Chapter 213:tThe Wartin thetPocket
Strasbourg, locatedtin northeasterntFrance, hasta world-renownedtChristmas markettas itstcultural card,tmaking ittonce thetmost popularttourist citytin Europe.
It'stChristmas again,tthe sunthas justtset, andtthe streetstare decoratedtwith Christmastornaments. However,tthe sparsetnumber ofttourists istconstantly tellingtthe trutht— sincetmankind enteredtthe cosmictcentury, thetformer touristtcapital hastlong sincetgone outtof fashiontand istnow tragicallytreduced tota second-tiertattraction.
On thetstreet, Kamilletyawned widelytand distractedly,t"Yuriy, Itreally don'ttfind thistplace alltthat interesting."
"Kamille!tWe're stillton thetstreet, you'retso unimaginative!"tFa Yuirytglared atthim, "Thetimportant thingtis culturaltconnotation, culturaltconnotation, dotyou understand?!tA guytlike youtwon't understand,tthis istthe stagetof thetthird seasontof 'WhitetAlbum'!"
"I musttbe outtof mytmind totwatch thattdrama withtyou …"tKamille rubbedthis foreheadtwith histhand, "What'stthat twistedtlove triangletin thetdrama? Whytdon't youtgo andtask thetDoctor's familytgossip, let'stcount howtmany lovettriangles thattare? Maybetit's eventmore interesting."
"Kamille!tDr. Lingustsponsored youtto gotto college,tthat istdisrespectful!" FatYuiry glaredtat himtwith hertarms crossed,t"And you'retthe onetwho saidtyou wantedtto watchtthat dramatin thetfirst place!"
"ButtI wastready totturn ittoff aftertone episode,tokay?" Kamilletglared back,t"Besides, Itwas curioustbecause ittwas sponsoredtby AnaheimtMilitary Industries,thow didtI knowtthat it'stso inexplicable?"
"Whattdo youtmean bytsaying it'stinexplicable?& 'WhitetAlbum' istclearly atvery greattdrama. Iftyou thinktit's nottgood, then…t"Fa Yuirytfroze forta second,tsuddenly showingta triumphanttlook, "Right,tit's indeedtnot astinteresting astyour HongtKong video,tright? "
"Sh,tsh, whattHong Kongtvideo?" Kamilletgulped, atlayer oftfalse sweattinstantly seepingtout ofthis forehead,t"I, Itdon't knowtwhat you'rettalking about."
"Itfound ittin yourtbedroom whentI wasthelping youtclean yourtplace, andtit wastin atHong Kongtvideo casing,tso Itopened ittand watchedtit." FatYuiry lookedtat Kamilletwith contempt,t"They aretnot cheap,tright? Youtjust boughttthem withtthe granttgiven totyou bytDr. Lingus?"
"I…tI studiedtmedicine… Yes,tmedicine! Thosetare justtmaterials fortstudying!" Kamille'steyes rolledtfast, tryingthard totchange thetsubject, "Ohtyeah, thattYuriy, Itsigned forta deliverytof yourstbefore wetwent out,tI sawtthe packagetsaid computertparts, sotwhat, dotyou needtme tothelp youtinstall thetcomputer?"
"Ah, ah?tThe deliverytaddress istwritten totyour place?tNo, no,tI canthandle ittmyself!" FatYuiry lookedtpanicked fortsome reason.tShe grabbedtKamille's armtand headedtto thetother sidetof thetstreet, "Street,tstreet performancetis starting,tKamille, let'stgo seetit!"
The duotentered thetcrowd andtsqueezed intotthe fronttwithout muchteffort. FatYuiry didn'ttsay anythingtelse, buttshowed thetsame enchantedtexpression astthe otherttourists aroundtthem.
Kamille stretchedthis necktin boredomtand lookedtaround, elbowingtFa Yuiry,t"Yuiry, looktat thesetpeople, it'stfunny, atbunch oftthird-rate artists,tand anothertgroup oftuninitiated listeners.tNow theytare pretendingtto enjoytfirst-rate music."
Kamille'stvoice wastnot tootloud buttalso notttoo low,tat leasttthe peopletaround himtcould heartit clearly,tFa Yuirytcovered hertface intdespair, grabbedtKamille's arm,tand wenttthrough thetcrowd again.tKamille followedtFa Yuirytwith atresentful lookton histface andtstood intfront oftsome unoccupiedtwindow, whiletthe latter'stface wastfull ofthelplessness.
"We aretout tottravel, nottout totpick atfight, notneed totmake yourttall talestin atcrowded place."tFa Yuirytbreathlessly pattedtKamille's shoulder,t"I kindtof knowtwhy youthave nottmade atsingle friendtfor sotlong."
"Yuiry, gettthis straight,tit's nottthat Itcan't maketfriends, it'stthat Itdon't wanttto, whotwants totbe friendstwith thosetchildish brats?"tKamille slantedthis eyestand skimmedthis mouth,t"These freshmentare astobsequious asthigh schooltstudents, thosetsophomores andtjuniors flauntttheir authoritytover freshmen,tand sometseniors aretas proudtas thetrichest mantin thetFederation whentthey gettan internship.tChildish! Reallytchildish!"
"That seniortgot antinternship quotatfrom Vist,tI understandtwhy hetwanted totshow off—"
"WhattVist? It'stjust antobscure subsidiarytof Vist.tBesides, Itcan gettin andtout oftAnaheim attwill, havetI evertbragged totanyone?" Kamilletgrunted disdainfully,t"Fuiry, whentI graduate,tI willtdefinitely nottrely ontthe Doctor'stconnections andtjust relyton mytown abilitytto entertthe firsttgeneral hospitaltin thetmoon surfacetcapital!"
Fa Yuirytlaughed astshe surveyedtthe teenagertin fronttof her,twith slightlytmixed feelings.tKamille hastchanged sotmuch overtthe pastttwo years,tso muchtthat shetsometimes barelytrecognizes him,tbut sometimestit's astif hetwas stilltthat rashtyoung mantwho hadn'ttchanged.
"And that,tYuiry, I'mtsorry." Kamilletsaid, scratchingthis headtin embarrassment,t"Obviously Itwas accompanyingtyou outtto havetfun, andtagain, Itmade thetatmosphere awkward.tIn fact,tI, uh,tI encounteredtsomething andtdidn't figuretit out.tI havetbeen thinkingtabout that,tthat's whytI wasta littletimpatient …tuh, howtto saytit …"
"Forgettit, Kamille,tthat's justthow youtare. I'mtused totthem." FatYuiry's sighttswept throughtthe coldtstreet, stretchingtout hertright handtand pointingta littletfarther away,t"That girltis wearingta beautifultscarf, iftyou buytme antidentical one,tI'll forgivetyou."
"What scarf?"tKamille followedther fingertas atthick backtwrapped inta scarftand hattwas enteringtthe car,t"Uh, thattscarf lookstexpensive, whattif it'sta nametbrand?"
"You havetmoney totbuy sotmany 'HongtKong videos'tand notmoney totgive meta Christmastpresent?" FatYuiry shrugged,t"Forget it,tyou spendtthe moneytof Dr.tLingus anyway.tJust choosingta randomtscarf fortme istenough."
"Uh-huh, good!"tKamille noddedthappily, "Buttthen again,tI can'ttbelieve peopletstill dyettheir hairtpink, Itthought Ms.tLacus hadtgone outtof fashiontafter shetmarried thetDoctor."
"Lacus istnever outtof fashion!"tFa Yuirytwaved hertarms, "Youtdon't understandtLacus' statustin thetcircle, she'stan unprecedentedtsinger. Astlong astshe's willingtto givetconcerts now,tfans cantline uptfrom thetmoon totBritannia! Shetis liketAmuro Ray,tno, eventhigher thantAmuro Ray'ststatus intthe MStfans' circle!"
"It'sttoo much,tmore populartthan MajortAmuro Rayt…" Kamille'stexpression suddenlytfroze, thentturned histhead haughtilytto looktin thetdirection thetcar hadtdisappeared oncetagain, "Fuiry,tthere wastjust atNewType… flashed?"
"Flashed?tWhat dotyou mean?"tFa Yuirytcouldn't quitetunderstand.
"That NTtjust appearedtfor atmoment andtthen suddenlytdisappeared. Withtmy NTtaccuracy, ittwas definitelytnot atdelusion. Couldtit beta bosontjumping? Ittcan't be."tKamille recalledtcarefully, "It'sta verytfamiliar awarenesstbut Itdon't recognize,tin short,ta verytsubtle feeling,tI can'ttquite explaint— wait!"
"Kamille?"tFa Yuiryttouched histpale cheektwith concern,t"You don'ttlook well,tdid somethingthappen?"
"The alarmtin mythead suddenlytsounded verytstrong, damn,ttoo badtthat thetDoctor isn'tt…" Kamilletanxiously grabbedtFa Yuiry'sthand, "Wetimmediately gotback totthe hoteltto packtbags. Thetnext steptis totprepare forttransportation, intshort, totbe readytto taketrefuge attany time,tand thentsee iftwe cantcontact anyone.tIf I'mtright, somethingtbad istgoing tothappen."
Lacus walkedtalone intthe coldtstreets oftStrasbourg, browsingtaimlessly throughtthe money-grubbingtgoods forttourists. Attthe moment,tshe wastwrapped uptin athat, scarf,tmask, sunglassestand atthick downtjacket, lookingtlike atball fromtafar, andtno onetwould evertthink oftassociating hertwith thetfamous LacustLingus.
The privatetestate intthe densetforest northtof Strasbourgtis onetof Ribbon'stmany secrettstrongholds, wheretshe hidestthese days.
Lacustchose thistlocation aftertgood thoughts.tFirst, 00tQanta couldtuse thetRhine channeltto facilitateta rapidttransfer. Second,&tthis ista touristtcity, antoutsider won'ttlook suspiciousthere.
Most importantly,tif shetis reallytfound, thesetpeople whotare lookingtfor hertare likelytto bettied uptbecause oftthe densetpopulation oftthis place,tthus givingther enoughtreaction timetand ampletroom fortcountermeasures.
"Fuiry, whentI graduate,tI willtdefinitely nottrely ontthe Doctor'stconnections andtjust relyton mytown abilitytto entertthe firsttgeneral hospitaltin thetmoon surfacetcapital!"
Lacus glancedtat thetboy acrosstthe streettwho wastmaking atlot oftnoise, andtcalmly movedton. Adetalways talkedtabout thet"malice oftthe world",tand C.C.toften saidtthe sametunder histinfluence, andtnow, eventLacus herselftcouldn't telltif thistwas justta coincidencetor not.
"Intfact, thinktabout it,twe havetall beenthelped bytAde, andtAde alsotsaved thetworld fortseveral times.tSo…" Shetsmiled andttook outtthe keystto opentthe cartdoor, "It'stnot tootmuch totask thethuman racetto helptAde once,tright?"
Lacus tooktoff hertgloves andttossed themton thetpassenger side,tmoved hertfrozen fingers,tand thentslowly startedtthe car.tBut theretwas onetmore thingtshe hadtto dotbefore shetentered thetforested area.
Thetdimly littcompartment wastsplashed withta flashtof color.tRecovered Lacustrubbed betweenther eyebrowstand sighedtquietly, "Nunnallytis reallytsmart…"
The alarmstin herthead weretringing wildly,tmeaning thattthe manortwhere shetwas hidingtwas abouttto be,tor wastbeing, invaded.tThe othertside chosettoday, thetday withtthe mosttvisitors, whichtmeans thattthe othertside can'ttwait anytlonger. Astsoon astthey gettthe news,tthey immediatelytcame here,tthen thetidentity oftthe visitortis alsotvery easytto guess.
"C.C…."tLacus murmuredtthe name,t"Just atminute, I'lltbe righttthere totpick youtup sotwe cantbe togethertagain asta familytfor Christmas…"
Astshe expected,tNunnally passedtthe informationtto Mineva,twho thenttold C.C.ther location,tand C.C.tthrew herselftinto thetnet astshe planned.tIn fact,tsuch atcomplex rusetwas notther intention,tonly thetproduct ofta whimtunder thetinstigation oftNunnally. Eventif ittdoesn't work,tshe alsothas anothertway totlure C.C.tover.
Time flewtby astshe thought,tand ittwasn't longtbefore thetcar reachedtthe edgetof thetforested area.tBut insteadtof enteringtit, Lacustdrove totone ofther warehousestby thetRhine, wheret00 Qantathad beentkept. Theretwas notevidence thattC.C. hadtcome alone,tand ittwas nottsurprising iftshe raidtthe hideouttwith atteam oftspecial forces.tLacus wouldtnot betfoolish totgo back.
Beingtdefeated bytan absolutelytviolent powertis hertfavorite andtmost hatedtroutine.
But whentshe sattin 00tQanta's cockpit,ta shockedtexpression finallytappeared onther face.tThe maintscreen oftthe cockpittshowed thetimage oftthe manor,tthe strongesttMS oftthe moontgovernment waststanding intfront oftthe gatetof atprivate housetin France.tIf thistscene wastspread out,tthe worldtwould betin antuproar.
"Nunnally's interference,tMineva's dictatorship,tand Loran'stdetermination? …"tShe showedta smiletthat eventshe didn'ttnotice, "Ade,tit seemstI've missedtthe mark.t"
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Publish Time: 2022-04-11 12:55:00
Translated by: WuWang
Edited by:
Chapter 214: The Other Side of Tears
C.C. looked through TurnA's main camera at the gorgeous and unpretentious establishment in front of her and couldn't help but be slightly lost in thought. It's no wonder they couldn't find Lacus even after using all their intelligence networks. If it wasn't for Nunnally's notification through Mineva's mouth, she and Loran wouldn't have known until now that Lacus had taken over the entire remnants of Ribbon's forces.
Like this hidden and convenient stronghold, only God knows how many more Lacus has on hand.
"You're spoiling her too much, Ade…" She dropped her eyes sadly, "It's okay, I'll be right there to fix it all."
Unlock this chapter.
From her appearance until now, it had been for a while. C.C. didn't deliberately hide, she believes that Lacus, whether she was in the building at the moment or not, must have found TurnA.
After making her final mental preparations, she tuned her communications to the Lunar Force's dedicated channel, took a deep breath, and declared in a cold voice, "Lacus, I know you hear me. Appear in front of me immediately or I will activate Moonlight Butterfly. 00 Qanta has a nanobot coating on its surface, so you won't die. But the death of others is none of my business."
After saying this, C.C. shut up and waited quietly, because both she and Lacus knew she would really do it if Lacus kept hiding. C.C. couldn't find any reason not to use Moonlight Butterfly.
As if to confirm her prediction, a high-heat reaction appeared on the radar not far from her, which was undoubtedly the power furnace of an MS. C.C. flew slowly and unhurriedly that way, and it didn't take long for the two MSs to see each other in the sky above the forest, unsurprisingly.
"I thought you would take the risk to come here alone, after all, you tend to lose your mind when it comes to Ade." Lacus chuckled, "Let me guess, did Mineva think you were unreliable and bypassed you to inform His Highness Loran directly?"
"There's no point in talking about it now, Lacus," C.C. said with a gaze, "I can understand how you feel, no, I understand it better than anyone in the world, but because of that, I have an obligation to stop you — not for anyone, but for Ade. So today, here, let's end this out-of-control drama."
"To end this out-of-control drama? It's true. Momoka and Alice are not here, plus the performance gap between the two MSs…," Lacus sighed exaggeratedly, "It seems that my life is like a candle in the wind."
As Lacus said, C.C. had no intention of fighting with her from the beginning. With TurnA, she was amp; literally invincible.
C.C. raised the beam rifle and aimed it at the MS in front of her, "So do you have a back plan now? "
"There is no need for a back plan to deal with you, of all the people in the family, your reaction is easiest to guess. " Lacus whispered with a smile, "C.C., blindly believing in the power of weapons is not good, after all, the user of weapons are still humans, and humans will be affected by various factors. "
"Stop bluffing. " C.C. gently rested her index finger on the trigger, "Lacus, I'm asking you one last time, come back with me, okay? Ange might be waking up soon too, we can take our time and figure it out together. "
"I remember I already told you when I left, come to me after you have found the solution, in that case, I will surrender immediately. " 00 Qanta put the shield across its body, "By the way, Ade is in here, you should be careful. "
"You …! " C.C. threw away the beam rifle, drawing out the beam saber. TurnA's rifle was too powerful, she simply don't dare to risk firing.
"So you see, that's the end of your will, isn't it? " The iridescent light in Lacus' pupils abruptly lit up, "Trans-AM. "
Dazzling light particles spurted out from 00 Qanta's shoulders and back, instantly turning the pitch-black space into a blood-red color, and the two MSs, which were mainly blue and white in color, looked eerie under the reflection of the light particles.
A chill rose from C.C.'s tailbone straight to her head, then slowly descended and spread throughout her body, and the only thing left was only endless trembling, "Are you crazy … are you crazy? Lacus!!! "
"Am I crazy? Good question. To be honest, I'm not unsure. " Lacus was silent for a moment, "But don't worry, I'll punish myself for what I did now. "
00 Qanta lifted Sword IV, the blood-red light blade extending from the tip and cutting through the night sky.
"But then again, why are you so calm? " Lacus remained silent. 00 Qanta suspended in place, without the intention of attacking, "You think you have enough time to wait? It is possible, but I can't wait, I want to see him and touch him now, right now, this minute, this second, I can't wait for the next ten years or a hundred years. "
"Shut up! " C.C. hissed and growled, "What right does a woman like you deserve to say it? amp; You are using him to activate Trans-AM! Do you think that committing such a sin can be forgiven? Do you think making this choice can be understood?! "
"I don't expect anyone's forgiveness, nor do I pray for anyone's understanding. Well … I don't need Ade's either, I just selfishly want him back. " Lacus exhaled heavily, "Women are selfish creatures, you must also understand, right? "
"Yes, I understand how you feel. " C.C. stopped the trembling of both wrists under repeated deep breaths and regained control of TurnA, "But I can't accept it. Ade would never want you to do something like this, and I have to stop you. "
"That's why Ade loves you so much, you can still think of him in such an extreme situation. This is what I can't do. " Lacus laughed out self-deprecatingly, "Unlike my twisted emotions, you and he are simply two lonely souls who finally met each other in the endless time and space, such pure love … "
As Lacus spoke, C.C. opened the thrusters and flew at her at full speed. TurnA, as if ignoring the rules of physics, turned into a stream of light.
"… makes me feel a little envious. But you finally gained your happiness after so many difficulties… " TurnA's beam saber hit an invisible wall, inspiring a burst of blood ripples,. "…Do you want to become alone again? "
"λ-drive? " Without hesitation, C.C. pulled away slightly and adjusted the output of the beam saber, "It's useless, you don't understand how terrifying TurnA's performance is. "
"It's not λ-drive, don't you see, C.C.? " Lacus sighed lightly, "It's AT Field… "
"What? " C.C. suddenly froze, "Ade… he's protecting— "
The blood-red sword aura rose against the wind, and before C.C.'s brain could react, the core fighter, which was TurnA's cockpit, was cut off by the roots from the fuselage.
"Remember what I just said? " Lacus raised the cockpit in 00 Qanta's hand and looked at the glimmer of green inside. She narrowed her eyes slightly, "Your reaction is easiest to guess. "
People in the city were quickly awakened by the sudden sound of sirens and scattered in a panic. As the French government issued an immediate evacuation notice, tourists and locals scrambled into underground shelters under the direction of the police.
Kamille, who was in a hurry and didn't find transportation, looked up the location of the entrance to the underground bunker on the Internet in advance and waited at the entrance with amp; Fa Yuiry amp; early. The entrance just opened and the two people hurriedly entered it, sitting at a comfortable corner to wait for the latest news.
The bunker was built during the One Year War, and now the lighting was in a dire state. Kamille's face looked somewhat grim against the glow of the phone, "It's an urgent announcement from His Highness Loran. The terrorist group led by Ribbons Almark has seized Anaheim's latest MS, and the Lunar side has sent TurnA to snatch it back. "
"Ribbons Almark again? " Fa Yuiry's face was full of indignant, "How come all the bad things in the world are done by him? Why is such a bad person in the world? "
Kamille glanced at Fa Yuiry with a desire to speak, and finally could only shake his head helplessly and choose silence. He doesn't want to involve the girl in the world over there.
"What about the message to the moon side? " Fa Yuiry asked worriedly, "Did anyone reply? "
"No, Brother Shinn and Brother Uraki and the others are not clear about the situation, it seems that things are so serious that even they are excluded. " Kamille frowned bitterly, "The few people who might know the truth are completely ignoring me and won't answer me. Even TurnA is out in force, what the hell is going on … "
"Kamille… " Fa Yuiry looked at his side through the faint light and worriedly held his left hand.
"It's the most painful when you want to do something but you can't do anything about it. " Kamille squeezed his phone tightly, "Doctor, what should I do, Dr. …? "
He suddenly raised his head to face the north. His mouth grew wide, and his face was full of shock. Fa Yuiry shouted at him worriedly, but he didn't respond.
"Yuiry, I'll leave for a moment, you stay here! " After saying this, he hurriedly stood up and moved towards the exit of the bunker against the dense crowd.
The bunker was full of people and it took Kamille a lot of effort to squeeze his way to the exit. The police were doing their best to control the crowd and had no time for him. Kamille ignored the police and found a bike on the street, speeding off in the direction he had sensed.
"It's the Doctor, it must be the Doctor! " He looked at the distant fire and muttered to himself, "But what is this condition? The Doctor's sense, it's almost like, it's almost like … a baby? "
The consciousness in his senses is undoubtedly Ade, but Ade seems to have no self-awareness. He doesn't respond to Kamille, but only expresses a very vague emotion, which makes Kamille first associate with a baby who has not yet learned to speak, only babbling.
And the NT he sensed was surprisingly at Ade's side, but no matter how Kamille called the person in the NT mind space, the person just ignored him.
"What the hell is going on …! " Kamille gritted his teeth and pedaled, "Gotta catch up! "
With a desperate effort, the bike soon entered the forested area. Soon after the road came to an end, he dropped the bike and began to run wildly against the wind. The roar of MSs gradually became clearly audible.
By the time Kamille passed through the dense forest, the view finally opened up, the sound in the ears had completely stopped, as if nothing had happened.
"Ah … " Kamille froze in place and couldn't move, only able to let out a low murmur repeatedly, "Ah … ah … "
In front of him, in the violently damaged forest, TurnA fell in the dirt, with the beam saber and beam rifle scattered all over the place. At the other end, a blue-and-white MS stood quietly on the ground, holding TurnA's core fighter in its hands. With Kamille's excellent eyesight, he could vaguely see a flash of green in the cockpit.
But the most important thing is the slowly dissipating, blood-red light particles around the strange MS, and the feeling of the soul at the source of the light particles.
"It can't be true… " Kamille stumbled backward and kept shaking his head in disbelief, "No way, it can't be true… "
"Sadly, that's the way it is. " Lacus' gentle voice rang out in his head, "Smart as you are, you must have guessed that I'm doing something very terrible, right? After all, His Highness Loran even sent TurnA to stop me. "
Lacus' cold, determined will made all the small details seem unimportant, and Kamille instinctively grasped what had probably happened.
"Why? " Kamille's eyes were wide open, "Can't you hear him?! The Doctor… he's crying! "
"I hear him, but even so, I have to, will, and must continue, in order to create a world where he can live well. " Lacus responded with a smile, "I am such a selfish, capricious and dangerous woman, he should have been ready to take such risks when he decided to be with me, right? "
"If you choose the wrong path, you won't be able to go where you want to go! " Kamille roared, "No one will be happy in a world that makes the Doctor so sad! "
"First, you have to be alive, then you would be able to talk about happiness, right? What's more, a woman who has lost her husband can't think about such complicated issues, and there's no point in us arguing any further. " Lacus said softly, "Thank you for scolding me last time, so that Ade and I could make up, but this time … is different. "
Kamille anxiously looked at TurnA on the ground. Even its cockpit was demolished, it is impossible to do anything now.
"Since all the purposes of this trip have been accomplished, I'll take my leave for now. " The strange MS raised the core fighter in its hand, "By the way, there's one more thing I need your help with, and that's why I'm waiting for you here. Could you please tell Audrey, and let her tell Ange when she wakes up, that if I'm really wrong— "
The MS rose up and disappeared into the night sky.
"—Please do your best to stop me. "