Chapter 68: Sisters

Name:Number One Under Heaven Author:
Chapter 68: Sisters

After changing over to Servant clothes, Yu Yue went straight to cleaning the already clean room along with the rest of the girls.

It was not only her thats doing something like this for the first time in their life, but also for the rest of the girls too. All of them were either Young Ladies from Strong Sects or a Family that rules over a Minor World like Yu Yue and Yun Xiuying. None of them has any experience as a servant! Although they would usually joke around about becoming Tian Yis servant, none of them actually thought it would come true! If they knew something like this was going to happen, they wouldve already given up on Cultivation to learn the life of a servant!

However, with that said, none of them were screwing up and was actually doing a pretty good job. Years of watching their own servants carry out their work have actually prepared them for just today!

There are currently 68 of them walking around in cute pink clothes. Some were dusting the dustless windows, while some were wiping the already clean tables. Some were even flying to clean the spotless ceiling!

. The ones without a spot to clean were just roaming the room trying to find something to do!

But even after walking around the room for a few rounds, there was still nothing to do! The room was already spotless, so what else is there for them to do? Even if they wanted to clean, there were no space because there is one girl every few meters! Since when was it hard to find something to do as a servant? Never, that is until now!

Within an hour, the already clean room turned so spotless that even dust could not be sensed from Divine Sense!

With nothing else to clean and not wanting to look any more stupid than they already are by cleaning already cleaned things, they could only orderly stand there silently staring at Tian Yi who was currently reading an old book.

Although they were doing nothing, they enjoyed watching the relaxed Tian Yi who would chuckle every few minutes reading the book. They found the way he chuckled very charming, and every time he does it, their heart would skip a beat.

Ahh, is this what it feels like to be his servant? To be able to watch him all day, such a luxury

I want to become his servant officially

Do we get to help him shower too?

How nice would it be just to watch him all day

All the girls were daydreaming while watching Tian Yi read the book, however

Who is that little girl anyways? How can she just sit on his lap like its nothing?!

I wish we could swap places

Ahh, if I could just sit in that lap Even if I die the next day, at least I know there will be a smile on my face

They were also envying the little Meng Xiang who was currently sitting on Tian Yis lap reading the book along with him.

And then theres that Celestial God Phoenix Whats its situation in this?

Why does it look so gloomy even though its sitting on his shoulder? So ungrateful

Eh? Is it glaring at us? Why? What did we do?

Some also noticed the Yan Yan who was currently cursing at them inside her heart, Pei, what are you all looking at? Is my Master someone that you girls can afford to drool at? Go do something else besides staring at my Master!

While the girls were having their thoughts, Tian Yi was reading the Holy Book, This father is now 120 Years Old. Even I cannot believe how good my surviving skills are. Hell, just the other day, I was walking down the street, and a freaking gigantic turtle appeared out of nowhere, stomping the entire city to the ground! If I were even a step slower, my old bones wouldve been stomped flat! Just because you are inside a city does not mean that you are safe from Magic Beasts!


Tian Yi chuckled after finishing that page, causing another wave of heart skipping around the room.

He does not know why, but he somehow finds this book very familiar, as if he knew who wrote it. However, no matter how hard he tries, he could not find any memories of the name Jai Yun.

Feeling like he has read enough for today, he look at the window to see nothing but pitch black. It was already nighttime.

Turning to the girls who were standing there like statues, he said, I will be going to sleep now, so you girls should get some rest too. This trip will take a whole week, so try not to overwork yourselves.

W-W-What? E-Excuse me, but Did Brother Yi just say that this journey will be a whole week? Yu Yue started stuttering again.

Yes, this trip will take a whole week, and we just started today. I know that you are busy, so if its too long, you girls can leave whenever you want. He will not force them to stay with him.

N-Nonsense! Even if it were for an entire year, we would remain for the entire duration! At least I will! Yu Yue suddenly shouted with excitement.

She was blown away by how unexpectedly long this trip was. An entire week?! She gets to stay in the same room as him for a whole week?! Before today, even half a minute of seeing Tian Yis face was considered a Heavenly Encounter, so to them right now, a full week of being with him is basically enough encounters for many lifetimes!

Sister Yue is right, even if this journey will last a lifetime, we are willing to stay here!

Flipping the blankets over, he sees Meng Xiang with her arms and legs locked around his body.

Meng Xiang, what are you doing? He asks her.

Hearing his voice, she looked up and pointed hef fingers in a particular direction.

With his eyes following the direction of her fingers, Tian Yi looked at the horror in front of him.

One second he was puzzled and the next he was frightened! What kind of horror show are they doing? The way they were glaring at them with their bloodshot eyes even gave him a scare!

Are you girls okay? He asked after coming back to his senses.

Ah? Hearing his call, the girls started waking up one by one.

What were you doing? Did you girls even sleep last night? He asks.

Eeeehh They did not know how to answer him! After hearing a particular sentence from him, they were so overwhelmed with shock that they went into a daze for the entire night unknowingly!

S-Sorry Brother Yi, we were so into guarding you that we forgot to sleep One quick thinker made up an excuse on the spot.

. Aiya, didnt I tell you to rest too before I went to sleep? The day is still early, get some sleep. There are four beds now that were awake. He said before getting off the bed.

Meng Xiang, go wash your face, we will begin your training after breakfast.

Yes, Big Brother! After experiencing that frightening wake-up call, she was wide awake with energy.

. The girls still stood there with a weird look.

What are you still standing there for? Go to sleep. Tian Yi tells them again before going away to wash his face.

Y-Yes, Brother Yi. They reluctantly walked away- only to stop moving after taking one step.

. All of them suddenly turned around to glare at the bed with wrinkles.

Looking around, it was as obvious as day as to what they were all thinking.

Whos going on which bed? Someone finally speaks out.

. It went silent again.

Seeing the awkward situation, Yu Yue tried to speak, How about I-

Sister Yue, you can sleep in the window bed. Many girls interrupted her simultaneously.

.. Yu Yue slowly turns her head to look at the bed that was the one furthest away from Tian Yis bed.

My dear Sisters

My dear Sister Yue, someone as grand as you surely cannot be greedy, right? As Sisters, we need to share our fortune equally. You already had your share; it is our turn now. The girls looked at her with a gentle, yet not gentle smile on their face.

. Feeling wronged, Yu Yue silently walked to the window bed and fell face first onto the freshly made bed. However, no matter how much she felt wronged, she could not say a word because she already had her good fortune. If she were to ask for more, even she would feel ashamed of herself.

After Yu Yue had gone away, the girls went back to glaring at each other.

Beloved Sisters, my luck this year has been pretty shitty so far, so if you truly care about me, you will let me sleep on that bed

Aiya, I accidentally stepped on dog shit last week, so I would say my luck is pretty bad too. I think this will help me balance out my bad luck

Sister, dont tell me you plan on touching that bed with the feet that had stepped on dog shit just last week, right? Are you trying to dirty Brother Yis clean bed?

Hahaha, my dear Sister, you sure love to jest. My feet is cleaner than your Soul. Surely you do not plan on touching that pillow with your head where that Soul is located, right?

Hahahahah, Sister, you always love to joke around like that.

The girls were all staring at each other with such intensity that sparks were created in the air! Although they were all Sisters who are willing to sacrifice their own life for each other, that did not mean they never fought with each other! Whenever it came to things that would involve Tian Yi, there would always be a fight! However, no matter how many times they fought with each other, they would always return to normal, and if not, they would be even closer than before!