Chapter 181: A New Pawn... Ahem, Friend

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 181: A New Pawn... Ahem, Friend

I relaxed in the room I rented and looked at the women in front of me.

I smiled wryly as I noticed the looks of fear, nervousness, and despair from most of the girls, but surprisingly two of those girls were looking at me with pure curiosity with no signs of fear.

Due to the combination of my skills, titles, and lineage from Ortro, my presence is very welcome to women with animal features.

That doesn't mean that women with animal features will love me for no reason, but it improves their impression of me so that if I treat them well it will be easy to add them to my harem as wives and not as slaves.

I smiled softly at the panther-girl and the cat-girl, then took out two plates of grilled fish that I stored in my Rasen dimension.

This skill is much more convenient than storage rings as I can even store planets as long as said planets are not protected by supernatural laws.

Both girls smelled the grilled fish and hurried past me, then sat on the ground like two obedient little animals waiting for a reward.

I handed the food to both girls and watched in amusement as both girls devoured the fish.

"Luis, you can't treat them like pets, they are women" - Tsubaki sighed in my mind.

"I couldn't help it" - I answered with irony.

My love for pets sometimes controls me.

I looked at the other women who were still watching me warily.

"Master, these women are being disrespectful" – Minaris spoke in a gentle voice, although her murderous intent made most of the women shiver in fear. – "Then I will ask Roxanne to take care of training these women so that they are suitable maids for you"

Setsuna flinched in fear when Minaris mentioned maid training.

From what I've heard, Roxanne is a perfectionist when it comes to training maids, although that perfectionism borders on psychopathy, and even Minaris admitted to being afraid of Roxanne when it comes to matters related to being a maid.

Roxanne is just doing work as one of the maid managers in my harem so she's fine, plus she knows what the boundaries are not to cross.

"Shijou, take these girls to Roxanne to start maid training" – I spoke to the girl who was totally focused on reading a heavy leather-bound book.

Shijou nodded and closed the book, then reached out and a portal opened in front of her.

Unlike the restaurant door that appeared with her previous spatial ability, this portal is a spiral vortex that causes dizziness when looking at it too much.

Minaris led the girls into the portal, and although they seemed a little scared, they obediently entered portal.

Before all the girls left, I gestured to two of the women. – "Nephilia, Shehera, you stay"

Shehera nodded resignedly as if she had already accepted that I am going to take her virginity from her while Nephilia froze as if she had already lost all hope in life.

After the girls left I stood up. – "When Minaris comes back we are going to go for a walk"

Setsuna nodded with a wild smile understanding my plans, I quite like this girl.

When we were going back to the hotel, several people followed us. Assassins sent by nobles and heroes from another world, both groups have been surrounding the hotel.

If I stay in the hotel, the enemies will enter this hotel by force and since I want to deal with them discreetly it's better if I go out for a walk.

When Minaris returned I saw that she had a slightly pale expression.

I smiled wryly. – "Did you tell Roxanne that the new girls were disrespectful?"

Minaris nodded. – "I don't want to sound offensive, but something is wrong with that woman"

"Says the woman who is learning methods of torture in her free time" - I roll my eyes.

Minaris smiled gently. – "I do it to punish the enemies of my master"

"Yes, of course, you are the best maid a man can have" - I sighed ironically and stroked her hair.

Minaris closed her eyes in glee, her mental instability can only be calmed down with light physical contact or she will start to be controlled by her own violent desires for revenge.

Revenge is important, but obsessing over it is stupid as you can forget to enjoy life.

I myself have chosen to give up my revenge against Bee Hive Gang just to keep Tsugumi's smile, though I'm going to castrate Claude anyway.

Before leaving, I made an alchemy circle and after sacrificing some of the corpses in Ortro's stomach I formed several female bodies with the same appearance as the slaves that were transported to the Demon Realm.

These aren't clones, they're mindless, soulless puppets who just breathe like sleeping women.

Inside the puppets, I placed small atomic bombs with the power to destroy a city. These bombs were modified with magic, Rasen, and Anti-Rasen.

The magic is to detonate the bomb remotely while the Anti-Rasen is used to limit the range of the explosion so that when it detonates it will only create a 4-meter diameter sphere of destruction.

Even though this decreases the damage range, all the explosive power is concentrated in a tight space so even a hero will die if this explodes in their face as the Rasen weakens defensive skills while also negating the effects of the Plot Armor.

Using [Mythomania] I made these puppets have the same information as the women so the heroes' appraisal skills will be fooled for a short time which will be enough to make them think that I only dated Nephilia and Shehera while I left the other women in this place.

I got into a carriage with the five women and headed into the woods outside the city while being escorted by four of my soldiers.

This region is visited by some nobles to go hunting for fun, but since it is approaching sunset there are currently no people around here.

When Kaito held his sword I shook my head. – "Let my guards do their job, I pay them for something"

Kaito looked at me blankly and nodded.

The first group to attack us are the assassins sent by the nobles so they're just cannon fodder.

My guards easily wiped out the assassins, but this only brought the second round.

In the blink of an eye, one of my soldiers was decapitated, then a fiery bullet pierced the chest of another soldier destroying his heart.

The remaining two soldiers took out energy rifles and fired toward the enemy, but the enemy was too fast, what's worse, the enemy's luck was too high so the shots didn't hit him due to the plot armor.

Kaito narrowed his eyes and a sword appeared in his hand, he felt the death of the soldiers and prepared to fight.

I sighed. – "Do not overdo it, he is one of our compatriots"

"..." – Kaito looked at me in disbelief. - "A Japanese person?"

I nodded.

Kaito's will to fight did not diminish and he got down from the carriage to face the hero.

When the carriage door closed, I relaxed in my seat.

"Wouldn't it be better if we eliminated the enemy?" – Setsuna asked me curiously.

"The enemy thinks I'm a perverted and unpleasant millionaire, if I go out he will attack me without listening to my words" - I shrugged. – "Also, I want to see the combat capabilities of my new friend"

"Friend... Yes, of course" - Minaris smiled wryly, she thinks the same as me about using Kaito as a pawn.

I looked at Shehera who was looking out the window as the two heroes started to fight.

"Do you know him?" – I asked with feigned curiosity since I know the answer.

Shehera shuddered in fear that I might misunderstand her actions. – "I met him a few minutes before the auction, I do not know his name and I have no relationship with that person"

I smiled kindly and lied easily. – "Don't be anxious, I am not a possessive idiot who will go crazy out of jealousy"

Shehera calmed down a bit.

Nephilia has been watching me since we started the walk, her lineage gave her an ability to see through lies so [Mythomania] has been busy.

Nephilia's gaze had softened a bit and she has begun to understand that I am not going to kill or humiliate her, although she still has no expectations in the future.

This girl's problem is not mistrust of me, but resignation to a bleak future.

Kaito and the enemy hero were having a battle of morality where each one expressed his point of view. Kaito mentioned his wish to return to Japan and the other hero mentioned his wish to build a harem where he would include my women.

I tried hard not to explode in anger and focused my attention on Nephilia, this cute girl is too valuable.

From the Rasen dimension, I took out some cookies for the girls.

Nephilia and Shehera looked at the cookies a bit suspiciously, but seeing my other maids happily eating, the two of them started eating.

Causing culinary orgasms in beautiful women is strangely satisfying...

As for the hero battle, the hero Kanon had many unbalanced abilities that surpassed Kaito in destructive power, but Kaito had developed much more combat experience thanks to his skill to experience alternate futures.

Normally a protagonist or hero doesn't need brains as he will win with raw power thanks to plot armor, but since Kaito is a naturally formed hero his plot armor is much stronger than Kanon's so Kaito was causes several superficial wounds to Kanon.

After an hour of chatting with the girls, I felt that this stupidity had dragged on too long.

Kanon was the only hero who chose to attack me at this time while the other heroes infiltrated the hotel to rob the puppets.

Since the puppets are lower-level homunculi, they are connected to me through black blood from what I felt when they were taken out of the hotel.

Since the heroes are brainless, hormone-ridden male teenagers, it's likely they'll try to take advantage of the puppets so I'll detonate the bombs when I'm sure those idiots are in the range of the explosion.

For now, I looked out of the carriage and sighed, it's already night and this seems like it's not going to end any time soon.

I formed a knife out of black blood and covered it with [Anti-Rasen] and [Rasen], opened the carriage door, and threw the knife into hero Kanon's abdomen.

[False Antagonist] negated Kanon's plot armor so the knife went through his abdomen.

When the knife was on his body, [Sadism] activated as black blood invaded his body while [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen] destroyed the mark on his soul placed by Paradise.

And so the hero Kanon became an ordinary human with some innate talents for magic, but nothing outstanding.

Tsubaki sighed wryly in my mind. – "Did you do that because that guy said he would steal your women to form a harem?"

"Yes" – It's not my fault that idiot begged to be horribly killed.

Stupidity is the biggest cause of death for protagonists and heroes, it is a tragedy.

On the plus side, Looper will have a partner on the operating table. Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.