Raki avoided being in the middle of the blast, but the force of the blast still impacted Raki's body causing her to crash into a tree.

Sayo smiled and began to circulate her Ki on her right arm forming a full Giga Drill Break.

Kaede's vectors supported Raki's legs and hands as Shiro's blood ripped through her fingers to remove the naginata.

"What do you prefer? A flashy death or a boring death?" - Sayo asked with a huge smile.

Raki remained calm even though Shiro had started to run threads of blood into her limbs to make sure she didn't move.

Raki is strong, but she was more focused on wanting to help Tachibana so she was careless.

"Hey Listen! You can't let them kill her! You must add her to your harem! A Harem King must obtain all quality women!" - Navi began to scream anxiously.

"You sound like an idiot addicted to stamp collecting or something" - I massaged my forehead wearily.

"My hobby is keeping track of the women you get!" - Navi explained happily.

"Get another hobby, I don't know, play video games or read books" - I rolled my eyes in exasperation. - "Besides, Sayo is not going to kill Raki"

Since my harem thinks I need to increase my harem or I will die, they started looking for outstanding women to goad them into my harem. It's boring that they do all the work, but I won't turn down a free lunch.

Sayo approached Raki as her fist was covered in spinning energy with enough strength to pulverize a reinforced steel door. - "You look very calm for someone who is going to die"

"..." - Raki paid no attention to Sayo and her gaze was focused on Shigure and Tachibana's fight where Shigure had an overwhelming advantage.

"Oh, it seems there is someone you are willing to die for" - Sayo smirked. - "It's a shame that person doesn't seem to care"

Raki gritted her teeth furiously.

Most of the martial artists in this world are straightforward in character and not used to dealing with manipulative people, but Raki's strong temper prevented Sayo's words from affecting her completely, Sayo needs to show Raki that she can only find happiness with me so that she agrees to enter my harem without causing problems.

"Navi, go and tell Sayo not to pressure Raki, she should only take her away under the pretext that she is a captive and she wants to get information from her" - I gave an order to my idiot partner.

"Hey Listen! I knew you wouldn't let me down! Steal all the women muahahaha! " - Navi disappeared while she laughed.

Now that Sayo's fight is over and the other girls are eliminating Yami's experts, I focused on Shigure's fight as there is something bothering me.

Raki lost by not paying attention to the fight, but Tachibana is backing away too much which is not normal even if he is hurt.

I approached the area where Shigure was fighting, made the black blood move underground near her, and prepared to intervene as, while it may just be my paranoia, it bothers me that Tachiba is still so calm despite everyone his allies are being defeated, and well, I also want to be the one to kill that idiot for coveting my pretty Shigure.

What can I say, I am a jealous husband.