When Mo Yun can find her family, it means that she has roots. He also hopes that she can feel more affection and happiness.

At least, he hopes that she can have more sense of security, not for fear of being abandoned, so hard and hard.

In fact, he understood all her thoughts.

She tried so hard because she was afraid of falling behind, that he would abandon her, that she would not rely on, and that she would have nothing.

But how could he?

But no matter what he did, she would have no sense of security. And the only thing he can do is to help her find her security and help her become strong


The next day, Mo Yun followed Yunlong to the Yunjia ancestral hall.

Last time she came, she was an outsider.

Every time she thought of coming, she already had a blood relationship with the cloud family.

This time, only the yunyaochuan family came to worship. After taking the pill of life, Yunhu's body also recovered.

At the moment, when the yunshaoqiang family saw them coming, they didn't have a good face.

Chen Yujiao in particular, Mo Yun has done her daughter Yunfeng like that. She can't wait to spit on her face!

Seeing Mo Yun, Chen Yujiao sneered and said with a sneer: "Oh, this has become a member of my cloud family. How can you not have any rules? Don't even the elders know to call? As expected, she is a wild girl growing up outside, but she has no rules and breeding! "

Mo Yun looked at her with cold eyes and no temperature.

Chen Yujiao looked at her eyes and snorted, "what kind of eyes are you looking at?"?! I'm talking about you. Don't you know how to call people when you see your elders?! I tell you, you have to call me aunt

"I'm sorry, my grandmother has only one daughter-in-law, but it's not you." Mo Yun replied coldly.

Ou Ping suddenly yelled out, "it's really an unruly girl! Your grandmother had only one son, but your grandfather had two. That's your uncle and aunt? According to the rules, you have to call me grandmother

"Have I acknowledged you?" Mo Yun asked funny questions.

She didn't admit them. How could they put gold on their faces?

Ou Ping was even more angry, "don't you admit that you still have the face to come to my cloud family ancestral hall? If you don't admit it's a descendant of the cloud family, get out of here! "

Chen Yujiao said sarcastically: "Mom, she is not actually a descendant of the cloud family. Her surname is Luo, but not Yun. We are kind enough to recognize her, and she doesn't know what's good or bad. "

"Enough!" Yun Shaohua said coldly, "Xiao Yun is here to worship her grandmother. It has nothing to do with you."

Yun Shaoqiang sneered: "elder brother, this is my ancestral hall of the cloud family. It has something to do with it since she stepped in. Don't you think it's not? Unless she leaves immediately, don't step into my cloud family's territory! "

"You..." Yun Shaohua wants to refute, and Yun Yaochuan suddenly comes out.

"All right! What kind of noise do you have? Can you please be quiet? I called this girl. Do you have any opinion on my way of doing it Yun Yaochuan stares at Yun Shaoqiang and asks them.

"Father, how can we have a problem with you? It's a girl who doesn't respect her elders at all. " Yun Shaoqiang said dissatisfied, at the same time, they are also very confused, do not know what the old man called Luoyun to do.

Did he recognize her identity?

This can't work. If he admits to Luoyun, there will be more people to fight for the inheritance!

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