Chapter 363: Waifus and bullying

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 363: Waifus and bullying

The classes continued without problems, the only thing that was slightly noticeable was that the system user is growing at a great speed.

So far I haven't met really powerful system users who have developed their skills, plus my own development was different from most system users, so seeing the idiot has been very educational to better understand the nature of the system users.

Anyway, I kept observing the constant growth of the system user, which was useful to me in case one day I have to pretend that I am a newborn system user.

The interesting thing was that the system user managed to overcome many human limitations in just a couple of hours.

To give an example, now the system user is able to match the strength that I had in my first month of training in the Kenichi World.

If we talk about innate potential and system abilities, then the idiot is thousands of times superior to me and can easily reach Hayato Furingi's level in a month. The cheating skills of system users is absurd.

Now I begin to understand why some Higher Entities like to encourage and observe the growth of system users. I have always liked the idea of tending a vegetable crop and then making a salad.

Ah, I want to live on a farm....

Anyway. Classes ended so it was time for a lonely teacher to come looking for me to ask me questions about Saki.

Today I don't have to help the clumsy girls with their studies since Mafuyu is busy, so the school tutorials are postponed for today.

(Author's Note: Mafutu Kirisu from Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai)

Actually, Mafuyu is just avoiding me.

She agreed to be my future wife, but she doesn't want to see me for now because she's afraid that she might cross the line between student and teacher, so she'll only be willing to have an official relationship with me when I stop being a student.

I already have plans to move things forward, so for now I'll let that lovely woman feel a false sense of security.

When the class was about to end, someone knocked on the door.

There are still 20 minutes left until class ends, but Yui didn't get upset and allowed the person to enter the classroom.

(Author's Note: Yui Kanakura of Nisekoi)

The woman who arrived was Shizuka Hiratsuka from Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru.

The aggressive teacher apologized for interrupting the class, but she asked if I could leave the class early since she needed to talk about something with me.

Hiratsuka seemed to be in a terrible mood as if she wanted to hit someone, so some students thought I was in trouble.

Yui nodded and so I left the classroom while some students muttered.

In the corridor, Hiratsuka only said that I should accompany her to the infirmary, but didn't say anything else.

We walk in silence. In the eyes of others, it seemed that she was going to hit me and then punish me since her expression only showed anger, but I can understand why she looks like that.

She's totally mad, but not with me.

When we were about to get to the infirmary, she stopped for a moment and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"I'm not mad at you" – Hiratsuka spoke as she clenched her fists.

"I know, don't worry, I'm not going to misunderstand my dear teacher" – I smiled kindly.

"..." – Hiratsuka rolled her eyes at my pathetic attempt at flattery, but that helped her to regain her calm. – "Stop acting like a casanova, you are just a brat" This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

"At least I have a girlfriend" - I shrugged.

"...." – Hiratsuka gritted her teeth and resisted the desire to hit me.

I smiled slightly ironically, but then I showed seriousness. – "How is the girl?"

The anger on Hiratsuka's expression disappeared and she only showed sincere concern. – "She's better, but I can't even imagine what the situation is like..."

The nurse followed my instructions and called Hiratsuka to talk about Saki.

Apparently, Hiratsuka was able to understand a bit of the situation, although she hasn't been able to see the complexity of this problem.

For her, Saki is a victim of school bullying and the beatings she has received are because of her classmates. She is unable to imagine Saki being raped every day, there is even a chance that Saki will suffer from violence in her house.

There are two reasons why Hiratsuka called me on this case.

For starters, I was the one who found Saki passed out, so I can serve as a witness if Hiratsuka wants to expose the bullying within this school.

The second reason is that Hiratsuka read my file, so technically I'm the best option to know how to deal with bullying situations. Most likely, Hiratsuka will ask me to protect Saki until she can verify who the students are who are harassing the pitiful girl.

Hiratsuka is a very nosy woman... Well, she is a good teacher.

I decided to give her a little help. – "When the nurse was treating the girl's wounds, I saw some marks on her body..."

Hiratsuka didn't scold me for being present while Saki received medical attention, she just narrowed her eyes as a bad feeling rose in her heart.

"I'm not completely sure, but I think she's been sexually abused, plus there are cigarette marks on her back" – I spoke with superficial indifference, but showed a subtle trace of anger.

Hiratsuka is intelligent and observant. She saw that I feel furious and indignant with Saki's situation, but I'm pretending to remain calm to maintain the image of a tough and calm man.

In Hiratsuka's eyes, I'm a kind and noble boy who acts like an idiot so people don't get close to me. Basically, I suffered a lot in my childhood and now I have trouble trusting other people.

Hiratsuka took a deep breath, but the fury exceeded her self-control. She also had that theory, but she wanted to think that she was wrong since the reality was too horrible to accept.

Hiratsuka didn't doubt me as she knows the kind of difficult life I've had, in fact, she seems to believe that I was sexually abused as a child and because of that I became a perverted womanizer with no self-control, which is technically a bit true.

Hiratsuka couldn't contain her anger and closed her fist to hit the wall with all her strength.

Fortunately I was quick and got my hand in front of her fist before she hit the wall. She is relatively strong for a normal woman who doesn't do martial arts.

I sighed as my hand held onto the teacher's fist so she wouldn't get hurt. – "Sensei, don't be impulsive or you will hurt yourself and that would be terrible"

If I hadn't caught her punch, then this woman's fist would be fractured. Her kind heart made her an impulsive woman.

"Tch" – Hiratsuka clicked her tongue in annoyance, but she seemed a little touched by my sincere concern, although she frowned when she saw that I didn't let go of her fist. – "How long do you plan to hold my hand?"

I looked at my hand and then smiled slightly mockingly, though I showed a subtle trace of seriousness in my gaze. – "I don't know, maybe until our wedding"

"......." – Hiratsuka's mouth twitched in anger because she thought that I'm just making fun of her, but there was a subtle blush on her cheeks which shows that she found the idea a bit tempting.

I let go of his hand and waved my hands in surrender, though I kept my smile. – "Okay, okay, don't look at me like that or I might fall in love with you"

"... Damn brat..." – Hiratsuka huffed in annoyance and walked back towards the infirmary so that I couldn't see the adorable redness on her cheeks.

"Hey Listen! Nothing beats the dramatic and predictable romance of cheap soap operas! Muahahahahaha!" – Navi was happy to see me seduce women. – "Now show her that you are not a brat, but an adult with a drill that pierces the heavens!"


"Damn thing!" – Yoko yelled furiously when she saw Nia getting depressed, so she tried to hit Navi.

Although Nia has already fallen in love with me, her heart still aches when she thinks of that Simon.

On the other hand, I found out a long time ago that Yoko was in love with two men, but the Anti-Spiral confirmed to me that the souls of those men no longer exist, so they can't reincarnate.

Both women love me, but that doesn't change that their friends and family from the past remain a beautiful and painful memory for them.

That doesn't make me jealous since those people have ceased to exist... But, if by some stupid cosmic coincidence it turns out that they are still alive.... Well, I'll have a little argument with my wives, but I already know how to solve it.

"Muahahaha, you're just a woman! The only enemy you can defeat is the dirt on the dishes!" – Navi was laughing while Yoko hit him, but the idiot is still immune to attacks.

This idiot really acts like a system user.....

I ignored the voices inside my head and we made it to the infirmary.

On the other hand, it's true that I'm a libertine womanizer, but I don't go through life looking at women while drooling like an animal in heat, in fact, there are too many beautiful women in this school, but I don't care since I only intend to seduce to women who get involved with me out of interest or chance, that way I won't get bored too quickly.

Another thing is that Marika has shown that she has great potential to be a congresswoman or a cult leader. Basically, she has turned my 'fucking bum' reputation into a 'bad boy'.

(Author's Note: Marika Tachibana of Nisekoi)

There are now several girls who are starting to look at me with interest, but some of my wives went one step higher and rumors have started circulating that I can give women the best orgasms...

Sometimes I wonder if my wives want to increase my harem or just like to brag about my abilities.

Putting aside that those rumors have only made more teachers and boys hate me, now there are many girls looking at me with strange curiosity.

Despite that, there were also people watching and muttering about Saki.

Like me, she's pretty well known, though her reputation is that of a whore that will sleep with any man.

In a way, it's not strange to see us together. Rumors will surely begin to spread about how the whore and the bum began a relationship.

Saki seemed used to being treated like dirt, but she was worried that her bad reputation would affect me, so she started walking slower to keep her distance from me.

I don't have time for this crap, so I took her hand and made her walk beside me.

Saki panicked at my action, but she was also slightly blushed and showed a small smile. I think I became her Prince Charming or something silly like that.

"Hey Listen! Drop the bullshit dramas and fill her uterus! Look at her little face, she wants it!" – Navi....

I ignored everyone and made my way to Umaru's classroom.

The teacher has already left and there are only a few students left, but when I entered the classroom, most of them looked away and only a few brats gave me disgusted looks. My face is known so those idiots recognized me easily.

I ignored them and looked at Umaru who already had her backpack ready.

"We're ready, Onii-chan" – The brat smiled when she saw me, although her smile turned mocking when she saw Saki by my side. – "Heh, Onii-chan is insatiable"

Saki blushed and seemed a little worried from the looks around her, but she didn't try to pull her hand away from mine and she actually looked very happy.

I rolled my eyes and greeted the two girls next to Ina and Umaru in a friendly way.

The two girls showed joyful expressions upon seeing Saki. They had both been worried, so they felt calmer to see that she was fine.

Umaru has learned to read people and she was able to understand some of Saki's problems, so she took Saki's hand and made her integrate into the group.

When I let go of Saki's hand, she seemed a little sad, but quickly became happy when Umaru and her two new friends of hers started talking to her. All three of them are outgoing girls, so they easily made Saki feel accepted.

On the other hand, Ina approached me and spoke to me through a telepathic link.

"Luis, can we bring her with us?" – Ina subtly pointed to a girl who was in a corner of the classroom.

The girl looked rather gloomy and seemed to be trying hard not to let people notice her, though she too seemed to be surrounded by loneliness and melancholy.

I sighed internally. – "She appears in a series that you like?"

"Yeah!" – Ina responded enthusiastically. – "She was not part of the group that wanted to intimidate us, so we could be friends"

Ina was infected by Umaru's stupidity. Now she also sees people as collectible characters...

I smiled wryly. – "Fine, then goes talk to her"

"...." - Ina froze.

"What's happening? Did you want me to talk to her because you still haven't gotten over your social anxiety?" – I spoke with slight mockery.

Ina pouted a little. – "N-No, i-it's just that it would be better if you're the one talking to her... Yes, that's it! She's from a romantic story so you can be her Prince Charming!"

This girl is getting just as spoiled as Umaru....

Maybe it's a bad idea for both of them to meet Arisa...

Oh whatever. Arisa is technically an adult, so she could help them grow up.

.... I hope so....

Well, Ina is usually very shy and it's very rare that she asks me for something, so this time I'll give her what she wants.

I nodded and approached that girl while I held Ina's hand for her to accompany me. Ina was nervous, but she didn't complain and followed me.

My sister noticed my actions, so she kept talking to her friends to give me space to act.

I got to the girl.

She was pretending to read a book so she wouldn't have to talk to other people, but hers tensed up as I approached her.

I smiled kindly when she peeked at me.

"Hello, this girl is Ina" – I spoke friendly while pointing to Ina making the octopus girl blush with nervousness. – "She is a good girl, but she is very shy, so she asked me for help to talk to you because she wants to be your friend"

"WOW! LUIS, I DID NOT MEAN THAT!" – Ina she yelled at me through the telepathic link so I ignored her.

"....." – The girl was more nervous than Ina and she couldn't even speak.

"You see, we're going to go buy some things my sister needs, so Ina wanted to ask if you wanted to go with us" – I acted as if I hadn't noticed that both girls were frozen with shyness.

"...." – The girl seemed a little happy that someone wanted to be her friend, but she was too shy to answer.

I smiled like I was a dense idiot. - "That is a yes? Excellent, let's go then"

"..." – The girl blinked in confusion since she hasn't even spoken, but she didn't refuse and put her book in her backpack to accompany us.

"Yay, Sadako-chan" – Ina cheered happily when the girl agreed to come with us.


I saw the girl's ID when she opened her backpack and her name is Sawako Kuronuma, although it's possible that Sadako is a nickname... Now that I think about it, it's true that this girl looks like a ghost from a horror movie.

(Author's Note: Sawako Kuronuma from Kimi ni Todoke)

Well, whatever.

"Hey Listen! You are making a collection of shy girls because they moan the most in sex! Great idea, Woody. I like your thinkin!" – Navi was having fun, but I still don't understand several of her stupidities.

Although it is true that lately there are many tragic girls around me...

"Hey Listen! The school arc became an anti-bullying arc! The stupid author must be venting the traumas he had when he was bullied for being a fucking otaku muahahahahaha!"

... That makes sense.

Stupid author with no self esteem.




Author's Note:

Thank you for continuing to read my work <3

A hug <3