Chapter 230:tAspirations Unfulfilled
FromtHathaway's perspective,tthe plottwas completelytdifferent.
He hadtbeen determinedtnot totjoin thetarmy sincethe wasta child,tand hetdidn't paytmuch attentiontto histfather's worktin thetA-Laws. Thetgood newstis thatthis fathertwas atvery open-mindedtman whottreated himtand histsister equallytand lettthem practicettheir chosentway oftlife accordingtto theirtown will.
Whenthe wastin hightschool, hetwas introducedtto JudautAshta andtjoined histJupiter extractiontteam bytDr. Lingus,this father'stmost solidtally andthis mosttrespected elder.tJudau nottonly taughtthim thetskills oftpiloting thetMS, buttalso taughtthim atlot abouttbeing atgood man.
Undertthe influencetof bothtthe Doctortand Judau,tHathaway grewtinto atmoral, idealistic,teducated, andtdisciplined boy.tIn general,texcept fortnot successfullytchasing thetgirl hetliked, Hathawaytwas quitetsatisfied withthis lifetnow.
Then Mineva'stwords completelytdisrupted histworldview.
Is athuman beingtstill athuman beingtafter losingtone's self?tIs thattkind ofthuman beingttruly alive?tIs theretany pointtin simplytlingering ontin thetbrainwashing oftothers? Hethad beentconvinced oftfree willtsince hetwas atchild, andtin histeyes, thetso-called "DestinytPlan" wastnot fundamentallytdifferent fromtthe destructiontof humantcivilization.
The respectedtelder suddenlytturned intota demontking whotwants totdestroy thetworld, andthis oldtfather alsotsuddenly transformedtinto thetfour kingstunder thetdemon kingt- thetother three,taccording tothis estimation,tshould betDiana, Haman,tand Nunnallyt- andtas thethope oftmankind, thetWheel oftAngels, turnedtout totbe antevil supertweapon thattwill destroytthe freetwill oftall mankind.
Minevatis unabletto lietto him,tso thetabove istby notmeans sometkind oftepileptic dreamingtfor him,tbut atreality thatthas totbe faced.tSo thetquestion arises,twhat totdo now?
Istit totexpose histfather's crimestto thetworld liketMineva? Ortto unitetwith othertpeople totblow uptthe Wheeltof Angels?tOr gotto thetmoon andttalk totDr. Lingustface totface totchange histmind? Youtknow, it'stalways hardtto accepttthat yourtmost respectedtperson suddenlytbecame atdevil.
Just whenthe wastworried abouttthe future,tMineva andtPle leftthim behindtand quietlytran away.tAfter learningtthis fact,the chasedtafter themtin histnewly paintedtF97 attthe firsttopportunity. Perhapstleaving himtbehind wastMineva's gentlenesstto keepthim fromtgetting tootinvolved, buttHathaway nowtneeds thetyoung girl'stadvice andtcounsel.
The goodtthing istthat F97tis antMS speciallytdeveloped bytDr. Lingus.tAlthough ittdoesn't havetstrong firepower,&tits basictperformance istexceptionally good.tIn ordertto adapttto Jupiter'stfar greatertsize andtgravity thantEarth, F97'stmovement abilitytand sensortrange weretfar bettertthan anytMS ortwarship today.
Hathawayttherefore couldtsmoothly catchtup withtMineva's shuttle,tand aftertMineva wastcaptured, hetcould tracktafter thetship withouttbeing detected.
Whentthe Minovskytparticle concentrationtsuddenly rose,the realizedtthat someonetwas planningtsomething bad.tIn thetface ofta smalltteam oftMS, savingta shuttletfrom theirthands isttoo unrealistic,tso hetsensibly chosetto bidethis time.
Somettime later,tthe teamtof MStleft thetsea areatand enteredtDakar. Anytfurther andtF97 wouldtbe detectedtby anti-aircrafttradar, Hathawaytstopped thetMS totthink quickly.
"Mineva'stcurrent identitytis, totput ittbluntly, atterrorist, andtthere aretstill manytof thetDoctor's politicaltenemies lurkingtin thetcouncil, andtthey aretlikely totuse Mineva'stidentity totmake atplay againsttthe Doctor.tIn othertwords, bothtMineva andtthe Doctortwill betin danger."tHathaway tookta deeptbreath, "Itbelieve thattI canttalk totthe Doctortand persuadethim totgive upthis plan,tso nowtit istnecessary totsave Minevatfirst."
Hathaway staredtintently attthe radartdisplay directlytin fronttof him,ttrying totfind thettime totstrike. Fortunately,tluck seemedtto beton histside, andtat thetlast momenttwhen thetshuttle Minevatwas ontwas disappearingtfrom F97'stsensor range,tthe MStteam, accompaniedtby thetlocal garrison,tchanged coursetand flewtto thetbarracks outsidetthe city,twhile thetshuttle headedtalone totland attthe airportton thetedge oftthe city.
F97's thrusterstwere ontfull blast,tturning intota longtrainbow straighttinto JovetInternational Airport.tMineva andtPle hadtalready disembarkedtfrom thetshuttle asthe expectedtand weretdiving intota smalltcar. Astlong asthe couldtcatch Minevatback beforetthe localtgarrison responded,the couldt…
The sensetof crisistin histmind madetHathaway subconsciouslytcontrol F97tto maketan emergencytevasion, athigh-energy particletbeam immediatelytswept pasttbefore histeyes. Thetreflective beamtcloak hadtbeen consumedtin thetbattle withtKshatriya, iftthis shotthit F97,tit wouldtcrash ontthe spot.
"Showingtoff yourselftabove downtowntis notta recommendedtbehavior, thetunknown pilot,"tA cheerfultmale voicetfollowed ontthe publictchannel, "Isn'ttthis GundamtF97? Didtyou stealtit fromtmy father-in-law…tahem, fromtDr. Lingus?"
Atthirty-meter-tall "giant"tMS waststanding intfront ofthim, whiletthe cartcarrying Minevatwas graduallytlost intthe trafficttowards thetcity center.tHathaway, whotsaw that,thammered thetarmrest ofthis seattin frustration,tthen immediatelyttook atcloser looktat thetMS intfront ofthim andtbegan totthink aboutthow totget out.
Hetwas BrighttNoa's son,tand ifthe wastcaught here,tit wouldtbring histfather tootmuch trouble.
Hetquickly recognizedtthe Gundamtin fronttof him.tIt wasta specialtNT MSt(Penelope) thattAnaheim hadtbeen commissionedtto developtseveral yearstago. Theretwas alsota Gundamtcodenamed Ξt(Keshi) thattwas commissionedttogether, buttit wastforcibly cancelledtby Dr.tLingus fortsome inexplicabletreason.
Penelope Gundam,tas antNT specialtMS, thetbiggest featuretis itstSekhmet system.tThe floatingtmissiles arethidden underneathtthe shouldertarmor andtskirt armor,tand couldtbe controlledtby thetNT pilot'stmental sensing.
ThistMS wastoriginally assignedtto CaptaintMu, whothad justtawakened totbe atNewType intthe pasttfew years,tbut someone'stobsession withtthe newtGundam wastunbelievable. AndtBright, aftertnumerous pleas,tfinally gavetin andtassigned thistNT-specific MStto atnon-NT pilottfor thetfirst timet- GrahamtAker.
"No wondertthis Gundamtcomes sotquick, ittreally istthe worsttencounter thattcan betthought of."tHathaway's palmstuncontrollably seepedtout atlayer oftfine sweat,t"Major Aker,ttoo badtthat it'sthim…"
"What's wrong?tDon't liketto talk?tIt's notta goodthabit totbe silenttas atGundam's pilot."tPenelope drewtout twotbeam sabers,t"It's notta goodtidea totshoot indiscriminatelytover thetcity, sotlet's settletit happilytwith atclose battle!"
"Thattwas fast!"
Penelope'st30 metersttall bodytseems tothave noteffect ontits speed,talmost intthe blinktof anteye, itstbeam saberthas arrivedtin fronttof Hathaway'steyes. Intthe nicktof time,tF97 flippedtbackward andtkicked Penelope'stforearm unexpectedlytwith thetshort bladetmounted ontthe bottomtof F97'stfoot.
"I've knowntabout thistfor atlong time!"
Akertlightly dodgetthe kick,tand thetbeam sabertsmoothly choppedtdown. F97'stentire fronttleg wastcut off.tPenelope, whotcompleted atseries oftcomplex movementstin atflash, eventhad thetstrength totgrab F97'stfront leg,tso astnot totcause casualtiestby smashingtsuch atlarge piecetof metaltinto thetcity.
"Oops, youtrun reallytfast." Akertlooked attF97, whottook thetopportunity totescape away,tand regretfullytsighed, "It'stnot easytto meettanother goodtpilot, it'sta pitytthat hetwas abouttto losetso suffocating.tFather-in-law, father-in-law,twhy dotyou havetto maketsuch atthing?"
Hathaway didn'ttknow whytMajor Akertdidn't chasetafter him,tbut ittwas atgood timetto escapetanyway, andtF97 madeta madtdash towardstthe coast.tAs longtas GrahamtAker didn'ttchase afterthim, Hathawaytbelieved thatthe couldtsafely escapetfrom others.
Yettthings weretgoing intthe worsttpossible directiontfor Hathaway,tin thetnext unsuspectingtmoment.
The hissingtdidn't clearthis consciousnesstone iota,tand thetnerves ofthis wholetbody shudderedtwith misery.tThe eyestcould nottsee anythingtunder thetpressure oftpure whitetelectric light,tand thetmind couldtnot feeltanything buttsevere pain.
Theretwas atbuzz, atrupture oftthe eardrum,tand somethingtexploded intthe centertof consciousness.tUntil thentHathaway rememberedtthat Dakartseems tothave atsecurity devicetcalled "lighttdefense wall"?
"That'stenough! Stop!"tGraham yelledtangrily totthe commandtcenter, "He'stclearly incapacitated,tmust wetelectrocute himtuntil he'stdead?"
The hightvoltage gridtfinally stoppedtfunctioning attAker's request,tand thetstiffened GundamtF97 stoppedtfunctioning andtcrashed totthe shoreline.tAfter Penelopetquickly arrivedtat thetscene, Akertused atsling totdescend totthe hatchtand openedtthe cockpittof F97,tand thetslight smelltof burningtmixed withtthe smelltof urinetcame tothis nose.
Hettook outthis pistoltand lookedtinto thetcockpit, onlytto seetthe F97'stpilot sittingtwith histhead hangingtdown, seeminglytunconscious. Akertcarefully tooktoff histhelmet, andtunderneath ittappeared thetface ofta teenagertwith visiblytburned skintand messythair.
"Fortunately, thetlight defensetwall stoppedtin time.tBut thistteenager, Itfeel histface lookstvery familiar…"tAker ponderedtfor atmoment, andthis pupilstsuddenly dilated,t"… Hathaway?!"
Atfew hourstlater, Aker,twho hadtcompleted alltthe handovers,twalked intota high-endtbar intdowntown Dakartin histcivilian clothes.tAs atdirect reporttof CommandertBright Noa,the hadtbeen strippedtof histcommand oftthe MStforces attthe firsttopportunity bytthe PrimetMinister usingtsome emergencytclause hethad nevertheard of,tand hetwas eventforbidden totreport totCommander Bright,tDr. Lingustor anyonetelse duetto thetsensitivity oftthe matter.
Onlytwhen hethanded overthis militarytpower didthe realizetthat hetseemed tothave beentcounted. Thetgood thingtis thattPrime MinistertMarcenas& iststill calmtand didn'ttfoolishly imprisonthim, buttonly sentta fewtpeople totmonitor histmovements.
He's nottmuch oftan alcoholic,tbut hetcan't helptbut wantta drinktwhen ittcomes totthings likettoday.
"Give meta drinktsuitable fortVirgo." Hetsat attthe bartand orderedtthe bartender,tglancing withthis eyestat thet"little followers"tnot fartbehind himtand sighedtdeeply, "ThetDoctor's daughter,tthe Commander'stson, ah,tthe wheelstof fatetare beginningtto turnt… "
Thetbartender withta serviceabletsmile onthis facetplaced atglass oftgin andttonic intfront ofthim astif hethadn't heardtany complaints.
Halftan hourtlater, thetwords "ThetDoctor's daughter,tthe Commander'stson, thetwheels oftfate aretbeginning totturn", alongtwith countlesstother sentences,teither fulltof meaningtor worthless,twere senttfrom alltcorners oftDakar, relayedtthrough layerstof encryptedtnetworks, andtgathered inta servertin China,tand thentsummarized bytseveral toptintelligence experts.tThe analysistwas turnedtinto atreliable conclusiontand submittedtto someone.
Attthe endtof thetday, Ade,twho waston thetmoon, receivedta texttmessage fromtWang LiutMei, "Yourtdaughter hastbeen caughttin Dakar."
"Itfound Mineva,tshe's intDakar." Adetput downthis phonetand lookedtaround thetliving room,t"Does anyonetwant totgo withtme?"
"I'm stilltin jail."tLacus saidtwithout lookingtup whilettyping, "Itreally wanttto accompanytyou, buttunfortunately, theretis reallytno way.tMaybe abouttafter twenty-threetyears later,tthere willtbe atchance?"
"You knowtthat Itcan't leavetthe moontbecause oftVillkiss, andtyou deliberatelytseduce metwith suchtquestions." Angetpuffed upther cheekstunhappily, "It'sttoo much,tit's justttoo much."
"Ade,tI havetlearned onetthing intmy longtlife." C.C.tlooked meaningfullytinto thetdistance, "Ittturns outtbut whenevertI gettinvolved intyour business,tI'm boundtto gettthings totmess uptuntil Itfall intota bottomlesstabyss andtend uptrelying ontyou ortLacus ortAnge totsave thetday. SotI've decidedtthat Itdon't caretabout anythingtfor thetrest oftmy life.tBesides, I'vetraised youtfor sotmany years,tit's yourtturn totraise me,tright?"
Momoka wastthe onlytone whotblinked herteyes withteagerness, buttAde shookthis headtat hertcruelly. Withoutther, C.C.tand Angetwould& getteverything intthe housetinto atmess, andtLacus, whotcouldn't stoptherself fromtwriting everytday, couldn'tthelp atlittle ontthis matter.
"Me!tMe!" Alicetraised herthand excitedly,t"I'm goingtwith Ade!"
"ThentAlice andtI willtgo together."tAde stoodtup andtheaded fortthe secondtfloor, "I'lltleave astsoon astI've packed."
Whiletwalking, Adetpicked uptthe phone,tbut justtas hetwas goingtto typetsomething liket"Consider ittas Itowe yourtanother favor",tWang LiutMei senttanother message.
"Itdon't receivetmoney andtdon't asktme totconsider ittas atfavor, Itonly needtyour time.tDr. Lingustmust betfaithful tothis word."tThese wordstwere shownton thetphone screen,t"If youtdon't wanttthose photostand videostto betseen bytyour womant(lol)."
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Publish Time: 2022-04-30 13:00:00
Translated by: WuWang
Edited by:
Chapter 231: Babylon
At the Prime Minister's residence in Dakar, the current Prime Minister, Ronan Marcenas, paced back and forth in his office with irritation. The rhythmic, crisp tap of his expensive leather shoes on the solid wood flooring snapped into his heart, making him feel even more irritable.
"Senator Ronah, Senator Ronah, are you trying to get me killed?" Marcenas's brow was deeply locked, the wrinkles on his face stacked ugly, "Once Lingus finds out his daughter is imprisoned in my place, don't you know what will be the consequence?"
"What could be the consequence?" Korozo Ronah, who was standing aside, asked calmly, "Can he execute the Prime Minister of the Earth Federation in public?"
Unlock this chapter.
"Why not? Do you really think he wouldn't dare? These NewTypes are mad men, they can do anything if they are provoked!" Marcenas stopped and glared at him, "You're the only survivor of the Fourteenth Angel Zerel's incident, have you forgotten that the souls of the Senators are still floating on the top of Kilimanjaro?!"
"Didn't you always insist that the Kilimanjaro tragedy was an accident before?" Ronah teasingly raised the corner of his mouth, "If Lingus heard what you said just now, he would have misunderstood that you had some bad thoughts."
Marcenas subconsciously covered his mouth, stumbled for a long time before waving his arm hatefully, "And Noa's son, he is still lying in the hospital. Do you want the Council and A-Laws to go to war? How can we fight him? Can you tear Gundams apart with your hands?"
"So, you are going to be a puppet for the rest of your life, watching the Earth gradually become the moon government's colony?" Ronah snorted disdainfully, "Then I have nothing more to say, Prime Minister, hurry up and contact Lingus. If you hand me over to him voluntarily, maybe you can even get a lighter sentence."
"You wouldn't understand if you hadn't dealt with Lingus when he was really pissed off." Marcenas slapped the desk at his side in depression, "That is clearly out of the realm of humanity, even I, an ordinary person, can feel the fear. Facing him was like facing a higher being on the food chain, a warning from a biological instinct that hasn't faded in 65 million years of human evolution."
"I don't mean to doubt the truthfulness of your words, but what you say is too … ahem, too appalling." Ronah coughed awkwardly in order to hide the urge to laugh, "Even if he did evolve into some unknown creature, he would have to raise funds for the Wheel of Angels through peaceful means, find a crowning excuse for the Kilimanjaro tragedy, and maintain the alliance with Commander Noa carefully. In other words, he still has to play by the rules we set in the vast majority of cases."
Marcenas twitched his eyebrows slightly, "You mean …?"
"I don't have as much experience in politics as you do, and I may be young and impulsive, so please laugh it off after hearing it, Your Excellency." Ronah changed into a smile full of confidence, "I am just an ordinary Federation Senator, not yet great enough to have a mind to consider for the sake of the Moon people or Coordinators. Since Lingus acts according to our ordinary human rules, he must take care of the interests of our ordinary humans."
"Why should the Moon people and the Coordinators be able to look down on all the living beings while billions of people must be forced to squeeze on the depleting Earth and scrimp on food and clothing for the Wheel of Angels? Why should the Federation Council, the spokesman for the will of all mankind, give away the universe to them?"
"Adrien Lingus, Haman Karn, and the traitor Bright Noa, they are the enemies that hinder the progress and happiness of all mankind!"
Hearing this, Marcenas had fully understood what Ronah wanted. In his long political career, creatures like him would appear from time to time. They are ambitious people, who usually have extraordinary abilities, a strong and extraordinary will, attractive ideas, and ambitious goals.
Marcenas is not an ambitious man, but he has been able to sit in the prime minister's chair for many years because he is able to use all resources wisely.
At this thought, Marcenas naturally made a look of interest, "Senator Ronah, no, Korozo Ronah, is it your ideal to get all mankind to the universe?"
"It is enough that only humans who accept our advanced ideas go to the universe; let the wrecks emerge of themselves and perish of themselves on Earth." Ronah's eyes let out a proud light, "Your Excellency, I want to build a new air garden for humanity in the starry sky in my lifetime, and recreate the Babylonian wonder of the cosmic century!"
Babylon is an empire! Marcenas thought to himself. The look in Ronah's eyes reminded him of Char back in the day, who might have chosen to throw Junius 7 toward Earth with such fervent beliefs. If Char were still alive, he and Ronah would have had something in common.
But whether it's Char or Ronah, they all face the same question, and that's the point that concerns Marcenas the most, "What are you going to do about Lingus?"
"First of all, cut off his arms on Earth." Rona's eyes turned cold, "Since Mufti, the leader of the evil society who kidnapped Lingus' daughter and tried to blow up the Wheel of Angels, has already been caught, His Excellency, let's shoot him on the spot without delay."
"When did we catch him? How didn't I—" Marcenas suddenly came to his senses, "You mean … "
"Hathaway Noa is Mufti, and he himself has already confirmed it by putting his handprint on the statement." Ronah's gaze was sharp and incomparable, and his speech was getting faster and faster, "But Hathaway is after all Commander Noa's son, it is better to let him personally sign to confirm. Considering Commander Noa's emotions, we will not tell him Mufti's true identity, right?"
"Afterwards, even if Commander Noa knew the truth, with his character, he& wouldn't turn hostile to the Council. Then we will announce Lingus' daughter as the victim. Even with Bright Noa's good temper, I don't believe that he will still stand on Lingus' side. And that's the time we can take over A-Laws."
"At that time, Lingus' daughter and A-Laws will be both on our hands. Lingus' private life is so rotten but until now have no heir, it is certain that he doesn't have the ability to reproduce, and his daughter must be very important in his mind. With A-Laws, plus Lingus' daughter, we will have enough power to fight him."
Marcenas was silent from the beginning to the end, obviously, he was in a fierce mental struggle. Ronah's machinations were vicious and radical, but there was no denying that the plan was really feasible. He, Ronan Marcenas, is not willing to be a mascot, but he simply has no chance to take power!
Using Ronah's ambition to let him and Lingus fight to the death, and then I get the final profit … is it possible?
"You know better than I do how terrible Lingus is." Ronah issued an ultimatum, "There is no possibility of a step-by-step fight with him. We can only do it, and there will never be a second chance."
"I …" Beads of sweat slid down the side of Marcenas' face, "We … we wait until Hathaway can stand up on his own before executing him. Otherwise, it's out of the process."
"That's natural." Ronah smiled gratefully, "You have made a wise choice."
Outside the office, Liddy Marcenas took two steps back with a shocked look on his face, then darted towards the room where Mineva was under house arrest. As the only son of Prime Minister Marcenas, no one in the Prime Minister's residence would dare to stop him and ask him questions.
"Audrey!" He pushed the door open, entered the room, and then hurriedly closed the door behind him, "Something bad is going to happen!"
"Liddy-senpai?" Mineva, who was reading a book, looked up at him gracefully, "As I have said many times, please call me by my real name. My name is Mineva Lao Zabi, not Audrey Lingus."
"No, you are Audrey to me, you are Audrey in my heart forever!" Liddy shook his head hard, "No, no, no, this is not the time to talk about it. I just went to ask my father why he had you under house arrest, and I overheard that he was planning to use you against Dr. Lingus! You will be in danger at any moment!"
"Isn't that the normal thing to do?" Mineva closed the book and stood up, "There's no better chance than now to deal with Uncle Ade, those lurking ambitious people will jump out one by one on their owns."
"Ahhhhhhh, why, why are you Lingus and I am Marcenas, why can't we be born in a normal family, otherwise, we wouldn't suffer like this!" Liddy excitedly strode over to Mineva and shook her hand, "Audrey, let's run away together!"
Mineva took a half step back to avoid Liddy's outstretched hand, "Even if you can use your identity to get me out of the mansion, how are we going to escape with the airport and the station under strict control?"
"With MS! I have an RGZ-95C ReZEL of my own, it can turn into a plane!" Liddy immediately replied without thinking, "We can drive it to escape away, and I will protect you! Major Aker has been stripped of his military authority, no one can stop us now! And I know the gap in the light defense wall! We can definitely leave Dakar safely!"
"The north-south direction is densely populated, so are we heading east or west?" Mineva patiently followed his train of thought, "Does Senior Liddy intend to take me across the Atlantic or across the Great Desert? How will we get rid of the pursuers after that? How do we erase the trail? How can we determine the coordinates? How can we correct the course? How do we replenish the water supply? How can we repair the MS if it has malfunctioned? Where exactly is the destination? How to fake a legal identity after arriving at the destination? Any other plans after obtaining a legal identity?"
"I …" Liddy was speechless, "Anyway, we must escape away from this place first. People must take the first step in order to step into the future, it is better than waiting to be killed here!"
"Not necessarily." Mineva shook her head firmly, "I think staying in this room will have a better chance of survival than running away aimlessly. Senior Liddy, thank you, I appreciate your kindness."
"Why don't you just get it!" Liddy stomped his foot in hatred, "Just wait for me a little longer, Audrey, and I'll find a way to get you out! For sure!"
After saying that, he ran out again. Mineva looked at the door of the room that was closed from the outside and sighed softly.
"A passionate and simple-minded young man with quite a crush on you." Char eased out from behind the floor-to-ceiling curtains, "Mineva, how do you feel about him?"
"No, I don't want to talk about it now.& Thanks." Mineva turned around to look at him with a complicated expression, "Continue what you were saying earlier, you said you were going to take me to escape?"
"Yes, it's all been arranged." Char subconsciously touched his still handsome face, "Thanks to Ronah's input regardless of the cost, I can finally remove that damn mask, and Nanai was successfully rescued. Next, just let Ronah go to his own death, he is no match for Lingus."
"Nanai Miguel?" Mineva couldn't help but let out a sneer when she heard the familiar name, "It's really quite rare that there hasn't been a replacement yet."
"At my age, it's time to settle down, and you need a full home." Char was oblivious to the young girl's sneer and continued with an air of self-effacement, "There's no time to explain, it's not too late for us to catch up on the road as father and daughter."
"What about Ple if I leave? She's being held in a different part of the mansion." Mineva's brow furrowed slightly, "Without me to vouch for her, she could easily become a victim of political struggle, and I can't just leave her behind."
"Lingus will naturally save her life." Char tossed the hooded cloak in his hand to Mineva, "There's no reason that Lingus hasn't mastered your whereabouts by now. Theoretically, he will be arriving in person at any moment, and we must leave before he shows up."
Mineva casually asked while putting on the cloak, "Where are we going next?"
"To the desert." A nostalgic smile appeared on Char's face, "And I wonder if that tavern is still there."