Chapter 86

Chapter 86


The fact that almost all employees of Baekhak Publishing dislike Lim Yang-wook,

implies that almost all employees know who Lim Yang-wook is.

And Baekhak Publishing is a very large company.

Its very difficult for one employee to become famous in such a company.

Unless you happen to run into the chairmans son around a corner with toast in your mouth

Fortunately, Lim Yang-wook has never run into the chairmans son with toast in his mouth.

But he has run into quite a few other people.

-To think that was submitted as a plan is questionable.

-I think its nonsense.

-Dont think about adding anything here, just do as youre told. Is that so difficult?

Theres a ghost story that gets told in Baekhak Publishing. Long ago, in the publishing planning department that decides the business direction of Baekhak Publishing, there lived a devil

The moment you make eye contact, your project gets overturned, and despite the seniority order, this devil devours seniors whole with great ability, leaving no room for objection

Of course, its all an old story.

The devil was exorcised, and the ghost story gradually forgotten.

But today, the devil from the ghost story has returned.

You, you cant possibly!

Ah, its been a long time. Sunbae.

Publishing Planning Department Head Woo Ki-tae was as shocked as if he had seen a ghost.

Indeed, the difficulty of resurrecting the dead and bringing back the demoted might be similar.

The very image of that bastard from Woo Ki-taes memory, just without the hair.

The devil in a suit approached Woo Ki-tae.

You! How could you be here!

Well be working together again, so I came to say hello.

That day, the employees of Baekhak Publishing remembered.

The fear of being dominated by the devil, the humiliation of having their proposals rejected

Publishing Management Department Head Lim Yang-wook.

Lim Yang-wook has returned.

EP 6-The Show Must Go On

Anyone familiar with the Village Hidden in the Leaves knows that originally, a rogue ninja is much stronger than just a ninja.

According to traditional subculture grammar, the exiled are strong.

And the returnees are also strong.

So, what about someone who was exiled and then returned? They are much stronger.

Therefore, its common sense that someone who was exiled and returns gains cheat abilities and becomes 999 times stronger. This is also mentioned in Japanese light novels.

Lim Yang-wook was somewhat similar.

When he left, he was a team leader, but upon his return, he was a department head.

Moreover, having a reliable (figurehead) head of the division backing him, he could be said to be a L Bu on Red Hare, or Mario with a star. (TL: Horse of L Bu)

However, Lim Yang-wooks impression upon entering the lobby of Baekhak Publishing was a bit distant from the traditional subculture clichs.

Rather than wielding cheat abilities to slaughter everyone, a bitter and nostalgic longing took precedence.

The scenery remains the same

He remembered the day he first entered the lobby of Baekhak Publishing. It was a time filled with hope and ambition.

Although he soon realized the companys deep-rooted disdain for inferior universities and was frustrated, the dream of making the Korean publishing industry a better place was vividly remembered.

And now, Lim Yang-wook is slowly realizing that dream.

At this rate, he wouldnt be ashamed in front of his younger self.

With that lingering sentiment, Lim Yang-wook glanced at Baek Seol division head beside him.

Gone was the disheveled office worker, wandering the office with a cup of coffee and yawning.

Baek Seol, neatly dressed, certainly looked the part of her position, but her eyes, wavering incessantly, undermined the atmosphere.

What should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do?

Easily reading her inner turmoil, Lim Yang-wook smiled and offered her some guidance.

You should probably start by going to the division heads office. Director~nim.

Yes, Ye-Heh?!

Baek Seol still found it awkward to hear polite speech from Lim Yang-wook, her eyeballs spinning round and round.

But, shouldnt we still greet the companys people?

In what company does the head of a division go around greeting the department heads?

Then, maybe in a slightly anti-authoritarian, venture company vibe?

Baekhak Publishing is a company of stubborn old farts. Just sit nicely in the division heads office.

Department Head Lim!

The employees of the Publishing Management Department welcomed Lim Yang-wook as if they were reuniting with lost family members.

All the original staff of the Publishing Management Department were from Baekhak Entertainment, and for them, it was as if they had suddenly been dropped into a different world one day.

Lim Yang-wook affectionately consoled the lost lambs, who had been struggling in his absence, as he subtly explored the Publishing Management Department office.

Ho ho

About half of the Publishing Management Department was new personnel, likely dispatched from various departments of Baekhak Publishing intending to terraform and swallow the department whole.

But while entering is voluntary, leaving is not.

The Publishing Management Department, no, the Publishing Management Division, is at a precious moment that must be transformed into an <Entertainment Agency for Novelists>.

Lim Yang-wook began to devise a wicked strategy to gulp down the spies planted by Baekhak Publishing.

But that was one thing, and this was another.

There was a more pressing matter at hand.

Ah, but wheres Author Moon?

Hes gone missing.


* * *

Saying that Moon In-seop has gone missing is an overly Baekhak Publishing-centric point of view.

Its true that Moon In-seop disappeared from his workshop and escaped the grasp of Baekhak Publishing employees, but from Moon In-seops perspective, it wasnt a disappearance.

It was an escape.

Ah, it feels so refreshing.

Although Moon In-seops path is that of literature, he is still a resident of the New Light Spring Orphanage.

He had inherited the skill of Golden Cicada Shedding from Ma Ki-hoon, who had single-handedly defeated a gang of evil villains three to one and escaped from a hopeless situation.

Especially with Ma Ki-hoon himself by his side, how much more could it be?

The two boys had easily slipped from the grasp of Baekhak Publishing and disappeared.

Baekhak Publishing employees even contacted the New Light Spring Orphanage to inquire about Moon In-seops whereabouts, but ultimately they could not track down Moon In-seop and Ma Ki-hoon.

And the two were at the New Light Spring Orphanage.

Under a large tree in the yard, they lay on a platform spread out on the ground.

The cool summer breeze blowing under the shade of the tree cooled the heat.

The breeze is cool and just perfect.

Right? How did you come up with this idea?


Moon In-seop had used his knowledge as a returnee for the first time in a long while.

Only Moon In-seop knows the future.

A few years from now, a large platform will be laid out in the yard of the New Light Spring Orphanage.

The platform, installed without much thought by Director Moon Chung-jae, became a beloved fixture among the children.

The feeling of lying sprawled under the shade of a tree in summer is something those who havent experienced it wouldnt understand.

Moon In-seop had simply brought that future a little earlier.

Thanks to him, not just Moon In-seop and Ma Ki-hoon but other children were also resting sprawled out on the large platform.

A passing orphanage gym teacher came over and tapped on Ma Ki-hoons leg protruding from the platform.

What are you kids doing?


Are you a dried fish? Its not like drying peppers in the countryside, what is this?

The gym teacher boisterously squeezed himself among the children and lay down on the platform. The primary school kids shrieked about the sweat smell, but the gym teacher chuckled and clung to the children.

Ma Ki-hoon also watched with a playful smile, and Moon In-seop glanced over with a slight roll of his eyes, enjoying the warm scene.

Amidst the loud chirping of cicadas, a peaceful summer day at New Light Spring Orphanage was passing by.


Just then, an alert sounded on Moon In-seops phone.

It was a call from Kim Byul.


-In-seop were friends, right?


-Friends right?!


If Moon In-seop had known that Kim Byul was calling during a variety show filming, he might have thought a bit more about his response.


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