Chapter 276: The trauma of a madman is hell for idiots

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 276: The trauma of a madman is hell for idiots

(Author's Note that doesn't matter for the plot: Peer pressure won out! Yay!)

50 disciples from the Raksasha Sect and 200 disciples from the Shu Mountain Sect.

This group is too small and doesn't even serve as cannon fodder in a sect war, but I really don't intend to make them fight, they just have to collect materials and act as witnesses to my strength to increase my prestige.

Shen Qing only brought the disciples that she was sure wouldn't betray us, the rest stayed in the sect after I turned the place into a space cage so those disciples won't be able to escape.

As Shen Qing and Shen Yu lead the disciples, the two snake girls are a bit excited because we are heading to the Misty Peak Sect, the place that turned their back on them.

Hua Niang and Bai Jiaojiao were in the care of that sect for hundreds of years, but both girls knew that the sect only saw them as pets, so both women had no loyalty to the sect and were even looking forward to destroying that place.

Conflicts in supernatural organizations are common in Gaia so Alaya won't interfere as long as the battle doesn't affect human cities, that's why we're moving through mirror dimensions so we can show cultivator techniques without worrying about being seen by normal humans.

We are currently using swords as if they were flying skateboards from a certain movie whose name I forgot.

I honestly think that this technique is stupid designed only to show off, there are much more efficient methods of traveling using cultivation energy such as focusing energy on the soles of the feet to glide in the air. In fact, using flying swords spends more energy than the air walking method...

"Master" - Hua Niang spoke to me respectfully as we approached the sect. – "In the Misty Peak sect is the Dongfang Clan who possesses the Five Thunder Execution technique, a powerful technique capable of summoning the fury of the heavens to destroy the enemy... Although I learned the basics of that technique, I only learned the superficial principles of the technique, and the elders of the Dongfang family have the true technique capable of eradicating immortals"

When we invaded the Shu sect I was analyzing Hua Niang's technique as there was something very interesting about the lightning she uses.

It seems that the cultivators of the Misty Peak learned a method to summon a bit of the Laws of this World into a weapon capable of eliminating any enemy.

Although that sounds dangerous, there are several flaws in that technique.

For starters, that technique is useless against protagonists as plot armor syncs with the Laws of the World so that technique will only strengthen Gaia's protagonists.

Come to think of it, maybe Qin Chao must have been hit by that technique in the original plot of 'My Beautiful Teacher' and so he would get a huge power boost that would allow him to humiliate the other cultivators while conveniently getting women with the mentality to marry strong men even if they are stupid...

This kind of plot is too predictable.

Well, the taste for predictable stories is understandable because a story that is easy to digest attracts a more casual audience due to the predictable conflicts that arise, that's why the best-selling products are those that don't need much analysis...

Not-so-subtle criticism of generic stories aside, I found it amusing that Hua Niang was so sincere in her concern for my safety.

Since my [King of Monsters] title was absorbed by my [Monster Girl Tamer] skill, the reproductive instincts of non-human women identify me as the best male to procreate.

Although Hua Niang is a demonic beast, she possesses enough self-control not to be controlled by her own wild instincts, but since she is developing genuine admiration for my strength, her self-control is diminishing which makes her more and more interested in being my lover.

This gives me an idea that will surely be a headache, but I want to rush the plot in China as I really need a break.

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have stopped suppressing the effects of the skill 'Monster Girl Tamer'. The user's presence will appeal to the reproductive instincts of women in the 'Monster Girl' and 'Kemonomimi' categories]

"YES DAMN IT! YOU FINALLY DO IT! AHAHAHAHAHA!" – Navi started laughing like a scammer selling NFTs to naive idiots. – "Muahahaha! Come kittens, be inseminated by the dog with the Atlas complex!"

Atlas complex?

It depresses me that I can't deny it...

"Senpai turned furry! We have to make him see reason!" – BB took out of her pocket a baseball bat covered in nails...

This damn girl.

"Kemonomimis are not furries" - Nyaruko rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, the cat girl fetish is the first step to the abyss, if we're not careful then senpai will start masturbating with doujins of goat that say kimochi" - BB had a serious expression, the damn girl is serious...

"Ugh, don't mention it, I read that doujin" – Nyaruko covered her face in embarrassment.

"..." – BB looked at the otaku girl with disgust. – "Furry"

"It's not my fault! Boredom got the better of me and I looked through most of the NHentai catalog!" – Nyaruko seemed about to cry. – "You know that my weakness is boredom! I even keep up with Agains■ the God■ even though Yu■ Ch■ is some of the most unbearable crap I've ever read!"

I'm glad I don't understand what this silly girl is saying.

"Wait, don't tell me you're also keeping up with Kanoj■, Okarishimas■" – BB seemed to be horrified.

"..." – Nyaruko lay down on the floor in a fetal position. - "Yes..."

BB sighed and patted Nyaruko's shoulder. – "You are so pathetic that I cannot even make fun of you... Here, eat a cookie"

Nyaruko ate in silence as she wept softly.

While the multiverse fears the Outer Gods, I can only think that they are a bunch of idiots.

Only Abby is decent...

"Can we adopt a cat?" - Abby asked innocently. – "I want to call it Nigge..."

"Do not say it! We'll get in trouble!" – BB covered the mouth of the racist brat.

I suppressed the desire to sigh out loud. My mind is full of idiots.

"I also want a cat" - I sighed internally, I want a pet...

"Hey Listen!..."

"Not catwomen or sex slaves! I want a pet that is a pet and not another beautiful woman that ends up in my bed!" – I tried hard to keep a calm face so as not to scare the cultivators. – "I'm not mad at you Kon, it's just stress"

Kon nodded with a friendly smile. If I'm not careful with my words she'll feel guilty for becoming my wife leaving the pet spot empty.

First Ortro and then Kon... I really want a pet that is just a pet.

"Hey Listen! You take the fun out of life!" – Navi spoke happily.

"I think you're near the limit of stress" - Tsubaki spoke with concern. – "I haven't seen you so angry in a long time..."

"Cultivators stress me out" – I sighed internally. – "The excess of flattery, enlarged metaphors, and idiots with more ego than personality are about to exhaust my patience..."

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' is trying to suppress the user's post-traumatic stress]

[System Notification: The 'Obsession' stat prevents the user's mind from avoiding trauma and forces the user to face psychological suffering]

My stupid willpower prevents me from avoiding problems...

[Warning: The user's mind is being influenced by the destructive instincts of the 'Chaotic Beast' bloodline]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has suppressed a psychotic break caused by excessive stress. 80% of destructive instincts have been suppressed]

I need to kill someone.

"Don't you have a feeling that something bad is going to happen?"


"Forget it, we lost senpai, now fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride~"

"Yay ride!"

I'm fed up.

I don't care if I can't get full control of China...

No, I must maintain self-control.

I took a deep breath and clung to my rationality, I must not be impulsive...

"Why don't you get down on your knees, you fucking ignorant dog?! Do you know who I am?! I am Dongfang Chen heir to the Dongfang family! Now give me your women and I'll give you a quick death! I will take that bitch Hua Niang and subdue her like the bitch that she is!"


Well, I tried.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' sighs wondering why there are so many idiots]

Every day I ask myself the same question.

[System Notification: The skill 'Dissociative Identity' has been activated.

Concept: Protagonist > Genocide


- Power and effectiveness bonus on assassination actions.

- Negative Karma Bonus.

- Increased power in skills and techniques with deadly effects.

- High chance for the user's attacks to cause instant death.

- The user's presence will emit a bloody aura that attacks the willpower of all entities.

- Weakness towards skills based on the Concepts 'Justice', 'Peace', 'Harmony', and 'Mercy'.

- Temporarily unable to use Auriel's blessing.

- Small chance for entities the user recognizes as enemies to have sudden deaths. The probability decreases on entities with strong spiritual defenses or powerful destinies.

- Murder Addiction (Effect negated by the 'Obsession' stat.)

- Hostility against loved ones (Effect negated by the 'Obsession' stat)]

[System Notification: The skill 'Masochism' has converted post-traumatic stress and migraine into energy. The skill 'Dissociative Identity' has been increased. Attack damage and probability of instantly killing enemies have been increased]

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has prevented the Concept 'Genocide' from getting out of control. The skill 'Paranoia' gives a thumbs up while saying that it has things under control]

"And that's why you shouldn't make a mentally ill person angry, especially if the madman is an Exterior God"

"What will happen next? Will Senpai lose self-control and start inseminating lolis? Will the cultivators be turned into roast meat skewers? We will see all this in the next chapter here, in the magical adventures of senpai and BB-chan~ *epic ending without copyright*"




Author's Note:

My mind is a complete mess from various things that have me at the limit of my mental capacity.

To endure my tragic existence, I am developing other hobbies besides writing as I love to write, but sometimes my ideas get clogged.

Anyway, I'm happy because I got a Gawr Gura stuffed animal... Dino Gura!

Did I mention that I have a hobby of collecting figures and stuffed animals?

Well, now I'm saving up for a 3D printer to make my own figures...

What do I want to get with all this?

Nothing really, just wanted to talk a bit.

I opened a Twitter where you can find me as @BukaroNovels.

Although I don't like social media, maybe in the future I'll upload some posts to draw attention since I feel lonely...

Anyway, a hug <3