Chapter 348: Having a normal life is complicated

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 348: Having a normal life is complicated

My original idea was to leave Ichika's house after eating, but Umaru received a message through the chat room.

"Aren't you going to help us?" – Yoruichi smiled ironically through a video call.

(Author's Note: Yoruichi Shihouin from Bleach)

She was in the basement of the residential building that is now my private home.

The basement is divided into multiple sections since Abby turned it into a space maze.

The section where the cat woman was was the detention area that was built to lock up troublesome women when they cause trouble.

Next to Yoruichi were the women from the chat room who looked at me expectantly to get them out of there.

While my silly sister's friends were using the chat room to talk to me, another group of women was trying to contact me through spirit links.

"My boy, you can't leave mommy here!" – Raikou was yelling while she pouted.

(Author's Note: Minamoto no Raikou from Fate/Grand Order)

Just like the women in the chat room, the female Servants I met in China were locked in the basement to reflect on their actions.

"It's not fair to leave me here, I'm an empress and I deserve to be favored even if I make a mistake!" - Wu Zetian was yelling indignantly as she thrashed on her bed as if she were a brat throwing a tantrum, though, well, she is exactly that.

(Author's Note: Wu Zetian from Fate/Grand Order)

When I returned to the city, the women with supernatural abilities were the first to notice, either from our spirit ties or from Umaru's messages.

I originally thought to go home after spending time with the quintuplets. The female Servants and chat room women are the most troublesome women since they are the strongest members of my harem in this city, plus both groups have quite troublesome women who turn violent if I'm not around to calm them down. The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

I told them I'll go see them, they only had to wait a couple of hours, but impatience seems to be a common trait between both groups.

As both groups of women waited for me, Yoruichi and Wu Zetian began to argue.

Wu Zetian hates cats to the extreme, or it is better to say that she is deeply afraid of them.

Yoruichi is not a sadistic woman, but she has the temperament of a bully, so she started to tease Wu Zetian by using her cat form.

Up to that point, things weren't problematic since Wu Zetian was just running around the building without hurting other people, but Wu Zetian is technically a member of royalty, so another Servant saw Yoruichi's actions as an offense.

Qin Liangyu is cute, kind, and extremely loyal, but she can be a bit naive at times.

(Author's Note: Qin Liangyu from Fate/Grand Order)

Wu Zetian had taken advantage of Qin Liangyu's loyal personality to make her her assistant. Seeing how Wu Zetian escaped from the little cat, Qin Liangwu stood in front of Yoruichi and challenged her to a duel.

What should have been a glib comedy scene turned into a group fight.

Eto is a woman who is not happy if she does not see the world burn, so she threw gasoline on the fire. She started making fun of Chinese history by saying that China's historical legacy is overrated, especially literary classics that are overly exaggerated but lacking in real poetry.

(Author's Note: Eto Yoshimura from Tokyo Ghoul)

Chinese Servants are extremely nationalistic, so the small problem became a big problem.

Fortunately, the underground area of the building was modified by Abby and System Goddess or the fight would have destroyed the entire city.

Both groups of women know that there are limits that should not be crossed, so neither of them tried to kill their rivals. Still, they used enough power to cause a small earthquake in Japan.

The quake was so small that there were no fatalities and only minor property damage, but it remains problematic.

I already had Monika send a message to Mr. Ichijo to explain that it all happened because I wanted to try a new magical artifact, but the experiment failed.

Mr. Ichijo was not angry, but he told me that the repair costs would come out of my pocket.

I accepted the situation since my wives caused the problem, but having to spend money on stupid things gives me a headache. It doesn't matter if I'm a millionaire now, wasting money annoys me.

Anyway, now both groups of women will be grounded.

"How long will we be here?" – Esdeath asked me with a smile that was more like a threat. – "I will say it once, get me out of here or the next time we do it I will bite something that will hurt you"

(Author's Note: Esdeath from Akame ga Kill)

I can see the chat room perfectly thanks to [Reader's Perspective] so it's easy for me to talk to them as long as Umaru is near me.

"Onii-chan will be castrated, how scary" – Umaru had an expectant smile.

We are currently in a car on the way home. Now that my relationship with the quintuplets is clear, I need to prepare my things for tomorrow since I'm going back to school.

I pinched Umaru's cheek. – "Onii-chan yamete kudasai!"

Umaru started making weird noises so I ignored her and sighed towards Esdeath. – "Bite all you want, you will all be grounded for three weeks"

"......." – Esdeath's gaze turned dark and her intent to kill was visible. – "Oh dear~ Are you sure about this?"

...Yes, she will try to castrate me when the punishment is over.

Oh well, it's not the first time my genitals have been mutilated.

I smiled slightly. – "If you behave well, when the punishment is over I will give you a reward that you will like~"

"..." – The murderous intent in Esdeath's gaze did not diminish as her smile grew. - "I'll look forward to it"

{Esdeath has disconnected from the call}

That woman is too aggressive.... How cute.

In the end, I established a month of punishment for both groups of women, which made me receive many threats and pleas. Sadly for them, threats of mutilation or using doggie eyes are methods that don't work on me.

"Onii-chan, did you punish your waifus for a month so you can have your vacation?" – Umaru asked curiously as she massaged her cheek.

I patted the brat's head. – "To be so fool, sometimes you are smart"

I love my wives and I will never see them as a nuisance, even I love extremely troublesome women like BB and Nyaruko, but love doesn't make me blind to reality.

Currently, my most troublesome wives are gathering materials to rebuild [Paranoia].

Technically, my current problems will be on a much smaller scale while they're not around, but I need to experience as normal a life as possible, so chat room problems and female Servants will ruin my normal life.

Although they gave me a headache, this will give me the necessary excuse to keep them out of my way to understand the essence of absolute suffering.

I don't like the idea of locking up my wives and keeping them out of my life, but this is for the greater good.

If I can improve my understanding of suffering, then I will be able to use [Sadomasochistic Meditation] to bring my best skills to a whole new level. There is even a slim chance that I will be able to absorb the pain that Auriel and Gogh feel without my soul being totally destroyed.

In the end, everything I do is still for the good of my wives and that motivates me to keep going.

"So you're going to lock me up?" – Medaka smiled at me cynically.

Ortro hates thinking about complex things, but she doesn't want our lives to be in danger again, so she wants to really think about where to go so I don't fall into a bad situation again.

I smiled wryly. – "Don't think about it too much, we are just walking around"

This little girl sometimes gives too much importance to irrelevant things.

"Are you talking to a dog?"

The street was almost empty as there was only one girl sitting on the ground while hugging her legs.

I didn't pay much attention to her as I only focused on spending time with Ortro, but at a glance, I can see that the girl is a character with a name and a plot.

I smiled and shrugged it off. – "Talking to humans is sometimes exhausting, besides, my little friend is adorable"

The little dog next to me raised her small head as if she was showing off.

"Owwww, what a cute thing" – The girl's eyes lit up. – "Can I pet her?"

Ortro stopped acting cute and bared her teeth, though she was able to control her bad temper, or the girl would have a heart attack from fear. Ortro just looked like an angry puppy which was cute.

"..." – The girl looked down sadly. – "So the animals don't like me either..."

Sadness, disappointment, depression, and traces of a strong inferiority complex.

The girl seems to be cold and hungry, plus she is dressed in a school uniform that is not from this city.

She is my age and a very attractive girl, but looking at her situation, I don't need [Reader's Perspective] to know that she is a girl with strong personal problems who has run away from home.

Well, it's not the first time I've come across something like this. Before my system, I found a few girls with this kind of attitude and took advantage of them, either for undercover missions or to vent my sexual frustration.

Anyway, it's not hard to have another mouth to feed.

I smiled wryly. – "My friend doesn't like strangers, don't take it personally"

"Yes, its fine" – The girl sighed discouraged, then her eyes noticed the bag of food in my hand.

In addition to instant noodles, I bought French fries, cold meat skewers, and hot dogs. It looks like I'm taking snacks to go to a small gathering with friends.

The girl flashed her best smile to get my attention.

I don't wear extravagant clothes, in fact, it's obvious that my clothes are cheap, but it's easy to see that I have enough money to take care of a girl for at least one night, besides, everything about my appearance shows that I'm a juvenile delinquent and a womanizer. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I look like a gang member, I just need to have tattoos.

"I'm a little hungry so I have a deal for you" – The girl smiled coquettishly and raised the hem of her skirt a little to show a little of her attractive thighs. – "If you let me eat, I will accompany you all night~"

I let out a small laugh that was more like a sigh. – "I see, you give your body in exchange for food and shelter"

"..." – The girl's expression turned bitter with a slight trace of resentment, not against me, but against herself. - "You have a problem with that?"

"No" - I smiled with slight appreciation. – "Hunger and cold are horrible things that no one should experience, if you are willing to give up everything in order to survive is something I respect"

".... What?" - She looked at me with pure confusion.

She seems to be used to looks of lust, contempt, and pity, but she had never seen such a genuine expression of empathy and understanding.

I crouched down so that I was at the same height and extended my hand in a Western salute. – "Nice to meet you, my name is Oosuki Luis, a humble illegal immigrant who was lucky enough to get a good job"

"..." – The girl looked at me expressionlessly, not knowing how to respond to my strange introduction, but one thing was clear, among all the men she had come into contact with so far, I am the first person who looks at her as an equal.

Not the contempt of an arrogant man, not the pity of a person who sees her as a wounded animal, but the equality that comes from empathy for having experienced misery.

"Ogiwara Sayu..." – The girl extended her hand and shook mine. – "Nice to meet you Luis-san"

(Author's Note: Sayu Ogiwara from Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway)

I sighed and released her hand. – "Please, do not add honorifics to my name, it sounds too strange"

"Yes, it sounds a bit strange, although it also sounds a bit cute" – Sayu smiled slightly, that smile was real.

"Hey Listen! Show this female that you're not cute, you're a girl-hole buster with CHAD written across your forehead!" – Navi appeared in my mind just to yell stupid things, then she disappeared to go back to watch movies in the apartment.

It seems my mind is easier to invade than a republic in Africa.

I sighed and stood up, then reached out to help Sayu to her feet. – "Please, don't joke about that, I already have a lot of noisy people making fun of that stupidity"

Sayu smiled and took my hand to get up. – "Don't worry, I wouldn't make the person who is going to feed me angry~"

That's the smartest thing I've heard in a while.

"What I bought won't be good for you, you need something nutritious" – I smiled and gently patted Sayu's shoulders to remove the small leaves and dust on her clothes. – "Come on, I know an excellent udon place that is open at this time"

"Oh" – Sayu's eyes lit up and her mouth began to salivate. Looks like she hasn't eaten all day.

Sayu came up to me and hugged my right arm like she was a loving girlfriend. Although her actions seemed like those of a girl just in love, there is a resignation on her face. She is sad that she has to give up her body to get food and a place to sleep, but she can't think of other means to survive either.

She doesn't seem like a total idiot girl, it's just that her lack of self-esteem and little life experience makes her ignorant and naive.

I looked at Sayu and sighed. – "It is obvious that after eating you will accompany me to a hotel or my house, whatever you choose, that part is inevitable, I will give you food, a house, clothes, and whatever you need while you are my lover, but you do not need to feign affection, I am satisfied with the fact that you are pretty"

"..." – Sayu's mouth twisted bitterly. – "Is it necessary for you to be so direct?"

"That helps people understand what I mean without having annoying misunderstandings" – I shrugged.

Sayu sighed, but she didn't stop hugging my arm. - "I'm cold"

She has such low self-esteem that she is not able to feel sincere love since she hates herself, but she has a huge emotional dependency. Considering her problems, she will easily fall in love with the first person who treats her with love, care, and respect.

Now it turns out that anyone can get a cute girl with low self-esteem... The depression of the Japanese begins to be problematic.

Ah, I really am a magnet for tragic women.... Oh well, it's fun to collect adorable little homeless creatures.

I'm wearing a simple sweatshirt. I made Sayu stop hugging me and took off my sweatshirt to cover her back.

"Let's eat" - I smiled slightly kindly, although my gaze ran through her body to show her that I'm not an altruistic and disinterested idiot, I'm just a slightly kind pervert.

Sayu felt warm from the warmth of the sweatshirt covering her shoulders, although her expression changed when she saw my arms.

After thinking, I decided to remove the scar from my face since I am a womanizer, not a soldier. It doesn't do me good to have a conspicuous scar on the middle of my face.

Still, I left the scars on my arms and even made them visible. Now it looks like everything below my elbows was amputated and then someone sewed my arms back together.

Sayu couldn't look away from my arms to which I smiled without giving importance to my scars. – "Ah, this... A magician cut off my arms and an angel gave them back to me"

"...." – Sayu raised an eyebrow and looked at my face, but then smiled slightly. She seems to think I'm joking so she doesn't think too much about what happened to me.

The tragedy of liars is that people don't believe us when we tell the truth... Oh well, that's life.

So, I took Sayu to eat something.

Let's see, here it should be. Ogata Udon, yes, it is a good place to eat.