Chapter 289: Sleep

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 289: Sleep

After a long and well-deserved rest, we prepare to pay a civilized visit to the idiot who blocked full access to the [Rasen].

In terms of direct combat, my party is the most dangerous force in the multiverse, but overconfidence is the first step to suicide, so we did some scouting.

Tsubaki used her skill 'Resonance' to connect my soul with my harem, in this way, I became something similar to an engine that drives the power of my wives, at the same time, my mind is the CPU that allows the combination of multiple skills that normally would not be compatible.

Although we system users can use incompatible skills, what I did is extremely dangerous as a single miscalculation can cause my mind to split into millions of personalities fighting each other to take control of the main consciousness.

Normally doing this kind of experiment is worse than suicide since my personality and ego would be destroyed making me an idiot slave to the idiotic impulses generated by the system, but here my two trump cards come in; Ortro and [Paranoia].

[Paranoia] used my skills [Dissociative Identity] and [Schizophrenia] to protect the nucleus of my mind while managing my wives' skill combination so that a compatibility error wouldn't occur. To understand it, it can be said that the skills of my wives are data, my mind was an internet server, and [Paranoia] is a programmer whose job is to manage the data in such a way that an error does not occur in the system.

Additionally, and at the risk of sounding ironic, I am a paranoid and pessimistic person so I have a backup in case [Paranoia] can't manage all the information and my mind is destroyed.

Ortro is similar to the black box of an airplane. She has a backup of my personality, memories, ego, motivations, desires, mental disorders, and everything that involves the mind. Even if my mind and consciousness are destroyed, Ortro can return me to normal.


System Goddess tracked the spatial coordinates while BB and Haachama destabilized the energy barriers that isolated that World from the rest of the Multiverse.

What was interesting was that the world where the [Rasen] energy originated was covered in powerful restrictive energy that could even block Abby's space travel, Anti-Rasen.

I found this very interesting since apparently the entity that isolated that World was the bearer of the Anti-Rasen and not the bearer of the Rasen.

Nyaruko wanted to recklessly invade that World so I hit her head and analyzed the barrier with the help of System Goddess.

The Anti-Rasen energy was so solid that Ortro had to bite off a piece of the barrier to weaken it to allow us to do an analysis.

The good side is that there was no trace of any Higher Entity organization like Paradise or the Truth Seekers, but there was a problem, there was only one Higher Entity in that World.

That might sound weak since even the leader of Paradise would be killed if he faced my party on his own, but I was worried that the unknown entity might use the Rasen to break the restrictions on the minds of the Outer Gods which would cause a disaster.

If BB, Abby, and Nyaruko lose their sanity, I won't be able to capture them and they could get into big trouble if they recklessly attack other worlds. The worst-case scenario is that Gogh goes crazy and tries to eat me.

Due to these concerns, I decided to be the bait.

Abby formed a space pocket and connected it to my body, then the strongest women in my group entered the space pocket.

Unlike the Pocket Dimensions, this space was small and fragile so it didn't serve as a shelter, but combining my skill [Mythomania], it's a good way for the Elders and Outer Gods to be by my side to fight in the event of an ambush.

Even if my mind is sent back to the Samsara Cycle, BB can bring out Gogh to destroy everything in our path.

I don't feel hostility and danger in the Anti-Rasen energy that this World hides, so I want to try to establish a civilized dialogue.

I first changed my appearance to Seiji's, then took out the equipment Seraph gave me and prepared myself like a Hero about to face an apocalyptic threat.

I'm not wearing knight armor, just a simple copper choker, but despite the pitiful appearance of the artifact, this thing can embody Auriel's most powerful skill, 'There's Always Hope'.

It's a corny name, but this thing can heal the spiritual wounds caused by Gogh in her Nightmare Form.

I didn't mention it since I was busy with the continuity in the plot, but Seraph sent me some gifts one day before Gogh found the world where the [Rasen] originated.

[Paranoia] warned me that this increased the chances of the Harem Emperor getting his hands on Seraph so I'm preparing to invade Paradise...

Anyway. One thing I learned from Seraph is that Azathoth attacked Paradise ages ago which caused great destruction. Paradise was unable to destroy Azathoth, but they managed to drive her away at great cost.

Several generals of Paradise perished and even some leaders of the two main factions perished, but again it was proven that tragedies make strong warriors.

Auriel spent countless years creating a way to protect the innocent and thus prevent the Devourers from wiping out existence. Although she cannot protect all of her followers, she can bless up to 10 followers to make them virtually indestructible.

This skill of Auriel is much more troublesome than the Anti-Insanity weapons as it will be a headache if she blesses one of my enemies. If Auriel isn't part of the harem, I'll have to kill her to prevent future problems.

In addition to the best blessing from Auriel, I received an additional weapon from the racist faction.

Whether racist or idealistic, members of Paradise are against the destruction of souls as they think it harms the balance of the multiverse, even though the Devourers are part of the multiverse's ecosystem as creation necessitates destruction.

Anyway, the point is that Paradise sent me a weapon that is only intended for the bravest, most loyal, and most powerful warriors.

Although I have not performed the necessary tests to prove my loyalty, Seraph managed to convince Auriel to give me a favorable treatment, thus allowing me to obtain a weapon capable of destroying cores of existence.

Auriel herself sent me this weapon through the bond of our Contract, but she warned me that with great power comes great responsibility, so I must not use this weapon to assassinate my enemies but to protect the innocent.

The weapon was designed by a talented alchemist from Paradise who used the pieces of flesh, bone, and teeth that Paradise obtained when they faced Azathoth.

The idea of ​​creating weapons from the Devourers' parts is something that many entities have investigated, but so far no one has been successful as the skills to destroy cores of existence are tied to the soul and not the body parts.

For example, Ortro can only destroy souls with her teeth, but even if someone rips her jaw off, the teeth will lose the skill to destroy an entity's existence when separated from Ortro. By the way, the separation does not refer to a physical sense but a spiritual one, so Ortro can pull out her own teeth and throw them at the enemy to hurt them from a distance.

Because of this, I was honestly surprised that an alchemist from Paradise had this kind of weapon, not even Seraph knew what the weapon was made of and only knew that it was a weapon exclusive to the best warriors in Paradise.

Anyway, that alchemist's talent doesn't matter for now since Tsubaki absorbed the weapon. Now I have a way to justify my ability to destroy souls.

Before entering the unknown World, I took out the weapon capable of destroying souls. By the way, System Goddess and Daedalus made improvements to it so this thing has three forms; the weapon of the elites of Paradise, the personalized weapon of the Hero of Harmony, and the weapon worthy of an Outer God.

In my hand appeared a huge sword that was bigger than me. As if that wasn't intimidating enough, the supposed sword was a heavy chainsaw and its hilt was a steel knuckle with large spikes.

[System Notification: The entity 'Tsubaki' has generated the weapon 'Chainsword']

[Name: Chainsword

The skill 'Paranoia' has used the skill 'Character Sheet' to detect that 65% of the artifact data belongs to the World 'Warhammer 40k'.

Warning: The skill 'Paranoia' has detected that the World 'Warhammer 40k' already belongs to two factions of Higher Entities so it is recommended not to search for spatial coordinates.


- Strength of Humanity: The weapon can only be wielded by entities with a minimum of 90% human lineage. (Skill disabled).

- Revenge of Humanity: The weapon will gain a damage bonus against entities in the 'Enemy of Humanity' category.

- Pain is our strength: The weapon gives a strength and resistance bonus based on the user's suffering.

- Loyalty and Bravery: The user will obtain a strength bonus if he faces dangerous situations without feeling fear.

- The Way is War: Entering a War Arena gives you bonuses to Spirit Power, Vitality, Stamina, Physical Strength, Mental Stamina, Bloodlust, Regeneration, Thought Speed, and Spirit Perception. (Warning: Excessive use can deplete vitality and cause the death of mortal entities.)

- Death is not the end: Upon death, the body will use the energy of the soul to continue fighting until the soul cannot resist fatigue and falls into hibernation.

- No gods or kings, only man: A strength bonus is obtained when facing non-human entities in the categories 'God', 'King', 'Deity', 'Ruler', and 'Tyrant'.

- Jaws of the Unspeakable: Attacks can destroy the flesh, mind, and soul of enemies.

- Price of Power: Using this weapon will give a Negative Karma curse which will damage the user's luck, sanity, and will (Effect negated by the title 'Outer God'.) A strength increase will be given based on the amount of Negative Karma accumulated.

- 3 Forms of Madness: The weapon can change into three certain forms. 1) Chainsword of Paradise. 2) Hero's Chainsword. 3) Nightmare Chainsword]

Nyaruko cried out in joy and sadness at the sight of the weapon. Apparently, she is a fan of the 'Warhammer 40k' franchise and has been looking for that world for a long time so she is glad to see a weapon from that world, but at the same time, she is disappointed that that world already has an owner.

Anyway, System Goddess continues to study the weapon to try to mass-produce it, taking advantage of the fact that we have two Outer Gods that can destroy souls. Later I'll give Nyaruko a sword.

With sword in hand, I prepared to use my Stand to break the barrier and invade the World where the [Rasen] was born, but when the drill was about to touch the barrier, I felt a strange form of communication trying to establish a dialogue with me.

Unlike spiritual or telepathic messages, this message seemed to be transmitted through spiral energy.

I tried to understand the message, which was difficult as it is the first time I see this method of communication. Fortunately, the message was simple, the Higher Entity in the Spiral World allowed me to enter his world as long as I didn't damage the barrier.

I understand a little why that entity is so careful with the barrier. That barrier is a fascinating treasure that can even evade the spatial skill of a space-specialized entity like Abby.

Basically, the barrier denies the existence of the World in order to hide it.

I prepared all my combat and escape skills to face an ambush, I even hid my soul in case an enemy capable of killing me in an instant appears.

I entered the Unknown World and prepared myself for an intense fight, but the only thing I found was the infinite and intermittent void of space without traces of matter.

It was as if everything in the universe had been erased and now there was only a dark space without lights or life, only infinite darkness.

In this infinite empty space, the only thing that existed was a humanoid entity standing in front of two strange holes filled with words.

The entity was as dark as empty space and only a white outline made it visible as if it were a drawing on a wall.

The only light in this world came from a glass cabinet that kept a small metal drill almost identical to my Stand, except that the drill was broken and rusty.

The entity stopped looking at the holes full of words and stared at me.

That entity is not protecting his mind and heart with Anti-Rasen which allows me to see his emotions, desires, obsessions, and shallow thoughts with my [Reader's Madness].

In the mind and heart of that entity, there was only one obsession, to protect the multiverse at any cost... Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.


My life would be easier if I were a complete asshole who just moved forward without thinking about the consequences...

"The biggest problem with meaningless characters is that the holes in the fourth wall don't close even if the character dies" – The entity looked back at the hole full of letters. – "Each hole is a wound in the multiverse... If many wounds accumulate, the multiverse will die... Authors will no longer have creativity... Viewers will no longer have entertainment... Everything will perish"

Officially this is my worst migraine so far.

[Warning: The user's stress has reached a dangerous point. The 'Obsession' stat is about to collapse]

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' asks if it should use the skill 'Mythomania' to decrease excess stress and migraine]

"Senpai are you alright?"

"No, nothing is right, damn it, everything is wrong" - I clenched my teeth with extreme hatred and went to the hole in the fourth wall.

The hole is hundreds of times bigger than the hole caused by Gogh. Just looking at that space full of letters is making me feel a chill and instinctive fear so strong that for the first time in my entire life, I am completely scared to death.

My body wanted to get away from the hole so I did my best to ignore my survival instincts.

I covered my hands with [Anti-Rasen] and held the corners of the hole in the fourth wall.

[Warning: The user's existence is being destroyed]

[System Notification: The user has prevented the Ortro entity from absorbing the user's suffering]

"Luis! What the hell are you doing?!"

Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit...

I hate my life.

[System Notification: The skill 'Masochism' has been activated. Title 'Editor' and 'Anti-Rasen' energy have been strengthened]

Chains of purple energy formed from my arms and began to cover the hole, but the chains disappeared as soon as they touched the words.

This is not enough...

"Senpai, get away from that thing! Your soul will be destroyed at this rate!"


Shut up... I'm working...

"Hey asshole!" – I yelled at the idiot who kept looking at me in silence. – "Be useful for once in your fucking life and give me full access to spiral energy!"

"You're not like Simo■, I see that you don't care about living beings and it's obvious that you don't want to do this" - The idiot kept looking at me without moving. – "If you keep trying to repair the hole in the fourth wall, your existence will be eliminated, it is even possible that your author will disappear... Why are you risking your existence to fix something that cannot be fixed?"

"Look asshole, stop talking nonsense and give me the spiral energy, or I'll kill you and take it on my own" – This is the most painful shit I've ever experienced... This will leave me with mental and emotional scars...

"Senpai, leave that stupid hole, and let's get out of here!" – BB ignored my instructions and left the space pocket.

I couldn't contain my anger. - "Shut up! I look like I want to do this shit?! If this stupidity gets out of control, our home will be destroyed..."

I've resigned myself to facing absurd problems every day, I'm used to listening to idiocy, and I can tolerate all forms of extreme suffering... But I won't let some pointless fucking shit endanger the lives of my family...

"Fine" – The jerk came up to me and was putting his hand on my shoulder, but he was stopped by Abby, BB, Nyaruko, Chiyo, Kuuko, Haachama, Ortro, Aotian, and Gogh.

"Don't stop that asshole, he has no choice but to help" - I spoke with difficulty, it's hard to keep your sanity with this pain...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has used the skill 'Dissociative Identity' to generate the Concept 'Repairer'.


- Decrease in combat abilities.

- Bonus on actions to repair things.

- Decreased difficulty in repairing things.

- Luck stat is increased when performing repairs of any kind]

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill apologizes for not being able to do something more useful]

I'm not in the mood to deal with your low self-esteem issues... But thanks, you did a good job.

The women let the entity put its hand on my shoulder.

[System Notification: The entity 'Anti-Spiral' has recognized the user as a worthy successor to 'Simon's Will'. The limitations on the 'Rasen no Chikara' and 'Anti-Rasen' energies have been removed.

Rasen no Chikara (89%) > (100%)

Anti-Rasen (89%) > (100%)]

All the powerful entities in my group came out to help me fix this thing, even the entity called Anti-Spiral did their best to help me close the hole in the fourth wall.

As helpful as the help was, I didn't let my wives near the hole. I prefer death to allow my wives to disappear....

Every time one of them reached their limit, I used [Hero's Martyrdom] to absorb all the fatigue, pain, and suffering. I then used that same pain to power up my [Anti-Rasen] through [Masochism].

[System Notification: The entity 'Anti-Spiral' has given the user the title 'Anti-Spiral (100%)']

[Anti-Spiral: Control is order, control is life, control is future, control is hope...

Control is the only way to order, and order is the only way to the future...

The user can use the 'Anti-Rasen' at the level of a Concept.

The user can access the Concepts; Order, Control, and Restraint]

[System Notification: The entity 'Anti-Spiral' has granted the user the title 'Spiral King']

[Spiral King: My drill is the drill that pierces the heavens!

Believe in yourself! Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself!

The user can use the 'Rasen no Chikara' at the level of a Concept.

The user can access the Concepts; Freedom, Will, and Evolution]

It was an endless cycle of suffering.

Even my mind collapsed so many times that I lost count...

Even my 'Obsession' stat changed.


- Unstoppable (100%) > Spiral King (?%). The user lost the ability to give up in the face of adversity.

- Possessive (100%) > Yandere's Madness (?%). The user has no limitations on his actions to protect/get his women.

- Controller (100%) > Anti-Spiral (?%). The user seeks to control the uncontrollable]

And so after a long time, I experienced something again that I never thought I would feel again.

I fell asleep... Or rather, I passed out.....



[System Notification: The Multiverse thanks the user. The Multiverse favors the user]






Author's Note:

Sometimes it seems like I smoked some illicit substance, but I swear I'm not on drugs, I'm just addicted to caffeine...