Chapter 112

Chapter 112


Although literature has recently been in the spotlight due to the influence of the time traveler Moon ssi, it is nothing more than a temporary trend.

Since the unprecedented apocalyptic event, <People Don’t Read Books>, literature has continuously been a non-mainstream culture.

But the world is vast, and there are many people.

If there are people who live their lives immersed in YouTube, then somewhere, there are people immersed in literature!

Literature, one of the oldest arts in human history, does not disappear easily.

There will always be people who want to indulge in old and traditional things.

Even in a distant future, where perfect virtual reality emerges and cyber electronic drugs with no side effects appear, literature will probably continue its legacy.

When theater first appeared in ancient Greece, didn’t sophisticated intellectuals lament that the young people of the time were distancing themselves from reading and getting close to shallow new cultures?

Indeed, even in modern times, which offer amusements unimaginable to the philosophers of ancient Greece, there are still a significant number of people who strive to continue old and traditional things.

This is called Munlim (文林), Munwon (文苑), or Mundan (文壇). (TL: Munlim = scholarly world, Munwon = literature scene and Mundan = literary circles)

In any case, even if books don’t sell, the world of writers continues to roll with its own authority and honor.

There was one place that all these writers would rightfully aspire to and want to glimpse into.

“Haha, come on in.”

It was the office of Professor Gu Hak-jun.

EP 7 – Isomer

Gu Hak-jun, who was often the poor victim poked in the ribs by Gu Yu-na’s big toe, might seem like some ordinary author, but he actually had a proper job.

He was a university professor.

Of course, the university where he worked wasn’t the top university in Korea.

However, the creative writing department where he worked was undoubtedly the best in Korea.

The reason was three letters.

Gu Hak Jun.

Therefore, the authority Gu Hak-jun held in his department was comparable to that of Park Chang-woon in the creative writing department at Baekhak Arts Middle School.

But Gu Hak-jun was different from Park Chang-woon. It meant he didn’t constantly dump his classes on fellow teachers.

Thus, even though Moon In was visiting his home, Gu Hak-jun tearfully went to work at the university.

He had to review the writings of students who were like chirping chicks, and he also had a schedule requested by the school.

That schedule was an outside shoot for <Let’s Become a Novelist!>.

“Ah, hello!”

Min Hyo-min, the adorable maknae of Benivis, accompanied by a cameraman, visited Gu Hak-jun’s office.

This was why almost everyone at the university gathered near the creative writing department, taking pictures with their smartphones.

In an instant, the creative writing department, located in the old building rather than the shiny new building, became a bustling crowd.

Watching the admiration and enthusiasm of university students towards a popular girl group, Gu Hak-jun suddenly recalled when he first set foot in Korea during his youth.

‘I used to be like this too...’

But as time passes, popularity also gradually cools like embers, and on the other hand, once it ignites, it spreads like a wildfire—such is the nature of popularity.

Thus, Gu Hak-jun was one of the few who could well understand Min Hyo-min’s feelings.

“You must be very tired? Come on in. You too, cameraman gentlemen.”

“Excuse us...!”

Min Hyo-min’s visit was purely part of the variety show. Therefore, Min Hyo-min received a script in advance and following the guidelines was standard.

And the program’s production team requested an upbeat-reporter concept. It’s not difficult. Min Hyo-min had hosted music shows several times.

However, the moment she entered Gu Hak-jun’s office, Min Hyo-min realized she couldn’t loudly exclaim, “Wow! Is this the professor’s office?!” here.

What came out of Min Hyo-min’s mouth was pure admiration.


Huge bookshelves surrounded the four walls of the office. Numerous books completely filled those shelves.

In addition, smaller bookshelves functioned like partitions throughout the office, and they too were filled with books.


This place was closer to a library than an office.

The faintly spreading scent of paper made Min Hyo-min solemn. However, Gu Hak-jun warmly welcomed the tense Min Hyo-min.

“Don’t be so stiff, just relax. Coffee, strong or mild?”

“Ah, ah...!”

Min Hyo-min and the cameramen were so humbled by Gu Hak-jun personally making coffee that they didn’t notice he asked ‘strong or mild?’ instead of ‘hot or cold?’.

It was fortunate because if the typical “iced americano lover” Min Hyo-min , who insisted on drinking iced coffee even if it meant freezing to death, had asked for ice in her coffee, Gu Hak-jun might have been extremely angry, exclaiming, “You insolent one!” and hit her over the head with a book.

Receiving the strong coffee, Min Hyo-min almost grimaced at the bitter taste she was experiencing for the first time but managed to cover it up with a capitalism-trained smile perfected as an idol.

“It’s really delicious, Professor!”

“Ah, really?”

Gu Hak-jun smiled warmly.

The resentment Gu Hak-jun felt when seeing students carrying iced coffee melted away, as he often felt like a two-eyed person in a world of one-eyed people.

Had Min Hyo-min not continued the conversation, she would have had to endure a 30-minute impromptu lecture on <Coffee Theory: Centered on French Culinary Culture>, but fortunately, that didn’t happen.

Overwhelmed by the library-like atmosphere of the office and nervous about Gu Hak-jun personally making coffee, Min Hyo-min had transformed from an idol into a student.

And like a student meeting a friend’s father for the first time, she asked a typical question.

“Um... by any chance....”


“Are you... Yu-na’s father...?”


Gu Hak-jun was startled. He didn’t expect to hear his daughter’s name from a famous idol visiting the school.

Of course, they were filming the same variety show, but what could have created a connection between them?

Could it be that Yu-na again...?

“Ah, I also went to Baekhak Arts Middle School... I became friends with Yu-na.”


“Why are you so surprised...?”


“Only then will this experiment end.”

Gu Yu-na had already prepared the ending for the protagonist, who seemed somewhat similar to herself.

That ending was death.

The protagonist realizes that the incompetent Han Ye-won is not the isomer of Health Teacher Han Ye-won.

Humans are not creatures made of material. Nor are they beings made of others’ perceptions and social status. They are beings made solely of their actions and will.

Therefore, the incompetent Han Ye-won, who cannot love herself, cannot become the health teacher Han Ye-won, whom the protagonist longed for.

The isomer was himself.

Lovers who loved each other are the same but different beings.

Therefore, when Health Teacher Han Ye-won broke down, the protagonist broke down with her.

Thus, the protagonist disappears into the void where his other half exists. By killing himself.

The incompetent Han Ye-won, left alone in the hospital room, only grins vacantly, eternally waiting for a guardian who will never return.

That’s how ‘Isomer’ ends. With suspense quietly sinking into the black sea....

This was Gu Yu-na’s art.

Moon In-seop ruthlessly shattered the perfect aesthetics of death.

Gu Yu-na was furious. She did not hold back.

“How can you turn this into a happy ending?”

Moon In-seop had made the protagonist continue the experiment.

He made the endless experiment go on forever, ending the story with a half-hearted compromise.

No one could guess what they were thinking, as the two continued their eternal experiment in the peaceful, warm hospital room.

Whenever Han Ye-won acted similarly to how she did in the past, the protagonist would simply smile quietly.

In their world, forever.

Gu Yu-na could not accept this.

Living happily ever after—seriously?

Are you writing a fairy tale now?

Why would you destroy the suspense carefully built from the beginning of the novel with your own hands?

Gu Yu-na, who initially couldn’t understand Moon In-seop, now felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal.

But then, at a certain moment, she saw Moon In-seop’s expression and couldn’t continue speaking.


Moon In-seop smiled with a sorrow that Gu Yu-na could hardly fathom.

“Death is not an easy way out.”

* * *

Gu Yu-na had already prepared the ending for the protagonist, who seemed somewhat similar to herself.

And Moon In-seop had already prepared the ending for Han Ye-won, who seemed somewhat similar to Gu Yu-na.

No, from the beginning, Han Ye-won was exactly Gu Yu-na.

Going backwards through time, the existence of Gu Yu-na, who had changed so much, was the isomer that Moon In-seop was looking at.

This brings up a question.

Are the past or future Gu Yu-na and the present Gu Yu-na—

The same being?

Moon In-seop already knew the answer.


Moon In-seop stopped the playful fight and smiled gently. Gu Yu-na couldn’t rebel against that smile. It was like seeing an adult who was gently admonishing her.

“Health Teacher Han Ye-won and the incompetent Han Ye-won are the same being.”


“The protagonist can’t give up on Han Ye-won. That’s what love is. No matter how the other person changes... you can’t help but cling to the hope until the very end.”


“So, no matter what standards the world applies, Han Ye-won will always be the same to the protagonist.”

Gu Yu-na looked at Moon In-seop, who was waiting for her answer. Fortunately, she had many words ready to pour out at any moment.

But with that expression, with Moon In-seop’s sorrowful eyes, she couldn’t say anything. Why? Something indescribable seemed to grip Gu Yu-na.

Whether the emotion Gu Yu-na felt at that moment was a miraculous inspiration flowing through the cracks of time or just her own delusion, she would never know.

But what was clear was that Gu Yu-na managed to understand Moon In-seop’s feelings to some extent.

Having read Moon In-seop’s earnestness, Gu Yu-na gave up on changing the ending he proposed. How could she be stubborn when her friend pleaded so desperately?

Gu Yu-na unclasped her arms and let out a deep sigh.

Then she plopped down on the bed.

Seeing this, Moon In-seop smiled.

“Thank you.”


Moon In-seop shrugged his shoulders with a blooming smile.

“And well... not all psychopaths I know were villains.”

Moon In-seop, who had achieved the ending he wanted, looked genuinely happy.

Gu Yu-na gnashed her teeth as she watched him.

“The ending. It’s the worst.”

As always, Moon In-seop read her mind like a ghost.

“Which means you liked everything else?”

And then Gu Yu-na had no choice but to answer.



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