Chapter 188 Ch. 188: "I'm sorry." [1]

Name:Not-So an Extra Author:

188 Ch. 188: "I'm sorry." [1]

In the softly illuminated dining hall, an elegant mahogany table stood proudly at the room's center, its polished surface shining under the warm glow. Meticulously adorned with gleaming silverware and delicate porcelain dishes overflowing with culinary delights, the aroma of fine cuisine wafted through the air, enticing the senses of all present. The gentle clinking of cutlery bounced against the walls, intertwining with the subdued conversations of the three gentlemen seated around the table. Meanwhile, servants moved gracefully, attending to the diners' needs discreetly, their footsteps muffled by the plush carpets that lined the floor. Mathias lowered the goblet from his lips and turned his attention toward Nathaniel, who sat beside Adrian. "Ah, isn't Your Highness turning 16 years old this year?"

Meeting Mathias's gaze with a nod, Nathaniel confirmed, "Yes, that's correct."

Mathias set the glass down on the table, nodding in understanding. "Will you be attending the coming-of-age celebration this year, then?"

Upon hearing this, Adrian's hands, while cutting the meat, froze momentarily in mid-air before resuming their action. Now that Mathias mentioned it, he realized Nathaniel was about to reach his coming-of-age, marking his debut in noble society. As Nathaniel's schedule was soon to diverge from his own, their impending separation was merely a matter of time.

Letting out a smile, Nathaniel answered. "Unfortunately, I won't be attending."

Caught off guard by his brother's unexpected decision, Adrian instinctively glanced at him, "Why?" New novel chapters are published on

Locking gaze with him, Nathaniel adopted a smug expression. "Because what would my little brother do without me? Ah, he must be feeling lonely!"

Adrian's face contorted in disgust at Nathaniel's overly cringeworthy remarks before snapping, "Which brother are you referring to?"

Nathaniel shut his mouth, his hand unconsciously meeting his forehead in a facepalm. Not him forgetting that he had another brother!

Rolling his eyes, Adrian returned his gaze to his plate and lifted a forkful of meat to his mouth. Despite it, he could feel a warmth blossoming in his heart and a small smile tugging from the ends of his lips. Meanwhile, Mathias observed the exchange with an amused smile, relishing their banters. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but feel gratitude, knowing his nephew was surrounded by people who deeply cared for him.

Clearing his throat, Mathias interjected, "Well, it seems your absence will be felt, Your Highness. But fear not, Prince Adrian will endure."

Adrian nodded in agreement, "Indeed, Uncle. That's correct." Turning toward his brother, he smirked wryly. "I'll manage just fine without his constant pestering."

But, instead of giving him a direct answer, Adrian just grinned. "Why don't you find out for yourself?"

Nathaniel rolled his eyes in boredom. "You just love to keep me guessing, don't you?"

Yet, Adrian merely shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah."

Their light conversation continued to flow as they proceeded forward, but it came to a momentary pause upon reaching Adrian's chamber. Coming to a stop, Adrian turned to face Nathaniel. "I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

However, his words hung in the air as Nathaniel remained silent and gazed at him with an unreadable expression. Regardless, Adrian patiently waited.

After a tense pause, Nathaniel finally spoke, his voice heavy with uncertainty. "Can I... talk to you for a moment?"

Although Adrian was unsure of what Nathaniel wanted to discuss, he agreed nonetheless. "Sure."

Recognizing the need for privacy, Fredinand respectfully intervened with a bow. "Your Highness, I'll wait outside."

Adrian nodded in gratitude. "Thank you."

With that, Adrian and Nathaniel entered the room. Closing the door behind them, Adrian made his way toward the couch. However, Nathaniel's voice halted his steps midway.

"I'm sorry."

Adrian's heart sank as he rooted to the spot, a heavy weight settling in his chest. He knew they needed to address their strained relationship, but Adrian hadn't expected Nathaniel to confront him so directly, so soon.

Adrian closed his eyes for a fleeting moment, seeking solace in the darkness behind his lids. With a steadying breath, he gathered his composure, bracing himself for what lay ahead. Turning to meet Nathaniel's gaze, he couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in his brother's demeanor; his usual smug face gave way to a vulnerability.

At that moment, Adrian realized the sincerity of Nathaniel's apology, and it struck a chord within him. 'As it has come to this, if Nathaniel tells me the truth, then I have no choice but to reveal everything as well.'