Chapter 43: Spirit Gate

Name:Number One Under Heaven Author:
Chapter 43: Spirit Gate

After another 2 hours, Meng Xiang finally wakes up. Last night she fell asleep outside, with Tian Yi carrying her back to her room.

She walks out of the room, straight to Tian Yis room and knocks, Big Brother, are you in there? She calls for him.

I am in the living room. She hears his voice calling for her downstairs.

Coming! She runs downstairs with excitement, thinking, Another day with Big Brother!

She arrives at the living room to see a beautiful Big Sister, sitting next to her Big Brother. She was the Big Sister yesterday who was making weird sounds in her sleep.

Good Morning Big Brother and Senior! She did not know how to address her.

You can call me Big Sister for now. She was just a little girl, so Xuan Wanshan did not mind. When she grows up, she can start calling her something else.

Okay, Big Sister! She nods.

Meng Xiang, go wash your face and eat breakfast, well be going to the Sect Mission Hall today. Tian Yi reminds her like a Big Brother. Xuan Wanshan giggles in her heart seeing a new aside from her disciple.

Yes, Big Brother! She runs off to wash her face.

A few minutes later, she comes back with a clean face and neatly tied hair. She sits down in front of these two and eats her breakfast.

Xuan Wanshan continues to teach Tian Yi about the Mortals Realm. She taught him about the dangerous places to the best food in town.

After Meng Xiang finishes, they finally head out to the Mission Hall.

* * * * *

Hey, its been many hours already, are they not done yet?

I dont believe they can play for this long! Ill go back to challenge him again! The one who dared to challenge him knowing Xuan Wanshan was there steps up again!

Good! Good Luck! The disciples cheers for him.

The brave challenger once again goes out and knocks on the door.

Look, hes challenging him again!

The other disciples notices and begins watching with expectation.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

*Knock* *Knock*

He knocks on the door loudly, then waits silently.


Many minutes passed, and no one opened the door!

*Knock* *Knock*

He knocks on the door even louder.


Even after a few more minutes, they still did not open the door!

Fuck you! Are you two making so many noises that you cant even hear my door knocks?!?! He curses in his heart.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

This time, instead of knocking, he bangs on the door almost making three holes!


A few moments later, Fuck! They definitely made a formation, keeping out all sounds from bothering them! He curses and walks back to the house.

Oi, what happened? The door didnt even open. Someone asks him.

They made a sound silencing formation, making sure we cant bother them anymore! He gnashes his teeth in anger.

What! So we are back to square one, waiting?!

Goddamit! I want to rush in, but I am too young to die!

No choice, well knock on their door every hour until they finish!

They all continue waiting, unaware that Tian Yi and Xuan Wanshan had already left through the backyard, flying to the Sect Mission Hall!

* * * * *

Yes, so what about it? How will that change anything? Or are you going to make your entire family come down here?

Master, remember my other Servant named Lao Bai? Hes an Immortal, and he can single-handedly deal with them. He mentions Lao Bai, but he will not be bringing him into this. It was only to make her agree. When the time comes, he will personally handle it and show her his power.

An Immortal?!? A Heaven Realm Expert? She was shocked! An Immortal as a Servant?! What family did he come from?!

Hes a Golden Immortal. He tells her his real Cultivation.

Golden Immortal? What is that? She does not know about any Cultivation Realms above the Heaven Realm!

. Lets just say he can kill a Spirit King just by sneezing. He tries to explain how powerful he is.

What?! Kill a Spirit King by sneezing?! She is now shocked speechless! Spirit Kings are at the Apex in Mortals Realm, but he can kill them by sneezing?! What kind of Cultivation is that?!? But if his servant is really that powerful, then maybe he can really clean out this Evil Sect!

Are you sure that nothing will go wrong? Is your servant really that reliable? You promise me? She makes him promise her, knowing that he will not break it.

Master, do you really have so little trust in me? Yes, I promise you that we will not be in danger, and my servant is really that strong! He promises her, but also playing around with the words! He can not be sure that everything will go as planned, but he is confident that they will not be in danger!

Fine! We will go to the Phoenixs Continent, and after we finish setting up the banquet, we will decide from there! When Tian Yi questioned her trust in him, her heart felt heavier, so she decided to trust him.

Thank you, Master, for trusting me! He smiles.

Dont be so happy yet; we still have to get approval from the Sect Master. Traveling between Continents is a big deal.

She reminds him. Not only will this be a long journey, but they will also be doing some dangerous things. Luckily she is a Spirit King, or she wouldve never agreed to go there. She had confidence that she will be able to keep her disciple safe, making her feel more reassured.

Ah, then you do not have to worry, hell definitely agree. He smiles.

We will see! She does not know why he had so much confidence. Does he know the Sect Master?

They took the Level 2 Mission and went to the front desk, where you register your names, recording that youve accepted the mission.

The Elder at the front desk watches them register, Name and Mission?

Tian Yi He hands him the mission paper.

Tian Yi? The Elders eyes lit up.

He looks at the mission paper and nods, Accepted, you can start your mission whenever you are ready.

What?! Dont we have to get the Sect Masters approval if we wanted to travel between Continents? Xuan Wanshan can not believe her ears, since when did an Elder have this much authority?

Yes, and the Sect Master has already approved it. He hands her a Jade Slip, filled with information inside it.

She takes it and scans it with her Divine Sense, The Disciple named Tian Yi will be treated with the utmost respect! If you dare to disrespect him, be ready to get slapped by the Ancestor himself! Everything he asks will be approved, no questions asked, but dont make it too obvious! After that, come report to me! She was shocked at the contents inside the Jade Slip! So the Sect Master and her disciple had a connection already! She looks at her disciple, wanting to know what else he has hidden away from her.

Tian Yi notices her look and smiles, See? I told you he would agree. He did not peek inside the Jade Slip, but her shocked face told him that he has agreed.

.. Fine, when do you want to head out? She gives up.

Right now!

Now? What about preparations? Is he ready to leave already?

Already done.

. Youve only been in this Sect for at most a few days, yet you want to leave already? What about your life as a disciple? She asks him.

Its not like were leaving forever. When I come back, Ill live here peacefully for a while. When he gets back, he will definitely live a quiet live as a disciple

"Then we need to rent a flying Treasure from the Sect... The distance from here to the Phoenixs Continent is millions of miles, making flying, not an option.

Flying Treasure? We dont need one, lets go outside. He walks outside, followed by Meng Xiang and Xuan Wanshan.

Once he reaches outside, he extends his hand, Spirit Gate, Open! He whispers in a soft voice.

The space in front of him cracks and shatters, revealing a Grand Gate within it!

The moment this Gate appears, the Spirit Power in the entire Jin Long Continent turns to chaos, waking up all the Cultivators from their Cultivation!

The Gate is 20 meters tall, with extremely complex looking engravings on it.


The Gate opens, and a shadow flies out, stopping right in front of Tian Yi.

A-a-a-a P-p-phoenix! Xuan Wanshan screams in shock, pointing at the 10 meters tall Phoenix sitting in front of Tian Yi, with its head bowing, almost touching the floor.

The Phoenixs entire body was engulfed in an Azure Colored Flame, with sharp Crystal Blue eyes!

Master, how can I serve you today? It talks to him with Divine Sense, with a females voice that sounded like melodies to the ears.