Chapter 19: Longevity Restaurant

Name:Number One Under Heaven Author:
Chapter 19: Longevity Restaurant

After an hour, they have finally entered Jin Long Continent.

Were finally in here. Xiao Fang said.

Young Master Yi, are you still trying to look for the Longevity Restaurant?

Un. He nodded.

Okay, then I guess well have to separate here for now.

We will be going to take the Entrance Exam for the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect two days from now.

Will you be able to make it there? Xiao Chen asked.

Two days? Sure. He agreed.

Then Ill see you all in two days. Thank you for the fun experience.

Hahaha. Xiao Fang laughed.

Thats not right; It should be us thanking you for the experience.

Have a safe trip, and I hope you find what youre looking for. Xiao Hai waved.

Bye Bye Big Brother Yi, well see you at the Entrance Exam in two days. Xiao Ying said.

Dont forget! You have to come, or else Ill not join them either! Xiao Chen screamed.

Tian Yi smiled and waved at them, saying his goodbyes. See you all later.

His figure disappeared along with the massive crowd flooding in.

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Hes finally gone huh Xiao Fang sighed.

That adventure was sure a crazy experience

Lets go; we need to prepare for the Entrance Exam. I also have to go meet up with a few people, especially with Long Zhong!

He was really set on complaining to him

Un. They also started leaving.

* * * *

Tian Yi and Lao Bai was currently wandering around in the Jin Long Continent.

This place was extremely lively with people advertising their market, and some even had set up stalls to sell their stuff.

He walked up to a food stall that was selling sweet chicken on a stick.

Excuse me, can I have two of these? He asked.

The old man standing behind the stall smiled and said, Sure thing young man, thatll be six copper.

Tian Yi lifted his eyebrows in confusion. Coppers? Whats that?

He looked at Lao Bai and asked, Lao Bai, whats copper? Dont they take Spirit Stones?

I dont think the Mortals use Spirit Stones as currency.

Hmm, is that so. Hey, can you take Spirit Stones as payment? He asked the old man.

S-spirit Stones? He was shocked.

Who was rich enough to spend Spirit Stones on Sweet Chicken on Stick?

Even a Low-grade Spirit Stone is worth at least a few gold coins.

That was already enough for him to live many years.

But he is an honest man and didnt want to swindle his customers.

He said honestly, Sir, even if I sell you all of my Sweet Chicken on Stick, it will not even be worth half of a Low-Grade Spirit Stone.

Tian Yi smiled upon hearing that, Thank you for being honest. I dont care if its worth it or not, heres a Spirit Stone, just give me two.

He handed him a Spirit Stone.

The old man went into shock. Did he sell just two Sweet Chicken on Stick for a Spirit Stone?

Thank you, Young Master, for being generous! He bowed deeply and handed him two Sweet Chicken on Stick.

Dont mention it. Also, have you heard of a place called Longevity Restaurant? He asked.

Longevity Restaurant? You mean the one over there? He pointed at the store only a block away.

He looked at the store that had a half broken sign that read Longevity Restaurant.

They were right next to it

Thank you, have a good day.

He started walking towards that store.

The old man looked at the Peerless Spirit Stone in his hand. It was the size of his whole hand, and he has never seen a Spirit Stone like this.

He couldnt feel the Spirit Power coming out because he was a Mortal.

But even if he were a Cultivator, he wouldnt be able to feel anything because this Spirit Stone was actually a Perfect Immortal Stone.

It was something that did not exist in the Mortals Realm, and if it were to be converted into Low-grade Spirit Stones, you wouldnt be able to even if you wanted to.

The old man closed down his stall for today and went to look for a place to sell this Spirit Stone.

* * * *

Tian Yi and Lao Bai arrived in front of the Longevity Restaurant.

It was shabby and worn down.

You can even see red spots all around as if people had been throwing tomatoes at it.

They walked in and saw the interior. It was even worst than the outside. Even the chairs and tables were broken.

They walked in front of the counter.

Hello, how may I help you, today? An old lady asked them.

Hello, I am called Tian Yi. I came to ask a few questions. He introduced himself.

The old lady sighed and said, I know what youre going to ask.

Eating our food will not let you live longer.

Tian Yi looked at her with surprise. What? That was not his question.

No, I was going to ask if you know about the Author of this book. If you do, can you tell me more about him?

He took out a worn out looking book that reads Guide Book to surviving in Mortals Realm 101+ Steps on how to survive in this living Hell!


They watched as an old man was being thrown into the streets.

L-lord! Please, at least give me back my Spirit Stone! The old man begged.

The fat man looked at him and cursed, Pei, what Spirit Stone? This shit is just a useless piece of pretty rock! Ill keep it as payback for wasting my time!

He had a peerless looking stone in his hand. Although he also didnt know what it was, he knew it was a precious treasure, and this idiot had no idea.

He decided to kick him out and frame him as a swindler in order to keep it.

Lord! Please! The old man begged.

Tian Yi had a frown on his face. That was the old man he had just brought the Sweet Chicken on Stick from.

One look and he can already tell what was going on.

He walked towards them with big strides.

Hey! You! He yelled at the fat man.

The fat man looked at him and frowned, who the hell is this kid?

The old man looked at this young man coming towards them like he saw his savior.

This was the Young Master who had given him this Spirit Stone!

Did you just call my Spirit Stone a useless piece of rock? He asked.

The fat man frowned even more. Yours?

Yes, I was the one who gave it to him as a payment.

Do you have any prove? If not, dont fart around me before I beat you too! He cursed.

Anybody can just walk up to him and say it was theirs.

Tian Yi took out another Perfect Immortal Stone and showed him. Heres my prove.

The fat man looked at the identical looking stone and cursed in his heart, Fuck! It is his!

So what if its yours? It wont change the fact that this shit is a fake Spirit Stone.

And since youre the one going around giving fake Spirit Stones to people, Ill sue you too!

Sue me? Tian Yi had a calm face.

Go ahead, sue me. He took out a token and showed him it.

The fat man saw the token with Xiao on it and his face paled instantly.

The Xiao Family token! He had offended someone from the Xiao Family! Hes dead!

He immediately kowtowed and cried, Young Master, this one was wrong and had eyes but could not recognize Mount Tai! Please forgive me!

Tian Yi had an amusing face one right now.

Wow, this little thing really works.

Xiao Fang had told him that as long as he shows this in the Jin Long Continent, even the guards had to listen to him, let alone this store owner.

But of course, Tian Yi had only used this because they were both Mortals and he didnt want to argue with Mortals.

But if he sees an Innocent man being framed, even if they are Mortals, he will step in to help.

Give back the Spirit Stone to the owner.

Yes, Young Master! Here you go mister; I apologize for what has happened.

Ah! Silly me, heres ten gold as an apology!

A-ah.. The old man took back the Spirit Stone and ten gold in a daze.

10 gold? That is already more than his lifetime savings, and he got it as an apology gift?

Good. Senior, take care of yourself. Tian Yi started to walk away.

T-thank Young Master for his generosity again! The old man bowed to him.

Tian Yi waved his hands and disappeared.

The fat man was still on the ground, H-h-he didnt kill me? He felt like he was just hovering between life and death.

* * * *

Young Master, why do you bother with the Mortals argument and why didnt you kill that fat bastard? He even cursed at you. Lao Bai asked out of curiosity.

He has never seen anyone like his Young Master. If he was cursed at, he wouldve definitely killed the offender.

I help them because it makes me feel good. He smiled.

As for why I didnt kill him What will killing him do? It will not make me feel happy or sad and will only make things more difficult.

Lao Bai had a confused face.

What was so good about helping out Mortals? And what was so difficult about killing a Mortal?

He will probably never understand this Young Master of his.

Lao Bai, although we have Immortal Stones, they will not work in Mortals Realm, so we need to find a way to earn more money.

After experiencing that, he understood that he needed Mortal currency and not the one Immortals used.

Youre right. Even if we give them more Immortal Stones, they wont even be able to tell its worth.

But where do we go to get Mortals currency?

While thinking about how to earn money again, they hear many people shouting advertisements.

Buying True Qi Cultivating Pills! One Spirit Stone each!

Buying Profound True Qi Pills! Three Spirit Stones each!

Tian Yis eyes lit up after hearing that.

Lao Bai, I know how to earn money!

Young Master, dont tell me you have Mortal Pills?

Of course not, but I can make some. He said.

I thought you didnt like to make Pills? Lao Bai was certain that his Young Master had said that it was boring.

Of course not, its way too boring.

But if its just Mortal Pills, I can make some in a few seconds. He smiled.

A f-few seconds? Lao Bai was surprised.

His Young Master can make Pills in seconds? What rank is he as a Pill Master?

He prepares himself for the upcoming shock.