Chapter 210: Productive Day

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 210: Productive Day

The school day continued as normal.

At first, I thought this would be so boring that I could regain my ability to sleep, but this time of doing nothing served as a break.

I would just like to stop getting into absurd situations...

Now I'm sighing as I stand in the back of the school as a pretty girl in front of me bows as she holds out her hands to hand me a small packet of homemade chocolates as a form of romantic confession.

"Oh, to the legendary confession behind the school!" – The goddesses in my mind were excited.

"This is so cliche I love it!" – Arisa was also enjoying the show.

When the classes finished and I went to get my shoes to leave but there was a letter on my shoes.

I didn't want to listen to this, but Tsugumi insisted that now that I'm a student I must behave like a student so I must go to the confession.

I thought maybe the idiots who hate me set up an ambush or maybe this was a trap by some group hostile to the Ichijo family, but it turns out that this is a real confession from a girl two years younger than me.

"Why are you acting like this is a bother?" Arisa asked me curiously. – "She is in the acceptable age range according to your standards, she is also very pretty, I do not see the problem"

I sighed internally, the problem is that there is something supernatural inside those chocolates.

"Please be my boyfriend!" – The girl spoke with sincere feelings of affection.

I sighed, I don't even know this girl...

I quickly ran through my memories and finally remembered.

As part of my work for the yakuza, I have been walking the streets for two years to get rid of criminals and perverts, that's why this is the quietest city in Japan with the least number of perverts and stalkers.

Sometimes I have saved girls from being harassed by idiots and some of those girls develop feelings for me since in Japan society is indifferent to other people's problems so a meddling hero is very attractive as long as the hero looks good.

I don't usually make a big deal out of these girls as most of them avoid me as soon as they find out I'm a juvenile delinquent who doesn't attend school and has a reputation for being a ladies' man.

I sighed. – "Today I enrolled in this school without prior notice, how did you prepare this chocolate?"

The girl didn't look me in the face, but she was blushing. – "I thought of looking for you after classes, but now you are here so this is a great opportunity to tell you what I feel..."

"So cliche" - Arisa sighed.

"The cliché sells" - Coco agreed.

"Senpai is becoming a cliché" – BB sighed with disappointment.

"Luis is too degenerate to be a cliché" – System Goddess shook her head.

"It makes sense, senpai ruins the clichés by being a bitter man who complains about everything" – BB nodded.

"Hey Listen! Be a man and stick your dick in this girl!" – Navi being Navi.

I walked over to the girl and took the small bag of chocolates.

"Mermaid scales... It's a common ingredient for love potions, but using the scales raw will put a curse on the body of the user and if the person is rejected by the love target, then the person will become a slave to the mermaid..." – System Goddess sighed. – "Luis, you are a magnet for strange women"

According to the regulations established by Alaya, the use of supernatural artifacts in human society can lead to a punishment that can vary between 10 years of slavery or the death penalty...

I looked at the girl, she is a pretty girl without supernatural energies, but her eyes seem to have a special ability...

In this world, a natural phenomenon called 'Innate Skills' arose, these special skills that are not restricted by the Laws of the world.

These skills are superior to normal human capabilities, but they are not overly amazing either. An example of this is Miko Yotsuba's ability to see ghosts, or Tsugumi's super strength.

Innate skills users are usually recruited by supernatural factions, but since some skills are useless, they are also not a priority.

This girl seems to have the ability to see ghosts, similar to Miko. The problem is that this ability is not an innate skill, but a side effect of this girl being close to death and she herself doesn't know it.

How troublesome.

Arisa didn't recognize her so I used [Character Sheet].

[Name: Yashiro Nene

Origin: Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun

Categories: Woman. Student. Protagonist]

A protagonist...

I sighed and took out a chocolate while Nene looked at me expectantly.

"Why do you want to be my girlfriend? I'm sure you've heard the rumors about me" – I looked at the chocolate without eating it.

"I've heard the things you've done... A violent womanizer..." - Nene began to play with her fingers in a cute gesture. – "But you have also helped many people, you even have a fan club on social media... Even if you don't show it, I know you are a kind person..."

... What? Seriously?

"Senpai is a celebrity! We can sell pictures of senpai in the shower!"

"Hey Listen! I have videos! Someone lend me a cell phone with the internet!"

... - "Ortro..."

"I got this"


"Damn dog stop biting me!" L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

I sighed. – "I see... That's how you fell in love with me to the point of using mermaid scales..."

Nene froze as her face paled.

"Do you even know how to use this thing?" – I sighed. – "If I eat this and reject you, then you will become a fish to be the pet of a mermaid... Did you consider the risks?"

Nene seemed scared, but not because of the risks, she seems scared that I might hate her...

Why do I surround myself with so many emotionally needy women?

I'm not complaining though...

I sighed again and went over to her to pat her head. – "If you really want to have a relationship with me even though I have several wives, I have no problem accepting you, but do not use a method like this again, using drugs or magic to conquer someone is pathetic"

"Said by the manipulator who overexploits the Stockholm syndrome..."

Arisa's voice is nonexistent.

Nene couldn't react for several seconds, she had already started to cry because she thought I hate her and I'm going to reject her.

I sighed and kept stroking her hair until she came back to reality.

"Do you really want to be my boyfriend?!" – Nene sounded more surprised than happy.

I smiled slightly. – "Of course, you are cute, you are only two years younger than me and although your method is not very nice, you did not cross the line so I can accept this"

I sighed. – "Affecting emotions through magical artifacts falls under the category of mind control which is a crime punishable by murder... Although, well, you are already dead"

The boy didn't seem to take me seriously to which I sighed. – "Only one arm"

One of the foxtails wrapped around the boy's right arm and ripped it off with force.

The boy gritted his teeth refusing to cry out in extreme pain, a stubborn boy.

"Even if you're a ghost, you can still suffer" - I smiled wryly. – "Boy, don't make things difficult for me, I just do my job"

Amane glared at me. - "What do you want?"

An old-looking document appeared in my hand. – "This territory is under the jurisdiction of the Ichijo family, but you are not registered so you are an illegal entity, and you are considered a criminal... Although seeing that you have not caused problems I will give you a chance"

I took out a pen and brought the document closer to the boy. – "Sign here to be a subordinate of the Ichijo family, in return, you will receive rewards according to your performance"

The boy eyed the document suspiciously as he struggled to ignore the pain of his severed arm. – "Are you telling me that I should give up my freedom?"

I smiled. – "Be an obedient slave or a chew toy, you choose"

The boy gritted his teeth and glared at me, but he chose to sign the contract after Kon broke his legs.

By the way, that contract was not from the Ichijo family.

[System Notification: The entity 'Amane Yugi' has given up its freedom to become the user's slave, in exchange, the user will heal the wounds of the entity 'Amane Yugi']

"Breaking legs to force someone to sign a contract with high interest, the yakuza style never goes out of style" - Coco nodded approvingly.

"Nowadays the yakuza is more civilized than in the movies, violent intimidation tactics are prohibited as it causes problems with the government, and the yakuza look for the gray areas of the law" – I smiled inwardly.

"Oh, so you cling to ancient customs" – Coco came to her own conclusion. – "I understand, classical methods are better than modern ones"

I can't deny that violence is very useful when you know how to use it without exaggeration.

Once the boy signed the contract, I had Kon release him and I hand him a serum to heal his wounds.

System Goddess invented this medicine to help ghost soldiers when they are injured against spirit magic. Arisa says that System Goddess is a Deus Ex Machina with big breasts...

The boy kept looking at me angrily to which I smiled wryly. – "Brat, if you keep looking at me like that I am going to gouge out your eyes"

"Tch" - The boy looked away bitterly.

Although he is stubborn, he has enough intellect to understand when he gives in, he will be a good subordinate.

This old building is good territory to start building a ghost faction.

Because of the situation with Alaya and Mr. Ichijo's secrets I can't blindly trust the Ichijo family so this may be my first step in creating a supernatural faction within Gaia.

I smiled at the ghost boy. – "Brat, from today you will be very busy"

"... Will you at least pay me for this?" - The boy sighed and accepted his new situation quickly, I like people who accept the circumstances of life instead of just complaining like idiots.

It's fine to complain, but it's a waste of time to complain without acting.

"Sure" – I took out several items created by System Goddess using the resources I stole from the magical world. – "Each article comes with instructions, use what is useful to you and use the rest to recruit other spirits"

Amane raised an eyebrow. – "Do you want to make a group of ghosts? Aren't you going to exorcise them?"

I shrugged. – "I do not think that the specters are completely harmful, as long as someone is useful to me I will give them a job regardless of the species"

Amane looked at me suspiciously. – "You are a strange man..."

"Just do your job" – I took out a notebook and wrote down several instructions to give to the boy. – "Here is what you should do, in case a problem arises you can use the red crystal, it is a communication device"

The boy sighed and nodded.

"And this is how senpai became a spirit slaver proving that Japanese bosses exploit their employees even after death"

I removed the [Anti-Rasen] and opened the door to exit the women's bathroom.

"Are you fine? Did you hurt yourself? I forgot to tell you that there is a very strong spectrum in that place, but when I tried to enter something prevented me" – Yuuko began to move around me in search of injuries.

A long time of solitude has caused her a strong need for social contact.

I smiled. – "You didn't ask if I remember you"

"..." – Yuuko stopped in front of me and then smiled. - "You remember me?"

"Yes, I remember you" - I sighed ironically and headed to the exit of the building.

"I didn't ask you, what's your name? Are you a student or teacher? What do you usually do? How can you see me and remember me?..." – Yuuko began to blurt out many questions.

I stopped when we reached the exit of the building. - "I have to go..."

Yuuko went from being an energy woman to become as gloomy as a specter of despair.

I smiled slightly. – "Why don't you come with me? It would be a shame to leave such a pretty girl in a place like this"

Yuuko was moved by my words, but she quickly became depressed. – "I can't go..."

Ghosts have an object, person, or place that is the source of their obsessions. If the specter loses this item, they will begin to lose their sanity until they become violent specters who seek to extract the life energy of humans to preserve their tragic existences.

I smiled. – "I understand how ghosts work and the negative effects of leaving the territory where your soul is tied, but this has an easy solution"

Yuuko looked down. - "Possession..."

"That's right" - I approached the ghost girl. – "You can live at the expense of my vitality, and do not worry, I have enough vitality to feed thousands of ghosts so you can go with me without hurting me"

Yuuko clenched her teeth, she was tempted by my idea, but she seems like a kind woman who doesn't want to hurt the first person who can remember her existence.

I grabbed her hand and forced her to come with me.

It's already late and the sun is setting so the sunlight won't harm Yuuko's body.

"Wait!" – Yuuko panicked at being pulled away from the object of her obsession.

Her spiritual body reacted instinctively causing her soul to cling to the nearest source of life energy, me.

Yuuko disappeared and joined my soul to survive, but before she could scream in a panic since she doesn't want to hurt me, she froze realizing that she wasn't alone inside my soul.

"Senpai just kidnapped another girl..."

"Oh look that Pentako-chan, our new roommate has bigger breasts than you"


"Who are you?!"

I sighed internally. – "Tsubaki, explain her the situation"

"You kidnap a girl and I have to fix things" - Tsubaki sighed ironically. – "Okay, this girl seems nice"

With everything ready I left school and returned to the Ichijo residence, today was a productive day.